The Dolphin Brothers

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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It's been awhile since I last did a story with Pierre and Dolph in it, so I decided to do one with them together.

Please note that I'm still relatively new at doing stories with M/M content in them (not to mention the fact that this is still not exactly my "cup of tea", if you will). I will probably do more in the future, but only when I really feel like doing so.

The Dolphin Brothers

NOTE: This story takes place shortly after "Change In Plans" NOTE 2: I am still experimenting with stories that have M/M content in them, this is only my second story that is exclusively M/M.

Ever since Pierre and Dolph moved in with Holly, assisting in raising the son and daughter they created with her, the two dolphin brothers have been rather happy with their lives. Not only did they have a sexy vixen who was interested in both of them, they could also continue to remain together and do the things they did before Holly entered their lives. However, since the two of them got married to Holly, it seemed as if they were more focused on doing her together rather than each other, which leads us to one hot and sticky night in early August.

The weather in Diamond Sands in the summer months always meant trouble for Holly when it came to being comfortable. Being covered with fox fur, she would often feel hot and sweaty even under normal summer weather conditions. When it was extremely humid outside though, it was almost unbearable for her. She often spent her time alone in a separate bedroom of the house, with air conditioning and a de-humidifier going, just so she could keep from becoming too hot. This meant that she had to be separated from Pierre and Dolph at night since (while they lacked fur) their combined body heat added to the uncomfortable feeling she experienced.

Pierre and Dolph, on the other hand, were accustomed to the heat and humidity, though at times it got too warm even for them, so they stayed in the master bedroom whenever Holly needed alone time with just the central air going. To them, this alone time was both welcome as well as a bit unnerving. They loved being together in the same bed, but at the same time they had gotten used to sharing a bed with Holly ever since they moved in with her. It didn't feel quite right to them to be without her in their master bedroom and it caused the two brothers to struggle to sleep at times, as was the case tonight.

While Pierre was sleeping next to him in the king-size bed, Dolph woke up around 1 AM in the morning after only getting an hour or so of sleep. He shook his head as he sat up in the bed, being careful not to wake his twin brother and grumbled a little bit to himself. "Why is it so damn difficult to sleep?", he quietly asked before stepping out of bed and stretching, leaving the master bedroom without bothering to put any clothes on as he made his way down the main hallway towards the living room.

Everyone in the house was fast asleep, with Holly tucked away in her relatively cool oasis and the kids snuggled together in the bed they shared. The heat and humidity didn't bother Danny or Aura nearly as much as it did their mother. Dolph was unsure what to do at the time. He couldn't wake anyone in the house up, and he didn't really feel like sleeping at the moment either. He simply had a seat on the couch for a few minutes and turned on the TV, happening to catch a glimpse at the local weather. It was expected to remain hot and humid for several more days, meaning that Holly would continue to sleep alone at night until a cool front brought a bit of relief to the region towards the end of that week.

Dolph shook his head again and placed a hand on his forehead. "That's am I going to make it five more days without her?", he thought to himself before looking out the large window that overlooked their swimming pool, seeing the reflection of the full moon up over the water. That was when he got an idea.

"Well, I guess that if I can't sleep now, maybe I can do a little something to occupy my time and spend some energy so I can sleep later", Dolph added in thought as he got up from the couch and made his way out towards the pool. As he stepped outside, he felt the warmth of the midsummer night against his skin, with temperatures in the mid-80's even at that time of night and a 75-degree dewpoint making the air feel thick and dripping with moisture. There was a light southerly breeze that blew across his nudity, but all it would do was bring in more heat and humidity from off the nearby ocean.

However, Dolph was at home in these conditions. The warmer and more humid it was outside, the more moisture his skin would have, which was important for his species since while anthropomorphic dolphins developed special oil glands to keep moisture in to enable them to live on land, they could still dry out to dangerous levels if the air was too cold or dry. Of course, it also helped that they had a pool in their yard to dive in whenever they needed a little bit of added moisture.

But Dolph wasn't going swimming to hydrate himself. He was hopping in the water to spend some of his pent-up energy. As such, he dived right into the deep-end of the pool and began to swim from one end to the other for a bit. It was the only thing that he could think of that he could do by himself. Sure, he could've grabbed the floating basketball net and played around with that a bit, but it wasn't as much fun as it was when he did it with his brother or their kids.

Meanwhile, back inside the master bedroom, Pierre was sleeping in the king-size bed when he reached over in his sleep and realized that there was no one sleeping next to him. This was highly unusual since ever since Pierre and Dolph admitted how they felt towards each other, he'd always have at least Dolph sleeping beside him. As such, Pierre opened his eyes and sat up in the bed. "Now where the hell did Dolph get to?", he wondered for a moment, stepping out of bed to stretch a little. Pierre was a more sound sleeper than Dolph and had been asleep for about 3 hours before awakening. Pierre felt more at ease at night whenever he had either Holly and/or his brother by his side, to snuggle up against and even hump against whenever he had dreams that made him feel frisky.

However, Pierre wasn't feeling sexually aroused at the moment, rather he was feeling lonely as he made his way out of the bedroom and down the hallway. At first, he thought that maybe Dolph was in the main bathroom, but the door was wide open and the light was off, so that couldn't be it. Then, Pierre noticed that there was a light coming from the living room.

Dolph had left the TV on before he went outside as they were now talking about a tropical storm that was about 1,000 miles from Diamond Sands, moving in their direction. The storm was supposed to become a hurricane and continue to move towards Diamond Sands, but then get deflected away by the cool front that was mentioned earlier. It was something to keep an eye on in the next few days, but not of concern on that night. Pierre soon turned the TV off and noticed he could hear the sounds of splashing from outside, causing him to look out the window and see his brother swimming around in their pool. Pierre immediately went outside just as Dolph was reaching the deep end of the pool once again after making another lap across it.

Dolph stopped at the edge of the pool, holding onto the side of it for a moment, not realizing that Pierre had seen him yet as he took a couple moments to rest after swimming across the pool for the last few minutes. "There you are, what are you doing out here", Pierre called out to his twin a moment later, catching Dolph by surprise.

Dolph immediately turned in the direction of his brother and pulled himself up out of the water, having a seat on the edge of the pool. Pierre sat down next to his twin brother and placed an arm on Dolph's back. "This really sucks...ever since we moved in with Holly, it seems as if I can't sleep as well without her in bed", Dolph explained to Pierre as they sat together at the edge of the pool, each of them having their feet in the warm water.

Pierre could understand some of how Dolph felt, but at the same time remembered the time they had together before Holly came into their lives. "I understand it's hard whenever she's not in bed with us. I like having her around too. However, you don't have to spend your nights all alone...I'll always be there for you", Pierre told his brother softly before rubbing his beak up against Dolph's cheek. "Just remember, Holly isn't the only one who loves you...I love you, too", Pierre added a moment later as Dolph smiled, took one of Pierre's hands and held it while they sat together in the moonlight.

"I know...but it just doesn't feel quite right without Holly around to share our bed", Dolph answered as he happened to enjoy the times when he and Pierre double teamed Holly, knowing that she also enjoyed having two dolphin cocks spewing seed into her uterus at the same time while coiled around each other. These moments made their threesome feel complete, with Holly sharing in the bond that Pierre and Dolph had for years.

Pierre continued to rub against Dolph's cheek softly while he thought about his twin, feeling his penis start to become erect while they were together. Pierre thought about the times they spent together before they met Holly. All of the times they went out to the beach after dark to have sex in the shallow waters, remembering how good it felt whenever Pierre let his creamy load fly deep into Dolph's tight tailhole or, when it was his turn receive, the warmth of Dolph's seed splashing against the inside of his anal cavity, leaving it feel warm and gooey for hours afterwards.

Dolph soon noticed that Pierre's pink dolphin shaft was erect and twitching as he looked down at it and gave it a touch. " that for me?", Dolph asked curiously, starting to feel his own maleness grow from his sheath.

Pierre smiled and kept rubbing his beak against Dolph's cheek while his hand moved towards Dolph's emerging penis to grope it a little. "It is...if you want it", Pierre answered, trying to see if Dolph would be in the mood to receive from him.

Dolph seemed receptive to the idea and reached out to touch Pierre's shaft, giving it a squeeze with his hand. "How do you want to do it?", Dolph asked curiously as Pierre had an idea in mind.

"Why don't we take turns? I can put mine inside you now, and then after that you can have a turn inside me. Would you like to do it that way?", Pierre suggested to his brother a moment later.

Dolph thought about it for a few moments, thinking back to when he received from Pierre before as his tailhole seemed to quiver a little with excitement. "Alright...let's do it that way", Dolph answered back before he let go of Pierre's shaft and jumped back in the water. At first, Pierre was a bit curious to why Dolph went back into the water, but soon thought that maybe Dolph wanted to do it in a familiar way and went along with it.

As such, Pierre jumped into the water and swam up behind Dolph as he was holding onto the edge of the swimming pool in the deep end. Pierre embraced Dolph from behind and used his prehensile shaft to brush up against Dolph's rear end, circling one of his butt cheeks. "Mmm...are you feeling tight down there tonight?", Pierre asked his brother happily, slowly letting his tip move towards Dolph's tailhole while he clinged to his brother like glue.

Pierre's tip tickled against Dolph's butt cheek, and then eventually in between his butt crack, feeling the tip slowly slither its way towards his opening while he was in Pierre's arms. At the same time, Dolph continued to grow more aroused himself, feeling his shaft grow longer and begin throbbing, just as the tip of Pierre's found it's target. "Ahh...yes...I want it", Dolph called out to Pierre softly, starting to feel a few spurts of precum jet into his tight ass, getting it good and ready for the rest of Pierre's length.

Pierre was eager to penetrate Dolph, but wouldn't actually do so until he had lubed him up on the inside. Instead, Pierre kept his tip pressed against Dolph's entrance, just barely going inside him while he let his precum drench Dolph's insides. In addition, he took a moment to grope Dolph's fully erect penis with one hand, stroking it lightly and making it throb with life. He would only do this while he was waiting to get inside Dolph's passage, knowing that the massage from their union would be more than enough stimulation for both of them once they started.

As more precum spit into Dolph's tailhole, Pierre's tip wriggled a little deeper into his brother's opening, which was now thoroughly covered in a film of warm and slimy dolphin precum. It definitely seemed as if Dolph was in the mood and it seemed as if his anal cavity was well prepared to receive the bulk of Pierre's length as Pierre released Dolph's penis and put both of his hands on Dolph's hips. "Are you ready?", Pierre asked his brother curiously, not wanting to push inward until he knew Dolph wanted it.

By now, Dolph felt warm and gooey several inches into his tailhole, feeling a slight tingle from Pierre's precum as well. "Ahh...yes...push it in me", Dolph answered back softly, holding the edge of the pool a bit tighter in preparation for receiving his brother's length up his tight ass.

Pierre gripped Dolph's hips a little tighter and then pushed forward, slowly sending his long, prehensile dolphin cock into his twin brother. As it went in, Pierre's shaft started to wriggle around inside Dolph, spurting precum all over the inside of his ass. The throbbing of Pierre's length started to grow stronger as it went inside, reacting favorably to the warm and tight squeeze it was receiving while Pierre rested his beak alongside Dolph's neck. "How does that feel?", Pierre asked Dolph softly after putting most of his shaft inside his twin brother, saving the last couple of inches of it for when he felt closer to orgasm.

Dolph smiled while receiving Pierre's maleness in his tight tailhole, feeling the slimy precum coat the inside of it, making him feel warm and tingly down there. "Mmm...yeah...feels really good", Dolph answered happily just as Pierre started to hump against him, moving the prehensile dolphin shaft through Dolph's tailhole while they remained over at the deep end of the pool. At the same time, Dolph could also feel his own penis curling upward, actually touching against his body a little as it was now fully erect and throbbing with excitement. Dolph knew that he needed to have his own desires satisfied at some point, but he was willing to wait until Pierre was done inside him. Besides, he liked how it felt whenever Pierre's long and slithering dolphin cock went far inside him and left a hot and sticky feeling that would stay inside him for hours after Pierre pulled out.

Meanwhile, Pierre kept humping his twin brother from behind while one of his hands moved from Dolph's hip towards his erect penis, grabbing it gently and beginning to rub it back and forth. This made Dolph gasp for a second, but then close his eyes and completely submit to the sensation of having Pierre in his tailhole and having Pierre's hand rub his own shaft at the same time. "Ahh...yes...don't stop!", Dolph called out to his twin as Pierre smiled and kept thrusting, letting his prehensile shaft dance around inside Dolph's tailhole, splashing precum all over the insides of it as his length thickened and became more sensitive.

"Mmm...I love how you feel too. I love the way your tight little hole squeezes me, especially around the opening, and I love making yours throb just as much as mine while we do it", Pierre softly told Dolph as his balls started to feel heavy with semen and the spurts of precum into Dolph's tailhole grew stronger. "You're the best twin brother I could've asked for, and I'm glad to have you not only as my best friend, but as my mate as well", Pierre added while his beak rubbed against the side of Dolph's as both brothers moaned with sexual pleasure. At the same time, Pierre started to rub Dolph's shaft a little faster, feeling it react much the same way that his own was as Dolph's balls were also becoming heavy with semen.

"I'll bet you want me to make you feel all hot and gooey in there, don't you?", Pierre asked a few seconds later, feeling his own length throbbing strongly as his balls churned, preparing to release a batch of seed into Dolph's tight ass.

Dolph blushed a little and moved back towards his brother, trying to get Pierre as far into his passage as possible. "Ahh...yes...I want it", Dolph called out to his brother eagerly, expecting to feel a flood of Pierre's semen to fill his tailhole very soon.

This made Pierre smile as he moved his hand from Dolph's penis back to his hip and held both of them tight. "Then I shall give you what you want", Pierre answered back eagerly before moving with all of his speed through Dolph's tight passage, feeling his brother clench down on his length from time-to-time as each of them started to moan loudly. "Ah...yes...and once I'm done...ahhh...filling you up...mmm...I hope can do...the same...ahhh...for me!", Pierre exclaimed as his climax approached, plowing through Dolph's ass vigorously while his length danced around inside. The pressure inside Pierre's swollen balls grew faster, spurred on by the tight feeling around his prehensile shaft and his feelings for his brother.

At the same time, Dolph kept moaning loudly, receiving his brother's length deep inside his tailhole while the rubbing of Pierre's maleness against his prostate helped Dolph's balls churn wildly. "'re gonna make me...", Dolph began to call out right before letting out a loud and very satisfied moan as the prostate massage combined with Dolph's sexual arousal became too much for him. The tip of Dolph's shaft erupted, sending a milky cloud of sperm into the water of the swimming pool, jetting several inches from the tip as it did so. At the same time, Dolph's tight ass clamped down hard on Pierre, grabbing hold of his entire length at just the right moment as Pierre's balls released some of its payload, erupting from his tip straight into Dolph's tailhole.

Pierre's semen flowed freely from his tip, going as much as a foot inside Dolph's lower intestine as it clinged to the walls just like it would whenever he came inside Holly. It was a warm, very sticky, and tingly sensation for Dolph. One that he enjoyed quite a bit, especially considering that he still felt Pierre's shaft pulsating with life in him during Pierre's orgasm.

After a few seconds, Pierre moved one of his hands back down to Dolph's pulsating shaft, groping it gently as he came into the pool while his own penis kept injecting Dolph with his hot cream. "By the way...I love you", Pierre softly told his brother as they came together, making Dolph both blush and smile while clenching his tailhole tightly around Pierre's length in response.

"I love you too, Pierre", Dolph answered a few seconds later as each of them enjoyed their union, climaxing together for a good minute or so until their bodies settled down. Once they were done for the time-being, Pierre pulled out of Dolph, leaving the inside of Dolph's tailhole filled with sticky and warm seed. Some of it dribbled back out into the water as Pierre pulled out, but Dolph's opening quickly closed, keeping the vast majority of Pierre's cream filling inside. Upon finishing, both Pierre and Dolph were still semi-erect, but would need a few minutes to reload before they would be ready to try again.

After they were done, they climbed out of the water and sat at the edge of the pool together, holding each other's hand while their bodies started to reload for a second round. They felt much like how they did before they met Holly, completely happy with the relationship they had together and knowing that no matter what happened, they'd always have each other. As such, Pierre and Dolph rubbed their beaks against each other and also placed their hands around each other's shaft, softly rubbing them to keep them aroused and help make the recovery process go quicker.

Meanwhile, the warmth of Pierre's semen remained deep inside Dolph's tailhole, clinging to its walls and making them tingle a bit. It was a warm and ticklish sensation that he enjoyed and one that he would continue to feel within him for many hours to come. However, now that he had received a cream filling from his brother, it was Dolph's turn to be on the giving end.

Once Pierre and Dolph felt fully erect again and each of their penises throbbed with excitement, Pierre nuzzled against his twin brother and gave Dolph's shaft a tight squeeze. "Do you feel like you're ready to fill mine up now?", Pierre asked Dolph softly, making his twin smile eagerly and spurt a little precum from the tip of his shaft.

"Sure...if you want me to", Dolph answered as Pierre smiled and actually kissed his brother on the lips while stroking Dolph's maleness with his hand, making it throb strongly. At the same time, Pierre's tailhole started to quiver, anticipating the arrival of Dolph's shaft inside it and receiving his brother's cream filling just like he had given to Dolph a little earlier. This time though, Pierre didn't want to have sex in the pool. He wanted to be on land when they did it. Furthermore, he was feeling rather affectionate tonight and wanted to have Dolph on top of him for a change. Most of the time when they had sex together, Pierre was the one who did most of the giving and on the occasions where he did receive from Dolph, he was still usually on top.

Instead, Pierre decided to give his brother a treat and let him lead this time as he lay down on the patio by the pool and opened his legs to his brother. At the same time, Pierre opened up his ass to Dolph a little, making it quiver to further fuel Dolph's fire. "Come join me", Pierre called to his brother, watching as Dolph quickly moved over to where he was and climbed on top of Pierre.

Once Dolph was on top of his brother, he felt Pierre's erect shaft brush against his belly a little bit, dancing around on it while the tip dribbled with warm precum. Meanwhile, Dolph's tip made its way towards Pierre's tight tailhole, gently pushing into it just a little bit to allow his precum to spurt inside. Since they were out of the water, Dolph needed to lubricate the inside of Pierre's passage a bit before pushing inside and he simply let his precum flow into his brother while Dolph placed his hands around Pierre.

Pierre knew what Dolph was doing and embraced him tightly, touching his beak to Dolph's while his hands softly caressed his brother's upper back. At the same time, Pierre felt the slimy precum work further into his tailhole, sticking to his insides just a little bit, making them more slippery and receptive towards Dolph's shaft. As the moist feeling increased, Dolph's tip wriggled a little deeper into Pierre, to the point where he had the first inch or so of his length inside his brother. The spurts of precum became a bit stronger when Dolph did this, indicating he was getting very eager to start moving, but he still needed to wait a little longer to make sure Pierre was ready.

While they continued to wait, the two brothers continued to rub their beaks together slowly and softly while Pierre clutched Dolph close to him. Pierre's shaft wriggled around happily during these moments, letting precum spurt onto each of their bellies as he became aroused and the feeling of Dolph's precum slowly spread deeper inside. Pierre also felt the pulsations in Dolph's tip grow a bit stronger, showing that Dolph was very eager to go deeper into Pierre's tight ass. He sensed that if Dolph's tip was acting this excited, then the rest of his length would give Pierre a massage like he had never felt before in the past times he allowed Dolph to give.

As such, Pierre slowly moved his hands down Dolph's back, reaching down until they had reached his butt. Then, he promptly grabbed hold of Dolph's firm butt cheeks and pulled him closer. Dolph's length was pushed into Pierre's tight canal, going as far as it could reach before Pierre let him go and moved his hands back up to Dolph's back.

A strong burst of precum launched from Dolph's tip, going far into Pierre's passage as his shaft started to slither around in the precum-filled orifice. "I take it this means you're ready for me", Dolph asked Pierre curiously before he began to thrust with Dolph grabbing hold of Pierre's hips and thrusting downward at a slow pace. Pierre smiled and let Dolph's eager shaft brush up against the inside of his tailhole, massaging it in the right places while he moaned softly from the sexual pleasure.

Dolph felt his brother's tailhole spasm around his length as it moved in and out at a moderate pace, spurting more precum into it at the same time. The feeling was very warm and sticky on the inside, but it made passage much easier as Dolph's precum acted as a lubricant. At the same time, Pierre kept holding Dolph's butt cheeks tightly, pulling him in close to his body while the two brothers moaned softly together in sexual bliss.

While he was receiving Dolph's shaft, Pierre's continued to brush up against Dolph's belly, moving around a little on its own power as precum spurted from Pierre's tip as well. Dolph could feel the sticky fluid coat his skin around his belly button and lower chest, adding to the warm feeling of Pierre's sticky seed still deep inside his own tailhole.

Pierre and Dolph felt very happy and touched their beaks in pleasure while Dolph enjoyed the tightness of his brother's tailhole and Pierre received it, feeling his insides get massaged and covered in precum. Gradually, as Dolph became more excited, he started to move faster and as such, the two brothers held onto each other tighter. This cause Pierre to submit to what he was receiving and let Dolph have his way with him. It wasn't very often when Pierre got to experience what his brother did on a regular basis. However, he enjoyed the sensation of having Dolph cum inside him just as much as Dolph did when he was on the receiving end. As a result, Pierre did his best to help his brother, clenching his tight ass around Dolph's prehensile length, especially at the opening and pulling on it just a little bit.

"Ah...yes...that feels so good!", Dolph called out happily as his body was reacting to the intense massage around his length. His balls started to churn wildly and the urge to cum inside Pierre grew quickly, spurring Dolph to continue moving at a quick pace while holding Pierre's hips firmly.

The rapid movement of Dolph's shaft vigorously massaged Pierre's tailhole, rubbing up against his prostate constantly and making Pierre's length react very favorably to the humping. Streams of precum now shot out from Pierre's tip even further, reaching about halfway up Dolph's chest and giving the impression that Pierre was going to have another explosive climax very soon. Naturally, Dolph wanted this feeling and kept giving Pierre everything he had, feeling the tightness of Pierre's ass rub his thick length repeatedly and making the churning sensation in his balls rapidly grow more intense.

Their mutual moaning became louder and more constant, each of them feeling their sex drives nearing their peak as Pierre's length suddenly became rigid and he let out a very loud moan. The internal stimulation got to Pierre first, causing his dolphin shaft to burst forth with another load of warm semen. The spurts of Pierre's cream were strong enough that they reached their upper chests, covering each of them with a film of the warm and sticky goo.

Driven by this sensation, Dolph drove his shaft as deep as he could into Pierre until it too became fully stiff and started to inject his semen into Pierre's cavity. When Pierre felt this, he pulled Dolph in closer to his body and kissed him on the lips, putting his tongue into Dolph's mouth while the two brothers were united sexually. They continued to climax together, with their bodies becoming very sticky from Pierre's semen and Pierre's tailhole getting filled in the same way he had done to Dolph a little bit earlier. They were very happy together, feeling bonded towards each other in a way that few brothers ever were.

They came together for a couple of minutes, enjoying the feeling of each other's warmth both inside and on their bodies. Then, gradually, the two brothers relaxed and Dolph slowly pulled his shaft out of Pierre's tailhole. Now, each of them had a warm and sticky feeling inside, having each other's sperm swim around and tickle against their lower intestine, acting much the way it would if it had been injected into Holly's vagina and uterus.

When he was done, Dolph climbed off of his brother and stood back up, helping Pierre back to his feet before they rubbed beaks again. Both of them felt sexually satisfied now, and it seemed as if they were about ready to go back to bed. However, before doing so, they went back inside and hopped in the shower to clean off a bit.

While in the shower, both Pierre and Dolph continued to engage in mutual hugging, rubbing of beaks, and occasional kissing, acting very much like a happily married couple would in that case. As they washed up, their horniness started to re-emerge, with each of their penises growing erect again after several minutes before touching each other.

When this happened, both Pierre and Dolph blushed a little as it seemed like their libido was telling them that they weren't done yet. However, as much as they would've liked to go at it in the shower, Pierre and Dolph were tired. They wanted to sleep more than anything else at the moment and reluctantly got out of the shower without engaging in more sexual activity. But, even as they dried off from being in the shower, their erections continued to pulsate with life and drip precum, which led to Pierre and Dolph to come up with a solution to deal with it.

They went back to bed together once they were dry, sleeping completely naked together while laying beside each other. Their penises coiled around each other as thoughts of sex went through each of their heads...not only with each other, but with Holly involved as well. While both Pierre and Dolph would've liked to have their mate in between them to share in the experience, they knew she couldn't right now. For now, they had to settle for what they could have, and that was each other. Nonetheless, they still felt very happy, lying together in the darkness, sleeping on the bed while the thoughts of sex made each of their penises throb happily and coil tightly together.

The End

Final Note: This is likely going to be the last story that involves Pierre, Dolph, and/or Holly directly. However, it may not be the last story with these characters in it. I haven't really decided for sure if it will be or not, but it is possible I will continue with stories that follow up on this one.

Starting A New Tribe

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