Year of the Black Dragons - Ch #3

At first, it looked as if wyldfyr's stocky cock would be too broad to fit into the narrow diameter of the shaft but the tube somehow squeezed over its target causing wyldfyr to hiss at the uncomfortably tight fit.

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Year of the Black Dragons - Chapter #2

The motionless figures of kitt and wyldfyr lay next to each other.* * *as wyldfyr's senses returned one by one, the magma-class dragon twitched awake to the noise of clanking metal and the startling din of fellow dragons screaming.  

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Year of the Black Dragons - Chapter #1

Have fun," kitt teased, smirking down at parm before bursting after artha atop wyldfyr, her own red magma-class dragon. unlike beau, wyldfyr was a bipedal dragon.

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Wildfyre Fightknees

wyldfyre's orbs bobbed planetarily in the elevator and she popped a squat and made her plan. once the door opened she rushed into the lobby, tusks ablazing. "u hav got to to be shatting me" francesca bellowed.

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Nobody's Good at Everything

wyldfyre." "yeah!" chimed in ariel, "he's so cool." "i've heard about florida, but i've never actually been there." sighed friendly. "me neither." said timothy, "i've wanted to go forever though!"

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