The Lusty Argonian Maid 1:7

Story by DeamonPrince on SoFurry

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#7 of The Lusty Argonian Maid

Act 1 scene 7 of my Novelization of The Lusty Argonian Maid

Act 1: The Arrival of the Maid

Scene 7

Lifts-Her-Tail slowly walked through the mansion, she cleaned the shelves, tidying up as she hummed to herself. The feeling of Lord Corto inside her still had not left her system since a week had passed. She mused how if they were alone again, what could happen. Suddenly she felt an uneasy reminder, how she still lusted after Lady Selius, and still did.

"Why do I still want her?" She softly asked herself as she walked to her master's bedroom, listening to silence. She opened the door, nobody was in the room. She walked in and continued to clean. "I thought I knew what I wanted," She scowled, "but now I don't." She stopped and looked at her master's bed, the sheets were ruffled and the obvious signs of sensual activity emanates off the bed, the smell excites Lifts-Her-Tail, the image of her masters making sweet sensual love drives her crazy.

"Tali?" The voice of Lady Selius echoes from the doorway. She walks in and shuts the door, "Are you here for some satisfaction?" Her words were lewd and raunchy but rang a truth in Tali's mind.

"I am here to clean madam, that is all." Her voice was shaky, she suddenly wanted the lustful woman to take her.

"Oh?" She walked behind the young maid and slowly slid her hand along the dress to meet the place of her desires, She slowly rubbed the slit in smooth strong circles, her breath resting on Tali's neck. "Well I know something you can clean."

Lifts-Her-Tail moans lightly, her breath escaping her, her pussy quivering and her body shuddering as the sensation passed through her bones. "Mistress..."

"I need you to clean my honeypot." Her words rang a lustful bell in the ears of Lifts-Her-Tail as she felt her clit swelling and her slit soaking. Slowly Selius forced Lifts-Her-Tail down to her knees. "Use your tongue to lick up all the honey."

The aroma struck Tali's nose and suddenly her eyes widened. ~What am I doing? I am in love with Lord Corto, yet I am here about to grant his wife my tongue for her pleasure.~ She thought to herself when suddenly Lifts-Her-Tail removed Seli's clothing and revealing the sweet and savory honeypot in her crotch. "Why do you do this to me?"

"To show help you feel sexually relieved. I want you to discover yourself." Selius grinned and forced Tali's face into her slit, "I also would like to feel a long strong tongue like yours."

~Am I not who I think I I am who I am...or am I?~ She plunged her tongue deep into the cunt of the woman above her. Suddenly she tasted sweet and sour juices coating and flooding her thick tongue as it penetrated the privates of her mistress. ~I am a pervert...I'm sick...or is this I not attracted to men? Then why is Lord Corto the only thing I dream of?~ Suddenly she was struck upside the head.

"Get back to thinking of me." Lady Selius was suddenly cruel and her face contorted. "I am your world right now."

"Yes ma'am." Tali resumed her cleaning duty as she slowly twirled her tongue around the wet insides of the honeypot.

Several minutes later Lady Selius was holding onto the horns of Tali, suddenly pulling them, reminding her of the dinner months back, Tali pulled away in a frightful scurry. ~What was that?~ "I am sorry ma'am, I won't do it again." She looked up and saw Selius with tears in her eyes.

"No I am sorry." She sat on the end of the bed and wiped away her tears. "You were so good I lost control," she turned to the maid. "Please forgive me."

"Of course Seli." She smiled at her mistress. "I enjoyed it too."

"You did?" Selius stopped sobbing.

"I think so...all I know is I am confused." Tali's sweet voice rang softly.


"I don't know who I am anymore."

"You are Lifts-Her-Tail, maid of Lord Corto."

"I mean more of who I am to myself...ever since you took me I lost who I was, I think I get it back but then it leaves me." A tear forms in the eye of the reptilian maid, "Its too late for me, I am lost and I am struggling to find myself."

"Then that is what you should do." Selius sat forward and turned to her. "If you could find a way to find what you seek, you will find it and learn who you are to yourself." Selius smiled tenderly, "I'm sorry I confused you, you seemed to be hurt and I wanted to help."

Lifts-Her-Tail laughed, "You both are so strange. You actually care for your servants, and treat us as people and not tools."

"That is because you are living, breathing, learning people." She smiled, "I noticed you have been reading more."

Tali blushed slightly, and turned away. "I have been working on my speaking, I don't want to sound illiterate."

"Well you sound much better." Selius stood up and walked to her and kissed her tenderly, "I hope you don't mind me still lusting after you, sweetie."

"Do as you might...after all you are my employer." Tali's statement was rough and rubbed Selius wrong, but her words were spoken sweetly so the wounds of the meaning was weakened.

"But you are my friend." Selius held the young woman in her arms as her fingers traces lines into her scales, "I care for your feelings Tali."

"Thank you ma'am." She smiled and pulled away. She dressed herself quickly and left the room. ~What do I do?~She thought to herself, ~I want to love Lord Corto only, however the Mistress is so tender with me...I thought I would find a good man...then again I am the daughter of a whore.~ She took herself to her room and collapsed into the pillow. "I got about an hour of work left...I got four hours left to do it...I should take a nap, maybe I could think then." She spoke to herself.

"But you could find Lord Corto and fuck him again." She said again, responding to herself.

"But that is not who I am. I am a good woman, I am better then that to have sex with a married man, whether I love him or not." She began to get angry with herself, ~Am I arguing with myself?~

"Yet you took him by force, you gave him your tongue to please himself. You raped him." She said darkly.

"I did not rape him!" She roared at herself, sitting up and looking at the glass in her window, staring at her reflection. ~Am I losing my mind?~

~Yes.~ A darker voice echoed in her mind.

~Who are you?~

~You.~ "And yes you took him by surprise. You forced yourself on him...and you call yourself a good girl."

~Am I really a bad girl? Who am I?~ A tear began to streak across the cheek of the Argonian. "Who am I?"

The Lusty Argonian Maid 2:5

Act 2: The Maid's Identity Scene 5 Lifts-Her-Tail groaned, her memory of the past week was gone. She remembered Corto's voice, his screams of pain and then, black. She looked around and saw she was on an alter underneath a shrine of the Daedric Lord...

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The Lusty Argonian Maid 2:4

Act 2: The Maid's Identity Scene 4 Tali slowly opened her eyes, her body seemed heavy, she began to feel the fog rising off of her, and the wood of the ceiling came into focus. She lifted her arm and held it in front of her, she was in control of...

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The Lusty Argonian Maid 2:3

Act 2: The Maid's Identity Scene 3 Lifts-Her-Tail hummed happily as she walked along the river. She could hear it faintly but the sound was obvious, the sound of Riverwood's residents screaming in horror as the dying body of a naked castrated Bosmer...

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