Eyes in the Darkness

Story by SilverKitsune on SoFurry

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It was a crisp autumn evening and the streetlights had just flickered to life, casting their soft, thick light onto the sidewalks below. Cars passing by whisked piles of leaves in the gutter into the air. The moon had just risen into the navy blue sky as a kangaroo girl, clad in a long, black coat tied at the waist with a belt, a short, black skirt, and a bright red shirt made her way down the chipped cement sidewalk. She flicked her ears and ran a paw over her hair to smooth it down and began walking down the street.

"Fifth Street," it had said, "number twenty-seven oh four." The crumpled note lay hastily folded up back in some taxicab. It didn't matter--this wasn't the first time she had gone here, and it certainly would not be the last. The kangaroo's heels clicked as she walked briskly down the dimly lit sidewalk. It was still at least a dozen blocks further on her own street and then a few across. She decided to take a shortcut.

The gritty maw of a lightless alleyway welcomed her down it and between two brick buildings, so busy and lively by day, but so cold and foreboding by night. Not even the light of the moon permeated the darkness back here. Most people in their right mind would never even think of setting foot in a place like this. The kangaroo girl wasn't fearful, though. She knew these alleys fairly well, and the shady types one hears nightmarish stories about would know better than to prey upon her. She smirked to herself at thoughts of things that had gone on in these secluded sanctuaries of sin as she wound her way through the spaces behind buildings.

Finally she emerged several streets up. Darkness had its full firm grip on the night as the few visible stars appeared, contributing their feeble light to the shadowy streets. The streetlights on this street never did work, and the few that did cast their light in the wrong places. She passed cars that never moved from their permanent parking spots, parking meters long since beaten down and broken, and finally approached the porch of number twenty-seven zero four. The rusty, wrought iron railing stood woefully lopsided, but the top step was illuminated by a single dusty bulb. The roo climbed the stairs and stood at the door. She knocked twice. She glanced into the faintly lit window of the house. Through the narrow divide in the musty old curtains could be seen only the back of a sofa, from the looks of it in need of new upholstery. From behind the door came the sounds of footsteps, and then the door creaked open.

"Ah...Ayane. Please come in."

Ayane gazed for a moment at the figure standing in the door. He was a male coyote, about 5'11", with feathery, sandy fur and unsettling amber eyes. Ayane loved that. He was rather older than she, and although Ayane didn't know quite how old that might be, he looked to be in his late thirties or early forties. He had unkempt brown hair that hung down about his neck, and hardly ever was combed into tameness. He stepped aside to let her through the door.

"It's been far too long, Ayane. Might I take your coat?" the man asked.

Ayane unbuttoned the front of her coat. "Thank you, Sangé." She slid the coat off her shoulders and handed it to the coyote. He took it and hung it carefully on the coat rack at the base of the stairs.

"Might I offer you a drink? I was just about to pour myself a glass of wine," Sangé asked as he walked into the next room. Ayane looked around the room as she answered,

"Yes, please."

It was a familiar place. She visited Sangé all the time when she was young, after all. The green, faintly striped wallpaper, the dusty crystal chandelier hanging up above. Her eyes moved up the grey-carpeted stairs, and across the darkened window on the first landing. Apparently those stairs led up to his studio and his bedroom. He was an artist and a writer. She had never often been allowed into Sangé's studio when she was a girl. Ayane was always told "you'll mess things up," or especially "not until you're older."


Ayane snapped out of her reminiscent daze and turned at the sound of her name. Sangé stood in the doorway of the kitchen holding two wineglasses half-full with red wine. The two of them made their way past the stairs and into the sitting room, where Sangé handed Ayane one of the wineglasses in his paws. They sat and sipped in silence for a few minutes, chatting about this and that here and there. Finally Sangé set down his glass and smiled.

"Finished?" he said.

"Yes." Ayane set down her glass.

"Then come with me...let me show you to your room."

Sangé stood up and extended his hand to Ayane. She took it and he led her back to the stairs in front of the front door. He smiled again.

"Let's go upstairs, then, shall we?"

Ayane nodded and the two of them climbed the stairs. Sangé led her into a dark room lit by one lamp at the other end.

"I'm glad you decided to stay with me while you're here, Ayane," Sangé said, turning one more light on, allowing her to see the room. "There's a bathroom for you right over there. I'm sure you'll be comfortable."

"Thank you. If you don't mind, I'm going to clean up before bed." Ayane said, stretching her back.

"By all means. I'll be down the hall. Good night." Sangé left the room. Ayane stood listening to the ambient moaning of the house for a moment as floorboards creaked under Sangé's retreating footsteps, and then stepped into the small bathroom off of her room. She flipped the light switch on the wall and squinted, as the light in here was obnoxiously bright compared to the rest of the house. Once her eyes became accustomed to the light, she stepped up to the edge of the sink, pushing the door shut behind her with her tail. She peered into the mirror, which was marred with scratches and dings from years of service. She reached a paw up behind her head and tugged the elastic band holding her hair from its place. Her hair flipped out and fell about her neck and shoulders. Next she took hold of the bottom of her shirt and pulled it off over her head, revealing the sheer, lacy black brassiere she wore underneath. She ran her fingers through her hair and turned the faucet handle. Leaning over the sink, she splashed water on her face and began to wash up.

Ayane emerged from the bathroom, rubbing her face with a towel as she walked toward the bed. She hung the towel over the back of a rather unattractive chair sitting in front of an old wooden desk. With a quick undoing of a button and slip of a belt, her skirt fell to the floor around her ankles, exposing a sheer, lacy black thong that matched her bra. She glanced for a moment at the open door, but thought nothing else about it and made her way to the large canopy bed, drawing back the sheets. She turned off the light next to the bed and the room was consumed by darkness. Ayane closed her eyes, leaning back into the pillow.


It had been a few hours, and Ayane was fast asleep. After a while, she began to toss and turn. Eyes...yellow eyes were staring at her...she could do nothing but lay there, motionless. She tried to move away, but to no avail; she was stuck. The eyes pierced her soul, and she could not escape their gaze. She tried to scream, but her voice wouldn't come. The eyes blinked, and she awoke quite abruptly. She was breathing heavily. She didn't realize for a moment that she had sat up in bed.

Ayane glanced at the window across the room. It was pitch black. Still the middle of the night. She looked again at the door, out into the hallway. The hallway was dim as well. Suddenly she felt an impulse to have a look down the hallway. Stranger still was a sensation that she was being watched. She shook her head and collapsed back onto the pillow.

She sat there for a matter of minutes, but couldn't get back to sleep. Every time she would drift back to sleep, the yellow eyes would cast their gaze on her again and frighten her back awake. Ayane lay there, with the desire to peer down the hallway burning strongly in the pit of her stomach. Finally she gave in.

She threw back the covers and stood up, not bothering to get dressed. Slowly as anything, she stepped toward the open doorway. She stepped into the middle of the hallway and turned to the left. Darkness greeted her. She decided to go down the hallway. She approached at the other end, only a few yards away. Ayane noticed Sangé's door was ajar. The strange curiosity overcame her and she gently pushed open the door, looking into the pitch-dark room. After a few seconds' silence she heard Sangé's voice.

"Ah, Ayane. Do come in."

Ayane stepped in. Sangé's silhouette was vaguely visible in the dark room. He wasn't facing her.

"I knew you'd find your way here eventually," he said.

"...how did you--?" Ayane started. Sangé turned around to face her and slowly made his way toward her. His eyes glinted yellow in the moonlight.

"I think you know," he responded, a smirk visible on his face now that Ayane's eyes were used to the darkness. He stopped mere inches from Ayane.

"I..." Ayane realized she was standing in front of him in nothing but her undergarments. She dreadfully wanted to leave, but something inside her made her stay. "Why did...?" Sangé placed his paw on her shoulder.

"I never did let you up here when you were younger, Ayane," he mused, running one finger up and down the curve of her neck. "Only so your first presence here would be truly memorable."

Ayane said nothing. She stood motionless. Sangé contemplated her for a few seconds before speaking.

"I've always loved you as a daughter, Ayane. I've watched you grow up through your entire life. But watching you blossom into the beautiful young woman you've become, I've begun to desire you as more."

Ayane opened her mouth but still said nothing. Sangé looked into her face, his golden eyes seemingly stifling all attempts at escaping. Sangé slid his hand down to her waist.

"You have become a wonderfully attractive lady, Ayane," he said, moving still closer to her, tracing his finger along the curve of her side. Ayane could not bring herself to protest, no matter how much she willed herself to. "And tonight, I will make you mine."

Ayane desperately wanted to run from the room, out the door, and away from this man she once trusted. Somehow she was being held back; some force she could not fight kept her here, captive.

Ayane gasped suddenly as her vision was once again filled with the specter of a pair of yellow eyes staring at her, seeing her through and looking upon her entire being, soul and all. Their gaze made her want to scream, but she could not. Instead she doubled over, her eyes clenched shut, clutching her head with her paws. The eyes disappeared.

She was on her back, looking up at the ceiling. In the time she had been afflicted with the horrible vision, Sangé had moved her to his bed, and was kneeling above her. She looked upon him as she lay there. He had removed all his clothing and leaned in close to Ayane, his muzzle millimeters away from hers. He swiftly snapped her bra off and slipped her panties off just as deftly, leaving her nude underneath him. She shook her head frantically.

"...let me go..." She whimpered quietly.

"Not tonight, my Ayane," he murred, "If you would only relax, you would enjoy this so much more as well." He cupped her left breast in his hand, squeezing it firmly. Ayane tried to squirm out from under him, but she had little control over her body and what little she had was thwarted by Sangé's strength.

Sangé leaned forward and took her other nipple in his mouth, sucking and licking it, and nipping gently with his teeth. Ayane groaned with a mix of pleasure and discomfort. He massaged her breasts roughly as he licked across her nipples, nipping at her skin across her neck and up her shoulders. She grimaced, but moaned regardless. He leaned back up, pushing Ayane's legs apart. Her pink lips came into view and Sangé moved the tip of his member, now unsheathed, to her crotch. He looked into her eyes.

"Don't...I don't want..." Ayane tried to say. Sangé ignored her. He pushed his hips forward, driving his cock into her body in one smooth motion. He slid in with ease, as Ayane's tight passage willingly stretched to accommodate him. Ayane yelped in protest, but Sangé held her down and started to rock his hips, thrusting himself in and out of her pussy. Each thrust elicited a whimper from Ayane, but now the inevitable pleasure of the act washed over her.

Sangé grabbed hold of her thighs and lifted her lower body up off the bed, speeding up his thrusting in this position. Ayane bit her lip and shut her eyes, her whole body rocked with each of the coyote's powerful thrusts. Sangé looked over her with a lustful eye, watching as her breasts heaved with each pump of his cock within her. With each thrust he hilted her, pressing his swollen knot against her slick sex.

Ayane cried out as Sangé's thrusts only became deeper each time, the walls of her pussy straining to contain him. She screamed in both pleasure and pain as her climax took hold of her. Sangé pulled his member out from her pussy abruptly as Ayane shuddered from the effects of the orgasm. Through the high, Ayane thought for a fleeting moment that this might mean he was finished with her. She was proven wrong, however, as Sangé gripped her buttocks and pulled them apart from one another, leaving her tailhole exposed to him.

Ayane yelped Sangé violated her tailhole, stretching her far past what she could tolerate. She winced in pain as Sangé picked up his thrusting once more, the coyote groaning as her tailhole constricted around his member. Sangé's hips rocked rapidly, his cock slipping in and out of her ass body more effort than before. Sangé held her rear end up with one paw as he placed the other on her crotch. He slid one finger after another into her pussy, twitching them about in rhythm with his thrusts. Ayane, panting at this point, arched her back, letting out a long moan, interrupted only by the force of each thrust shaking her. She clenched her teeth as she came again, her muscles tensing and squeezing Sangé's cock inside her. This was enough to send Sangé over the edge; with one final thrust he slid his cock as far in as it would go, all the way to the top of his knot, and threw his head back, jaw agape, as he came inside her. His cock filled Ayane's ass with hot seed as shot after shot of the sticky gift poured out within her. The last few spasms of orgasm came and went and Sangé removed his member from her ass, leaving her tailhole twinging with pain and dripping with cum and blood. Ayane collapsed, panting heavily, her eyes still shut. Sangé rolled over and sat on the edge of the bed, looking back at Ayane. Still panting, Ayane managed to open her eyes and glared at Sangé. He only smirked.

"Whenever I want you, Ayane, you will be mine."

The eyes looked upon her again, and she felt herself dragged down into darkness.