Star Spots: Chapter 9

Story by Hot Paws on SoFurry

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#9 of Star Spots

Here is the Ninth Chapter to my story "Star Spots"

WARNING! Contains Scat and "toilet vore?" Anyway, if you're against them, I know who you are, DON'T READ THIS! I am not responsible for anybody getting grossed out. Just, click the back button!

I really should get thumbnails to show you what is to be expected in these chapters.

Anyway, you have been warned. I thought about doing a scat scene for all the furs who love scat, and I went ahead and did it.

So, again, if you are against scat, the back button is right there on the upper, left hand side of your computer screen.

Sissy was crying in her 9 X 9 jail cell. Her purse had since been taken away by the guards, who caught her using the phone when she was in an unauthorized call with me. She was lamenting about the whole thing, even though it was getting old and she had to move on. She didn't care. She didn't deserve any of this. Just then, the tigress heard her cell door open and she wiped her eyes clean of her tears. A guard, a lynx, spoke up saying, "Sissy MacDonald, follow me. You've been bailed out."

Sissy couldn't believe what she heard. It was like she got her wish from her genie or whatever, but she was once again a free tigress. For now. She followed the guard, still naked; so was the guard, to the front desk. Sissy soon froze in fear at the one whom bailed her out. It was a blonde BBW tigress, dressed in a red over-sized dress, who was a lot fatter than Sissy. The look on her face spelled out that she showed resentment to Sissy. "Hello, daughter." this tigress said, scoffing.

"Mother?!" Sissy shrieked; she felt like losing consciousness right in the prison, never to wake up. Anything was better than trying to associate with her mother. "You do care about me! You care about me so much, you didn't want your daughter to rot in a dirty jail cell." she said, forcing a smile on her face. It won't last for long as Sissy's mother crossed her arms together.

"I see that you're naked again. I've raised you better than that." Sissy's mother, let's call her Geraldine, sighed. "But, you're an adult, so if you want to walk and run around in the nude, be my guest. I don't care."

"Thanks, I guess, for bailing me out of jail." Sissy said to her mother. She didn't have anything else to say, for she felt estranged to her mother. Her mother, a strong Christian, believed that homosexuality is wrong; when Geraldine learned that her son Isabel liked other males, she kicked him out of her house, banning him until he sees "the error of his ways" (i.e. Becoming straight). Sissy did hate gays before, but she saw the error in her ways, and changed for the better. It gotten Geraldine to resent her, but Sissy didn't give a shit. She couldn't get grounded by Geraldine, as she had since moved out at the time.

"Whatever. I didn't want to do this, but your father made me bail you out." Geraldine sighed. "I could've let you rot in jail, for all I care. I know I wouldn't survive in a place like this."

"How can you say that? Don't you care about your own daughter, Mom?" Sissy asked, appalled at what she heard.

Geraldine didn't even look at Sissy when she said, "My daughter died a long time ago."

Sissy had enough. She didn't want to talk to her mother any more. So she signed her release papers, and left the prison, huffing. She didn't care that she was walking around in the nude, with her breasts bouncing, her belly jiggling with each step she took. This could be a way to get back at her mother. Sissy could be like me, walk around in the nude and become homosexual.

By being a nude tigress, Sissy was getting a lot of attention from the community of Stormbridge. The town is well known for its nudes, male and female. Why is it that most males get caught staring at a female fur's breasts, rather than their eyes? The same can be said for cock and balls, but I find other furs looking at my junk flattering. I tease them, saying stuff like, `You want some of this?' whilst rubbing my sheath and balls. I know they like that.

"Um, could you not look at my breasts? It's making me feel uncomfortable." Sissy said, before running off to her home. She wished she could just spread out wings and fly, but tigress cannot fly. Once back at her home, Sissy crashed onto the sofa and imagined being sucked into a magic storybook. Maybe storybook characters could help her cheer up. She knew I had a book like that, but didn't bother to ask me for it. Instead, she did the next best thing: Act dirty.

Sissy decided to go to the bathroom, where she knelt in front of the toilet. Maybe what she was about to do, could make her feel better. She grabbed the handle, flushed the toilet, and placed her handpaws inside. Sissy felt a tug as the toilet pulled her down, making her lose her footing as her footpaws left the tile floor. She began wiggling her body as more of her body was vanishing down the toilet bowl until her footpaws and tail disappeared down the toilet bowl. Moving down the pipes, it felt like a water park ride to the tigress. Wherever the pipes were going, it dragged Sissy along as well. At least Sissy was away from Geraldine.

Minutes later, Sissy plopped out of the pipes and landed face first in sewage water. Spitting some of it out, it left a vile taste in her mouth. She never tasted sewage water before, and now she had. "Well, getting flushed down the toilet, check." But then, she remembered something. She left the prison before the announcement of her court date! Stupid! Stupid! Now, she didn't know when or where to report for court.

Her stomach churning, Sissy knew she had to go to the bathroom. So, she crouched down, her ass facing the sewage water, and moaned and groaned, pushing her pucker out. After a while, the tigress began to slowly push out a long log of brown fecal matter from her ass, coming out like sausage. She moaned and panted as she was defecating in the sewers. Hey, you'd do something like this if you're miles away from home. Sissy pushed more of her feces out, until the last of it came out with a plop. She then watched her fecal matter float away.

"Ah, that's better. Now, to get back home." Sissy said.

When Sissy got home, the first thing she noticed was her telephone ringing. She quickly picked it up from its receiver and spoke into it, saying, "You reached Sissy, how may I help you?"

It was me on the other line. "Hey, listen Sissy. Your parole officer called me. He tracked me down and got my number, but that's not important right now." I said, "Your trial is set on the fifteenth of March, and today is the second of March, so we'll go to trial and I'll make sure we'll win." I spoke, with determination in my voice.

"Shadow, I don't mean to sound doubtful, but do you have a degree in law?" Sissy asked me. Well, there goes my opportunity in representing Sissy. I didn't go to law school.

"Okay, new plan, we'll find ourselves a lawyer, because I don't have the time to go to law school before your trial." I replied. "I'm sure there's someone who could represent you."

"Alright, Shadow," Sissy spoke. "I'll make some calls, and get back to you ASAP." she said.

I said, "Cool." and then hung up.

Once that was all said and done, I turned to Argyle, Nova, Cain, and Eloise and said, "Okay, time to get back to work. I have a feeling, if we keep up on a pace like this, we'll find the true perpetrator by the end of this month!"

And continue we did.

Star Spots: Chapter 10

Chapter Ten After nearly spending all day searching for clues via laptop, for the true identity of my gay hating bully, I was growing tired. The time was three thirty-five in the afternoon, and I, along with my pals, were getting the afternoon...

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Star Spots: Chapter 8

**I woke up early** the next day, feeling all fresh and ready to take on the day. Last night was the most fantastical night I've ever experienced in my whole life! I really loved having Nova back in my belly, even though I heaved him out before I went...

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Star Spots Chapter 7

**Later that evening,** after Argyle decided to leave me, I tuned to the news, wondering what was going on in the world; I wanted to take my mind off of whoever was stalking and cyberbullying me. "Local police have issued a warning regarding same...

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