Fish in the Loch

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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A fisherman out on Loch Ness finds a most startling encounter with the great legend itself, with one or two differences that he would never expect to see.

(This was my first proper porn story ever since I started the FG stories and I did this as a request from my boyfriend inbetween arcs. I'm uploading these stories I did mostly just to fill the space between weeks and keep you guys enjoying my writing I suppose. Hope you enjoy, if these are your thing that is.

Was very fun to do a story more set in Scotland, bits and pieces of my local knowledge helped out a lot for this :3 there's definitely not enough porn around of the great Loch Ness beastie itself)

To say it was a rainy afternoon upon Loch Ness was the same as saying there was a heat wave in the Saharah Desert. All the locals, as well as all those within the country, were proud of their great spanning lake that stretched from the city of Inverness in the north, to the river Oich in the southwest like a great freshwater scar deep within the country's face. A treacherously murky loch due to high peat content in the surrounding soil, yet also contained more freshwater than all the lakes in both England and Wales combined. But because of its unusual geography, as well as its closer connections towards the North Sea, it had a veritable plethora of fish to be had. Minnows, eels, pikes, Atlantic salmon, sea trouts and white sturgeons even came to this place. On a clear day it was foggy with mist up in the highlands, and rolling green hills all around them with only the castle Urquhart peaked upon a promontory with the town of Drumnadrochit further down the loch. On a day such as this, the fog was a reflection of the murky water itself. And yet in the midst of all this, the rain coming down mildly to dot the lakescape with a million tiny patters, was a small fishing boat clearly glinting with its yellow light. A white steering cabin box-shaped above the main deck itself, it was only fit for one old miser and that was just the way he wanted it with a sleeping quarter below deck, the only room he needed for those long lonesome nights. His radio flickered meekly beside him, a thick yellow raincoat dulled from years of service covering his thick monochrome hide of pure black and white muscle, built with over 200lbs of muscle at a firm height of 6'6''. The radio was currently on the Shipping Forecast, as it had always been for the past 27 years without changing the channel. The radio had been given a replacement bulb now and again, but it steered him through thick and thin having its own scars of service all upon its brown battered front. It was the only companion he needed as it gave him today's forecast, the voice of a composed Englishman coming through from the BBC. "Low Bailey, nine-six-five, expected one-hundred-fifty miles north, Viking, nine-seven-seven by eighteen-hundred, Saturday. New low, expected, just west of Bailey, nine-six-six by same time." "Will nae do me any good," said the orca bitterly, "nae at bloody sea am I?"

He was too stubborn to change the channel, yet also despised the fact it reminded him of not being at sea. Fish had gone south, both literally and fiscally, and he was just moving with the herd like any other would. It wasn't a bad life, in fact it was his only life to be either at sea or guarding a lighthouse somewhere. A lighthouse would offer more warmth, but he hated being stuck in one place for too long. Always roaming, always moving. With a bottle of Ouzo in one hand half-empty, and the steering wheel in the other, his eyes drifted lazily in the subtle fog of alcohol clouding over his mind. He had his net trawling underneath his boat, regulation-size obviously as he kept an eye out for any particular feeding activity. Course this was almost impossible to tell within the millions of starlight explosions that now composed Loch Ness, flickering water droplets splashing onto the lake to make it seethe with false activity. He just had to hope for the best and keep on swimming. Figuratively speaking. "Basturds better be bitin'," he said half-full of drink, "ahm nae leavin' 'til ah getshum." "New low, expected, north Fitzroy-" "Shut it ya bleedin' arsehole! Aaaccch!" Finally he had enough, flicking off the radio to let it rest for the night as he kept on driving the boat, his eyes bleary towards the dark loch with a grim fascination. Like any Scot he could not help but feel some sort of intrigue for it, remembering the days he wandered along the beach shores of it as a child playing silly games. His reminiscence was brief, as he focused on the task at hand. It wasn't until he felt the shifting of the tide that he began to take notice truly. A drift tide of some sort, slowly guiding him towards the beach shore as if his memory had triggered it, finding it to be rather unusual and yet all the more unnerving. The slight rumble of the waves beneath did not deter him, having had enough of it rocking him to and fro softly. But it was a greater push that shoved him to one side that made him look around nervously, seeing the shore hove into view as his tail swished thickly behind him like a crescent bow. "...huh, if thass nae a sign to stop fishin' fer thuh night, ah dinnae ken whut is. ...still, better than Arbroath, fuckin' teuchter basturds ahll-...huh?!" Seeing the currents move behind him more focused than they would, the orca fisherman felt something more unnatural was at hand. The way his boat was moving so pointedly towards the shore made him feel as if someone was pushing his boat. But who would even be doing it at this time of night in the middle of a rainstorm, something he briefly wondered before shouting: "OI! SOMEONE DOON THERE?! WHUT'S YER GAME FUCKIN' PUSHIN' MAH BOAT AHM TRYIN' TAE FISH HERE! ...right."

He walked towards the rear of the boat with bottle in hand gripped tightly, ready to smash it over anyone's head. Years of pub crawls had given him a deadly accuracy with any bottle, able to hurl it like a harpoon straight towards any head he caught sight of. His drunken stagger did not deter him, his musk thick with both fish and alcohol as he grabbed the stern of the boat and looked over towards the loch-faring trickster. Which was completely hidden by the natural murk of the lochwater. "Fuckin' loch COME OOTA THERE NOW! Ahm nae playin' aroond ya trawlin' basturd, ye better wheest or ahll bash yer fuckin' heid in-GUH!" Suddenly the boat lurched forwards, beaching upon the dry shore, or at least as dry as it could be in the middle of a storm as the orca fell backwards hard. His head slammed down onto the wooden floor, his hood flipping down to reveal his thick cetacean features. A thick black snout, bulbous and sneering with the wrinkles of old age, putting him somewhere in his late 50s. His eyes blinked open as the bottle rolled across the deck towards the stern, slipping underneath the shadow of something rising from the loch. Even against the dark grey of the highland skies a silhouette could be seen, black as night as the water churned beneath its rising body. The fisherman looked blearily at the beast, not comprehending it at first and thinking another blackout was soon to come. Then he felt clarity kick in upon seeing something much more frightening. And yet also amazing at the same time. As the creature finished moving, he noticed that his net was tangling up part of its body, but it simply bent down its long serpentine neck and tore it off with a single bite, its head long and filled with teeth in a smooth beak-like posture. It slowly crawled onto the beach shore, one the orca noticed was inaccessible by any other means other than boat. Contrasting against the lighter shore, he saw the dark green body fully at a length of 15 feet, the head and neck being a further 10 feet and the tail perhaps being around the same. Its fins were the size of two oars each, as the creature peered towards him with a deep sniff of his body. The orca panted deeply, gasping at what it could be and knowing by experience he wasn't drunk enough to be hallucinating. That only ever happened once, gingerly taking his bottle back and drinking the rest of it shakily to calm his nerves. "H-holy cannae be...y-yer real...yer really real...hoh god..."

It wasn't fear that came to him but rather awe and majesty, gazing upon the mythical beast that had been a totem to his homeland. He had always been one ambivalent to the legend, never believing but never not believing either. And yet like all Scotsmen, he felt a little bit of magic, a little bit of intrigue kick in whenever Loch Ness was mentioned. That little glaring nugget of "what if" that lurked deep within his soul. The monster kept sniffing him, a deep breathless growl emanating from it as he laid spread-legged in his raincoat. "Wh-whu...whut you want from me? ...yer nae mad aboot mah net are ya? I-it's all regulations, ah dinnae mean to be here, I-ah!" The creature bit into his raincoat and tore it with one movement, pulling his body up even to reveal his naked chest, leaving the waterproof pants still on. Thick sculpted muscle from years of life at sea, with a thickening trail of fuzzy grey hair rippling down his chest and belly before ending at his crotch. Before he could say anything, the creature slowly licked its tongue across his belly. A thick slimy appendage that felt oddly lukewarm, it slid across his body from leg to shoulder, slowly tasting him from every inch of his body. With each new lick the orca moaned, a strange but wonderful feeling he had never felt before. The tongue was long enough to coil around him slightly, either around his waist or around his neck just to taste a little more, before moving down towards his crotch. "Ohhhhhhh...ohhhh thass...thass nice, like me huh? Heh...guess ah do taste like fish fer ye ah guess...mmmmm...ohhh aye lick doon there, thass good..." The skilful tongue of the beast began slithering underneath at his length within, the trapped musk making it even more inviting as the monster guided its tongue over and under the cock within. Within seconds a bulge began to rise, sweltering from being pleasured within its tight trapped space as the fisherman moaned deeply. "OH...hoh fuck thass-aaah...ohhh yer a sweetie arentcha?' people call ye a monster...mmmm...ohhh that feels good..." Soon the monster stopped, and slowly moved away from the boat to lie on its side, revealing its belly towards the fisherman. Sweltering from between its hind fins, was a long prehensile penis somewhere around 4 feet long, waving above the shore as the creature murred deeply towards him. He understood despite being rather shocked by this. "You...ohhhh you want me to return thuh favour issat it? Hah...cannae believe ahm daein' this but...ehhhh alrigh' then...lemme just get over tae ye..."

Stumbling out of the boat he walked along the shore barefeet after kicking off his huge boots, clunking them back against the boat as he staggered towards the giant monster. He had to admire the primordial beauty of it, even through the hazy eyes of his drunkenness, which after downing the rest of the Ouzo was now taking even worse an effect on him. He gently grabbed onto the length, the slippery penis pulsating in his fingers as he pulled the head down tenderly. Not surprisingly, it tasted like fish, but the orca didn't mind. In fact it made him more eager as he began to lap it gently. "Mmmm...nae bad tastin'...heh, ah always thought you were a lassie." The creature leaned its head down and pushed him further towards it, nudging against his bare back with a barking moan for more. The orca obliged by grabbing with both hands and sucking hungrily on the great length, moaning at the taste. Thick and slightly salty, he began to turn eager for it as he sucked harder, the beast nudging him eagerly with its snout against his back before licking across his spine, moans coming from the fisherman at the warm feel of its tongue gliding up his muscles. He tried to swallow more but the length was so thick that it could barely fit a few inches in his mouth, settling instead to just swirl his tongue around the cryptid's cock hungrily. While the bigger tongue slithered down towards his tail and slurped underneath it, he felt it glide from base to to crested tip, moaning more on the pulsing meat in his throat as he kept sucking and stroking. Eventually it bit gently at the tail and pulled him away reluctantly, whimpering in a deep voice before slowly laying onto its back, rolling over onto the sand. "Hmhmhm...ohhh ya big dirty beastie, whut are ye up tae noo?" The creature patted itself with its fins indicating what it wanted, as the orca climbed up onto its belly to lie spread-legged upon it. The belly was a lighter shade of green, but not by much to still blend in with the rest of it, as he turned back towards the cock and eagerly began sucking on it once more. But the beastie was wanting something else, snuffling towards his crotch still contained within the yellow pants, biting at them softly. "Mmmmhmhm, you wants a taste o' me too aye? Alrighty then...let's gie ye a taste of a real man eh?" With hands slimy of pre from the monstrous meat, he slowly undid his clothes and slip them free from his body, revealing the most delicious part of his entire body.

A thick musky cock, well-gifted even for his species, with heavy hung balls pearly-white nestling within a thick grey mound of pubic hairs. Suckling on his cock, teasing him with intrigue as it flicked and slurped along the balls and shaft, making it rise up thicker and thicker towards full erection. At a hefty 9 inches with the thickness of a shot glass, he was certainly big enough for the beastie that gently maneuvered its long beak snout to taste upon the very tip, fondling the orca gently. "Ohhhhhh yeah...mmmmph...ya like whut ya see? do I." Moving onto all fours, the orca suckled greedily upon the slippery length, gulping the pre that began to thicken in his throat as the beast moved its head to get between the orca's legs. Flicking the tongue along the length, it pulled the cock into its mouth as well as his balls with expert maneuverability, its long snout making it a challenge that it enjoyed. The two moaned together in a momentary bliss, the storm and rain peltering down on their skin but the orca didn't mind. He was too lost within his lust to even realise it. It only turned hotter for him when he felt the tongue slide up along his rear and probe at the thick pucker underneath his raised tail, making him moan loudly as he simply bent over and lifted his rear to the beast. He let the monstrous cock drip pre onto his head and chest, sighing from the volume of it and how much he was having to drink the juicy fluid as he looked back towards the creature. "Eat me...go me oot." The beast needed no encouragement as it moved its head forwards and began to slurp its tongue along his crack, suckling upon the undertail and the pucker itself while the orca kept drinking up pre. His gulps turned heavier, and the pre turned thick enough to become like whipped cream in his throat which made him only want more. Especially when he felt the thickening tongue of the Loch Ness Monster slowly slide into his rear, opening up his winking bud pucker smoothly so as it began to thrust in. "AH! Aaaaaah...ohhhh Nessie...ohhh fuck me...fuck, eat me...mmmph..." The orca's moans were not lost on the beast as it began to push deeper, fucking him with tongue slurping all over his hot thick anal walls as it dragged itself in and out of him, tasting every inch it could. He hadn't felt such a feeling before, of such warm thick reaming deep inside his ass with the most skilful large tongue he ever felt. It was like he was being fucked for real but with a much more fluid cock, able to slide its way in without any troubles until the girth became too thick. And for this beastie's tongue that only became evident halfway along its length. Hearing the sounds of hot suckling upon his ass combined with the hot fullness within made him throb harder than he'd ever been. He hadn't felt this good since his brief stint on an oil rig up in Aberdeen back in his younger days, panting as he stroked the thick meat off in front of him desperately for more seed. Not pre, but the real thick seed of this prehistoric monster that he had become so helplessly trapped by the taste of. He'd never drink again if he could taste this all day. "Ah, aaah, ahh, come on Nessie, lemme taste ya...hoh...f-fuck yes...A-AAAAGH! MMMMPH!"

One final thrust of the tongue deep in his hole made him cum instead, the orca squirting the most powerful orgasm he would ever have right onto the beastie's belly. The monster made a satisfied moan, feeling the wincing tight muscles clench around his tongue with each squirt of the hot orca seed, pulling from his rear to slowly slather up the thick semen. A taste that was so delicious to the beast, that it could not resist any longer. After cleaning up the small puddle dripping from the meat, it began to pull the fisherman into its large maw. First the tail, before the feet. But the orca did not even notice, so deep within mental exhaustion from both the alcohol dehydrating him as well as the thick-headed lust that kept him sucking on the monster's cock, that he wanted nothing else. All he wanted was the beast to cum for him, ignoring the tongue that slid across his tail, his feet, his thick rump and legs that were all slowly being drenched within hot wet saliva. Eventually the creature could not hold back, and growled a deep moan of climax throughout the orca's entire body, half of it being entirely in its mouth. A jet of hot milk from Nessie spurted down into the orca's mouth, extra salty and incredibly thick to the point of overflowing. He tried to swallow all of it, but it was too much for him to even take as he struggled with it, hungry for more as he grabbed with both hands to thickly gulp every drop. But Nessie had other plans, pulling him away to watch its seed spray all over the orca fisherman, splattering his blackened parts with more milky white, adding a whole new flavour to its new delicious meal. "Hohhhhh...fuck that's good...hhhhh...fuckin' taste good ya big basturd...hmmm?" Even in the aftermath of his first orgasm in weeks, he was still horny for more, his cock throbbing still as he turned to see the monster slowly devour him. Foot by foot, disappearing into the slowly encroaching maw that peered hungry eyes at him. His feet were now being pulled inside its throat, a wet vacuumous heat that was too strong to fight against. But he wasn't going to fight. He felt that wonderful tongue coiling around his chest like a snake, wanting to taste his body once more as his lust and drunken fervour stopped him from resisting, saying: "That's whut ye wanted...mmmmmmm...fuck ahm still hard...hhhhh...ah telt ye before didn't I? Eat me...thassit...hhhhhh...thassa good boy..." Smiling dreamily while lost in a haze of lust, the orca simply waited for the beast to consume him, the tongue pulling him in harder towards the widening flesh-pink throat that pulsated before him. The monster raised its head with his prey still within, the rain pouring down upon both as the orca smiled upwards at the sky. His belly was now sinking inside, wrapped within warm saliva as his chest followed suit, the sounds of a ravenous throat soon coming to his ears as darkness took him. Hot sweltering darkness as the beast closed its jaws and swallowed finally. From the outside it was a single loud gulp and a thick bulge gliding down its long serpent neck. From the inside, it was as if he heard the sound of a giant heartbeat pulsate within the first single gulp, the muscles pushing him down in a sliding motion as he felt himself fall, buffeted on all sides by the hottest softest meat cushions that pushed him further down. He landed down into an open pool that was perhaps barely wider than him, unable to see in the faint fleshy darkness.

The gurgling echoes of the monster's organs resonated from all around him, making him pant with the feeling of being inside it, swallowed like fish as he simply laid back up against a stomach wall and grabbed at his cock. He was too horny to care, and he knew that once he emptied his balls enough, he would enjoy a good long sleep. He stroked himself firmly, moaning up at the low ceiling of the thick digestive organ while slipping his thick fingers all over his cock. Then he felt the world shift slightly forwards, as the monster began to clean itself. The creature saw its cock was still dripping thickly of seed, and pulled its neck forwards to slowly fellate himself. The best benefit of his long neck besides easier digestion, as it moaned at feeling its tongue suckle across its own cock while cleaning whatever remained on it. In turn the orca would feel a hot river of cum descend down upon him from above, spraying all over his body to add more flavour to his delicious taste. Once he realised what it was he simply ate it all up, open-mouthed at the oesophagus above him with the faintest trace of light as he gulped down the cryptid's semen. But he also smeared some on his fingers with a lewd idea in his deepest part of lust. Something he just thought of, and with nothing else to lose he got a good sticky amount on his fingers before slowly moving it towards his pucker. Thankful for having it well-rimmed to the point of dripping, he pushed a thick digit inside him and began to smear the cum from the beast all over his inner walls, moaning as he stroked himself off harder. "Ah...Nessie...ohhh Nessie fuck me...fuck me...ohhh..." Pushing a second digit in, he fingerfucked himself harder and harder as he stroked himself off blindly within the darkness of Nessie's stomach, the pulsating churning sounds of a monster's inner body only further making him hard. The sounds of flesh quivering and throbbing, the pulse of a deep ancient heartbeat that almost felt unreal, the warm pool of stomach acid that he barely dipped his toes in. All while he was stuffing two thick fingers in and out of his well-lubed dripping male fuckhole, jerking his orca dick harder and harder while licking the cum off his face. "AH! AAAAH, NESSIE! OH GOD NESSIE! AAAAAAAAH!" The lewd sounds could be heard by the beast itself, murring curiously at the sounds coming from within itself at the quivering bulge inside its belly. A tender lick slurped across the bulge, its stomach twitching slightly to prepare for later as its meal finally came. Hot torrential sprays of orca milk blasted all over his own body, dotting the black and white with clear translucent fluid, salty and creamy at the same time. The climax took the last bout of energy from him as he began to drift off in a peaceful sleep, moaning last words upon his lips dreamily. With his head laid back, and his cock spurting itself onto his belly, he dropped himself off to sleep with a bleary head and a belly full of vodka, the perfect mix to knock him out cold. Seeing that its stomach now calmed down, the Loch Ness Monster seemed plenty satisfied with its newest prey, sniffing at the torn raincoat and pants before pulling them down into the depths. The boat remained where it had been beached as the great monster disappeared back into the waters, forever hidden by its murky depths and retreating to some unknown place to sleep and digest its full belly. All that would ever be found of the orca was his boat, undamaged with only his boots and his radio left sitting in it. A mystery among many upon the shores of Loch Ness.

And With His Many Jagged Teeth 16 - The Eagle Shall Fall

The town of Beech was disturbingly quiet, moreso than usual. Jeffries did not like it, hopping off the bus once it parked into the garage area along with Jerry and the Brotherhood members before James rolled up alongside them on the bike. They all...

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And With His Many Jagged Teeth 15 - The Desert Started Burning

Sunset came down upon the earth to witness a new destruction, a slave camp unaware of plans being made upon it for a long time coming. The guards were ever-diligent for any lone wanderers out on the wastes, potential traders or victims to be a part of...

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And With His Many Jagged Teeth 14 - He Found His True Self

A golden-cast staircase with an ornate clock shaped like the stars themselves, a constant changing in constellations within every minute of every hour precisely. The celestial chandelier hung above the marble floor beaming transcendent auras of light...

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