The Prince and the Dragon 3- Naked

Story by Mallow the Dragon on SoFurry

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#3 of The Prince and the Dragon

Another chapter of the story that spawned in my mind one uneventful summer day and simmered in the back of my head until I actually had the motivation to write it down!


"Ugh, why here, why now? Why right on my all of my entertainment?" I groan as I look to the big, lumpy, brown pupa on my shelf nearly a month ago. I wouldn't have been so annoyed by it if it had stayed the size it was, but no of course that lumpy shelf stealer has to send out support tendrils to completely cover my shelf so I can't get anything off of it. Besides being where I keep my books that shelf is where I keep all of my electronics, the only thing I had on me when those mooching tendrils grew was my phone and that had died weeks ago, and the charger was on the shelf.

"If he doesn't get out of that sack soon I'm taking him out myself." I mutter. The scans all say that he is perfectly fine to come out of that pupa so now we just sit and play the waiting game, but that game was growing very tiring very quickly.



'Well alright' I think to myself, 'That's one step closer to not being bored out of my mind.'

"OH NO NO NO NO PLEASE NO!!" I shout in a panic.

"Quentin, what's wrong?" my father asks through my door, apparently being close enough to hear my distressed shouting.

"Butterfly-boy just got his cocoon goo all over my floor!" I say back, trying to drag my expensive Old Earth carpet through the door before that stringy looking slop touched it.

"Medic! We need a medic over here, the boy is hatching!" my father shouts towards a communicator box on the wall after pressing the button.


My eyes shoot open as I wake up from what feels like the most renewing sleep in the world. 'I feel like a new person' I thought, being strangely awake for just waking up. 'What is this thing around me?' I think, becoming slightly panicked as I also realize whatever is around me is keeping me from breathing. I thrash about trying to get whatever this thing is off of me and I feel it crack surprisingly easily for how heavy it feels. I hear someone shout something muffled by the shell-like object around me as I can finally breathe as whatever fluid was around me drains out of the container I'm in. as the thick, stringy liquid runs out I can hear someone talking, calling for a medic. 'Is the medic for me' I think as I begin to break more of this thing around me away.

"OOF! Huh?" I say as I fall out of the shell thing, genuinely confused by my surroundings. The room I was in seemed far past what was considered plush in my home, the edges were perfectly straight and there was some kind of bright sky light in the ceiling. The room was filled with what look like jewels, strange flowers, and cloth. I crawl a little further into the room, not being able to feel my legs, and my memories suddenly come rushing back to me. The dragon-man and his strange doctors, the comfortable bed, and the thing growing out of his skin covering him before he fell asleep. I check my hands to make sure that covering was gone and stop suddenly, 'those aren't my hands.' I think, 'these hands are a dark shade of black, nearly onyx. And these hands have claws and... scales?" I begin to panic as I flex my fingers and those strange fingers flex back. That's when the strange doctors rushed back in and took me to the bright room with the lights and tests.


I watch my son with slight bemusement, he is trying so hard to get that old carpet out of his door. The carpet finally slides through as the medics get to his room to collect the newly hatched teenager. I can't tell what he is because of how fast the medics moved him out into the hall and towards the medical room of the house, all I know from that glimpse is that he was a very handsome shade of onyx. 'Yes' I think, 'I can work with that shade' knowing full well that he will need some new clothes because of his different size and lack of legs. 'I wonder where he'll sleep' I think as I also take note that he can't go back home looking like that.

"If he breaths air you get him" I say quickly, sticking the two similarly aged teens together before me and the wife get stuck with some kid bewildered by his and our existence.

"*sigh* fine dad, but if he has gills we aren't setting up one of those old, leaky tanks in my room." He said, knowing he was getting stuck with the boy in his room, if he was aquatic the medics would have known and brought a tank instead of a stretcher.


The light shining in my eyes was too bright, but I'm not paying much attention to it because of the fact that I seem to have a new body. I start to get feeling back in my legs but they feel different, like they have been stuck together. Nothing feels right but everything feels like it should, I think. I'm not sure what I should feel like at this point so I'm going to assume this is it. 'What are these smells?' I ask myself as many sterile and otherwise unpleasant smells greeted me as I was pushed into the bright room. The strange people started to poke and prod me with cold metal instruments and the screens lit up with the same information as before, more or less, there are a few more moving lines on the screens and the screen showing my body had a different picture on it.

Sniff, sniff sniff? My nose started to find more subtle scents, more natural scents. I can smell the doctors surrounding me, I can smell the strange man-dragon from before, and I can smell something like fish from the sea. All of these strange things are happening to me and I just don't know how to handle them, it's like my body can't respond to anything I'm having such a sensory overload.


"When can we see him, is he alright?" my nervousness must be showing, my gills puffing out in their small half-globes of water and my skin darkening slightly. It might have been my sons' idea to help this hybrid out but while we were observing him for any changes I had taken a liking to him because of his kindness. If he wasn't ok I would be distraught. The clear skinned doctor assured me he was alright, just a bit shocked. My son called me over to sit and wait like him and his father so I moved over to them and sat in my chair.

~10 minutes later~


"He's ready to head to wherever he's staying now. Everything is sound" the clear skinned doctor told us, walking into the room once again. My mother nearly toppled over shooting up from her seat to go see him.

"Calm down you nervous newt." I say sarcastically, she shoots me a look and power walks into the medical room. Vincent it trying to sit up on the table, but finding it difficult because of his new lower body.

"He came into contact with some sort of reptile without legs before he underwent metamorphosis, that's where his body got the genetic information. He calls this reptile a 'snake' whatever that means, but whatever that animal is he is going to need to learn how to move around again so I would say get started. And it shouldn't take too long, the muscles in his... leg-tail... are fully developed." The doctor says, sensing our confusion of his new form.

"Well alright, why don't we get started then?" I say as I begin to move towards the transformed teenager, now seeming much more familiar to me with his scales. He looked up at me when I came near and seemed like he was in a daze, I offered him my hand to help him up and it took him a few seconds to take realize my hand was even there. He took it and I helped him off the examination table, he had an extremely hard time finding his balance with this new appendage so I let him hang off of me while I basically dragged him back to my room, I am much stronger than my lithe form lets on.

"What happened to me?" he said in a small scared voice when I laid him down on my plush bed.

"Well, on your planet caterpillars change into butterflies, yeah?" I say lightly, he nods so I continue.

"You kind of did that, you are a mix of the people who inhabit your planet, and a people from another planet. From what we know there were only two different kinds of animals on your half home planet; the ones you're half of, and a type of lizard. They had a mutualistic relationship where the two legged ones provided food and shelter for the lizards, while the lizards provided an.. image for your people to kind of turn into. Since there aren't any of those lizards on this planet your body took the next best thing, whatever that snake animal is, and used that image."

He remained silent for a few seconds after I told him this and I assumed he was just absorbing information.

"Is that what happened to you, and those other people here?" he asked tentatively like he would get in trouble for the question.

"No, most of us were born or hatched like this, some of them change color as they get older but that's about it. You are the only one who changes as drastically as that." I said, trying to make him feel better about his change. Instead he started to cry.

_Sniff, sob_he began to choke out. I wrapped him up in a warm hug and asked him what was wrong in the softest voice I could manage.

"I can't go back to see my family, my friends, or even Elizabeth!" he returned the hug with gusto and began to weep.

"What if I told you that you can?" I asked in a firm voice.

"Just this one time, to say goodbye and to make whatever amends need to be made?"

"But how, everyone would freak out if they saw a giant snake man slithering around!" this time it was my turn to not know what the words he was saying meant, what was slithering?

"There is a device that can cast a temporary image over your body." I say, looking him in the eyes.

"It's risky, and I would have to go with you but we could do it."

"Would you do that, just for me?" he asked with a hopeful voice and a gleam in his teary eyes.

"Yes, but it has to be quick, and we have to take a vehicle because I can't carry you anymore, you're just too big!" I say, trying to bring the atmosphere to something lighter with a bit of comedy.

"Oh my gods, thank you thank you thank you!" he said as he hugged me even tighter.

"Alright, but first you have to learn how to... slither, was it?"

~Three hours later~


'This is the first and last time I get on one of these flying carts. This is terrifying!' I thought as the flying contraption soared out of this dragon-guys home and it was moving fast. The dodging and weaving was making him sick and his face scales nearly turned a dark green.

When my home came into sight the purple dragon landed his flying cart in the woods around the lake my castle was in the middle of. He took out two small, black, paper like objects.

"Take this and put it on your left wrist." He said, showing me how on himself while he talked. Once the paper thing was on him his skin rippled and faded from its natural purple color to a peach skin color, his hair changed from bright orange to a dirty blonde and where his tail was a long cloak that dragged along the ground appeared. I put the strip of black paper on me and felt my body shudder as the changes moved through the top layer of my skin, since my tail was so long the cloak stretched much farther back than on the dragon. The cloaks we were disguised with were very ornate, with gold stitching and bright colors I didn't know could be replicated in clothing. The dragon pulled a rectangular device from his cloak pocket and taped the front of it a few times before turning it around to show me something, I assume that this thing is a mirror but something seems off about it, it's like it's just a bit different from real life somehow. Looking into this strange mirror I saw, myself? Not myself right now, but my human self? He sensed my confusion and said that he had images of me from before and used that to make my disguise. Those strips of paper must have held some kind of powerful hiding spell.

"Alright, come on snake boy." He said as he turned towards the large stone bridge that connected my home to the road used by merchants and travelers alike. I sigh as I reminisce about my last day here. How warm it was, the smell of the lavender soap, the outfit that Elizabeth picked out for me. 'Wait' I thought 'I haven't been wearing clothes since I got out of that cocoon!'

"Um, I don't have any clothes..." I say nervously to the dragon walking up ahead of me.

"What do you mean? You have that cloak on you right now" he said with slight confusion.

"N-no, I mean I don't have any real clothes." I say as my cheeks redden.

"Oh, that's what you meant! Haha! Don't worry about that, me and my dad can make you something really nice looking, you can be the most dapper snake in space!" he said with glee which made me smile.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." I say with my lips still turned up in a smile.

"I'll even let you pick the color and the fabric!" he said as we began to move over the bridge towards my soon to be ex-home. I think that I'm going to like living with this dragon in his strange house.

The Prince and the Dragon 4- Elizabeth

--Vincent-- "Um, excuse me" I say aloud to the oblivious dragon already walking up the stairs. "Yeah, what?" he said, not looking over his shoulder. "I'm not sure how stairs are supposed to work with _this"_I say, motioning to my lower body. ...

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The Prince and the Dragon 2- Puberty

--Quentin-- As I pass through the hologram of the cave entrance into my home the machines that monitor the activity around us, our stocks, our vitals, and everything in-between come into view. This always kind of weirded me out because of the...

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The Prince and the Dragon

The young prince sighed with boredom as he pondered silly, meaningless thoughts on the hot summers day. "Life is such a bore when you never have to work" he spoke in a low tone, feeling slightly sticky from the heat and humidity. "Maid, could you...

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