Chapter 21: Wolf's Origins

Story by RagingWolf2124 on SoFurry

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#21 of Wolf: The Legendary Half Breed

RagingWolf2124- Kept you waiting huh? (Smiles)

Narrator- Wolf & Friends have defeated Eterna City Gym Leader, Gardenia. After obtaining the 2nd badge, they exit the Gym and were about to hit the road once more... until a mysterious group of people approached him...

Intro Song- Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker- Heavens Divide.

Wolf's Pov

"A proposition?" I said confused.

"Yes, but first we need to speak with you privately." He requested.

"Very well..." I accepted.

"Stay here." I told my team. Aurora refused to let my arm go.

"I'll be alright, don't worry." I smiled at her. She seemed worried, but let me go with a slight whimper.

"Follow us." He told me. I followed him to a cafe down the block and we all sat down at a table outside.

"Let me introduce ourselves, I am Fox, 20 years old." He introduced himself. He was wearing Sunglasses. He had White Hair and Green Eyes.

"My name is Raven, I am 19." A beautiful girl with Purple Hair and Gray Eyes said, smiling.

"My name is Ocelot, I'm 20 as well, but a few months younger then Fox." He said drinking some coffee. He had Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes.

"I'm Hawk, Same age as Fox and Ocelot, i'm older then Ocelot, but younger then Fox." He said. He had Black Hair and Hazel Eyes.

"Hi, i'm Lynx, I'm 18, the youngest one." The last one said, she was beautiful as well. Her hair was Red and she had Amber Eyes.

"I see... now what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked.

"The thing is Wolf, we want to help you on your journey, to stop Team Galactic." Fox said with a serious look.

"You want to help me? Why?" I asked.

"We know you aren't bad Wolf, we know of the Monster Merciless in your body." Raven said.

"Many like us know of it, we know you are a Hero, not a Monster." Ocelot said.

"How do you..." I said surprised. Then each one used a Power of a Pokemon. Fox Had a Fire Ball floating in his hand, Raven had a Dark ball of Dark Energy, Ocelot had a Ball of Electricity, Hawk had a Ball of Dark Blue and Lynx had a Green Energy Ball. I couldn't believe it... I felt happy...

"We are just like you Wolf, there are more of us around as well. Though you Wolf and your Father before you, what you and him have separates you from every Half Breed in this World." Fox said. Something about me? More than just us here?

"What is it about me that makes me different?" I asked with curiosity.

"We cannot discuss more here. Bring your Pokemon here to the back of the cafe and we will show you. The proposition we have will make more sense once we show you, our Savior." He said with a smile. Savior? I went to go get my team and they were just sitting down waiting.

"Guys, come on. You can come now." I said with a smile.

"What did they talk about with you Wolf?" Aurora asked.

"It's best I not tell you unless they think I should." I told her.

"Aw come on, just tell us!" Raiden said wanting to know.

"Just follow me and it will be explained." I told them. They all nodded and followed me back to them. They were at the back of the cafe where no one, but only us and the team was there.

"Ready to find out Wolf?" Fox asked with a smile.

"Yeah." I said.

"Very Well." He said as he took something out of his pocket and placed it on the ground, it opened up into a huge circle and a Portal appeared in it.

"What the hell?" I said amazed. Fox, Raven, Ocelot, Hawk, and Lynx went inside, then Fox popped his head back out.

"Come on in." He told us. I was hesitant to at first, but put my hand in slowly and then went inside entirely, followed by Aurora who grabbed my hand. Then everyone else came shortly after. On the other side we were in the middle of... the ocean? We seemed to be standing on a huge Metal Platform that was very high in from the ocean with railings on the side. A huge island seemed to be near us as well. There were People around us fighting with Powers of Many Pokemon, others like me!

"Welcome to Base, Wolf." Fox said walking next to me as we peered over the vast ocean.

"Where... are we?" I asked.

"We are at a Base high above the Water, near an Island that is in the center of the Ocean, We are surrounded by many Regions, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and even Kalos, they are to far from this Location, so they can't find us." He told me. Then all of a Sudden many Half Breeds with FireArms surrounded me and immediately cheered.

"Oh my Arceus, it's really him! Our Savior! Our Leader!" A Man said in excitement.

"Savior...Leader... what is he talking about?" I asked.

"Fox did tell you that you are different from us all. Care to know why?" Raven asked.

"Yes, just show me already!" I said.

"Okay, retract your Pokemon though, follow us!" Fox said. The team groaned and nodded. I retracted them all, even Aurora. They ran very fast like I could run. There was a Bridge connecting the Island to the Base that many people walked on and we ran through it fast and soon reached land. There were Cities filled with People and Pokemon Walking the streets and cheering my name once they saw me! In the Middle of the City was a Park, there was a Statue of someone that looked like... Me! It had a more ancient look to it though. Soon we entered what looked like a Cave below the statue.

"We are here." Fox said.

"What is this place? This Island... what is it all?" I asked.

"It's a Home for Half Breeds and Pokemon everywhere." He told me.

"In this cave lies the secrets of your Origins..." Fox told me as well approached a Giant door.

"Only you can activate this door Wolf, form Aura in your hand and place it on the door, it will then open before you." He told me. I did as I was told and formed Aura on my Hand. I placed my hand on the door and it opened with a loud creak, revealing many Statues of what looked like me, except they all wore different clothing and were lined up next to each other.

"Go Master... all will now be revealed..." Fox said as him, Raven, Ocelot, Hawk, and Lynx bowed. I entered and the doors behind me closed. Then I saw a Statue of... my Father and many others that looked like me! I took out my entire team and they were surprised by everything we saw.

"Wolf... it that... you?" Aurora said looking at the statue.

"Wolf, your like... a Legend!" Raiden said in aw. All the Statues lighted up and a Vision appeared before me.

Flashback From Centuries Ago...

I saw a vision. It showed a Man who looked just like me. Fighting with others like him against People that had a Dark Red Aura's that looked like... Merciless's Aura! His Army and Merciless's army fought against each other. Many died and in the middle of it all were him & Merciless, he seemed to be dying in the fight with Merciless. Merciless was about to kill him with what looked like a Piercing Red Beam from his finger when all of a sudden a Lucario jumped in front of him and took the shot in the heart. He stood over her and held her in his arms.

"Live on Wolf... Protect those you love... especially our Son... I love you, Wolf..." She said before she died.

"I think your Son should be next... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Merciless laughed cruelly.

"Merciless...You... You heartless... Monster! I will make you... suffer!" He said as his eyes started turning Crimson Red. The skies started thundering and the ground shook, He then let out an angry yell.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" He yelled as his appearance started to change, but the vision ended before I could see it.

Flashback Ends...

"Did you all see that?" I asked. They nodded.

"Wolf... was that... you in that vision?" Inferno asked.

"I... I think so..." I answered.

Then... a bunch of spirits that looked like me were all facing me in a circle.

"The Wolf you saw was a different one... the very first Wolf in History...our greatest Ancestor was special during this time... for he was the one who saved the World..." They told me.

"You... are the 100th Wolf in History... your Job is to protect the People and Pokemon of this World... like many of us before you." They Spoke in unison. I was surprised by what they said.

"I am... the 100th Wolf... in history?" I said in shock. Everyone was feeling the same way as they all couldn't believe what they heard.

"Yes... and the Monster known as Merciless that courses through your body is not the same one from long ago, it is the Son of the first Merciless who was killed by the first Wolf after killing his Father, as all beings like Merciless are born Evil.

"Then... the Merciless within my body is..." I said realizing now what they meant.

"Yes... the Son of Merciless..." They spoke again.

"I understand... but how... how did Merciless end up inside my body if he was killed long ago?" I asked.

"Team Galactic had captured Jirachi and trapped her in a cage filled with devices to take her life force from her and use that to Grant them 3 wishes, this allowed them to revive the Son, who was 11 before he died this was before they knew of the Orbs existence. Another vision showed.

Flashback From 10 Years Ago...

"Your Father never truly went to the war Wolf... him and your Mother was hot on the tail of Team Galactic. They found and imprisoned Jirachi in a Container and took her life force to grant them the 3 wishes, there goal was to control him, but they could not, even with a simple wish. The first was to revive him, the second was to bring him under their control, though it did not work, wasting the wish. he was there with your Mother to stop them, but it was to late, Merciless being very Powerful had severely injured him and was close to death and your Mother had died before he had, The Son of Merciless was free. There was still one more wish, it was made by Cyrus, who knew that his plans were ruined made a wish to one day have control of Merciless, through you..." He said.

"I wish for The Son of Merciless to be sealed inside the Son of Wolf!" He yelled. Merciless was then enveloped in a magical energy and his soul flew all the way back to Twinleaf Town, entering my body, which caused some pain to me for a second.

"No..." My Father said before finally dying. I felt anger flood my system, knowing that the cause of their death was because of him... that Monster... but not just him... but also Cyrus... who wished Merciless back... only one thing mattered to me at that moment... Vengeance... but how? I need to figure out a way to destroy this Monster. I should have no trouble trying to find Cyrus once I have a lead on his whereabouts.

"Oh my Arceus... Wolf..." Aurora cried... putting her arms around me from behind... knowing the truth behind my parents deaths.

"He is the new Merciless now... just like his Father... we are counting on you Wolf... to find a way to destroy him... or he will unleash his wrath on the entire World... you can do it... for you have the Power within you!" They said in encouragement with a smile.

"I will not fail you... my Ancestors..." I told them. They smiled and were going to leave until a question popped into my head.

"Wait! What happened to the very first Wolf? It looked like something was happening to him!" I asked.

"It is unknown what happened... what happened to end that war is shrouded in history... though many people today believe he became the Legendary Mega Half Breed..." They said.

"Mega... Half Breed?" I said confused.

"Yes... it states in the Legend... that a Half Breed can gain immense Power by transforming into a Mega Half Breed... it is Many Many times more Powerful then a Pokemon's simple Mega Evolution... Also, you must be pure of heart to do so... though a Mega Half Breed has never been seen... thus making it nothing but a Legend that has yet to be proven true..." They said.

"I see... thank you Ancestors for explaining everything to me." I said smiling. They were about to leave again until one spoke up

"Oh... we almost forgot... we have to help you unlock your Human Lucario Form..." They said as they transformed into Human like Lucario's.

"My... what?" I asked.

"Just stand still Wolf... it won't take long..." They said again as they all raised two hands and I was surrounded by Blue Aura, I stood still and closed my eyes, my body started to change a little. I grew a Maw on my face, grew ears on my head, spikes coming out on both hands and my chest, Aura sensors grew on the back of my head, Cream colored fur grew on my torso, a blue tail grew out of my rear, my Eyes turned Crimson Red, I also felt my teeth changing into sharp fangs.

Aurora Gasped, "Wolf, you changed!" She said.

"I... I did!?" I said. Aurora brushed through my bag and pulled out a Mirror, showing my new look.

"This form... it's amazing!" I said happily.

"We're glad you like it, you can change to both forms at will now." They said. I focused and in a few seconds I changed back to my Human form and then changed back again.

"Thanks, I never knew I had this form." I said.

"You should thank your mother for that, her DNA gave you the form." They said.

"We'll my Mother was a beautiful Lucario." I chuckled.

"We know you can do it Wolf... our Great... well you are our Grandson... we shouldn't bother with all the "Greats" now... anyway, a Grandson we are all proud of... also, Wolf... Remember your Aunt Samantha and Uncle Blade?" They asked.

"Yeah they passed away when I was 6, what about them?" I asked.

"Their child, an 18 year old boy by the name of Neo was born and is somewhere in Sinnoh."

"Wait... my cousin is... alive?" I said in shock.

"Yes Wolf... he is... right now he is planning on going on a Journey to get revenge on the Evil Organization called Team Genesis, a Group of People who want to wipe out the Half Breed Race..." They said.

"Wolf, who are they talking about?" Aurora asked. I couldn't keep the secret about my other relatives death anymore.

"I had an Aunt and Uncle, my Uncle was a Gallade by the name of Blade who was related to my Mother Luna. They died at someones hands, but I never knew who... until now... but my Cousin... he's out there somewhere... I swear I'll find him." I told my team.

"Wolf... it's time for us to go, but remember... the World rests in your hands!" They said disappearing.

"Wolf?" Aurora asked as I smiled happily.

"I'm okay Aurora..." I told her.

"Wolf, your a Huge Legend which mean we have been traveling with a Legendary Hero!" Raiden said excitedly.

"I still can't believe you are the 100th Wolf in History!" Sapphire said.

"Not only that, but their are so many of you!" Rose said

"100 many of you, not to mention a relative of yours that is still alive!" Fang said.

"Okay guys I get it, I'm a Legendary Hero!" I laughed. They laughed as well.

"Come on guys..." I told them. The doors opened and we walked out, waiting there was Fox, Raven, Ocelot, Hawk and Lynx. The doors shut behind us and they stood up.

"Master Wolf, do you know who you are now?" Fox asked.

"Yes, by the way, no need to call me Master." I told them.

"Sorry, but everyone and even us refer to you as Master now." He told me.

Back at the Base...

3rd Person Pov

"What was the proposition you wanted to offer me?" Wolf asked, standing in his Human Lucario Form. There was silence for awhile until Fox spoke.

"We want you to be our Boss, our Leader in this Base, our goal is the same as your to Help both People and Pokemon." Fox said.

"You want me to be Leader for this cause?" Wolf asked him.

"Yes, Wolf you are the most qualified for this, and we know you have great Leadership, I know it's a lot to ask, but will you please lead this Base, to teach us?" Fox asked. Wolf simply turned around and looked out at the vast ocean, his Bandanna blowing in the wind.

"Well?" Fox asked.

"I'll do it." Wolf told them. The 5 of them smiled.

"That's great! So, what should we do first?" Fox asked. Wolf noticed that bridges to other platforms were still under construction as their was only one at the moment.

"We need to get this place going first, since we have this platform, how about we make barracks for a Combat Team? I'm a great fighter and Weapons user, I can help train them. They can train here and learn how to use all types of Weapons. Does that Sound good to you, Master Wolf?" Fox suggested.

"That sounds like a great idea, Fox, I want you to be my 2nd in Command for when I'm gone and train our Combat Team." Wolf told him.

"Really? Wow... I'll do my best Master!" He told Wolf.

"Raven, Ocelot, Hawk and Lynx, I don't have roles for you yet, but when another Platform is built we can decide on something based on your skills." Wolf told them with a smile.

"Yes, Master Wolf!" They saluted.

"Please, call me Wolf." Wolf said, still wondering why they can't just call him by just his name.

"I need to head back on my Journey with my team, but I Promise I will drop by often, when you need me to." Wolf told them.

"Be careful out there Master, we know you can take down Team Galactic, with us by your side to back you up!" Fox said.

"Oh yeah, one more thing, here take this." Fox said handing Wolf something.

"What's this?" Wolf asked.

"It's an ear piece that will attach itself to your Ear, put it in your Ear so we can contact you." Fox said. Wolf did and the device attached itself to the inside of his ear.

"Now, the it functions by directly manipulating the small bones in the ears, such as the stapes, so it appears as if a user is talking to himself or herself, so basically, whatever you think about happens on the codec when you decide to use it." Fox explained.

"Does everyone here at the base have them?" Wolf asked.

"Yeah, we all have one. Also, the 5 of us have our own frequencies on these. For now though, my Frequency is available, it's 141.80." Wolf activated the Ear Piece and he added the number to the Ear Piece's contacts list.

"Got it, by the way, mine is 140.48." Wolf said. Fox nodded and activated the device from earlier opening the Portal to a specified location.

"This will lead you to the end of Route 206 and into Route 207 where Mt. Coronet is." Fox said.

"Thanks Fox, come on guys, let's hit the Road again." Wolf said walking into the Portal with his team. and out onto Route 207. The Portal closed and they decided to camp out for the night. Everyone had their own Tent. Fang, Inferno and Raiden had one. Sapphire and Rose were giggling and talking about how cute Raiden and Inferno were in their tent, Wolf and Aurora were lying down together in their tent with both cuddling together in the same sleeping bag. Aurora was giggling as Wolf was flirting with her, he still had his Human Lucario Form.

"Hee hee hee... Wolf stop, your making me blush." Aurora giggled.

"I mean it... your the most beautiful Person I love to be with all the time." Wolf said.

"I love being with you too, you look so handsome as a Human-like Lucario, you make me so happy." She giggled again.

"Well... I always try my best to make you happy." He smiled. She sighed in happiness.

"I love you so much..." She said kissing him deeply.

"I love you too Aurora..." He said sticking his tongue in her mouth which made her gasp and moan. Soon they released for air and smiled at each other.

"Goodnight Aurora..." Wolf said wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Goodnight Wolf..." She yawned tiredly and cuddled into his chest. They entwined their tails together and fell asleep.

Narrator- Wolf has discovered the truth behind Merciless and discovered his own Origins thanks to his new allies. Now with them on his side, the hardships on his Journey become much easier.

Outro Song- Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker- Heavens Divide.