Forgotten Paths: Chapter 1 - Unfortunate Beginnings

Story by SmilesTheJester on SoFurry

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#1 of Forgotten Paths

This'll be my first try at writing a fanfic,** and because I want to improve my writing skillz I thought I'd try here! So without further ado I leave you to the story. Comment and review as you deem fit, give critique and pointers if you have any! :)**


'Inner Thoughts'

"Normal Speech"

"Telepathic Speech"

"Action / Expressions!"

Journal- Last Entry of Adrian Orion Strauss

As I write this I am being held captive. While I was out hunting I was ambushed and robbed of my belongings, bound, and taken away to some cave and crudely thrown into a cell, not the greatest way to spend an evening to be sure. Granted who thinks to watch for bandits so close to a settlement?

Since this is will no doubt be my last entry I might as well leave a small record of myself, no doubt only to be used as tinder for a fire after my death...

I am Adrian Strauss; Orion to some, bastard to others. I lived a simple life, lived in my cabin in the woods, spending my mornings by the creek and my evenings out hunting, a quiet life; unlike my previous years wandering prior to my decision to settle down.

I am human, male, 23 years old... I think. I'm terrible remembering age, let alone important dates. Birthdays come to mind.

I've been told I'm quite handsome with my long brown hair and a pretty face. I don't see it, but that's more likely my ignorance than wanting to care. Actually probably both now that I think about it.

Well, enough about me, on to the present.

As I wrote before I was captured by bandits, not the run-of-the-mill cutthroats I'll tell you. These fellows were organized. Wielding some fine steel along with some warm looking clothing and armor...

Did I mention it freezes come nightfall? Everything is covered in frost and the water at times turns to ice. Well it seems it's not so different underground, less ice but more wet and cold... Sitting in this cage of iron under a leak from the roof of the cave isn't helping my spirits none at all!

I'm getting off track. I was captured and thrown into a cell, I noticed a few other bodies in the cages next to me but it's too dark to make out their shape... Hopefully not dead, but I'm not holding my breath so to speak.

Scratch that someone is indeed alive; I heard a groan to my right, must've just woken up.

The guard just came in with our dinner now, more like scraps for a dog. Just tossed it onto the floor. I think I'm done for now. If you're reading this, then I hope your fate is better than mine...

*The entry ends here*

The scratching of quill on paper finally stopped as the human gently closes his journal. Wearily Adrian rubs his eyes, hoping to ease the ache from the lack of sleep to ease his mind. With a small sigh he looks to his right to the cage next to him, to the figure inside. Earlier he had tried to talk with the prisoner before but got no answer for his efforts.

Hearing the sound of movement from the cage next to him Adrian in a hushed whisper called out to the resident inside.

"Hey, you awake? They brought some food, do you need any?"

Silence only echoed through the cave prison.

He was about to call out again until the prisoner next to him shuffled into a corner of their cage. Adrian heard a mumble from the cage.

"What did you say? I've got some left over-"

In a flash his head suddenly pulsed in pain, white flashes blinded him while Adrian grasped his head in pain. Gasping as the pain slowly grew while a voice graced his ears with venom and anger dripping from the words.

"I don't need your pity... Just leave me be."

His head still pounded and a pain behind his eyes itched angrily as his migraine slowly passed. Cold sweat chilled his already damp skin, gasping heavy breaths echoed through the cave. Casting a wary glance back to the cage next to him Adrian's mind went blank. In her corner sat a Gardevoir, locked away and miserable in a cage like him.

Thousands of thoughts raced through his mind. 'Why was a Pokémon out here passed the border dividing the land, all the way in Human Territory?' 'Was she kidnapped?' 'Why doesn't she just use her powers and leave?' Questions like that. She could easily escape... Yet here she was.

At a time human and Pokémon lived together in harmony, but needless strife and war erupted pitting human against human using the Pokémon as tools of war; tired of the bloodshed and grief that the humans wrought the Pokémon left their humans, their homes, their lives behind to begin anew, without the touch of humanity in a separate land. But we pursued them not wishing to give up our power, our friends, our loved ones, and be left alone with each other.

Arceus in his kindness gave the humans a choice; to stop their pointless wars and bloodshed so harmony could reign once more. Until then all Pokémon were given a chance to live in peace in their own land, and they took it. We however... Did not listen, and so ages passed, it was soon found out that the Pokémon; given a blessing from Arceus, had another evolution they could attain. A form that gave the Pokémon more capabilities to relate to humans, should Pokémon and Man meet.

Those that were deemed ready were changed, taking on a more human-like form with their experience and knowledge, a new evolution to mark their new beginning at a peaceful life. But again this was a choice; should they wish to remain in their beast-like form they may, though once they evolve again they cannot turn back.

This point in history was called 'The Great Divide', after 'The Great Divide' Humans finally banded together, working with another.

But not in harmony or for peace.


The wars still raged, and now two Kingdoms waged a bloody feud against one another; Humanity against Pokémon, in an endless war to see who could win. Which child of Arceus would win his favor by ending all the strife in the world? It would seem neither with the war at a stand-still, both sides appearing to have their own problems at home; the humans and their in-fighting, and the Pokémon Monarchy in disarray.

Over what, nobody knows. Something set the nobility on edge. Word was that even the royalty was upset. Again, nobody knew. All that the Humans cared about was that something major happened a while back and it set the Pokémon on the defensive, calling a temporary truce which both sides agreed to quite quickly.

All in all... The war was far from over.

Echoing footsteps broke Adrian's train of thought. Glancing up he saw the same guard who brought his food earlier. In his hand was another plate of food, which he again dumped onto the floor with a sneer kicking the contents over to his cage.

"Eat up, you're gonna need it..."

Dread weighed heavily in Adrian's stomach, "Wh-what do you mean?"

The man's face split with a grin, giving a loud laugh as if what Adrian had said was a funny joke.

"Whaddya mean what? You're gonna be tha' boy's enta'tainment that's what!"

At that moment; in a cruel act of fate, a loud chorus of howls echoed through the walls making Adrian look past the bandit. Hoping against hope that wasn't what he thought it was.

"Ya hear that?" the bandit grinned with a sick smile.

Shifting his gaze back to the bandit Adrian nodded slowly.

"Wolves, big 'uns that ya can find in Mightyena packs; while 'ese bastards aren't Pokémon they sure tear through flesh an' bone like 'un!" He laughed loving the fear in Adrian's eyes.

Hearing a small gasp to his right Adrian looks to the Gardevoir next to him, her eyes widen at the mention of the crossbreeds. They were ferocious, feral dogs that were born to kill. While Mightyena were known for their capacity for intelligence, these dogs however show barely if no signs of it; they were mindless beasts that thrive for the hunt and only killing. Some people called them Dire Wolves due their similarity to the fictional beast of lore, which told about wild wolves that stood past a man's waist, almost to their shoulders if a Dire Wolf ate well. But those were only beasts of a fairy tale; these might as well be an accurate manifestation of the demon hound.

"An' don't worry about the bitch; she'll be a different kind of entertainment. If ya know what I mean!"

The bandit laughed cruelly as he walked away, thinking his job was done for now at least. He could torment them tomorrow; there was no rush to kill them, not yet at least.

Realization hit both of them hard. The silence covered them in a shroud of dread as both knew their fates.

Swallowing the lump in his throat Adrian gathered the food strewn about the floor outside his cage and shuffled to the cage's wall separating him from the Gardevoir, passing the bits of charred meat and bread through the cage's square openings.

"I'm sorry..." he began, "I don' know-"

Angrily the Gardevoir lashed out scratching his hand earning a cry from Adrian as he nursed his now bleeding hand dropping the few scraps of food to the floor.

"Just SHUTUP! Leave me ALONE!" she screamed, earning more gasps of pain from Adrian as she assaulted his mind. As the intense pain again started to fade the Pokémon pulled her knees to her chest and cried, her whimpers echoed off the cold stone walls that housed them in their prisons of iron.

"Sorry... But at least try to eat something, I know you need it more than I..."

Turning her head back to Adrian she was about to shout at him to be quiet when she saw his eyes heavy with fatigue and tears threatening to spill down his face as he stared at the cold iron floor. Tapping into his mind she saw that sadness and regret were heavy on his heart, but his determination quickly dashed those feelings away, as if not willing to give into the dread that threatened to choke him. She saw that he still had hope, even with certain death looming over his head this human, Adrian hoped.

She watched the human pick up a large piece of bread and held it out to her.

"Don't lose hope; sometimes it's the only thing you have left." He weakly smiled from behind his bars catching her by surprise when he spoke of 'hope'.

Sniffing and wiping her eyes she took the bread muttering a small 'thanks' before devouring the food given to her, taking small bites so to make the meal last a little longer. Had he noticed her delving into his mind? It's entirely possible, but it was so easy hearing his thoughts, he couldn't have noticed otherwise she would have met some type of resistance.

Her own track of thinking was interrupted by Adrian letting out a soft snore, seeing that he had fallen asleep while she ate. She too felt exhaustion begin to take hold until sleep finally took hold.

Days passed, at least by Adrian's estimate, and both prisoners haven't yet met their fate. Yet.

Time and time again the same guard came by with food, more quiet than usual but still threw insults and threats of a slow death at both captives. Adrian and the Gardevoir; whom he came to know as Leanna, talked from time to time, nothing that led up to a meaningful conversation except a few insults from the Pokémon when he asked if she needed anything or her past.

Adrian soon found out Leanna had quite the hatred for humans and a bigger amount of pride for her kind, not that he honestly minded, at least she hadn't given him another migraine for the past few days.

Much to her disdain but eventual interest he talked, telling of his time spent in the forest, of the sights he'd seen when he traveled, even a few stories of his tendency to get into trouble or his curiosity leading him on a chase from a band wild Tailow migrating for the season.

Whenever Adrian talked of his life Leanna felt a little more at ease, he could tell even if she tried to hide it. Mostly due to the fact that he hadn't suffered any sort of abuse, other than hurt feelings from a scathing insult on his intelligence or feeble body. Regardless he took it in stride, just like he was taught. Loving parents and a wise teacher can do that to a growing boy; sadly not many are able to have such luxuries of a family like he did for a time.

Now they both sat in silence, Leanna resting her eyes and Adrian thinking heavily, trying to think of any sort of way of escape. He had decided long ago that he'd find a way out, both for her sake and his own. While he didn't trust the Gardevoir he knew he'd rather die than just lie down waiting for death, and he knew she thought the same... To an extent. Who'd want to be some sex toy only to be killed after being used?

Opening his eyes Adrian observed his cage.

Square in shape, made of iron bars, the door had a lock for a key, and it sure wasn't comfortable to sleep in. Shuffling towards the cage door he felt around the door looking for the lock with his fingers till he found the square panel.

_"What are you doing?"_Leanna's musical voice resounded in his head.

Ignoring her he quickly reaches into his boots pulling out a slender metal bar with the point curved like a tooth and a thing bar of steel; while they were thorough in their looting the bandits failed to see reason in taking most of his clothing, thankfully leaving him his boots and inadvertently leaving his lockpick set.

Gently inserting the thin 'pick' inside the lock chamber he carefully began at the task at hand.

Adrian heard Leanna moving closer to her own door trying to get a better view of what Adrian was doing. "Do you think you can do it?" she asked expectantly.

Irritably Adrian closes his eyes begging Leanna to be quiet for a few more seconds, listening and feeling the lock from the opposite side was difficult enough! She must've caught on because as soon as he got the message across that he needed to concentrate the presence in the back of his mind went silent, her eyes watching Adrian's hands nimbly working his tools into the aged lock until...


With a great sigh of relief Adrian stows his lockpick set back into its hiding place in his right boot, gently easing the cage door open mindful to not let the hinges cry out in protest before easing it closed. With haste in his step he moves to Leanna's cage peering close to inspect the lock and use his lockpick again but pauses.

The lock was rusted shut; completely rusted, not giving in the slightest when he tried to force the lock open. He couldn't pick the lock, not with his tools; he couldn't even force the lock to break it because it wasn't that brittle with age and rust yet.

Seeing his hesitation Leanna voices her concern, "What's wrong?" she asked, "Open the cage already!"

"I can't, the cage is rusted shut-" he replied, stowing his tools in their place. "Hold on, maybe I could break it open with something..."

Then an idea came to Adrian's mind, "Why don't you use your powers? You shouldn't have any problems with this."

But Leanna shook her head frantically, "It's not possible, I can't use my powers-"

Shocked Adrian interrupts voicing his disbelief, mindful of the level of his voice, keeping it just above a whisper. "What! Why? What do you mean you can't use-"

But he was cut off, the sound of footsteps echoed through the cavern walls, someone was approaching their prison.

"Listen, just keep quiet and everything will be alright." Adrian hastily warned. Moving towards the doorway Leanna almost screams in his head, "Where are you going?! Get back here and help me!"

The force of the voice in his head making him wince as he ducks into the shadows by the doorway motioning her to stay calm, the light of a torch casting Adrian's hiding place in complete darkness as the guard walked in.

"Well look who's awake, all tha' more easy fo' me to tell ya' the news!" the bandit guard laughed. Even from behind the rancid smelling man Adrian could still see the sadistic smirk on the man's face. "Seems yer' punishments been moved up! Boys wanna get ta' know their little sweetheart sooner than later!"

Moving to her cage the bandit reaches for Leanna through an opening in the cage but she quickly moves to the opposite end of the cage away from the man's oily grasp. A frown sours his smirk as he tries again to reach the Pokémon but fails. Stepping back "Aw, c'mon lass, I promise I won't 'urt ya', honest!"

Another smirk splits on his face as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a large black key waving it in front of Leanna before forcing it into the lock and wrenching the cage door open earning a mighty screech of protest from the metal cage, making everyone wince.

"I only want a lil' company is all!" The bandit laughed an insidious chuckle that bellied a crueler end.

Leanna scoots away from the bandit forcing herself far back into the bars so they dug into her skin to evade the man's grasp for a little while longer, all the while frantically flipping her crimson gaze to Adrian hiding in the shadows and back to the bandit reaching for her.

POV Leanna:

'What is he Waiting for!' she screamed in her mind.

She watched the human literally vanish in the shadows, right before her eyes! Was that him? That flicker of movement out the doorway? It had to be him... He left her. The damned human left her to rot!

The sudden grasp of a rough calloused hand holding her ankle wrought Leanna from her thoughts, sending panic shooting through her body. Frantically she began kicking.

One or two connected earning a curse and no doubt giving the brute a bruise, she was about to give another kick until she suddenly yanked towards the opening, the pull making her bang her head against the iron cage floor. Another mighty pull and Leanna gave a startled yell and was drug out from her cell.

Her head and back stung in pain as she felt rusted iron, dirt and rock scratch her back. Looking up she gasped seeing the bandit stand over her, with that sadistic smirk on his pig face.

"Now... Heheh..." The bandit began, letting out a sick chuckle that rumbled from his belly. "Now we can play!"

Rearing his fist above his head Leanna clenched her eyes shut, waiting for the pain that was soon to follow.

POV Adrian:

'Why doesn't she do anything?' Adrian growled, 'She could just end him here and now!'

Adrian looked around him, looking for anything to use as a weapon but seeing nothing. Not even a large rock to bash the bandit's head in!

A yelp from Leanna tore his attention back to the scene unfolding before him, one that made his blood run cold.

"Now, heheh... Now we can play!" The bandit's chuckle sent chills down his spine, such a familiar feeling, the urge to kill. The need to see blood spilt...

'NO! Not again!' Adrian urged himself, 'I can't lose control like that... I have to-'

But his thought died there. Seeing the bandit raise his fist to strike Leanna stopped all thinking in his mind.

Adrian leapt from his spot by the doorway kicking the bandit behind the knee forcing him to lose his balance before covering the pig's mouth with his hand; cutting off the startled yelp that died in his throat, quickly he snuck his arm underneath the bandit's chin and around the neck. His arm and hand slowly tightening in a vice-like grip choking the man out before he could strike the Pokémon, all the while easily pulling him away from Leanna due to offsetting the man's balance.

Slowly but surely the bandit's body fell limp, the arms scratching his own had fallen to limp and the muffled cries died out. With a groan Adrian dropped the body like a sack of potatoes, glad that went so well with little effort.

Kneeling next to the body he fished out the black key, and a small dagger from the man's belt. He paused for a moment then began undoing the man's belt before flipping the man onto his stomach and binding his hands tightly.

Pleased with his handiwork he looks to the side, eying the Gardevoir he just saved with a worried gaze. She still lied there cowering waiting for the non-existent blow to strike her.

"Leanna." Adrian gently called out. Not receiving an answer he calls out her name again this time earning her attention. "It's alright, you're safe." He assured her, holding up his hands in a calming gesture.

First she saw the guard lying on the ground on his belly, his hands bound and face still a bit discolored but slowly returning to a healthy color. Then she saw Adrian, disbelief and confusion easily evident on her face.

POV Leanna:

She saw the bandit raise his fist and immediately clenched her eyes shut, just waiting for the pain to come.

She knew that she shouldn't have left her home; otherwise she wouldn't have been captured, it was all her own doing that she ended up in this mess.


The Gardevoir's eyes immediately snapped open at the mention of her name; quickly she searching the room for the source, not even seeing the bandit until she stopped her erratic search.

Then she saw the Human, Adrian kneeling next to the bandit's body. The words of comfort not even registering as her mind were nothing but a jumbled mess.


She hadn't even heard her name the first few times; her attention was drawn to Adrian as she watched him slowly walk towards her kneeling beside her.

"Did he do anything to you, are you hurt?" the human asked, gently holding his hand outstretched towards her.

Shaking her head she took his hand and was pulled up to her feet wincing from the pain in her head and back. "N-no, I'm ok, just a bump and a few scratches."

Standing up straight the Gardevoir stood a head taller than Adrian which surprised him since he was taller than anyone he knew. While she wasn't thin like a Gardevoir in the past Leanna obviously had more human like traits, taller body, a more feminine figure some of which was hidden by her 'dress' while accentuating her curves, her breasts while not large were still a decent size.

Leanna began dusting her dress when Adrian abruptly looked away, she could feel the sudden unease on his mind, about to voice her concern he walked off leaving her question to stall on her lips.

POV Normal:

Using a strip of cloth torn from the bandit's shirt Adrian gagged and locked the pig inside Leanna's cage, locking the door and pocketing the old key before turning to check on the Pokémon one more time.

"Are you sure you're alright? We're going to need to get moving, and I need you focused here." He asked walking up to the Pokémon whose gaze was riveted on the unconscious bandit. "It's going to get tricky from here on; I need to be sure you're with me on this.

"Why didn't you kill him?"

"What?" Adrian asked.

"Why didn't you kill that... That pig? You know he can warn the others right?" the voice inside his head warned him. He could sense a feeling of fear, and anger towards the bandit. Realizing it was Leanna's feelings he shook his head. "No, he won't be able to; because we'll be gone by the time he wakes up."

Leanna frowned eying the human before her incredulously, "And who made you leader?"

Adrian's brow furrowed as a frown grew on his lips, "Not me, but at least you're not hurt or stuck in a cage with him." He replied pointing to the still unconscious bandit in his cage. "Look the sooner we get out of here the better and we can both go our separate ways."

With a groan Leanna nodded, "Fine, lead on since you seem to know what you're doing."

The human smiled wryly. Truth be told he did somewhat know what he was doing, his time spent wandering the lands weren't entirely spent being a 'Knight in Shining Armor', hence how he knew the inner workings of a lock among other things. "Believe me I surprise myself at times."