Year of the Black Dragons - Chapter #2

Story by FBtH on SoFurry

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Dragon Booster: Year of the Black DragonsIf you wish to see the full, visual designs of the dragons from Dragon Booster, Google is your buddy. ~

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Dragon Booster, its characters, locations or

anything associated with it.  

Chapter #2 - First Contact Lance and Frachsun pulled up aside a shoddy looking diner.

Through the grimy front window it was clear that many of the patrons were

toughened burly looking men. It did not seem like any place for a child but

Lance did not seem worried by it at all."I'm going to go in and get a plate of whatever they have.

I'll come back with something nice for you," Lance promised.  "So wait here for me, kay?" With that, he

marched through the open doorway and vanished.It had been no longer than a minute after Lance had gone

into the diner when a feeling like he was being watched dawned upon Frachsun.  The small dragon turned his head in time to see a scaled

dark tail whip around the corner of a nearby building. Frowning in suspicion,

Frachsun decided to find out who had been spying on him and set off after the

owner of that tail, turning the corner as well into a narrow alleyway. Fracshun carefully ventured deeper into the throat of the passage

and then stopped, staring. Ten metres up ahead was a dragon facing him and standing

still as if it had been waiting for Fracshun. Its appearance was unlike any

other had seen before. It had an aerodynamic form but its body was

powerfully built and a shade of darkest midnight - a telling feature of those

influenced by Black Draconium. It also had long, red stripe-like markings along

its well-toned limbs that linked up to an intricate and central red design

tattooed all over its back and across its lower body.    Hearing movement behind him, Fracshun tried to rotate quickly

around but was too slow and received a hard blow that knocked him to the ground. Eyes rolling upwards, Frachsun saw a second Black dragon identical

in appearance to the first pinning him to the ground by the neck with a clawed

foot after having tackled him from behind. A thick, meaty tongue slinked out

from his ambusher's maw to slicken his chops. Bending low, the black dragon ran the flat of its curled

tongue up the strip of Fracshun's pinned neck while its long and thin reptilian

tail which had lured Fracshun into this predicament slowly coupled with

Frachsun's own limp macaw one, entwining it like a snake.   Just then, however, a furious roar rent the air startling

the two black dragons who found themselves unexpectedly set upon upon by Beau

and Wyldfyr, accompanied by Artha and Kitt.Wyldfyr sent one of the black dragons skidding several

metres away from Frachsun by kicking it aside while Beau rammed the other using

the butt of his head to cast it off Fracshun. "Get out of here before it gets any worse for you!" Artha

shouted at them. The black dragons accepted his warning and reluctantly

slinked away, melting into the long shadows of the alleyway."Is Frachsun alright?" Kitt worriedly asked, as Artha slid

off Beau to check Lance's dragon for injuries. "I think so," Artha reported. "Good thing we spotted them

following Lance and Fracshun just after they left..."  "Hey guys!" Lance chirped brightly as he strolled up to them,

holding a half-eaten sub sandwich. "Did you all come here to something to eat

as well...what?" he added, noticing the exasperation on everyone's faces.

"What? Did I miss something?"            * * *Once again, the Penn Stables crew found themselves in

Mortis's Temple to discuss with him the latest on the black dragon crisis as

well as their very own encounter.  "DC Security finished

combing through that factory in Work Town," Mortis grimly announced, "and they have

learned what that disturbing setup was for."His face briefly contorted as if he had consumed a mouthful

of something disgustingly bitter while the group waited for him to speak."It was a farm.""Farm? What farm?" Parm was not alone in his confusion. His

racing companions looked equally mystified."A dragon farm."Mortis's revelation was met by shocked silence as everyone

recalled how countless dragons had been bound and suspended in such a mistreating method.   "You mean the sort of farm where dragons are held for the

sole purpose of breeding in order to create more soldiers for a dragon army?"

Artha sounded shaken.  "Not exactly...How much do you all know about dragon biology?"

Mortis gingerly ventured, and was received by murmurs in varying tones of

ignorance. Mortis sighed and proceeded to explain."From their very birth, all dragons are blessed with one of

the many elements of Draconium that runs through their very bones. The element

of Draconium is instrumental in shaping the colour of their form as well as

their attributes.""Yeah, we know that much, already." Lance complained. "Draconium holds value as a source of power, especially for

us humans as it does not occur naturally within our body systems. But there has

been little in the way of success where scientists have attempted to harness

Draconium from dragons using several different ideas.""Is that what that farm was set up for? To harness

Draconium?""Most likely. And we think that they might have actually

succeeded," Mortis begrudgingly admitted."How did they do it?" By this point, Mortis was looking extremely uncomfortable,

choosing his words slowly and with deliberation. "The means are very...explicit.

From what DC Security have gathered, it would appear that the bones of a

dragon's body are not the only place where Draconium can be found inside them.

The person or people who built that factory probably stumbled upon traces of it

laced in their genetic material. It is also possible that this is the method by

which Draconium is passed down along a dragon's lineage, which would suggest

that Draconium may actually be hereditary. Furthermore, all the dragons that

were rescued from there were identified as male, so that would further support

the theory on the role that genetics play in all this."  " you're saying that that

factory was..." Kitt clapped her hands over her mouth, unable to articulate the

horror of her thoughts. "It is exactly what you think it is." Mortis's eyes roamed

over to Lance and widened as if he had only just noticed the boy, who looked

like he had just been served a lifetime's worth of trauma. "Oh. Sorry. I probably

should have told you to cover your ears for that one beforehand." "So all those different dragons we saw at that place there..."

Artha said, slowly."Each element of Draconium has its own unique properties.

They were probably intending to farm as many different types of Draconium as

they possibly could," Mortis replied. "As to what they are planning to actually

do with the Draconium that they harvest from the dragons, well, your guess is

as good as mine." "This is wrong!" Artha angrily burst out. "Dragons aren't

supposed to be used like this! They're not supposed to be exploited like some oil

field just for their Draconium."  "Do you have any good news for us, like where we might be

able to find those responsible for building that farm so we can shut them

down?" Parm asked, sardonically."No. But as for that farm you found, it isn't just the one.

DC Security have confirmed that an additional seven farms have been discovered

throughout Dragon City. They've said that we've probably only scratched the

surface and it's highly likely that we'll find even more."    * * *"Damn him!" Kitt cursed to

herself.  Two days after the most recent

meeting with Mortis, she and Wyldfyr were back on the track and were now in the

middle of a fierce street race, currently in second place and hot on the heels

of the human-dragon pair coming first. However, no matter how hard they contested,

they could not surpass their opponents who were doing everything in their power

to prevent Kitt and Wyldfyr from stealing the top spot.Kitt and Wyldfyr closed in on

their targets, a young male rider with blonde hair and his orange Control-Class

dragon.The rider glimpsed their

shortening proximity over his shoulder and as both teams flashed past a

construction site, he had his dragon fire a Mag-Burst Grenade into a formation

of upright planks that were supporting a platform on which a shipping crate was

sitting. The grenade went off and blew

apart the planks like scattering dominoes. The platform tipped and the crate

keeled over and burst open to spew out a large quantity of industrial barrels. The first barrel ricocheted off

the ground at an angle to bounce straight toward Kitt's head. Narrowly ducking

the incoming missile, she and Wyldfyr swerved and weaved their way boldly

through the asteroid field of rolling and flying cylinders that followed.     After getting clear of the

makeshift hurdles, Wyldfyr hunched low and accelerated with a spurt of speed,

easily gaining on their slower rivals and significantly reducing the distance

that had been built between them within a few seconds. Pursuing the present victors-to-be

into a hairpain turn, Kitt had Wyldfyr bank hard; hoping to slip past them in

the inner curve but their competitor flawlessly shut them out, leaving no

opening for them to overtake.  No matter how many times Wyldfyr

attempted to pass the other dragon, they would be skillfully blocked at every

juncture, and each time the crimson dragon would spit out a growl of

frustration. Kitt decided that it was time to

resort to a different tactic. "Let's hit up our usual shortcut and use that to

overtake them!" she shouted.Wyldfyr veered away to the side

and with a single bound he cleared the safety barricades that lined the

boundaries of the main track, springing up onto a thick and sturdy metal pipe

that was latched onto a neighbouring building and ran parallel to the circuit.

He followed the pipe around the circumference of the building to its other side

and jumped off, landing on another raceway which Kitt knew to cut straight to

the final stretch of the race. About halfway toward the end, right

after a sharp bend, the path unexpectedly gave way to a large gap at least ten

metres long as if a great slice had been carved out of the highway.  Wyldfyr immediately slammed on

the brakes by digging his claws into the concrete, skidding with a screech and

gouging long scratches into the asphalt like tire marks but they had been going

too fast and the giant chasm was already much too close.Kitt and Wyldfyr slid straight

off the edge where the track ended to tumble down into the waiting pit below

and there were two loud thuds. Nothing happened for a while, and

then two black shadows that were veined in scarlet emerged from different

hiding places close by to inspect the casualties. The motionless figures of Kitt

and Wyldfyr lay next to each other.* * *As Wyldfyr's senses returned one

by one, the Magma-Class dragon twitched awake to the noise of clanking metal

and the startling din of fellow dragons screaming.  With a start of surprise, he peered up and

found himself hanging upside down; chained by the ankles of his sturdy hind

legs from a steel rack attached from the ceiling by more iron chains. He had

been stripped of all racing gear.His attention was drawn by the sound of terrified whimpering coming from many other

dragons miserably shackled right way up with their limbs chained behind them at

evenly spaced increments along the same rack making a morbid queue that

stretched in either direction, twisting and winding its way around the entire

building. It was an eerily familiar scene to Wyldfyr. However, this wasn't even

the worst part.At

various points along the rack, strung up dragons were having horrific, inhumane

things being done to them. It was like something out of a nightmare. At one

station, rumbling wails dripped from the lolling muzzles of four or five helpless

dragons as scientific instruments resembling oxygen masks had been applied to

the tender valley between their chained and spread thighs directly over their

male sheaths. In a

different corner, others had their necks locked in place to prevent head

movement while being force fed from a row of gigantic animal drip bottles with

an unidentifiable liquid that seeped out in dripping streaks from the edges of

their mouths which were tightly wrapped around the tube tips. Somewhere

further down the queue, dragons that were having their bodies thoroughly

examined by machines squealed like gutted swine as they were poked and prodded

in every orifice with sharp and spindly instruments attached to rotating mechanical

arms. Heavy

fumes of that tropical saltiness Wyldfyr had been assailed by when he had set

foot in that other grisly factory he had found with Beau and the human crew was

here everywhere too and he now finally understood why it had induced unusual feelings

in him back then. It was the smell of feral male arousal.