Bitch Came Back! -Gift Story-

Story by Xinnova on SoFurry

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My first attempt at my little project. To bring stories to artwork as a sort of challenge and a way for me to keep my muse and writing going.

This one was for

Humbug gave me the honor or using this pic (Orginal here!) :

The title comes from the song that helped inspire me to write this. 'Bitch came back' by Theory of a deadman ^^

If you don't know her or her art I implore you to go check her out. ^^

Bitch Came Back! -Gift- by Xinnova

"I told you not to call me anymore!"

A screamed echoed throughout the dressing room and the hall there after. The cute voice nearly screeched before cutting off and the sounds of broken glass soon erupted. The heated affair bringing the one inside to such tempers that violence was no longer above her or her graces. The beautiful woman would soon be calmed by the sound of a knock at her door; a distraction.

"Miss Minerva, is everything okay in there? Do you need me to fetch you the doctor again?"

The scruffy voice of a man spoke from the other side of the door which brought the one within great relief. She caught herself and settled back in her chair before the now broken mirror. The white furred Mink lay back and starred in a distraught manner, did this ordeal really bother her so? She was born with beauty, a talent for singing and both of those things always seemed to bring her trouble.

"I'm fine Wilford, do be a dear and tell me when it's show time." She replied softly.

Letting out a soft sigh, she thought back to her previous arrangement and the history she had with the one on the phone. Why in the world was she so involved with someone like that person in the first place? Wasn't she a show girl? Wasn't she better than the poorer creatures on this world? Her eyes gazed at a large crack in the mirror as it seemed to split her image down the middle...

"Minerva, you whore... You're straight.. I'm straight.." She chanted.

"This woman isn't good for you, she doesn't even really know you... You are NOT into women~" Her voice trailed off to the thoughts of the girl on the other side of the phone. She had met the woman before in one of her past shows, they had spoken, became friends even. Now, she found herself dreading the very voice of the other.

She blushed as her eyes would glaze over, finding one of her hands had trailed down to give herself a soft rub. A past fleeting thought of what she and the girl had experienced. Quickly, she thwarted any more efforts with a slap to her own wrist. No, She wasn't into women... She craved men, she needed the D! Focusing on that, she began to brush over her long fluffy tail. Readying herself for the show she had to do. Brushing a hand through her golden blonde hair to prepare herself before...

Then came another knock on her door...

Her ears perked up, quickly throwing on a red robe before standing. In her fury, was it truly already time to start the show? She wasn't even pampered fully and her was out of place and needed to be brushed down. Moving towards the door without thinking, she let her hand grace the knob and turn it. What came next was near a blur as it happened so fast.

White furred hand gripped the door and pushed it open, another hand moved to grab her by the back of the head. She let out a cute squeak as she felt the warm sensation of soft, puckered lips pressing into her own. The feeling felt so strong, comfortable and brought her into a burning passionate place in her mind. Closing her eyes and accepting the kiss, boldly placing her own into the lips that now warmed her soul and sent shivers down her spine.

It was that same delicate feeling that came over her when she and Wilford first kissed. Such a powerful feeling that swept over her, causing her leg to hike up slowly in reaction to what was happening. The white fur aside, she knew it had to be him she was kissing now as that tongue forced itself into her mouth; something was wrong. Wilford wasn't this dominant... this forward... She opened her eyes...

What she saw caused that old burning flame of hatred to heat back up, before her stood that same bunny from her past. White fur that nearly matched her own covered the female rabbit, those eyes staring straight back into Minerva's with a stern glare. Somehow in the moment that the mink lost she found herself against the wall of the dressing room, door closed, with the bunny already undressed.

Before the other could capitalize on her aggressive advance, a quick strike hit her across the face as Minerva fought to put her robe back on!

"You filthy bitch! How dare you come into my room and assault me like this. You're filth Catherine, I'm not a lesbian." She declared in a sharp tone.

Recovering from the hit, Catherine quickly regained her composure with a bit of a grin. Looking over the mink with a lustful stare, gazing over her as if she saw something more than just a person. Minerva could only shiver under that strange gaze, feeling uncomfortable as the other female approached suddenly to toss away her robe. She was so fast!

"Listen Minerva, you and I shared so much and you didn't seem at all to care when we ate each other out you cunt." She retaliated.

"Now you're going to tell me that you don't want me any more? So the words you told me were all meaningless?" She continued, gripping the minks wrists in her hands and forcing them above her head against the wall roughly.

"I don't just give up and let those go that I love, no matter if they are prissy bitches who need to learn their place." Catherine seemed to say with a devious grin over her lips.

The reply she got from the mink wasn't exactly what the bunny girl would have liked. Instead of a whimper she spat directly in the eye of the bunny before she would land a swift knee to her gut! Releasing her hold on Minerva's wrists she attacked without hesitation, the prissy woman connected a fist to the side of the rabbits face to send her to the floor. Minerva's cheeks were a blazing red with anger at being touched in such a way.

Ears perked up when she began to hear the sounds of foot steps outside of her room, she knew it was Wilfred coming to tell her it was show time. Giving the bunny a hard strike to the ribs she moved towards the door to lock it. Upon hearing the sound of the clicking lock both Minerva and Catherine knew that this secret couldn't leave the room. The mink was the madonna of this day and age and wouldn't be slandered by being a lesbian.

She would have to do something drastic... Something she was sure the rabbit was about to do to her...

"Miss Minerva, the show is about to start. You should hurry and~"

"Yes Wilfred! , I'll be there soon, just stall them for me handsome." She interrupted as she moved to the naked, coughing bunny girl and proceeded with her plans.

Cupping a hand over her mouth and pinning her to the floor, waiting to hear Wilfred walking away before those eyes looked down at the bunny. How would she do it? She had never done something like this before to anyone... The world would know once she went on stage. She would be so fat...

Catherine, meanwhile, wasn't very happy with the way things had went from worse to nightmarish as she had no idea the thoughts that were going through Minerva's head. The gears were turning and all the bunny could do now was desperately try and catch her breath. Eyes would widen in terror as she would become a witness to Minerva's first hunger.

Jaws opening wide before her, hand keeping her from screaming out as the mink started from the top of her head and worked over those ears. Weakly punching at the mink only brought another hard punch to the bunny girls ribs. Wincing hard as she gasped out the air she gained as the world began to grow dark. Legs kicking at the air as the pompous creature began to feed on the other less fortunate one.

There would be no secrets left, no one would ever know who this woman was or why she was here. Nothing would be left but the remains that would be properly disposed of later in the night or early morning. Catherine would beg into the cupped hand, thrashing a bit harder before Minerva would seal her lips around her head. Silencing her cries and slowly removing her hand once the bunny girl was deep enough.

Crying out into the flesh of her powerful throat did nothing but carry a vibration that brought the mink into a soft murr. She had never devoured something so big before, sure there were mice and small feral bunnies but this one was anything but small. Passing over those breasts was a chore, having to moving to maneuver the bunny upwards onto the couch near them. Hands forcing the mammals wrists behind her back so she couldn't strike at her anymore, she didn't need the bruises for the show.

Golden tail moving to wrap slowly around the ankles of the once flailing woman. Completely taking control over what was going on now. Taking her time once the bunny girl was subdued and actually enjoying her flavor one... last... time. She was no stranger to how digestion worked, the past they shared would be gone forever. Pitty swept over her as those jaws popped to unhinge painlessly, crawling over those perky breasts.

Catherine was in a bad situation and it was starting to become a hopeless struggle, legs unable to do more than wiggle and now her arms were locked inside. She could take in the scent of the mink from within her throat, the smell of chocolate was strong. The wet fleshy throat squeezed around her body as it entered and contorted to fit, was Minerva made to do this? To be a predator of people?

Minerva felt the pity drift away like a soft breeze, taking in the flavor of the rabbit seemed to drive her more primal senses. The chocolates from Wilfrid had been the only treat she had all day and fortunately for her the squirming meat slab that once called her lover would fill that role. With those breasts trapped around her lips it was only a matter of shifting the girl around to her belly. Staying off the couch and to the side of it, Minervy used the leverage of the couch and the strength of her beautiful tail to press the helpless creature further inside.

Not having the body strength she needed to lift up Catherines lithe frame she figured this would be faster. After all, she was on a strict schedule and she needed to down this girl quickly in able to perform for her fans. Then she felt a slight tug on her lips, blinking from around the sexy lasses body, moving her hand down to feel those silly earrings that adorned the bunnies ears. She had always shown such pride in them, it would be a shame to just let them go.

She would pause in her ingestion, moving to grip the small red jewels as she began to try and remove them properly. Ears perked to the sounds of a knock that brought new life into the rabbit as she muffledly screamed out from within the mink. Without care she gave both of them a hard yank, forcing them off and in an instead the ears disappeared inside. They would make a fine trophy, her first meal would be remembered.

Catherine would continue to thrash against the binding of flesh and tail, lips slipping over her slightly pudgy belly with great ease. She would begin to heart the steady thump of a heart beat all around her, blackened vision would prevent her from realizing that she was within the stomach of the mink and it was expanding to fit her. The terror that ran through the bunny girls mind was thoughts of the end and how she was about to become fat on this pre madonna's ass and hips. She wanted to live, to be closer to her but not like this! She mentally screamed over and over as more of her body was messily gulped down. Minerva had no idea what etiquette to use in such a meal and really didn't have time for it. Hands moving now to pull down the bunnies panties, forcing them down and off of her slender legs.

Tongue trailing over that tight buttocks of Catherines, taking in what flavors that could be found before curving upwards. Giving the bunny and herself one last taste of the female gender but she would admit, the flavor was one she could get used to. Forcing the poor girl to begin curling up in a fetal position, those calves begin taken in so fast that Catherine felt like she was being tossed inside. Feet squirming and toes curling, spreading out and curling again as they began to work into those waiting jaws.

Minerva rolled her tongue slowly over them as the tail slipped off, making its way back to her side before she sat back in her chair once more. Eyes closing as she just revelled in the feeling of the struggle woman within her. Those feet still squirmed fiercely, gazing into the mirror once more as she began to watch her own actions, letting gravity take over. Hand trailing down to that nether region she had refrained from enjoying before. The toes were soon the only thing seen at the back of her throat, fingers working hard as she gasped loudly.

Climaxing with the final swallow and leaving her in a pleased daze!

The bunny thrashed hard now, realizing she was now trapped in the fleshy chamber of Minerva's virgin stomach. It felt so good, but she had a show to do and without a second thought of the one inside she began to get ready. She would go out on stage, sing and let the world see her in her robe. Big belly, nice ass and all. Little did Minerva know, that she would soon become addicted to something more than just men and their D. She would now know just what women were good for... To feed her, then flushed just like this bunny would be.

Tossing on her robe, she put the earrings in her dresser drawer and began to make her way out... to give her audience one hell of a squirming show!

~The End... or is it?

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