Fate of the Little Ones

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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The little ones have much to learn...

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I take any and all commissions!https://www.sofurry.com/view/898925

A commission for Salun that was a pleasure to write! I love this world and I feel like I've managed to develop it further in this piece through the introduction and sexual scenes. It's quite rough in nature towards the end. There are no male/female pronouns in this world, with all males serving in the world akin to slaves, possessions. So words such as 'he' and 'she' should not be used in dialogue but have to be used in the narrative for descriptive purposes. I tried this once on an earlier, shorter story and it was torturous. Never again!

Little cameo from the new version of my dragoness too ;)

A quick note - if you spot any typos or spelling errors (this is written under British spelling rules), please let me know. I tried a new method of editing for this story and I would love to know if it has been effective or not! :)

Thank you and enjoy the story!

Story and Amethyst (mare & dragon) (c) Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe)

Character (Salun) and world (c) Salun

Fate of the Little Ones

Written by Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe)

Commissioned by Salun

Snow suffocated the city, the worst winter any of its inhabitants had seen in their lifetimes. Icicles as large as a blacksmith's arm hung precariously from rooftops and ledges, threatening the lives of anyone that dared walk beneath. Few dared. The cloud cover showed no sign of dispersing and snowflakes, beautiful while solitary, stung the eyes of any fur brave enough to venture out in such weather, caught in vicious blusters. Life could not stop, however, and traders lined the streets, blowing into frozen paws and calling out their wares in shaky, wavering voices. If they did not sell, they did not eat. The majority were from outside the city and not under its protection, far from living the life of luxury of some and holding no high positions in the world.

The ladies of the city bundled up in furs and fine fabrics when forced to venture outdoors. Otherwise, they sent slaves out to do their bidding in whatever clothing they deemed appropriate. Some owners were kinder than others, treating their slaves to thicker, if inexpensive clothing; even blankets could be used if winter slave attire was scarce in their household and it was required for the wellbeing of the slave. The highborn aimed to provide where they could, for their own benefit, of course. If a slave had particular skills, useful skills, he was valuable to them. It should not be wasted. The everyday slaves were disposable and replaceable, however, and treated with less care. Some shivered under rags, others bearing finery intended to please the eye and not the wearer. Some were in physical chastity, if left intact. One shaggy brown ox had been sent out without a scrap of clothing, sensing only an edge of cold through this thick fur and hide. He was one of the luckier ones.

The largest temple in the city, dedicated to their goddess of fertility and breeding, had the courtyard cleared of snow. Where the breeding slaves, renowned for their temperament and virility, were too fragile for hard work in such weather, a plethora of labourers were kept in stock to ensure the temple itself was clear and well cared for. Some were called to be 'attending' - attending slaves.

They tucked the breeders away in the depths of the temple, which boasted an indoor stable perhaps more suitable for animals than slaves if viewed by an outsider. Yet it was all they knew and they were fortunate with their lot in life. They were some of the most highly valued, allowed to remain intact for their purpose in life. It was the best they could hope for. Each stable was furnished with a single bed (lifted off the ground), a water dispenser at chest height and a selection of bowls from which they may be fed, kept sparkling clean at all times. They had no personal belongings. If not for the beds, the stables could have been for horses.

In a corner stall, coveted by the males for marginally greater privacy, Salun sat cross-legged on a thin rug, meditating. The slaves murmured and chirped to one another, each one a different species. A temple strove for diversity wherever possible and it would take an exceptional breeder to prompt the temple overseer to consider adding another of the same species to her breeding pool. The blue jay furrowed his brow, looking to sink into a deep meditation that would stave off the chill nipping at his feathers, falling into another world. They would have warmer blankets that evening. Until then, he must endure.

The slaves chattered softly.

"Hush," Salun murmured, not breaking his pose. "We must be quiet."

"You think that matters?" A stallion, dun with a black dorsal strike and spiky mane, snorted.

The stallion - Fjord as far as his breeding stated - brushed a paw through his white mane, tipped with black, and leaned upon his half-door, fingers tapping a restless tune. The doors were not padlocked, only secured with a top bolt on the exterior. A slave had never escaped.

"I know it has been some time since you have been taken out, Nico." Salun referred to the horse by his nickname - he did not know his true name. "You must find peace. They will be displeased if they hear us chittering like hens."

Nico tossed his head and rolled his eyes. Why should he listen to a little bird? He was better than him. Better bred, better used, better placed.

"Then why do you speak?" He challenged, a cocky glint to his eye.

"Why do you not leave?"

Throughout the exchange, the avian never once shifted from his cross-legged position, hand-claws resting upon his thighs. He would hate to have to set himself up for meditation right from the beginning after all his preparation. And it took some preparation. He started with making his bed, ensuring every corner of the blanket was neatly tucked under the straw stuffed mattress. Next, he ordered his food bowls by size and colour along the back wall, checking each one for imperfections; those would be mentally catalogued. The drinking vessel was to be topped up at the dispenser, of course, and a drink taken to moisten his beak. He stretched then, maintaining the flexibility of his body for breeding and teasing out every muscle. That was the beginning of it, his daily show. Routine was solace.

Nico quieted down, finding his tongue tied with no suitable answer for Salun. Smiling, the blue jay sank into his private world, leaving the rest of his fellow slaves behind. He was not close to any of them, so it was easy to drift off. In his mind, he imagined a field of thick grass at the height of summer, warmth slipping off his feathers like water off a duck's back. He luxuriated in it, lay sprawled and stared up at the blue, blue sky for what must have been hours on end. Time had no meaning in meditation. It was an escape, at least in the beginning.

He came to an opening in the ground, a tunnel that went deeper than he could ever dream of while awake. To have a cave opening in the middle of a field was impossible, but life did not need to be probable in his mind. It was his to control exactly as he wished. He padded into the yawning cave mouth, claws tap-tapping against the pleasantly cool stone. Natural lights that he did not know the name of lined the walls and ceiling, illuminating the darkness so he could progress into a blue glow. Deeper, he travelled, searching for something that was yet to reveal itself. In the waking world, the avian parted his beak ever so slightly, concentration shimmering through.

Would he discover who awaited him this time? He knew someone waited, calling to him, their voice echoed mournfully. His feathers bristled, catching the attention of the ever-curious red fox in the next stable over. Just what was that silly blue jay up to this time?


The soft voice needed no additional volume to command their attention. Every slave in the sizeable stable scrambled to their doors: heads lowered, eyes down, paws crossed behind their backs. Salun took a second to snap out of meditation, leaping to the door and shuffling into position with less grace than he usually displayed. For a brief moment, his eye twitched, feathers ruffled. Did she have to disrupt him? He hung his head, laying his beak upon his chest in shame. The overseer had not meant to disturb him. He doubted she even knew of his frequent meditations.

The equine overseer of the temple paced each row of stables, bare hooves clip-clopping on the fine, worn stone. Amethyst cast her eyes over every slave in turn, taking in their current state and making notes on the scroll she held in one paw. They never knew what she wrote but she was always writing, quill scratching away at the parchment. While any fur could see into the stables, every slave could see out of the stables. Each row held seven stalls on each side, each stall backing on to another in the next row, open for viewing through wooden slats. It afforded maximum observance for the inhabitants and an incredible disregard to privacy.

Amethyst paused at the stall of a slave with his arm in a sling. The lumbering bull had a sad tilt to his head and bandages covered his wrist where his paw should have been. The mare unbolted the door and lifted his bandaged arm away from his dark brown coat, fingers brushing the covered stump. The bull tensed yet made no move to pull back, enduring the discomfort admirably. The muscles could have been stiff from lack of use - no one would ever know what went on in the secretive male's mind unless explicitly questioned. And no one truly bothered to do that out of mere curiosity, to enquire as to why a slave was stiff and slow or not. They had to be on top of their game at all times. The mare noted with a flicker of satisfaction that the remainder of the scars on his body were healing well. He would not be the most beautiful breeder but he had proven his strength and durability time and time again. Those genes would be passed on to the offspring of the lady who chose him to mate with.

"Is your forearm healing?" Amethyst asked.

She exerted light pressure to test his reaction. When he did not flinch - his ears only drooped - she nodded, satisfied that no pain was present from her clinical examination.

"It is sore, Overseer," the bull answered quietly, voice low and rasping. "The end...the stump...it itches, Overseer."

Muscles bulged awkwardly: he was not a standard fit for breeding stock but Overseer Amethyst found worth in him. A missing paw did not render him incapable of breeding, of course.

Amethyst nodded, brushing the feathered end of the quill against her cheek.

"We shall have the healers examine you in the morrow," she said, making a note on the scroll. "Likely a simple healing itch. Nothing to concern you, if distracting. We do not want that, however. You are scheduled to be used next week."

"Yes, Overseer," he replied, eyes on the horizontal slat of the stable door.

With his examination complete, Amethyst bolted the door and moved on, distanced in how she treated her charges. The blue jay's mind wandered back to his cave, aching to delve deeper into his own psyche. It was the only time alone he felt he had and, although he was dedicated to his position, it made him anxious to be so interrupted.

Amethyst murmured to the finely spotted leopard in the stall behind Salun's and rounded the corner, watching him through the wooden bars. It was not a cage as such but a visual reminder of the distance between their positions. Relaxed, Salun stood to attention, quietly confident that she would find nothing amiss in his status or stable. He took good care of both.

"As for you," Amethyst paused at Salun's door, scroll and quill raised as if she was about to make a note. "I have a task for you, little bird. Are you rested?"

"Overseer?" Salun cocked his head, misunderstanding.

"A task, slave," she clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "Have you rested adequately enough to give yourself wholly to additional duties today? I shall not have a half-enthused slave on my paws. Your meditation was interrupted."

So, she had noticed. When had she been watching? It could have been at any point, from a distance. He shivered at the thought of her observing him in the midst of such a personal, intimate task. It was worse than being watched defecating.

"I am ready to serve, Overseer," Salun answered, bowing his head respectfully.

His mind would have filled in the blanks, asked what she wished of him, but his training went too deeply for him to vocalise any questions that were not deemed entirely necessary. Amethyst flicked her tail, chestnut strands catching the hem of her white dress.

"Await me by the entrance," Amethyst said, already moving on. "I shall come for you."


Salun did not know what to expect, being removed from the pens for anything other than a breeding session. Attending Amethyst in her private chambers had not been one of the possibilities considered. She had him bathe her in a sunken pool, heated by an underground hot spring. It must have been one of the few warm points in the city besides the public baths and Salun took pleasure in feeling warm, fluffing up his feathers whenever he was sure he could evade attention. He would not like to be seen enjoying himself, lest he attract less than wholesome consequences. The bathing chamber was moderately sized, stone lined with shelves containing bundles of fabric - cloths - and colourful glass bottles of various sizes and shapes. They must have held lotions, creams and bathing solutions, but Salun had never had access to the like of them for personal use: males never did.

Rubbing a foaming cloth over Amethyst's chestnut shoulders, his eyes roamed her body - at least what was visible. Both muscular shoulders rounded up from the water, collarbones rising sharply to a point. The mare was in the peak of health, hair conditioned and gleaming with vitality. Beneath the water was a chestnut, shifting blur and he could just about depict her long, shapely legs, where they met her torso and the sex that every breeder in the temple had seen and never touched. The overseer took partners selectively, bringing in males from outside the temple for her pleasure when so desired. Salun sighed. It was not as if he would have wanted to please her anyway. It would have only felt nice to be special for once.

"You have a question in your eyes, little one," Amethyst commented, bringing her arm back to rest outside the pool.

His tail twitched. He did not have permission to speak.

"You are wondering why I brought you here." Amethyst spoke for him, relaxing back so that only her muzzle and part of her neck protruded from the scented, steaming water. "You know you are a coveted breeding specimen within my temple."

Well, that did not explain anything. Salun shook himself, concentrating on the task at hand. They were almost finished and he lifted a clay pot full of lukewarm water to rinse the oil and lotions from her body, tipping it gently over each shoulder, as directed, and then her head, careful to avoid her eyes and ears. She swept her sodden, rinsed forelock back from her face and rose to her hooves, finding purchase and allowing the blue jay to pour clean water over the remainder of her body. The pool reached above her knees, allowing the avian to rinse her tail.

"The snows prevent most from visiting my temple," she continued, not minding that he was to stay silent while rinsing her; it allowed her to talk freely, without interruption. "It means that the little ones I call, ones suited and skilled in sexual liaisons, are no longer able to visit me at this time. These are not breeders, but ones trained in specific pleasure. Many have become attuned to my particular desires."

She paused, a wistful look in her eye while Salun waited on her to continue.

"I would say that some even come to my chambers willingly now, knowing what is in store."

She could have given him permission to speak at any time, but the mare preferred the little ones to be quiet. Salun could be a good partner in conversation when so desired, yet she coveted how she could switch his talking on and off with a flick of her paw or a single command. Mulling over her words, the avian cocked his head contemplatively. He was not slow like some of the other lower beings.

"Fetch the drying cloths, blue jay."

She rose and stepped out of the pool, dripping glistening droplets of water until Salun wrapped her in the largest of the cloths, soaking moisture from her coat and warming her from the chamber's chill. Clutching a second cloth, he worked it through her mane and tail in turn, separating the glossy strands of hair so that they could dry more swiftly without being roughed up by his inexperienced touch.

"Go into my sleeping quarters," Amethyst instructed, turning her attention to the shelves to collect two bottles of coat conditioner. "You will find a wooden chest at the foot of my bed. Select four cuffs and fasten them on your wrists and ankles. Await me in position."

Nodding his muzzle quickly, Salun darted from the bathing chamber, nerves nipping at his heels. It did not take one of vast intelligence to understand what was happening, or at least the basics of her intentions, her desires. Fear stirred in his belly yet the thought of disobeying did not cross his mind even for a second. It did not matter that he was scared. She would do as she willed with him and send him back to the stables afterwards and there was nothing he could do about it. It did not matter whether he enjoyed or not.

The cuffs were exactly where Amethyst had said and he slipped all four lengths of black leather around his wrists and ankles, tightening and buckling them in turn. The leather was reassuring around his limbs and he knelt on the woven rug beside the mare's bed, thinking it a suitable, exposed location for her to discover him. He would not be in her way. Spreading his knees apart, the blue jay rested his hand-claws, palms facing up, on his thighs. Salun rocked forwards enough to raise his rump from his calves, presenting for inspection with his tail feathers lifted high.

Half-listening to Amethyst busying herself in the adjoining chamber, Salun took a moment to take in her chambers. Surely it was a place that none of the other breeding males had been before. Was he special? The blue jay clicked his beak, looking over the lavish bed, piled with thick blankets and a barred section at the head and foot. Salun was confident one would not feel any sharpness from winter beneath those blankets. Besides the chest at the foot of the bed, two more chests resided against the far wall, both with painted black metal fittings. A cupboard in the same exotic wood and fixtures stood along the largest wall, though he would never dare peek within. She would know: he was sure of it. Expensive fabric draped the walls, the cost of which he could not fathom and in colours he had never laid eyes on, shapes dancing before his eyes as if to depict a scene. The blue jay shivered, though not from cold. He could only imagine what would happen soon.

He heard the mare stride into the room behind him, though he had positioned himself so that his back faced her, only able to view the smallest flicker of chestnut from the corner of his eyes. Being an avian, his eyes did not face directly forward and he found the wider range of vision useful; he could not imagine anything else or being so limited in sight as some furs were with forward facing vision. The inner musing comforted him, stilling the nervous shaking of his feathers. Straightening, Salun held himself tautly, tail flicking up as he was trained to do. He had been told, an admittedly long time ago, that it was something that breeding partners liked to see.

Amethyst sighed.

"You shall have to suffice."

Walking into the bird's line of sight, Amethyst looked him over critically, any approval silent. It was not something that he needed to hear. The naked overseer circled Salun once, twice, three times, shifting him into a more formal, exposing position with the subtlest of paw gestures as if he was undergoing a standard inspection.

Amethyst sprawled across the bed, slipping back into its embrace as if into a fine silk robe. Lying there amongst the rich colours and cloth, she appeared the epitome of luxury. Awaiting instruction, Salun clicked his beak softly, remaining as still and as quiet as possible: it had always been expected. Why would this night be any different from any other breeding? Would the mare bare his offspring? He could not recall seeing her swollen with foal at any time previously. Yet he was not privy to that side of life and did not falsify knowledge. The blue jay dropped his head, a quiet exhalation ruffling his white chest feathers.

The mare surveyed him critically, paw tracing smooth circles over her ribcage and higher, up to her small, pert breasts.

"I am familiar with those possessing far greater talent than you in this area," she informed the blue jay. "Let us see what you know how to do." Her lips twisted. "Do not disappoint."

Salun hesitated, unsure. What did he know how to do? It was rarely a question asked and never with an answer expected. Usually his partner would take charge during a breeding - he had no say in the matter and never decided upon anything. That was for them to decide, it was for them to choose how he was to be positioned. Salun's clawed hands twitched and he blinked, mind racing. What could he do? What did she want?

Amethyst's expression darkened, lips turning down a fraction at the corners and eyes shadowing.

"I am waiting."

He could not delay. Like a bird, he would simply have to 'wing it'. He had heard the expression bandied about from time to time and hoped he had used it correctly. Salun loathed being wrong. Cautiously, he shuffled closer, finding himself as ungainly as a fledgling tumbling out of the nest for the first time. The mare's legs were spread so he did the only thing he could think of and nuzzled his beak between them, kissing and pecking lightly up first one and then the other. Past partners had enjoyed that manner of attention and the mare half-closed her eyes, exhaling gently as her muscles twitched in that decidedly equine fashion beneath skin and coat.

He massaged her legs, careful to keep his claws, or talons, if one preferred the term, away from Amethyst's sensitive skin. The avian was all too aware of how fragile furries were, the smallest cuts and scrapes requiring balms and bandages more suited to horrific injuries, in his opinion. The males in his position seemed more durable by far than the higher ones, dressed so finely, but it was not his role to judge. Nibbling with the very edge of his beak, Salun worked the stress of the day from the mare's firm, dense muscles. He trembled, pressing upon them. When did she take time to maintain her body? And why? For vanity's sake?

The equine shifted between his hand-claws, restless. She stroked her breasts, teasing her nipples into tiny, hard peaks, intrinsic arousal faintly scenting the air. Fighting off a random wave of nerves, the avian fidgeted and pushed his beak forward to a spot that he rarely explored. Beak bumping into the mare's sex, Salun traced his tongue over the edge of it, moistening the smooth curve and tentatively lapping over her sex, feeling himself like a canine fool, slurping away.

The mare's sweet pussy was damp with arousal and he licked deeply, black tongue dipping sensually into her sex as if he was tasting a fine treat, one offered only on rare occasions. It was not often that the little ones were treated, if at all. She tasted of the oils he had massaged into her fur, yet nothing could overpower the soft, natural scent of arousal clouding his senses. Growing bolder, Salun pressed in, one hand-paw stroking her thigh as he licked, enjoying against himself.

When had he last been able to do this? Not many females ordered it of him. A steady stream of juices flooded to his tongue and the avian groaned, need rising within him. He could get used to that taste. Yet in his liking for that particular flavour, the blue jay forgot himself, forgot why he was there. He did not know what would please a lady and continued lapping every drop of tempting moisture from her cunny, claws curling into her thighs.

Amethyst shook her head, unseen by the bird. It was less than she had expected, vastly so. She had much work to do if her plan was to come to any fruition at all. Returning direction to her capable paws, the mare rested her paw on Salun's head, tapping his skull in a signal for him to stop.

"You disappoint."

Amethyst grasped his beak in one paw and shoved it away, swinging her legs off the bed. The bird tumbled back on his rump, tail feathers awkwardly flattened beneath him. He looked down between knees. How could he have failed? Nausea rolled in his belly and he fought it down, ignoring the sickening anxiety that set his feathers on edge, sticking up from his skin as if he was cold. Amethyst rose to her hooves, turning her back to the confused bird.

"Do not move." The mare flicked her tail, stinging him with the flying, whippy tip. "It appears that I must take care of this."

Had her expectations been too high? The mare frowned, displeased with her charge. She forgot how well trained her suitors were in comparison. Breeders were exactly as they sounded: for breeding. With the little blue jay's inexperience, the difference between furs was glaringly obvious, like taking a lamp into a pitch black room and then having to adjust to the illumination. Amethyst swished her tail, unable to compose herself enough to conceal her irritation. It was not the blue jay's fault, not truly. Virility did not count for everything and she was now reminded.

Opening the chest at the foot of the bed, Amethyst withdrew a length of silver-tone chain, the links clinking together in a form of music that she would say she enjoyed better than lutes and lyres. She set the chain on the bed alongside several hooks and fastening clasps, designed to link different lengths of chain together. The blue jay swallowed, huddling down against the cold floor as if to disappear entirely into it, fluttering his feathers appeasingly. No longer on the rug, which had been adequate cushioning earlier, he pressed his forehead to the cold stone, rump raised in offering.

Paying his mental state no mind, Amethyst yanked him upright and slapped a length of leather around each of his arms, just above the elbow, tightening and buckling both cuffs. Each boasted an O-ring and she fixed similar straps above his knees, the black leather complimenting his exquisite plumage. He kept his eyes fixed on the floor, body weak as if he faced a demon. He may as well have been facing a demon, or a demoness, to be accurate. In his state, the blue jay could not piece together the equipment and was oblivious to her intentions. He was not sure he even wanted to know.

The mare smirked, turning a leather piece of attire over in her paws, something similar to a corset in appearance, if viewed by an uninitiated fur. Now that was one piece that she had not used in a while. Strapping the leather around the blue jay's chest and midriff, she tightened the laces, drawing him taut into a secure, feminine appearance. The mare handled him like an inanimate object, shifting him to his belly and bringing his paws behind his back. In her paws, he was a puppet to be directed and, after the earlier mishap where he did not even know how to please a female, it was currently his best use.

"Be still."

Obedient, Salun did not move a muscle as Amethyst attached chains to the O-rings on his eight cuffs and the 'corset', which bragged several suitable O-rings. He did not see how many rings were on that piece, however, but it did not matter. Having the mare take charge was reassuring - he did not have to think. The bird was uncertain that he even knew how to think for himself anymore. He had never been taught how to.

Amethyst stood up tall and slipped the single chain over a hook in the ceiling, something that the blue jay had not yet caught sight of. She loved when she was able to catch the little ones out, keeping them on their toes and expecting the unexpected. It made the evening not a complete loss after all. All chains fastened to the O-rings on the bird's bondage gear fixed on to one, thick chain designed to bear the weight of an anthro: the one that now hung over the hook.

Demonstrating her strength, Amethyst took the chain in two paws and pulled, leaning back slightly to use her full body to lift the blue jay from the floor. Though he squawked once in surprise, the avian tensed, adjusting to the shift, ground too far away for comfort. The mare huffed just the once, raising Salun high enough so that he was level with her hips and attaching the end of the chain, as appropriate, to the base of the bed. An O-ring there provided a basic point at which to fix bondage, which was ideal with a fastening link between chain and ring. The mare tugged upon the chain experimentally, finding it rigid and swivelling gently in its diagonal, midair path. Even if it did fail, which was yet to happen with any of her partners, the blue jay would not have far to fall. She was sure birds were suited to short falls anyway, from their earliest days of living.

"Now, blue jay." Amethyst strode to Salun's head, cupping and jerking his beak up so that he was forced to look at her. "May we find some use for you yet? Or is it back to the stables for you?"

He would not have minded the stables, after the humiliation of the evening, even if the bathing had not been too bad. It was pleasant to care for another fur, as long as all directions were supplied or obvious. However, he was acutely aware that that was the position of a slave facing a worse life than he, that of a carer or house servant - whatever their owners called them. He had the opportunity to go higher and already was higher. He was still intact. Keeping his beak respectfully dipped, Salun shifted his weight, causing his body to rock in the cradle of the chains.

The mare trailed a paw down his body, teasing and groping the blue jay like some of his partners had previously done to him, riling themselves up for breeding. Somewhere out of his sight, the mare opened the wall storage - wardrobe, cupboard or whatever one wished to call it - and withdrew something weighty from it. He caught the faint sound of material dragging over fur, the equine's short, red coat, and heard her settle something, a strap creaking. Regardless of how he strained, he could not decipher the origin of the sound and waited patiently, or as patiently as a suspended blue jay could be. It was okay: the position was almost how he imagined flying was, if anthro beings could fly. He shook his head. His mind jumped to crazy ideas.

The mare unscrewed a small bottle, setting it aside on the chest, which lay on Salun's right hand side. The bed was only a step away and allowed the mare a perch while she gathered her equipment, moving behind the blue jay and pressing two fingers under his tail. Tensing, Salun groaned softly as the digits spread open his hardly used tail hole. He had never been instructed to train that part of his body, never been stretched beyond basic breeder training to ensure his compliance. Between someone such as the mare and a little one, anything under his tail was a show of dominance, with the one penetrating taking utter and absolute control. The blue jay squirmed, uncomfortable with the intrusion, though he could not claim it hurt. The feeling was strange, alien and obscenely pleasurable. It was not something usually required of a breeder.

"You shall have to become accustomed to this, little one," Amethyst said, easing both fingers in right up to the knuckle. "We have many breeders in the temple stables and our stock has never been finer. You need to set yourself apart - take care of our needs while they take seed from you."

Thrusting her fingers back and forth in a slow, gentle rhythm - she had no reason to be rough with the avian when he was being instructed - drawing a moan from Salun's beak. He closed his eyes and trembled, swaying under the assault. Being suspended had never made him feel so helpless, but Amethyst had never used him prior. Whimpering, the blue jay bucked in his bondage, rocking the chains so much that they rattled against one another, a clinking melody. Amethyst growled under her breath and slapped his cheek, hard. He blinked, shocked at how his head snapped to the side, suddenly facing the wrong direction. Amethyst glared.

"Quiet," she hissed. "I tire of you!"

He chirped apologetically, flicking up his tail feathers. The blue plumage was stunning enough to catch Amethyst's eye and she stroked it briefly, admiring how the candle light danced upon it. Working her fingers back and forth in a way that mimicked how some ordered the breeders to thrust into them (everyone liked different motions), turning her fingers so that they caught against the bird's prostrate. There was nothing he could do; the shock of pleasure was too great to remain silent. Parting his beak, the blue jay gave a low, keening cry that echoed around the room, twisting violently in the bondage, chains creaking upon the hook. He rolled sickeningly from side to side, thrown by his own momentum. Amethyst immediately stopped, the stillness more threatening than anything she could have said or done in the initial moment. Her eyes narrowed and she removed her fingers abruptly from his rump.

"So be it," she said.

Something in her tone chilled the little blue jay to the bone. The equine stepped away, hooves clip-clopping on stone the only sound in the room. He closed his eyes, shamed.

"If you cannot be quiet, speech shall be removed from you." Amethyst pawed through the chest until she found a length of slim leather, able to stretch and bind tightly. "And you shall remember why you are being punished until you have earned the right to speak again."

She left the room briefly to visit the bathing chamber, returning a few moments later with a small clay pot in dusty orange. Dipping the length of leather into the pot, it surfaced dripping with moisture and Salun cocked his head, curious despite apprehension. He deserved the punishment, that was certain, but he did not understand why the leather needed to be wet or what it would be used for. Amethyst deigned to explain and set the pot aside, wrapping the leather tightly around the bird's beak. She tied it off without saying a word, sealing the edges of his beak together. As she turned away, attention already moving on, Salun tested the bond, trying to open his beak and finding the gag inescapable. He should have expected that but one always felt the need to test set limits.

The mare closed her paw around his throat, squeezing with increasing pressure, fingers pressing into the bird's windpipe. Airway closing off, the blue jay twisted, instinct forcing him to try to escape through any means possible, over ruling training. Amethyst smiled, a dangerous curve to her naturally soft lips.

"Perhaps now you shall learn, blue jay," the mare whispered, voice a sultry hiss. "You are more than a breeder. It is time we expanded on your abilities. Many of our kind have specific tastes to be filled. And you shall be the first to sate their needs."

Leaving the blue jay dangling, Amethyst turned her attention to her chest of surprises, withdrawing a toy that could only be described as phallic. Shaped like an equine's shaft - Salun had watched stallions breeding and getting more excited than was polite in the stables - the member was attached to a jumble of straps and harnesses. The mare's brow furrowed and she clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth: the harness should have been kept in better condition. Salun shook his head, a tiny fraction of movement imperceptible to the unobservant eye; the little one in charge of that maintenance would be disciplined for that mess. He could not imagine leaving anything in such a state after spending time with any female that ordered him to mate with them. Care of them and everything utilised was his job.

Untangling the mess of straps, Amethyst stepped into the harness, drawing it up around her legs and hips. She buckled the straps tight, slipping a curved bulb protruding from the interior into her dripping cunny, a selection of soft nodules nudging against her clitoris as it settled into place. It was all the mare could do to resist the urge to moan aloud so soon. It would not be decorous to submit to such an open display of carnal delight within such a short span of time. Amethyst preferred to wait. Licking her lips, she settled the tool more comfortably within her pussy and checked the straps: everything was prepared exactly the way she liked it.

Strangely, he did not feel wary of the equine's breeding toy that would soon be under his tail. It had happened before and the phallus was not as large as some he had seen. He was getting off lucky. Calm settled over him and the blue jay stared at the ground, picking out tiny imperfections in the stone where hooves and claws had scarred it over time. Everything demonstrated flaws if one looked hard enough. Salun wondered how evident his flaws were, whether they were discussed in the mare's logbook.

So distracted was the blue jay that he drifted into his own thoughts as the mare trotted behind him, stroking gel along the length of the breeding aid. Amethyst smiled, confident that she could now teach her breeding slave a lesson in how to please while taking his training to the next level. It was time that he became more useful, after all. No one stayed in the same position forever - it was hardly the best use for any anthro in the city. She brushed his tail feathers up from where they had drooped, two fingers sliding easily into his tail hole, spreading open his anal ring. He did not flinch at the intrusion, doing his best to relax. Automatically, he tried to warble a cry, quickly reminded of his gag, which silenced any and all noise from his beak. How long would she leave the leather around his beak? It may only be removed for feeding.

The flat, mushroom-shaped tip of the tool nudged his anal ring, gentle rolls of the mare's hips encouraging it open. It slipped in easily with the lubricant, forcing the blue jay's passage open. The blue jay tensed, enduring the stretch. The shaft widened towards the middle and the medial ring, an equine feature, pushed him wider. He could not tell what the material was for sure without examining the tool, but suspected it was moulded, carved leather, smoothed to a perfect finish and conditioned. Maybe he would be able to examine it? He hoped so. He loved leather, the scent and feel of it on top of his feathers. To his shame, his length slipped from the slit in his lower abdomen, betraying his arousal. He could not deny the needs of his body, instinct swelling.

The mare curled her fingers around the cool metal chains. Hips coming flush with Salun's rear, Amethyst snorted, giving herself over to feminine pleasure. Any tools constructed for penetrating males came with adjustments for the lady, which was deemed just as important, if not of greater importance, than the discipline of little ones. Was there any point in forcing oneself upon a slave unless one did not enjoy it? The blue jay swung forward as the mare thrust, rocking the chains with her rhythm. The repeated movement highlighted Salun's helplessness and he crooned, the cry too muffled to take note of. The phallic tool teased over his prostrate, making his cock drool pre cum in a creamy trail right down to the stone beneath him.

The purpose of the damp leather was now apparent. As it dried, it tightened, increasing the pressure on his beak so that it moved from simply being restrictive to downright uncomfortable. He shuddered, imagining how painful it would become by the end of his 'session' with the overseer. When would it be removed? Questions danced through his mind, one over ruling the other as soon as it was formed. Swallowing hard, he hung his head, relieving the strain on his neck that came from holding it constantly aloft. It was almost ironic to hang in midair for a bird that would normally be flightless, never having felt the kiss of wind under his feathers.

Huffing, Amethyst ground forward, driving into the avian with lustful force. The chains rattled and she traced a paw down Salun's back, admiring the sheen of his feathers, sticking up from beneath the leather binder. He was too pretty to cover up. A prize like him should be paraded, displayed and used. Flickering candlelight enhanced the shadows, which jumped and trembled along the ground and walls. Some burned down to the wick, leaving the room more dimly lit than the mare would have usually liked but it felt right with the pleasure she was taking from the little bird, thrusting brutally. It felt good. She was powerful.

"Remember this, blue jay," Amethyst murmured, hips grinding into the bird's rear to deliver a jolt of self-pleasure. "You have many uses in this world. This is simply one of them. You shall learn."

Even if he could have responded, Salun would have remained silent, recalling the lesson learned. Some would see his abuse as obscene, yet Salun's body thrummed with energy. He had never felt more alive than when he was being used. It was his place and he needed to be put in it, taught and instructed. What would the other slaves think of him when he returned to the stables, stinking of sex and equine? Inhaling sharply, the blue jay squeezed down on the phallus under his tail, inadvertently drawing the tool against that bunch of nerves in his passage. His cock jerked, sending several spurts forth in swift succession, staining the floor. He closed his eyes, trying to ignore the visual evidence of his humiliation.

Amethyst's hips slapped into the blue jay and she hissed between her teeth: the nubs on the inside of the harness were always so delightful. Her juices made the smooth, rounded bulb within her pussy slippery, so much so that it would have dropped out as if the harness had not been so tightly buckled. Salun sensed her need through every thrust, the mare hammering into him with a grunt and a snort. She angled to hit the bird's prostrate, taking him as she had wanted to since she had first brought him into her temple. He was her most desired breeder - near every avian in the city looking to bear young had had the blue jay at some point - and yet she had never used the bird. That was a mistake. Salun shook his head, shaking under the onslaught of pleasure-pain. The mare's eyes darkened and she chuckled, a cruel edge to her laugh.

"You like this, do you not, little one?" Amethyst grinned, mane tumbling about her shoulders as she laughed, throwing her head back. "You are predictable. You were born for this."

Salun groaned, leather tighter than ever around his beak. One paw forced the bird's head back at a vicious angle, the warning making him keep his eyes open, to watch the shadows dance, mimicking their movements, and feel every second of his abuse. Amethyst pinned her ears flat to her skull, using the chains to pull the avian into her thrusts, the tool squelching into her victim as lubricant eased the passage just enough to smooth over the edge of pain. The unnatural stretch and member reminded the bird of his place and, despite the ache, he knew he had no right to deny it, to reject the pain. He took whatever was given and did exactly as he was demanded. He had no choice. He could not say no. She would take what she wanted regardless - that was how it always would be for the little ones. Salun whimpered silently. He would have to learn so much to please this mare and others as he should. He should have learned earlier, should have talked with the other males. He should have learned.

He was sorry.

The equine closed in upon her peak, hips bucking like a wild mare in the height of season. Every move sank the full length of the tool into Salun's tail hole and he jerked, muscles thrashing outside his control. Shadows jumped along the walls and Amethyst moaned softly, the sound escaping her lips in a breathy, sensual gasp. She arched her back, putting the full weight of her body behind the thrusts and shook the chains, pushing the blue jay's shoulders down to swing his rear end up in a better angle for her attentions. The blue jay squirmed, prostrate assaulted with the shaped tool that scraped over just the right spots every time, akin to torture if it had not brought repeated jolts of ecstasy. It would be so easy to let go. Yet he resisted the urge to cum. It was not as if he had any alternative as neither had he been instructed to or forced to. Thus, he would remain denied.

Driving into the avian one final time, the mare gave a long, shrill whinny as she climaxed, grinding her hips forward as she dragged Salun back into her, hips and backside pressed together in an intimate kiss. Electric ecstasy shocked her body like the most potent of drugs, intoxicating in its high and addiction. She huffed and snorted as if she had run a race - though the mare would never be seen in such meagre competition - chest heaving with exertion. Her coat beaded with sweat and several drops rolled down her side to be flicked away with a well aimed swat of her tail, the mare not allowing the moisture chance to settle. Between her thighs, she was soaked with her own juices and arousal.

Denied climax, the blue jay huffed out an extended exhalation, narrow ribcage expanding as much as was possible within the binder. Amethyst bit back a laugh, deeming it inappropriate; she knew why he was frustrated, though she could be confident that his lesson was well seated. With his status, she did not need to ensure that the avian reached a peak. Without a suitable breeding partner for his seed to be pumped into, his orgasm served no purpose. It would be a waste and the mare loathed wastage. Amethyst smirked, lips twisting.

The room fell into a comfortable quiet, the only sound that of their combined breathing, Salun's ragged and harsh with suppressed orgasm. Finally releasing his head from the wicked hold and angle, the mare allowed him respite and pulled the breeding tool out of his tail hole, leaving him gaping as if wanting to be filled once more. His anal ring would tighten up soon enough, she knew, but it was a pleasing view while it lasted. It made the little avian appear especially needy.

"That will be all for now, little one," she breathed, eyes closed as she returned to herself, muscles aching. "We shall continue your training on the morrow. One more experienced than you may be able to direct. We shall test all waters."

Amethyst removed the harness from her body, letting it fall to the floor with a small thump. The blue jay's bondage was more laborious to remove, but she made quick work of it, first lowering the blue jay to the ground in a display of upper body strength - who would have suspected such ability? - and unfastening all catches so that the chains dropped in a heap around his body. True to his training, Salun remained perfectly quiet throughout the process, shaking out his feathers after the binder around his chest was unlaced, allowing deeper, relieving breaths to be taken.

"Put these away."

Amethyst turned on her hoof, striding into the bathing chamber. From within came the unmistakable trickle and stream of water, followed half a minute later with a gentle splash and sigh. It stood to reason that the mare would want to bathe after such activity, though Salun found himself surprised by the luxury of bathing twice within such a short timeframe.

Salun shrugged off the chains and pushed himself up, muscles protesting the movement; it was difficult to remain in bondage for a long time and the position had strained his arms, though no more than expected. Sitting on the stone floor amongst the mess of chains and leather, the blue jay reached out for the discarded breeding tool. It drooled a string of lubricant on the floor and, in the low light, it could have been mistaken for semen. He picked it up and turned the tool over in his paws, straps trailing between his fingers. It was dirty.

Salun scrambled up and darted off in search of cleaning cloths and water, tool dangling from one paw. The strip of leather around his beak was painfully tight. He did not mind: it was there for a purpose. And his overseer would not return to an untidy bed chamber.


Snow fell as Amethyst paced through the streets, temple far behind her heels. She had an important task to take care of, one involving a certain blue jay. As the snow was lighter, appearing pretty rather than deadly after the blizzards quieted, she wore only her white overseer's dress with one bare breast, a crimson cloak flung over her shoulders. The clasp at her neck was gold and she held her head high as she walked towards the centre of the city, blue jay following with an attending slave. The attending slave, a well built red fox, led the naked blue jay by a short, chain leash, the end of which attached to Salun's collar. The blue jay walked at a quick clip, blood coursing so furiously that he hardly felt the cold. It was time: a month had passed. He had undergone much training and the overseer had finally deemed him ready.

Amethyst led her charges to a raised, wooden platform in the town centre, specially erected for the occasion. It was clear of snow and she gestured the slaves to ascend to the platform, awaiting her convenience. A small crowd gathered and spectators emerged from neighbouring streets, flocking to the display. Amethyst smiled: the 'event' had been well spread throughout the city. She expected many to attend.

When enough fixed their eyes upon her, Amethyst raised her paw high for quiet, sending a hush over the square.

"My friends!" The overseer took the three steps up the platform, hooves tapping lightly over the wood. "I am pleased to see such a turnout on this cold, winter day. I thank you for attending."

She smiled at the citizens and nodded towards the breeding and attending slaves, each naked to fur and feathers. Waiting in the cold, they shivered and shifted their weight, eyes respectfully lowered. The fox turned the chain leash over and over between his paws, metal speckled with snowflakes.

"The blizzards are soon to melt, leaving us in the gentle arms of spring," Amethyst spread her arms wide. "In light of spring approaching, I have brought my best breeder and his services for your attention. Breeders are not simply here to seed young, create new generations. They are also to provide us pleasure."

She unclasped her cape, letting it fall to the stage in a waterfall of fabric.

"Allow me to show you."

Pulling up her white dress, Amethyst pointed to the ground, prompting the blue jay to drop to his knees. He felt confident in the moment that he knew what do to and eagerly parted his beak, scenting her musk and arousal even through the sharp cold. A line on his beak showed where the leather had encircled it in training, leaving a faint mark behind. It had been removed periodically for feeding and for little else, though he still found silence difficult when penetrated. His training was incomplete but they were confident that he would become the best of them. Amethyst welcomed his tongue into her tight cunt, murring under her breath as he traced her pussy with the very tip of his tongue, working her up. Exactly as he had been taught.

Yet there was another step to be completed in his training. It was difficult to think through the fog of arousal and the avian playing his tongue over her clit. The mare licked her lips, breath frosting before her muzzle, snorting great, frozen clouds. Beckoning the attending male, she took the bag from his shoulder and tossed it on the ground - where he re-collected it - with her chosen tool in paw. Like the breeding tool she had used on the blue jay during their first instruction session, she grasped a much larger instrument, smoothly ribbed along the length. Each ridge ran from base to tip and the dyed brown leather gleamed under melting flakes of snow. Salun saw none of this, intent upon his task, and curled his agile, slim tongue around her clit to a chorus of soft gasps and moans.

Amethyst cleared her throat, composing herself.

"Who would enjoy taking it's training a step further?" Amethyst held the phallic tool high like an offering. "Any one of you may have this breeder without tribute today, on the condition that not one drop of seed is spilled. You must visit the temple for that pleasure."

Salun stiffened, pausing for the fraction of the second that let the mare know that he had heard, if not understood in full. He would know soon enough.

A slim, green dragon was the first to join her on the stage. About the same height as the mare, the dragoness was covered in fine, green scales and boasted a mane of forest-green hair that floated around her muzzle in the light breeze. She wore a deep blue cloak that concealed her entire body from the neck down, clasped with a silver leaf at the throat, though this was swiftly discarded in a pile on the stage to leave her nude. Muscled as if she was well practiced with exerting her body, the dragoness bared her teeth in a predatory grin, yellow eyes fierce.

"I shall be first. Please," she held out her paw for the breeding tool, which was passed over with an approving nod. "What are our restrictions?"

"No lasting harm, no orgasm," Amethyst said simply. "Enjoy your time."

Salun shivered, though he could not feel too frightened - those appeared fairly standard rules. He knew he was valuable and no long-term injury would be inflicted without dire consequence. He was also used to strangers handling him: that was no problem.

"On all fours," Amethyst tapped Salun's head, drawing his attention. "Continue."

He shifted on to all fours and chanced a glance up in time to spot the dragoness stepping into the breeding harness, buckling it tight over her scales. The monstrous tool jutted forward from her crotch, nothing larger than what he had seen naturally yet horrifyingly daunting. The fox attending offered the dragoness a glass bottle of lubrication and she daubed enough on the length to cover it from tip to base, tipping a few drops over the blue jay's quivering tail hole. Feeling the cold touch of lubricant greasing him for use, the first tremors of fear flickered in his heart, instinct begging him to flee.

He could still get away...

But no. His place was right there, on that stage, whatever came of it. As the dragoness folded to her knees behind him, the blue jay braced for the assault, repeating in his head that he would be able to manage it, that he would be okay. All that changed as the dragon thrust into his barely prepared rump, viciously forcing him open by bearing down upon him with the weight of her body. Only in it for her own pleasure, she dug her sharp claws into his hips, half-dragging him back as he fought not to cry out, to keep pleasing the mare. He screwed his eyes shut and lapped blindly, tears staining his cheeks.

It was torturous. It was nothing like his earlier experiences. It was humiliating. Pushed between the two ladies like an inanimate object, they used him for their pleasure. The dragoness shook her mane off her neck where it had grown damp and stuck to her scales, breathing harshly through flared nostrils. She ducked her head to nip him sharply on the back of his neck, laughing when he squealed, the notion of remaining quiet suddenly beyond the realm of possibility. Her muscled legs drove the ridged shaft into him, ridges scraping by his anal ring and prostrate with a terrible pleasure that had him thrashing. His arms shook with the effort it took to keep himself on all fours, yet the mare's insistent paw on the back of his head demanded that he kept licking, pleasing her to the point of orgasm and beyond.

The crowd screamed their approval stamping hooves and paws and claws as if beginning a riot. But it was no riot - simply change, revolution in how they treated their charges. The slaves in the crowd were silent, standing beside their owners with heads lowered, eyes down to the ground, waiting on their whim. The ones that chanced a sly look up at the platform paled and gaped, quickly ducking their muzzles back down once more. They did not want to see. It may soon be them in that position or worse. Yet they would serve as they always had done, willingly.

Salun whimpered under the onslaught, the mare slapping his beak hard when he was too loud, obstructive, for her liking. He had more training to undergo, but perhaps the little ones could not be expected to be entirely silent during the process of pleasure. Allowances had to be made for what naturally came to anthro beings. They were designed to make noise. The dragoness was vocal, hissing like a cat as she hammered into the blue jay with no regard for his well being. The citizens interested in attending had been informed earlier of the limitations of their breeding toy, so she knew exactly how far she could push without inflicting bodily harm or tearing. The smooth ridges, while painful in the rape, would not rip the bird's passage, though tiny rivulets of blood trickled into the blue jay's feathers from the tips of her claws. The dragon was not known to be gentle with her subjects.

Amethyst's muzzle flushed with heat, body temperature rising as she rode closer to orgasm, fuelled by the voyeurs learning what she had transformed the breeder into. Raising a paw to the cheering mass of bodies, Amethyst smiled at their approval. It was evident in the gleam to their eyes, their chaotic shouting and how they viewed their charges in a new light, speculating on their use. Slaves did not need to be intact for their pleasure either. It was the beginning of a new era. Now the little ones could be used for greater purposes. No longer would they take suitors solely behind closed doors, out of knowledge, sight and sound. Basic training would be amended so that even household slaves were skilled in how to please and serve within the bedchamber - so to speak.

Amethyst looked down at the blue jay, broken between them, yet still devotedly serving through his abject rape. He was a special one. He was their example.

She addressed the crowd, raising her voice so that it carried clearly through the whirling snow to the furs at the very back of the crowd, pressing against one another in adjacent streets.

"This is the fate of the little ones."