Facility One, Day one.

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Please, don't read if your under 18.

Contains plenty of underage sex, messy matings, and a confused human, enjoy :)

Welcome to facility one, please take a seat.

The emotionless computerised voice said, as a tall, handsome human male walked into the reception room of the strange city he had flown into. He was in his late twenties, and had been working as a teacher when he lost his job due to the school shutting down, cutbacks were a bitch. He stretched his stiff back, the eight hour flight had been by far the longest in him limited flying experience, and by far the most nerve racking, they had flown in what seemed circles, always banking and turning, he couldn't begin to understand why. He waited, and after a few moments, an attractive, young (he would guess 19 years or less, likely less) female fox entered the room.

She was dressed in a white lab coat, and carrying a name tag in one paw, she saw him at once in the empty room, and walked over, smiling. Offering a paw, she said, "Good afternoon Mr.Samson, welcome to facility one." She said in a cheery, lighthearted voice, "You may call me Dr.Joyce, or just Joyce, we are rarely big on formalities here.

"Pleasure to meet you, Joyce. Please, call me Aaron. May I ask what all of this is about?" He smiled and shook her paw, and she turned and started walking, waving to him to indicate he should follow. He had been sitting at home after loosing his job, looking for a private school to teach at, and had gotten an email from this school, and when he set a date for an interview, he had found a plane ticket in his mailbox two days later. So here he was.

They walked through a large door, and into a surprisingly welcoming little office. She gestured to a chair, and took a seat in her own, "It is understandable that you have many questions, but before I can tell you anything, I need you to fill out several forums, agreeing that you will never tell anyone what you learn here, and that if you choose not to take the job, you will never let anyone know you were here. If you have any problem with this, I am very sorry, but it is required."

He shrugged, he didn't think he was likely to turn down a job from such a clearly well financed school as this, and if he did, he didn't have any friends or family that would be interested in a waisted weekend to not have a job interview. So, making small-talk as he did so, he read and signed the forums.

Once the forums where filed away, she grinned and started, "Well, first you must understand, we did a small amount of... I guess you might call it spying on you, to determine if you were the sort of teacher we needed. We know your bisexual, thats a must, we know you have a... better than average sex drive, and we know that you have no wife or children. Now, as for what this place is, its a school, but also, an experiment. Our founder had seen, for years, early sexual activity being blamed, he felt wrongly, for many wrongs in our world, and set out to prove this wrong. We are on an island more or less between Japan and Australia, and here we teach, well, sex."

He looked slightly alarmed and more than a little confused, "You... you must be kidding... you think I can, or would, teach sex?"

Laughing, she shook her head, "Our students could teach you more about sex in a day than you have learned so far in your life time, what we need, is a grade four teacher."

He was, a grade four teacher, and a rather good one at that, "Ah, for the student's children?"

"No Sir, for the students."

There was a long pause, and then he realized what she meant, and just stared for a few minutes, before mumbling, "This... can't... be real."

She laughed again, a high pitched, happy sound. The pause was interrupted by a beep from her PC, and she smiled, "We took the liberty of testing your blood," He had been asked to see a specific doctor, and now realized why, "Your clean, we don't allow anyone with any STD past this room, for... clear reasons."

He was still a little amazed, but when she asked him if he wanted to turn down the job, he shook his head. When she asked him if he wanted a tour, he only nodded. "Right this way." She said, and as they walked down a long hallway, she talked, "Our school is populated by a 'first generation', most of them now teachers. They got here between the age of seven and ten, and have been here for twelve years. Most are now parents. Their children, along with other children sent here by their parents, populate the school at this point, we have just over two hundred personnel on site, most students. Your job will be to teach them a more or less normal grade four class, now, please undress." She said as they got to the end of the hall. He turned, and realized that under the coat she was nude, a beautiful, shapely body, carefully groomed fur, and long, beautiful hair. He stammered, trying to reply, unable to find words as he undressed.

When he stood as nude as she did, she gathered his clothes and put them in a locker, and then turned to him, "There are a few rules here that you must know, as the students and others here will be living by them. No means no, anything else means yes, if a student asks you to do something you don't want to do, for whatever reason, say no, its fine, but if you dodge the question, they will take it as a shy yes. Secondly, No, they will not stop what they are doing because it makes you blush, the people raised here are mostly normal, but lack all sense of shame, and if they had one, it would likely be nothing like your own. And lastly, if he or she is more than a year or two younger than you, crying is considered asking you to stop, as is bleeding unless they ask you not to stop."

He turned to her, prying his eyes from her breasts, and manages at last to speak, "You don't... really think I'm going to... to fuck a child, do you?"

She laughed and shrugged, "The last grade four teacher we had retired, last I saw him, he was suntanning while getting head from a seven year old boy, while that bot was making love to another boy, his same age. The air here is laced, mildly, with pheromones, you might not for a while... but..."

He blinked a few times, "This is all just... just too crazy."

"Do you wish to leave?"

"No... but when will the interview start?"

"It finished as soon as you agreed to take your clothes off, your hired, if you still want the job."

The door they were standing before finally opened, as she touched small button. She handed him the name tag, still in hand, "It should stick well enough to your skin, and not bother it, let me know if it does." She says happily, before walking threw the door, rump swaying behind her.

As he followed, he felt himself growing hard, and his eyes on that perfect, heart shaped ass. He couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to pin her against a wall and show her just how much he liked the sounds of the job. He shuddered as a rush of air blew over his member, and was startled to find a door open to his right, he hadn't been paying attention... well, to more than the view.

He heard a pair of high pitched giggles, perfectly matched but coming from two places at once. He looked down and saw why, twins. Two tiny girls, if he had to guess he would say they were mice, had come threw the door, one was hugging Joyce around the waist and smiling up at her, the other was looking at him shyly. "These are the twins, Kelly and Sam."

"Pleased to meet you Mr.Samson." They said, before giggling again, "Joyce, he is so big... were you teasing him?" Asked one twin, the one hugging her, before the second twin adds, "He looks so tasty, humans always taste the nicest."

Blushing, Aaron looked to Joyce, who just winked and laughed, that same light, happy laugh, "I wasn't teasing him Kelly... but you know how the males get the first time they come here, let alone the first time they see me from behind, and Sam, he might taste good, but I want you two to give him a tour, not just play with him."

Giggling and each taking one of his hands, they said, "We will!" And the next thing Aaron knew, he was rushing down yet another hallway. "We were in class when Joyce asked us to come wait to greet you, she likes letting us give tours for male guests, I don't know why, maybe because we are good at it."

"Its because your a little slut, Sam." Said Kelly, sticking out her tongue at her sister.

"I wasn't the one with my nose between Ms.Joyce's legs!" Her twin shot back.

"Anyway, We hope you don't mind coming to the class we were in the middle of, our partners will be very upset if we don't come back, and its an important lesson."

"Oh? What were you learning? Math, science?"

Giggling, the girls shook their heads, as they came to a stop at a door marked 'Classroom 33', "Nope, anal sex... they boys have been really looking forward to it, they always like Thursdays, but they always leave my rump so sore." replied Kelly.

Sure enough, when the door opened, he had to blink a few times to make sure he was seeing what he thought he was seeing. First of all, every flat surface in the room was, seemingly, a TV, and on each, images of furs being taken anal played. The smell should be covered next, heady, unlike anything he had ever known before, the mating scent of well over twenty kinds of animals mixed together. What he saw on the beds however, was most surprising. The room had fifteen beds on each side, twin sized, and at the end, was a single queen sized bed, here, a male wolf was tied to a female skunk, both looked to be around nineteen, they were watching the rest of the class, giving shouted advise now and then. On all but two beds, a pair of young furs, none over the age of ten, were in various stages of love making. He saw a male horse balls deep in a cows ass, balls slapping her tummy with each of his rapid, hard thrusts. He saw a pair of rabbits, both male, going at it as only bunnies can, their bedspread marked with many lines and puddles of seed, there was a female human, laying over the end of a bed, cum dripping down her thighs, and a bull laying on the bed, softening shaft still hanging from its sheath, both seemed asleep.

This was only what he took in at first glance, and before he knew it, he was alone in the doorway, the two twins running to the two empty beds, where rather annoyed and very horny males waited for them. It was less than a minute before both were pinned under lovers, moaning as one was taken by a human boy, and the other by a lion or other large feline.

Walking as if in a daze, he came when called by the teachers. Reaching their bed he was wide eyed to see that one of the females that had finished with their now sleeping partner had her head between the skunks legs, making no attempt to hide how talented her tongue was. The skunk didn't have any trouble speaking however, and greeted Aaron like an old friend, "Afternoon!" She says, trying to standing up and gasping as her rump is tugged by the knot, making her giggle and sit back down and the male under her to buck and growl. "Your welcome to sit in on this class if you like, the twins will be..." She looked down, "Knowing those two, a while, they are likely to keep at it until every male in here is asleep, Braden here included." She smiles and flops back onto the wolf's chest, "I'm Jessica by the way, pleasure to meet you."

With a nod and his own stuttering, confused introduction, he took a seat on the bed, and jumped, turning and looking down, seeing that the fabric was slick with female juices, the whole bed was, "Sorry, fifth block today, and I tend to be a bit messy..." he took a seat again anyway.

"Its fine, just startled me..." It wasn't the last thing, he had been watching the class, listening to the abnormal lesson the teachers were given, and considering strongly leaving or maybe, making use of the skunk's exposed womanhood, but he didn't get a chance, a little cow, maybe six years old, walked up to him and smiled, asking his name, after he gave his, and she gave her own as Jena, she turned around and lifted her tail, "Would you like to take me? You look bored, and my partner wasn't here today." She said sadly.

He didn't know if it was the smell or just his throbbing manhood, but after looking to the teachers and getting a nod and a smile, he stood and picked the small girl up, carrying her to her bed, empty and clean. He set her down and she giggled, rolling over and wiggling her rump up at him, a tiny entrance hardly visible under her tail. He bend down and gave it a lick, delighted by the moan he heard come from her, and moved over her.

Pushing inside was hard, his morals as well as his size made it hard, but her rump took him willingly enough, she spread around him more easily than he had expected, but it was still tight, wonderfully so, tighter than his own hand at its tightest. He hilted inside her and felt her wet cunny against his balls. A moment later, he lost it, and it was only afterwords that he would realize how rapidly, how hard, he had taken that girl. His hips slam in and out, rocking her chubby tummy and thighs with each firm thrust. She didn't seem to mind, and she clearly minded even less when he came pulling out and painting her rump with his seed. She turned and took his still dripping shaft into her lips. He had never cum so fast, or so hard, before.

A few minutes later, she was done with his member, and they were relaxing together on the bed, he was trying to find out if this was an ordinary day for them, and learned what might have been the strangest timetable in human history, no doubt that he had ever heard of. Monday was oral, Tuesday kinky, Wensday vaginal, Thrusday anal, and Friday was gay, although they were welcome to do so any day of the week. The weekends were for fun and play, and he didn't even ask what they did for fun.

After a time, a school bell went, and the students filed out of the room, leaving only the two teachers, still tied together and now cuddling happily, Aaron, and the twins. They came over, smeared head to toe in the mess of their many lovers, and giggled, "We are glad you had some fun, Jena is lonely lately... he partner for two of our glasses is ill, and she has had to watch lately."

He just followed the messy girls, and couldn't help but grow hard again, watching those twin rumps sway together as the pair walked, "We are done with glasses for the day, so we are going to go back to our room, if you want to come, we can tell you anything else you want to know or show you around, or take you to your room."

"I would like to go to my room, but perhaps we can talk a bit on the way there?"

"Sure!" Said Kelly, grabbing my hand in her own cum smeared paw, and once again, I was dragged down the hall by a pair of young, naked girls, both of them giggling as they went.

Twice we stopped as they introduced me to teachers, one was the grade six teacher, a tall, rather beautiful mare, with wide hips and a more than generous bust, the other a male bunny, rather short and heavy set. He didn't say what he taught, but by the mess under his tail and the condition of his hair and fur, it wasn't hard to guess. Their names were Alexis and Hathway respectively.

By the time they made it to his room, he could hardly keep himself from taking one of the girls, he could smell them, see them, and oh, how he wanted them, how he wanted to see one of those little mice riding him, to see his seed added to the bank currently held within their bowels. He had wondered at first why they were walking the way they were, but he knew now, they were trying to hold in every drop that was in them, each time one of them told a joke or distracted the other, a few spurts of seed would drip down her thighs.

The door opened and they stepped inside, pointing around the room, "Bed, bathroom, computer, and desk, if you need anything else, just let Dr.Joyce know, that will have a list of important numbers, she will be on it..." She giggled and jumped up onto his bed, "Now,"

The other twin decided to finish for her, "Can we welcome you properly?"

Grinning and shrugging, he closed the door and walked over to the bed, "What do you girls want to do?"

They both spoke at once, one yelling out, "Anal!" The other, "Oral!" they both giggled and tried again, yelling out the same two things, but each of them saying the others first choice.

He smiles and reaches down, stroking Kelly's soft ass, "How about you, Kelly, bend over, and you, Sam, let me find out what a mouse tastes like?"

Both giggling, they were ready within moments, and soon, he began. As he climbed onto the bed, he reached down and slipped two fingers into Kelly's rump, spreading them, so that her gasped and the huge collection of cum squirted from her, he smeared it over her ass and cunny, as well as her lower tummy and thighs, and soon, she would feel his tip pressing against her tight pucker.

At the same time, he licked at Sam's slit, and then lower, worming his tongue into her rump, and soon, he was sucking the mixed seed of uncounted males from her rump, swallowing it by the mouthful. She moaned loudly and giggled, both of them laughing happily, and soon, his hips start to move.

Inch by inch he presses into the tight, warm rump, almost as slowly as he had with Jena, but he sped up near the end. He took Kelly more gently, but just as insistently. Slowly he built speed, rocking back and forth with firm, lusty thrusts, as the tiny girl under him squirmed and shook. She had taken many small shafts that day, but she was finding something this thick, this long to be truly a treat, nothing she hadn't had before, but a wonderful, filling playmate.

He wormed his tongue in and out of Sam's ass, until the flow of seed stopped, and instead pressed into her sex, tongue flicking over her clit before delving deep into her, licking at her wet, warm walls as he thrust in and out of her twin sister. He loved her taste, sweet and rich, wonderfully lusty and so fresh, so young. He Felt himself growing close, but held back.

When he felt the ass around his member clench, and his face was showered with sticky, sweet juices, the twin screams of pleasure were, perhaps, not his only reason to think the girls under him had cum. He gave in, and filled Kelly's rump with seed, staying in until every drop was within her, and then pulling back, licking his lips.

He wasn't done, however, and was still hard, the pheromones in the air doing their job. He lay down and pulled a breathless, shuddering Sam over himself, holding her over his hips, before slowly lowering her down. The second he pressed into her cunny, he knew it would be better, tighter. He simply didn't fit, and it had been almost a week since this passage had had much attention, the girl it was part of far preferring oral and anal. He pushed in anyway, and when she screamed again and tightened around him, cumming instantly, he knew why, he had pushed into her womb, and she was shaking from head to toe, he could see his member budging out her tummy. He sister giggling and climbed over me, "She loves it when she is taken like that..." It was the last he saw, before his vision was blocked by a grinding mouse girls crotch.

He licked and nuzzled and sucked at her lips, as she road his face, moaning loudly over him, and after a moment, his sister started bouncing. On and off, in and out of her womb, she was moaning or screaming constantly, her fluids soaking the bed and her scent driving him wild. He came, twice, inside her, but she wouldn't, or couldn't, stop. She just kept riding him, as her sister grew tired and lay down, she finally came. As she did, he filled her, and saw her tummy swollen with three loads of his seed.

She collapsed forward onto him, and kissed his cheek. The feeling of her cervix slowly slipping around his glands as he softened and slipped from her was like nothing he had felt before, and he reached down, stroking himself to yet another climax, and adding his to the mess on her ass.

That was the last he remembered of his first night there, and facility one.

Meeting on the mountains

Please, if your under 18, piss off. All characters in this story are mine, thanks :) First in the story, not really very 'yiffy'. The next part is already more than half done, a day or two at most before it is posted. Anyway, here it is!...

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A Morning Together

======================= Please, if you are under 18, or whatever the legal age is wherever you are, please, don't read this, and if you do, know that you have been warned. It has been a long time since I wrote, I think i have improved, please,...

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Family movies

========================================= Alright, its the third, but not final, chapter of my newest story. I have not desided where to go from here, so if anyone has put up with my crappy writing this long, and wants to, I will be taking ideas...
