Pride in Muscle, Pride in Yourself -Gift Story-

Story by Xinnova on SoFurry

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Third in my list of Artwork to Story ^^

This time the piece is :

Original Artist :

Owner and the one who reached out to me :

This one was curious because it only presented me with a muscled hulk of a man. So I took that with what I know from muscle furs and put it to work with this story.

Hope you like it Malice, was a joy to write ^^

Pride in Muscle, Pride in yourself. -Gift Story- by Xinnova

Being strong, getting stronger and maintaining that strength were key to surviving in a land filled with powerful people. None know this better than those who were of dinosaur blood. Hybrids who were born of half man and half saur, forced to evolve out of their instinctive pasts but some found this harder than others. Species that once hunted others for food, now hunted them in other ways... To stalk them for being weaker.

School, town and even just a walk along the sidewalks were game for such people to find and torment those who were weak. Such a life, bred this beautiful man as he made his way through his home town. At one time he was a scrawny runt of a man, but with time and effort he made his way and got stronger. Finding himself even enjoying the feeling of being a beast of force, a power that could nearly move mountains. He would prove to his old aggressors that he wouldn't be reckoned with, he would be pushed around no longer.

Those few who had picked on him for being weak, for being under them in power would now know just what this green scaled brute could do. Turning the cheek wasn't the way of a true saur, it wasn't the way he was brought up by his parents. He had been training hard for this day, to face his foes who were also saurs themselves. Bare feet pressed onto the cool concrete, his muscles began to tense up from his calves to his thick thighs. Chest muscles would jerk, twitch and tense up revealing their shape clearly to any who would see them.

He stood in a dark alley with only one way out, before him stood a small muscled tyrannosaurus rex who was just like him. Half bred and given the ability to have two muscled arms; they wouldn't save him. No, the triceratops male would show this once mighty meat eater the error of his ways. The other man wore only black sweat pants and nothing more, seeming to jog in place and punching at the air. Training himself for this moment, readying himself for what was about to happen.

Pecs of the greens chest would begin to dance as he moved towards the rex. Himself only wearing that of a tight thong, it was with this he would uphold the traditions of his people. To prove one's superior body over another's, showing just who was the top saur in the area. He had fought so many, scored victory and taken from each of them...

Their Pride as a Man...

Standing in all his might, eyes burning a hole through the rex before him. Waiting for the man to notice him, growing impatient as his arms tensed up. He could feel the muscles ripple, the moment where his life would reach its climax was moments away. The rex began to turn to face him as his eye's met with the green saur; they began to widen. Fear for once taking hold as he realized the man was easily twice his size in mass. Muscles easily covered his entire form, the rex was left with a shiver down his spine. That once smug look was wiped clean and given to the triceratops male.

He didn't give the man time to speak, words were cheap and the green saur had waited long enough for this. To show his old ancient rival that his species was bigger, stronger and would no longer be the one's oppressed by their kind. With little more than the sound of a foot step into a puddle he lunged; fist drawn and slamming hard into the side of the rex's face. Sending him to a knee almost immediately, bringing out a soft cry from the pain of the hit.

With a snort, the larger male gripped the man's head and thrusted his knee forward to connect with his snout, instantly drawing blood from his nostrils. The rex grunted, falling back before collecting himself up with a snarl and regaining his composure. Bare feet clawed at the ground as he retaliated upon his attacker. Fist raised to be thrown at the tri's own face, only for the other man to bow his head and take the fist to his thick boned forehead.

Grinning wickedly as the man before him seemed to break his fist on the thickest bone on his body. Using this to his advantage, his intensively large hands gripped the red dino's throat as his head collided into the rex's. Head butting him hard and letting the bloody rex stagger back to attempt to regain his footing once more. He didn't allow it and pushed forward into the fight, a rock solid fist planted itself into the stomach of the other male. Knocking the wind out of him before a combo blow of the other mate of the pair of fists found its way across the side of his head.

Sending the poor rex to the ground in agonizing pain, his hands gripped a nearby trashcan as he tried to stand. Only to feel the wrath of the thick thigh muscles when a hard kick was landed into his side. Cracking a rib and further bringing him back down, the green saur didn't let him fall down... No, he curled those large barbel sized orbs of his biceps around his neck. Forcing him into a choke hold from behind, the tri was just enjoying this moment. Breathing hard against the other, feeling his weaker form squirming for freedom as he finally spoke.

"Submit, you little bitch. Give up, you've lost to me!" He snarled out.

The other gasped, gripping at the stone walls and trying to stand only to be forced back down on top of that steel trash can. It's lid was now his mat, flashbacks of his days as a wrestler came back to haunt him now. This wasn't a sport, this was his pride as a man, his honor of being a dominant and strong figure. He countered with a snarl of his own.

"You bastard, I won't give in to you... I'm the alpha saur of this town!"

Words were cheap, the tri didn't need to waste them as the rex knew what was happening the moment he felt his head now slammed into the wall, then down onto the trash can lid. He knew his reign was over, his pants being forced down and his opponents prick pressing against those virgin cheeks. Did he want this to happen? Did he desire to be taken by another male? None of that mattered, this was how life was for them. Like wild animals, this was how they showed who was the leader and who was to take orders.

The rex wasn't gay, he loved woman and loved to abuse his power to get what he wanted from them. They were weak compared to him and he used that to his advantage, now, he was the one feeling what it was like. That massive, throbbing cock pierced its way into his ass with what seemed like.. ease. His struggles were met with a punch to his hurt rib to subdue him. The first try was dry and he easily avoided becoming the bitch, the second, was met quite differently. The green male lifted a hand to twist a wrist of the rex behind his back, pinning him down as the other took a bit of the blood from his opponent. Using it to wipe slowly over his meaty rod, a bit of primal lube to further prove his point.

He wasn't a bad person, he wasn't a rapist nor did he do these things simply for the joy. He did this because this is how true power was obtained, he did this out of revenge and ultimately to end this streak of primal life for the betterment of his people. His newly smeared dick pierced easier, quicker and without the friction from before.. speared deep into the rex to make him roar out!

It was like music to his ears, to be able to show this man his place after all that was done to the tri. Thrusting into the rex brought back memories of being bullied, what it was like to be forced to submit like this. To be shown who was the alpha, with a hard punch to the red's side he got what he wanted to hear.

"P-Please! I don't want to be fucked, I don't want to be seeded!" He cried out through loud roars. Tail thrashing hard as he felt his body being driven into in a hefty rythm.

"Who's your alpha?!" He roared back, giving him an intense swing of his hips to hilt his great shaft fully inside the rex. The feeling was extraordinary, the rex clenching so hard to prevent this from happening.

"You're my Alpha! Please god, Please!!!" He screamed now like a poor little bitch in heat. A virgin who was feeling the mating pains for the first time and wanting it out. Yet, the stronger male didn't listen as he instead thrust harder than before. Ruthlessly he was pounding the other, bending the very trash can that rested on.

"That's right! Now you're my little cunt bitch, who will know his place and will carry my young!" He growled out as he pushed harder on that arm, moving down to bite into the back of the rex's neck in such a primal way.

The rex now found tears streaming down his face, his fate sealed as he would soon feel the sensation of cum pouring into his body. He couldn't stop it, he knew he would be stained by this males scent for weeks. Everyone will know who had taken away his pride, that very male now stood up. Looming over his beaten opponent. Cock still buried deep as the rex lay still, breathing hard and unable to move from his muscled living spit. With the tri's arms now raised up, he showed off his biceps, pecs and full muscled form for all to see. Revealing on his back, a great tattoo image that resembled a family crest. A white rose on the left side and a black on the right in the upper parts. Golden trimming was the outer layer and on each side were wings, folded out as if to display freedom and on the bottom; a lovely red rose.

One word was etched into the center in golden font, 'beautiful' was placed there. The green male had finally risen to his full power, shown his complete strength and proven that he was now the one true Alpha in this town. No one would attempt to take his throne now, things would change and he would make the world a more 'beautiful' place for the saurs to live.

~The End

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