The Princess p1

Story by SirRazalus on SoFurry

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#1 of The Princess

"The Princess" part 1

By Sir Razalus

Raziao sat knelled on one knee before the throne of Nivida, the Queen of Lapinia. As hinted by the name, this small kingdom is inhabited by mostly if not all Lapine or Lapine hybrid people. There is no discrimination here in species or race though as generations have past, mostly those of the Lapine species live there.

Queen Nivida, a middle aged, pure white snow Lapine had heard of Raziao's abilities and had sent a message to him, who resides on Earth, asking of his services on a few "Warrior's tasks" as she put it. Raziao has only been there for a two weeks and is already known through out the kingdom as a hero. Given the ability to control and become water from Ah-Freya, the Goddess of water and frequent lover of Raziao, he had rescued a burning village by raising a large sum of water from all the wells in town, forming a giant bubble of water and letting it splash all over town, putting out the fire in one swift blow. Of course, the town was completely soaked afterwards, but as it was summer, the town would rather be soaked then on fire...and only a few lost some of their fur in the incident.

He aided the army of Lapinia in defending a larger village from a horde of bandits who had gotten a hold of a Dragon Mind stone, which gives one the ability to control dragons and tried to use them to take over the village that would aid in eventually taking over the kingdom. Very rare for just simple bandits to want not but to steal, but overrun a kingdom, the reason for it all came to light after Razi and the army defeated them with the aid of the same Dragons the bandit rode in on. Raziao using his natural born Orochi power to overpower the Dragon Mind stone, causing it to shatter which then caused the very pissed off dragons to turn on the bandits and run the back to from which they came.

This all sounds as if it takes place back in the time of Knights and Swords, but yet it is the year 2006 on Earth and on the Planet Furani, which now orbits Earth, it is their equivalent of this time though some continents on Furani choose to keep things the most simple way while others choose to move on with the times and have progress much further then the humans of Earth. Though even on the simplest villages, you can still see the flicker of TV's at night; the banter from various DJ's over the radio and even the sound of children's laughter as they run over the police in GTA. Furani is not a place to be judged by its cover. It has also sparked tons of tourism from Earth who which to see their history books come to life.

Queen Nivida had a different kind of task for him today though it was the same protection type of mission in most aspects.

"Sir Raziao, I cannot thank you enough for all the help you have given to me and my humble kingdom, if I'd had a daughter, I would surely ask you to take her hand in marriage." Said the Queen with her lovely English accent.

Raziao couldn't help but reply to her in a way that most would want to but wouldn't dare, as she is the Queen.

"Ya know...I could take care of that..Not having a daughter problem you have you're majesty..." He grinned as he took her hand into his, kissing the back of it.

The comment and kiss both were causing her to blush. Many would never think of saying such a thing to a Queen, but Raziao is from a very "earthly" part of Furani and with him only being 22, the chance of having an older woman, especially one who was as beautiful, tight bodied and well busted as Nivida, was very VERY alluring to him which he openly showed and expressed at every chance given.

"Now now Raziao, you are very young and still have a lot more wild oats to sew before you settle down, and besides you don't need an old bat like me on your arm when my kingdom is full of young and beautiful bunnies."

Raziao giggled and bowed his head again, kissing the elder lapines hand again, this time a little longer. "None of which compare to you you're majesty, though you are correct."

The Queen had looked especially beautiful today. As there were not many people lingering around the castle today, Nivida was not dawned in all of her normal royal jewelry and attire. Only sporting a few rings on her fingers. A somewhat large choker around her neck with the family crest drawn in multi colored jewels in the center. Her short black hair pulled back into a ponytail with her ears drooping back along side of it to allow room for smaller version of her jewel-studded crown. A red and black corset that leaves her 36d breasts uncovered with a matching garter and stockings. To cover up all of that sexy, she also wore a very elegant dress that left her cleavage exposed but covers everything down from there with a few buttons until mid thigh where it opens again, exposing her lovely stocking clad legs, no shoes on her cute bunny feet. Instead, she wore four ankle bracelets above each foot, each with little jade beads attached.

"I'd send any and all of my willing maids to your bed if you'd allow it..Though as you have stated before, you'd rather hunt then be served." She chuckled.

Raziao nodded as he looked back into her deep blue eyes. "You betcha, though I fancy being hunted from time to time too...but anyways you majesty..What's my next assignment?"

The Queen stood up from her throne with Razi's hand still in hers, nodding to him before answering. "In light of these recent random attacks on my kingdom and its surrounding areas, I would like you to escort Prince Danika to our neighboring kingdom of Trisdale.

The Queen led Raziao out of her throne room, stepping with barefoot paws on a beautiful red velvet carpet until they reached the hall. A guard posted on either side of the door saluted Raziao and Nivida as they passed by, both nodding in acknowledgement to the salute. The two proceeded down an open hallway. Windows replaced with open archways and walls pushed out into small balconies. The queen led Raziao out onto one of the balconies, overlooking her kingdom.

"I don't mind doing that for you one bit my Queen..But do you mind me asking what business the Prince has there?" Razi said, leaning against the balcony's railing.

"The King there is inviting him to an annual ball they are having, I was invited first but I have more pressing matters here in my kingdom to attend I know he has other motives in asking my presence." The Queen giggled and then held Razi's paw in both of hers, stroking over the back of it with her thumbs.

"..And upon my rejection he asked for Danika's presence instead, my guess is to meet his Daughter Isobella...which in turn is pretty much the same reason he wanted me there...Hopes of marriage."

Raziao chuckled, now watching the queen's stroking of his paw.

"Hehehe... I'd assume you get invited to many events for that reason..Who wouldn't wanna marry someone as heavenly as you?" He takes a step closer to the queen, causing her to blush not only from his words.

She smiled to him, seeming taking a step closer herself as she raised his paw closer to her chest, almost against her cleavage.

"Countless invites that I don't even bother looking at..." For sure this time the Queen did take a step closer to him, Raziao's fingertips now pressing gently against the Queens ample bosom. Just enough to feel the warmth emanating from her short white fur and the gentle crimson blush on her skin beneath it.

The queen's gaze at this point was still locked on his paw. Keeping her head down, trying to hide the red hue across her sweet face as Razi spoke.

"You...should try and find someone...not just to become king..However, someone you love or someone to take care of your womanly needs..Like me!" He laughs. "You are your own person. You don't hafta follow old traditions just because you aren't in your twenties."

Nivida giggled softly, looking up from Raziao's paw and into his lovely violet eyes that seem to sparkle in under the sun's brightness, now placing his paw directly onto her chest, his palm nestled against her cleavage. "You are right Razi, I really should go out and have a good time, and I know I have responsibilities, but I should enjoy my life more..It has just always been that way. It's hard for me to change things now." The queen's gaze turned away from Raziao's though she did not remove his paw, she only held it closer to her, sliding it more so onto her right breast, allowing him to cup her tit though he did not slip his fingers into her dress just yet.

"Things in my life have never been about what I wanted; always what's best for the kingdom..I love Danika to death. Nevertheless, he was what the king wanted, I always wanted a daughter but what upsets me about the whole thing is that Danika wasn't created out of love..Only to have an heir to the throne.." Raziao slipped his free paw around the Queens waist, rubbing up and down her back as she vented to him.

"But..I don't regret having him..he is such a beautiful young man like youself.." She chuckled softly. "And I'm glad I did what I did after having him...made things a little better for me.."

Raziao slips his paw up from her breast to her cheek, caressing it softly as she gazed up at him.

"And what was that?" Nivida began to blush again before speaking.

"Well...the...only time the king an I ever...made love was when he wanted to, or when he wanted to bare a've never...had an orgasm...with a man.."

Razi's ears perked up!"Really? Not even a small one?"

"No..not even a small one..I just could never enjoy it..there was no mood romance..hell he's never even seen me naked!"

Razi shook his head, thinking -what the hell was his problem?- "How's that possible? You two mated a few times.." She chuckles again.

"Well. he'd mention he wanted mate at some point during the day, so I'd go to our quarters before him, bathe, and get into bed nude..He's come in after whatever he was doing..most of the time a maid..and climb into bed with me..and just..mount me however he pleased and when he was done..he'd just..roll away from me and go to sleep."

Razi could not believe that someone would not want to ravage and please this lapines body and soul.

"That's crap! How could he treat you like some wench? I don't see how this coulda got any better for you." The lapine smiles.

"Well..after Danika was about...4 he decided we needed another child...We hadn't since Dani was born...and I didn't want to give him another secretly went to a doctor and got birth control." She giggled. "And when my normal season was around, we mated..then we mated again...and nothing...Needless to say..he started getting frustrated with not being able to impregnate me, which made him stop cheating, and made him do it longer..though still no orgasm with him..he'd get me there and I could drive myself over the edge while he was sleeping.."

If Raziao's ears perked anymore over what he was hearing, they'd surly rip right off his head.

"Oh are a naughty girl Nivida!" His paw slipping down from the lapines cheek, back onto her supple breast with his fingers dipping down into her dress, her stiff pink nipple being rubbed and pinched. The queen shivered softly as this was the first time she'd been touched that way in a long long time, arching her back into his paw.. "I..I had to do something to make it more...enjoyable..."

Raziao was already showing off a nice bulge under his pants but with the queens words, and her rather large tit in his paw, it felt his pants would burst under the pressure of his hard cock was making.

"I don't blame you one bit Nivida..However, you need to be pleasured by a man..and pleasured very damn good I might add..look at what my touching your nipple is doing." Raziao slipped his whole paw down against that breast, pulling it out of the top of her dress.

" shouldnt....Ahhhh!" Raziao pinched her nipple roughly, pulling and twisting on the stiff pink nub causing her to yelp out, the hue of red flushing through her whole body. "For a man to be so selfish with someone like you is a crime in my book..and as tense as you have been lately..hell all your need don't tell me to stop.."

The queen began to pant softly, shivering where she stood looking up at the taller skolf.

"You..are right..but we...we can't Razi..we..mmmmmmmmmm.." The queen melted right before his eyes as he planted a long warm kiss on her quivering lips. His own lips pressing firmly to hers, his tongue snaking out of his muzzle and against the queens which met him half way. Raziao was suppressed by this, the queen obviously knew how to kiss. Their tongues dancing and curling together.

The queen didn't seem reluctant to kiss back at all, firmly pushing her muzzle up to his, even standing on tiptoe, all sighs of wanting more of her first kiss in years. The paw that was around the queens waist slipped down lower, scritching through the queens tear drop tail as it flicked about behind her then soon reaching lower, a nice warm handful of the queens taunt ass through her dress. The queen was in her early forties but definitely had the body of a 20 year old. Her behind big and yet firm like that of a young bunny with the thighs to match. She lifted her leg to Raziao's side, curling it around his own leg as he took her ass into his paw and as she was standing on tiptoe..she got a feel of Raziao's stiff shaft budging through the front of his pants against her, at the point, dripping cunny. The bunny's lips pressing against the full length of they young skolf's cock. The heat coming from her crotch seeped through his pants and he could almost feel those tight, wet lips warped around his pulsating rod. Instinctively pushing his crotch back against hers he began grinding against her, slipping his other paw off her tit to grab her other cheek, pulling her into his crotch as they continued to kiss.

The queen moaned under the skolf's touches, under the feel of that hard shaft pressing against her cunny..She wanted more, she wanted him to take it out of his pants, and she wanted to be thrown against the wall and have all 8 inches of it shoved inside her tight tunnel. But above all..she felt she had to stop..

She broke the kiss.

Raziao opened his eyes, the queen tilting her head away from him and removing her leg from around his, taking a step back though Razi didn't move his paws. "Mmmmm..Nivida..Don't fight it.." The shivering bunny slipped her paws onto his, pulling them away from her behind.

"Razi..I just...can' dosn't feel right.." Raziao smirked a little. "Yer thinking its not good for the kingdom again huh?" Nivida felt that that reason was a stupid reason, but that was the thought that crossed her mind the whole time. She nodded, bowing her head.

"Well then..I'm stripping you of your royal right, and ordering you as king to allow me to pleasure you welfare of the kingdom!" and just as soon as he spoke those words, Nivida felt her crown being pulled off her head, swiftly looking up with a gasp as Raziao placed it atop his head.

" can't do that!" The queen reached for her crown but Raziao grabbed her arms by the wrists before she could, lowering them.

"I can do what I want, I'm king..And as you are now one of the peasant women of town, I'm ordering you to do as I say..Do I make myself clear?"

The queen's heart was racing. She had been talked to this way before but coming from Razi's mouth made her heart seem to beat like never before. The look in Razi's eyes was so serious, no sense of being playful in them. She had become prey in his eyes and he was all wolf at this point. His hands griped tightly to her wrists. The queen now filled with lust AND fear at this point, her body quaking before him, her uncovered pussy dipping it's juices down her thigh. She wanted him more then ever, she couldn't fight it, he looked so sexy dominating her, be she kept trying to fight it.

" will see...someone may come down this hall at any moment.." She said, panting and lightly trying to squirm free of his grasp.

"I don't think anyone would mind seeing their king indulge himself in a peasant girl..But if it's privacy you wish, we shall retreat to my quarters." He lets go of Nivida's wrists, dipping quickly and scooping the bunny off her feet, one arm around her shoulders, the other under her knees. That was the final straw for the Lapine, her inhibitions thrown to the wind as Razi started for the queen's room. She slipped her arms around his neck, holding herself close to him and lifting her muzzle under his chin, licking and sucking on his neck as he padded the short distance to the room.

"Is it open Queen?" She shook her head and held up a ring on one of her paws, the family crest. He lowered the queen back onto her feet, slipping his paws onto her hips as she used the ring to unlock the door. Once opened they both slipped inside, Razi locking the door behind him as on that side was a simple twist lock with a bolt lock above it.

"Now no one can see us My queen.." He began stepping toward the snow-white bunny. The lapine playfully backing away from her predator until she bumped into the back of a chair that was seated in front of a vanity mirror desk combo.

" me.." She smiled up at him with lust in her eyes. Raziao pulled the bunny close to him, the queen attacking the black fur on his neck again with her kisses and licks as he slid the chair out of the way. He slipped the crown off his head, placing it in the chair.

"Mmmm..I'm glad you came around Nivida..I really wasn't going to force you."

"I know...But you did what needed to be done to get me..I'm yours now Raziao..Your's to do with as you wish.." The queen began unbuttoning the buttons that kept her dress closed.

"All I that you ravage me how a woman is supposed to made love too." And the final button came undone. Raziao assisted the Queen in slipping her arms out of the elegant dress, taking it from her and folding it across the chair.

" are just..wonderful.." He licks his lips as his hungry eyes travel all over the Queens sexy body. She stood there in nothing but the red and black corset that propped each 36d up, making her breasts look perkier then they already are, the pert pink nipples stiff and pointing straight at him. The corset covered her tummy, but from the looks of everything else, Razi knew there was a very minimal amount of fat there, probably a tight 4 pack under there. His eyes went further to what he has wanted feast upon for the longest time. The little fuzzy cleft between the Queens thighs. Tiny pink lips clenched together which looked so tight. The fur around it trimmed extra short.

"Mmmm...turn around Nivida..Let me see how cute your ass is..." The queen cooed softly, her heart fluttering a bit over his words. She turned around slowly, facing the vanity mirror, looking at Raziao's reflection.

"Like this?" she cocked her head to the side.

"Mmmm...Bend over a little..Put yer hands on the desk." The queen did as Razi asked, bending over and placing her paws on the edges of the desk.

"That's perfect.." the lapine arched her back a little which pushed her lovely rump into the air. Her bunny tail lifted high, flicking about from her excitement. The bunny's tight ass not showing any signs of sag. The luscious cheeks made the perfect heart shape with her thighs.

"Spread your legs a little hun.."

The queen looked over her shoulder, giggling at the skunk wolf.

" this?" She took a step with each leg outward. The bunny's tight lips parting a little. " lovely Nivida." He then stepped up behind her, placing both of his paws on her soft furred ass, kneading and spreading her fuzzy cheeks apart.

"I'm gonna do something to you that you've probably never had done to you before." The queen's eyes opened wide as she watched Raziao's reflection in the mirror drop down behind her.

"W...what are you doing?" she asked. Razi got down on both knees behind the bunny, slipping his thumbs on each tight lip and spreading them. The Queen moaned as she felt him hold her most sensitive area open. Raziao was in awe at the sight before him. Looking at the queen you would never be able to tell, aside from her flared hips, that she bore a child..Her thin puffy folds were no exception.

"'ll see.." He said before nuzzling her clit with his nose, causing her to twitch. Raziao inhaled the queen's lovely scent..However the queen made her neither region smell like sweet cherries he wanted to know and pass on the knowledge.

" smell so good and clean..Like you prepared for this." The queen opened her muzzle to reply but only managed a sharp gasp as she felt a feeling she never thought she'd feel. His warm tongue being dragged slowly over her tiny clit, up between her lips and slightly into her tight pink hole, which contracted around the tip of his tongue as soon as it came into contact.

Raziao drew his tongue back into his muzzle.

"Mmmmm..And you taste just as good..You hafta tell me the secret of getting yourself to smell and taste like cherries."

" are bad Raziao.." She said as she wiggled her hips.

"But you want more don't ya?" he responded, and drove his tongue directly into her little pink hole, flicking and curling about deep inside her.

"Yesssss!" The queen pushed her hips back against him, trying to get his tongue as deep in her as possible.

"Oh goddes yes..." The queen bowed her head and closed her eyes, picturing what it must look like from his perspective, she pictured that long pink tongue pushing deeper and deeper into her tight tunnel, the tip flicking wildly about inside her lapping across every sensitive portion of her inner walls and then sliding out of her, the skolf's soft lips wrapping around her little clitnub, sucking on it so roughly while his head wiggled side to side to add a rubbing sensation.

"Ahhh...ahhh...mmmmm....Razi....ooooo...-gasp!-" The queen's back arched with her muzzle pointed straight up to the sky, the cause of this being the feeling of two of Raziao's fingers plowing straight into her damp pussy. They wasted no time in thrusting in and out of her in a steady pace, making sure to curl against the rabbits g-spot. Nivida gently rocked her hips into his fingers paw though not to hard as to not bump his lips off her clit.

"R..Raz...I...I'm already...I'm almost....nghhhh!" Raziao picked up the pace of his fingers, pistoning them into her as fast as he could, taking his muzzle away from her clit to watch as her body curved like a crescent moon, her ears now perking straight out as her arms stiffly held her upper body up high as her fingernails dug into the sides of the desk to keep her steady. The queen's powerful bunny thighs flexing as she struggled to keep her footing through all the pleasure. Razi's eyes focused on her cunny once more. The queens juices were seeping out of her more so then before. He knew just as she said, she was about to cum and from her body language and the way her pussy convulsed around his fingers..She was going to cum hard.

"Don't hold back Nivida! Cum all you want!" She felt that warm tongue being flicked across her clit once again, yelping as her peak was finally reached. Those lips wrapped around the little nub again, sucking and wiggling as before...and for the first time in her life, a man had driven her over the edge.


Nivida came harder then she ever came before. Raziao backed away from her clit once she hit her peak, keeping the fingers pumping. He watched with a grin on his muzzle as the royal juices came pouring out of her royal pussy and all over his fingers and down her thigh. Her toes griped into the carpet, her tail raised high, every muscle in her body clenched tight as her body was wracked with the pleasure of her orgasm. Raziao nuzzled into the bunny's behind, kissing her soft cheek as he continued to pound his fingers into her.

"You are so beautiful Nivida..Gods..If only you looked in the mirror the moment you came, you'd know what I mean." Nivida stood there panting, not bothering trying to gather herself quickly, instead just standing there on weak legs, enjoying her much-deserved afterglow.

"-pant-...-pant-....mmmmmm....oooooooooooo...that was sooooo good..." Raziao's finger pumps slowed to a halt before he drew them out of her.

"How do you feel my queen?" He said as he stood up behind her, slipping his arms around her waist and pulling the smaller bunny against his chest, both paws grabbing each of her large tits, squeezing and fondling them as she lifted her muzzle up, licking under his chin.

"Mmmmm...You can't imagine how good I feel right now...that was just...unbelievable."

Raziao murred softly into one of the bunny's ears, speaking to her in a whisper.

"I bet it was...though I know I can make you feel even better then that.." he said as he pushed his hips up against hers, letting her feel his stiff shaft against her ass. Nivida reached a paw back between her and Razi, slipping her paw right down the front of his pants. Her soft paw sliding down the front of his shaft before her slim fingers curled around it.

"With this?....Oh my! You...are...way bigger then the king was...."

Raziao giggled and kissed the queens cheeks, tweaking her nipples with his fingertips for a moment.

"Oh yeah? I bet if he was my size you probably woulda got off eh?"

The queen couldn't help but laugh.

"You are probably right...hehehehe...Are you going to prove it to me?"

"Mmmm..I sure am..Just stay where you are." Raziao slipped his paws off of the queens beautiful breasts, reaching to his pants and undoing the button, tugging the zipper down quickly and sliding them off his hips along with his boxers, pushing them to just below knee level. The queen's paw drifted down a little lower to the skolf's thick sac as it was released from his boxers.

" bigger them him here too...glad I'm not in season.." The queen giggled again, turing her upper body a little to get a good look at what was in her hand. Her eyes opened wide as she feasted them on the skolf's smokey grey meat, all 8 inches throbbing above her hand as she cradled and caressed his fuzzy white balls, which felt full as if he hadn't released in a long time. The queen shifted her paw back to the big meat, not wanting to take her eyes off but craved for it to be inside her.

"Shall I...return the favor?"

Raziao's heart skipped a beat; a flash of heat coursed though his body just as it does every time he's with Ah-Freya, the goddess of water. The thrill of banging someone so powerful was definitely a high point to this though her beauty was what made want it more. He inhaled slowly..

" the end of things."

The queen replied. "The gonna...give me a treat?"

Raziao's cock throbbed hard over her words, a bead of pre-seed seeping out of his little cum slit and slowly beginning to trickle down the front of his shaft. The queen caught it in her paw, rubbing the newfound lubricant over his shaft, slickening him. The anticipation for this was almost too much.

"I'm glad I have high stamina...cuz you words are driving me crazy..." He placed his paws on her shoulders, forcing her to turn back towards the mirror then slipped his paw up her neck, the queens head dipping forward a bit from his touch. She cooed quietly as he took the crest clip out of her hair, causing it to drop along the back and sides of her face. His fingers slipped through her hair slowly, scratching along her scalp before he took a handful of it into his paw, tugging the queen's head up to his shoulder. Nivida's eyes shut tightly, her muzzle pointed to the sky again as Razi leaned into her neck, roughly biting it, which caused her to moan, and freeze where she stood as the sharp teeth dug into her neck but did not break the flesh. Raziao felt the queen shiver against him and begin rubbing his paws up from her hips, over her corset and once again to the lovely spheres that were her breasts, looking into the mirror as he squeezes and bounced them together. He chuckled softly over the obsession he was developing over her tits then let them and the queens neck go, whispering into her ear once she opened her eyes.

"Now put your paws back on the desk, and bend over just as before."

The queen weakly nodded and did as she was told. The bunny resuming the spread legged stance she had..Pushing her ass out. Her fingers hooking under the edge of the desk and gripping tight and bending over forward, low to the desk but in a comfortable way so her arms wouldn't hurt from holding herself up.

"Mmm..Yeah just like that my queen."

He rubbed his left paw over her left cheek, taking his cock into his right. His hips dipped a little, teasingly rubbing his under shaft between the queen's fuzzy rump cheeks. He bumped the tip of his prick to the bunny's tight little tailhole, pushing forward as if he were going to mount her there...the queen didn't fight it, she pushed her hips back against him, moaning as she did..and had their been lube involved, it would have surly been her first anal experience.

"Ooo.." He leaned over and into Nivida's ear. "Does the bunny want it in her little asshole?" He said with a playful chuckle. The queen looked up at him in the mirror, biting her lower lip.

"..I just want you inside of anywhere."

The skolf kissed the top of her head and stood upright again.

" more teasing the queen." And with that, he dipped his hips lower, pressing his prick to her tiny clit then slowly bringing his hips back up..His cock sliding between those tight wet lips until finally he met his mark. He pushed forward just a little, holding the queens hips still. His cockhead sunk into her and the queen cooed, her head dipping low and her ears flopping forward. He pulled back a little and started to work his way further in, not wanting to hurt the queen, for every inch he'd push in, he'd pull back out to wetten his cock with her juices and let her pussy adjust to the thickness of his rod..then finally he pulled all the way out one last time before driving it all back inside her with an audible smack of his hips to her ass.

"Nnnnnughhh! Ooooo...ohhhhh so big...!" The queen pushed her hips back to his and held grinded against him for a moment.

"Ahhh...mmmmm its all nice and tight around me.." He drew his hips back and slammed in again, watching the queens breasts jostle forward in the mirror.

"I want you to enjoy much as possible..I also want you to watch yourself in the see how happy and how sexy you look Nivida..Maybe you'll loosen up a little on the traditions."

And with that, he begin working his hips in and out of her slowly. The bunny closed her eyes tight working her hips back against him with every thrust as she thought to herself that just awhile ago she thought of nothing but the well being of her minions, but in a few short moments she managed to add herself into the equation. She couldn't believe it. Nivida lifted her head, gazing at the mirror in half lidded eyes..what she saw simply amazed her..never in her life had she felt so free. Her face was very red under the white fur. Her lop ears hanging down on either side of her face. Her large bosom swaying in outward circles and smacking together at the end of each of Razi's thrusts. She weakly smiled in the mirror at herself.

"" Raziao cut her off.

"Yer right, you do look mmmmm!" His hips begin to speed up, the sound of them meeting the bunny's behind now filling the air. The queen's pussy making such lewd wet noises as the big skolf's meat slid in and out. The queen felt so full. Her moans beginning to drown every other noise out.

Raziao griped tightly onto the queens hips, assisting the bunny's pushing back against him, pulling her roughly onto his shaft as he'd slam it into her. Things were getting a lot hotter and a lot heavier.

" do you feel?"

The bunny lowered her upper body fully against the desk, causing the mirror to rock a little as Razi kept pounding into her.


With her newfound support, the bunny reached one of her paws down between her thighs, beginning to rub at her sensitive clit. At that point, the queen begin to shake, almost uncontrollably. The heat once again building up inside her.

"Good...hunny..." Nivida cut him off this time. "Mmmm..more...Razi...harder..ahhhh!"

He followed the queen's command, keeping his speed but thrusting into her a lot harder then before. The moans becoming yeps from the bunny. Her legs became weaker as she almost lost footing. The queen would cum soon once again.

Nivida's whole body tensed up, her pussy squeezing and milking the big skolf cock so hard, Razi felt he would cum soon himself but promised her a little -Treat- so he'd hold his seed back. His sac beginning to contract against his body, getting ready to eject the seed into his shaft..and the queen froze again. She lifted her muzzle higher then before, her back arching against him as she screamed out her second orgasm.


Her pussy became a lot wetter then before. Those lewd noises filling the air even more along with the bunny's feminine mush emitting from her heated area as Razi continued to pound into her. The queen gasped, holding her breath and Razi slammed into her one last time, pressed in deeply holding his meat still inside her as her tight lips clenched around him, her body finally not being able to stand on her own as her orgasm wracked through her body again. Razi slipped his arms around her waist, bending over slightly to hold her up until she could regain her composure.

"Oooo...oh GODS!" She wiggled her hips slowly against him. "Razi you are so...ahhhhhhhhh...." The queen lowered herself onto the desk, panting rapidly as her heart raced within her chest.

Razi drew his cock out of the quivering bunny. Her tail flicked once as he did. "Awww..." The queen giggled playfully. Starting to regain herself though still cooing from the afterglow. Razi rubbed his shaft between her cheeks again as the bunny relaxed.

"Now..It's...your turn deserve some release for your...amazing work...but I'm afraid I've never done it before.."

Razi moved back a bit, the queen spinning around and easing herself onto her knees, sitting on her heels. She reached a soft paw to his cock, beganing to stroke over it slowly, her paw sliding easliy along the slick cock.

"I don't want to do something wrong.."

Razi placed his paw onto the top of her head, rubbing it slowly.

"Don't worry..I'll coach you along.." He licked his lips.

"Go ahead.." The queen parted her lips a little, bringing his cocktip to them and lapping over the little hole, automatically tasting herself.

"'re right..I do taste of cherries.." And with that she downed his cock. Taking almost all of it into her muzzle, lightly grazing her teeth along the top of it but Razi didn't mind.

" sure you've never?"

She grinned up at him with his cock between her lips, starting to bob her head, her teeth not coming into contact with him again.

"Mmmm..You are doin your tongue harder against the bottom..I love that.."

The queen easily adapted to Razi's wish. Her short lapine tongue pressing firmly against the sensitive under shaft, sliding it left and right as her head continued to bob, her paw jacking him off into her muzzle in tune with her mouth.

Razi craned his head to the side, looking again at the Queen's lovely chest..He had to feel those around his cock.

"Nivida...try this..Replace your paw with your breasts...wrap them right around my shaft."

Nivida looked up at the sexy skolf, leaning her head back and causing his cock to pop from between her lips. She licked over them slowly as she hefted each breast into each paw, lifting herself up more so on her knees and spreading her tits around his cock, letting the member lay nestled into her fuzzy cleavage then squeezing them together, his cock engulfed.

"Like that?"

Finally, his big dick between those big breasts.

"Yeah...mmm..Just like that." The queen nodded and lowered her head to the top again, taking it into her muzzle once more. Razi held onto the back of her head now, holding her in place as he begins to hump between the tits and into her mouth. Her mouth making an audible click each time his tip re-enters her muzzle. She murred each time it slipped between her thin lips, sending vibrations through his cock. He seemed to enjoy this very much, his eyes shut tight and his ears flopped over, so she held her tits tight around him, not wanting the big cock to slip free. The sexy male began to shake in front of her, his knees becoming weak. He would finally explode for her and give her the treat she desired.

"Oooo..Your tits feel so nice and soft around me..I'm gonna cum soon.." He speeded up a little, driving his cock back as far as she could take it in her mouth, getting closer and closer, his cock twitching and releasing some pre-seed onto her tongue and then finally he pulled his cock from her stroking it rapidly, the queen closing her eyes, her mouth still open with her little tongue hanging out over her bottom lip. Her tits still squeezed together. She was ready to receive a good coating.

-tap tap tap tap-

Their ears perked up, but they stayed in position as Razi's fist continued to pump..Someone was coming down the hall and they would soon reach the door. The closer they got, the closer Razi got. He whimpers quietly and whispered to the queen. "..ahhh...I'm"

And just as there was a soft knock on the door, the skolf finally released his thick ropey seed, he gritted his teeth to keep from howling out but slipped out a little yelp as he didn't release into the air, but instead into the queens mouth. When whoever was at the door knocked, Nivida quickly lifted her muzzle to his prick, downing his cock and taking the whole load down her throat. Raziao grunted, standing on tiptoe as he slumped over just a little, gripping the back of her head and holding her still as he fully unloaded into her mouth. As quiet as it was in the room he could hear the queen gulping his seed down...and once ever drop was sucked out of him she quickly let him go and hoped over to her dress. Razi stood there in a daze for just a moment before he eyed the queen buttoning up her dress.

"Oh crap..." He reached for his pants, pulling them up quickly and adjusting them, straightening his shirt as well. "Don't forget the crown hun!" He padded over to the door, unlocking it as Nivida smoothed her hair and placed her crown on her head, making sure everything was in place in the mirror, pulling the chair back to the vanity and sitting. He looked back at the queen, making sure she was ok..They both smiled and blushed at each other before he opened the door...

...and there was Danika... be continued.

One More Time (The Princess p2-A)

"The Princess" Part 2a By Sir Razalus "Oh crap..." He reached for his pants, pulling them up quickly and adjusting them, straightening his shirt as well. "Don't forget the crown hun!" He padded over to the door, unlocking it as Nivida...

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