Moonlighting in Skyrim

Story by Lucidum on SoFurry

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#3 of Skyrim

Another Skyrim piece, which may become part of a more regular series

Ysra awoke with a shrill howl, clutching her stomach and wheezing with ragged breaths as whatever lay within her thrashed and bucked, trying to escape. As memories bled through the pain, she recalled that she had taken her prey alive and whole the night before, a massive buck that now weighed heavily against the Nord woman's innards, compressing her lungs, cracking her spine, and threatening to stretch her hips beyond their normal tolerance. Her body couldn't handle such an excessive load....not her human body, at least.

Gasping with every movement of the hyperactive deer occupying her distended gut, Ysra scrambled to relieve the pain, clutching at the wolf's-head ring on her nightstand, slipping it on with a sigh of relief as she felt Hircine's power flow into her body. Her eyes opened anew, golden and feral, a growl of satisfaction rumbling from her throat as her form shifted. Her nose pressed outwards into a snarling lycan snout, her arms bulged as muscles grew, skin stretching as it strained to keep pace. Her raven hair tumbled from her shoulders, becoming coarser as it began to sprout from her neck and shoulders, eventually covering her entire body in a pelt of thick, black fur. The Nord woman's breasts, already ample, barely contained by her cloth undergarments, grew plump and full, bolstered by muscle and sinew behind as a line of smaller nipples and breasts formed, running down the she-wolf's milk line down her abdomen. That abdomen, still bulging with the struggling form of the startled buck, tightened considerably as it grew new musculature, tightly constrained around its still-living passenger. She rolled onto her hands and knees, howling as he spine stretched and popped, healing from the strains of the prey inside her, and growing more powerful as her wolf form was revealed. Her hips grew wider, her supple thighs grew stronger, and her legs became double-jointed. As the last of her fur took root, and a swaying tail grew from the tip of her spine, the werewolf Ysra let loose a mighty howl, the transformation was complete.

Her mind was sharp as ever, heightened by feral senses, but still completely within her control- she had long since mastered her animalistic urges, embracing them as one with her own. She sniffed the air, unable to find trace of Sigvald. His transformations were never in sync with her own, and his bestial form was always lustful upon the new moon...whereas hers hungered. The she-wolf growled, standing to her full height and cradling her bulging midsection, tightened abdominal muscles clenched around the 300-pound buck inside her, which brayed and struggled with renewed vigor as it caught scent of a predator nearby- Ysra herself. He was her prey from the night before, and she rocked her hips from side to side as she felt his weight inside her, the sensation of his pricking antlers against her moist, hot innards was intoxicating.

The wolf bitch growled to herself, stalking to the stables with a hunter's grace, hips rolling with each step, making her belly slosh and bounce, something she was deeply enjoying. Sigvald was never there when she needed him...his lust came with impatience, and their wolf-times were never aligned. The first thing Ysra had learned about being a werewolf: very little could satisfy your appetites, sexual or otherwise. Her own lust could only be satisfied by another werewolf...or something of equal size and vigor. And as the 8-foot tall, 500-pound she-wolf stepped into the stables, she saw just that "something."

The horse was a massive Imperial stallion- fully two thousand pounds and easily 18 hands high....but what Ysra intended to "ride" was much closer to the ground. She had trained her steed well, to know the scent of herself as not a predator, but as a master- although, when times got tough in the winter, she had on more than one occasion fantasized about giving her stallion the same respite that the buck inside her gullet now enjoyed. The she-wolf growled soothingly, letting out a whine of pleasure as the buck kicked again, downwards this time, his hoofs cushioned by her own skin, yet hitting hard against her clitoris, making her ache in pleasure.

Groaning as she got on her knees, Ysra cradled her bulging midsection, the heavy swell of her stomach hitting the ground, encouraging the buck inside to struggle harder as he tried to flee. Biting her lip and clenching her thighs together, the she-wolf concentrated on the task at hand, stroking down the stallion's barrel-like abdomen with her talons, tracing the length of his cock until she cupped his testicles tenderly, each the size of a cabbage as she kneaded and fondled them. The horse above her whinnied and stamped, snorting as the beast gave in to lust, bucking his hips, his turgid, three-foot member stiffening against his underside. The she wolf grinned, snuffling lustfully. Her stallion was ready.

Bending low, the she-wolf positioned herself under the stallion, arching her back as she felt his course fur tickling over her spine. The horse was well-trained, and Ysra growled with deep-seated pleasure as she felt the beast's flared cockhead pressing against her waiting cunt. The werewolf bucked her hips in unison with the horse, and her lust was swiftly assuaged as a yard's worth of throbbing horse cock sheathed itself inside her.

Ysra was in heaven! She howled and barked with passionate lust as the stallion thrust slow and purposefully into her, every time he plunged inward, stretching her innards tightly around its girth, she shuddered in ecstasy, her plump breasts swaying, already several times heavier as she felt her milk-flow begin, swelling with maternal sustenance as her body was tricked into believing it was pregnant. Her passenger seemed to notice the intrusion- the heavy stag that occupied her gullet was confused by the harsh thrusting of this horse above Ysra, and redoubled his own efforts to escape from inside the encumbered werewolf.

It was all too much, the Nord werewolf struggled below her stallion, stimulation from inside her belly and stirring her rabid loins driving her mad! With one last, deliberate thrust, the stallion let out a loud, braying whinny as he came. The she-bitch joined him, a bloodcurdling howl escaping her muzzle as she cupped her own heavy breasts, milk spurting from all six nipples as she reached her climax, engorged stomach jostling with the heavy stag inside. Ysra whined in pleasure, clit throbbing in pace with her racing heartbeat as her silent prayers to Hircine were answered with a flood of horse seed, gushing into her womb, coating her insides with hot, sticky fluid, swiftly filling her maternal passageway and overflowing, strands of rich, creamy semen running down her muscular thighs and down the swell of her heavily laden belly.

As the breeding stallion withdrew his rapidly-softening member from between her folds, Ysra panted and growled incoherently, facedown in the hay, clutching her enormous stomach as she lounged in the afterglow. It would be some time before Sigvald returned...and with the stag still alive (and quite active) inside her body, it would be days before she could return to human form. Next time...she would eat the horse and fuck a stag....or eat both and force Sigvald to fuck her. Or eat Sigvald and take turns with the other horses in the stable....Hircine be praised. The first thing Ysra had learned about being a werewolf: very little could satisfy your appetites, sexual or otherwise, but a horse and a stag were certainly among them.

Size Queen

Kade woke up only to look himself in the face- literally. He had snapped awake suddenly, gasping for air, opening his eyes to see face-to-face with...himself. He awoke beside a startlingly familiar stallion- still asleep, breathing shallowly, curled up...

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The cold, dismal North had recently gotten new warmth, throngs of males of every genus and species flocked to the newest nocturnal getaway- the _Eyeshine Exotique_ - to partake in a veritable harem of willing men, women, and those in between, all of...

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Harem Harlot, Part 9

"You were a man, weren't you?" Lucidum's eyes fluttered open, and she rolled over to stare groggily at the equine sprawled thoroughly spent on the bed next to her. Theo's gaze was fixated on the raven's slender backside, one arm draped over her,...

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