Transformation Stream Story 5: Reforming the Dragons

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Yep, more to come.

Art by Forge.

Reforming the Dragons for Zsisron by Draconicon

Edward pulled himself up another part of the cliff, his armor scraping over the jagged rocks that formed the face of it. As he swung his leg up to stand on another foothold, he paused to look back the way he came.

The ground was far further away than he thought. It had to be more than a thousand feet below him now, and that was if he counted the few flat parts where he'd rested on the way up. Shuddering at the sight, the human turned around and looked up instead.

That was a far more comforting sight, and considering he was looking upon the jagged peaks of old Mt. Drackus, the old home of the Dragon-Kin, that was saying something. With the usual lightning storm flashing around the spire that formed its peak, it had all the looks of something nature had forbidden to mortals. Common sense demanded that no one approach it.

Sadly, he had as little of that as his friend Henry did.

"Damn it. You had to go look. Why did you have to look?"

He grumbled to himself as he continued his climb, sinking his hands into the few grips he could find, and yanking himself up to the new footholds before his arms could give out. The armor made it harder, but with all the sharp rocks - and the risk of falling debris from above - he didn't dare the climb without some protection. Another swing of his arm brought his hand to a new handhold, but this one felt different.

As he edged his fingers back and forth, he realized that it was another outcropping, perhaps even a cave entrance.

"Well...that's lucky."

Caves went through the mountain like holes through imported cheese. Most of them connected to some other part of the mountain, and considering that he was still fairly low, chances were that it would take him further up. Edward hoped so, anyway; if it didn't, this could slow him down more than he could afford.

Yanking himself over the ledge and scraping his armor again in the process, the young man flung himself onto the flat rock with a deep breath. Clank clang went his armor as it hit the rock, and he sighed, barely caring about the noise it made. He needed the rest, bad.

"Henry, I swear. If I find you, and you don't have a good reason for not coming back..." He shook his head. "I'll figure something out by the time I get there."

The whole thing was ridiculous. Henry's unit was supposed to be scouting the edges of the mountain, seeing if there were any of the Kobgoblin remnants that still bothered the inhabitants of the realm lurking about. The Kobgoblins weren't as bad as their former masters had been, but in the numbers they presented...

But then, Henry disappeared. From what Edward had managed to get out of the rest of the patrol, Henry had heard something, and run off into one of the caves. The other men had tried to follow, but were pushed back as more of the little lizard creatures had shown up. A patrol wasn't equipped to fight them directly, so Edward couldn't blame them for running back home. He could, however, blame Henry for getting them into the whole goddamn mess.

After a few more minutes resting, Edward slowly pulled himself to his feet. His armor somehow felt heavier after the rest than it had during the climb, but he figured that he'd get used to it again before long. Punching a few of the looser pieces back into place, the soldier turned to the cave. It was dark, but he could see some of the glowing crystals the mountain featured further down the tunnel.

"Alright, Henry...where are you?"

He walked for an hour before he found something new. A fork in the tunnel, lit by something other than a crystal.

Personally, he would have preferred the crystal to the burning meat on a bone torch.

The Kobgoblins are getting bolder, if they're making stuff like this, he thought as he leaned away from it. Still, the torch did give quite a bit more light, even if it stank to high heaven, and he reluctantly took it as he looked down the two tunnels.

One of them had a hint of light at the end, occasionally brightened. That would be the lightning, he knew, so it would lead outside. The other...

Edward was hesitant to look too long down that tunnel. There were no crystals, like there were in the other ones, which meant that something had broken them all off. The Kobgoblins wouldn't have done that, but something else, something bigger...that could see in the dark...would have. And there was only one thing big enough to do that, that he knew of.

Of course, dragons couldn't have returned. They were all killed off in the last war. The Kobgoblins were all that remained.

But still...

"Well...He might be down there, and if he is, there's no way he's getting back out without some light."

Edward hated himself for it, but he started walking into the darkness, hoping the torch would last long enough to get him to the end of the tunnel.

It didn't take him long to want to turn around. Not only was the darkness oppressive beyond measure, but there was a smell filling the air. It burned at his nose, a harsh musk that was vaguely like horses, except sharper and much more powerful. He rubbed at his nose again and again, but it didn't help one bit.

Annoyingly, his body started to heat up as well. He brushed it off as exercise at first, but Edward soon realized that he was sweating far more than exercise would allow. Pausing, he laid the torch on the floor and undid several straps on his armor. It felt like a whoosh of steam exited his armor, and he groaned in relief.

He had to make several more stops as he walked along, each time loosening his armor further and further. At one point, he had to take his breastplate off completely, throwing it down. By the time he walked past it, the stench in the air had already made him forget about it, more focused on finding out what it was than anything else. Even the thought of finding Henry had faded from his mind, replaced by solving the mystery of the musk.

As he rounded one final corner, he had his answer.

Light from multiple fires lit the cavern, and in the center of it was a great beast. It was massive, standing more than fifteen feet tall, and its legs alone were longer and thicker than Edward's whole body. Its tail thrashed behind it in some form of agitation, and Edward hissed as he saw it crack a boulder into pebbles with a single blow.

It was laying on its back when he first looked in, but then it - HE rolled over, and all question of its agitation was solved.

"Great gods..."

Between the creature's legs was a massive shaft, fully as long as his body was tall. The creature stroked it like many of his fellow soldiers did, hard and fast without concern for enjoying itself longer, just the need to finish. As it spurted a jet of goo, the scent that filled the tunnel increased in strength.

"I've been...breathing..."

The realization hit him like a ton of bricks. He expected to be sick, but instead the scent made him moan. He slid to his knees, unable to support himself.

The clang from his remaining armor immediately caught the creature's attention. The beast leaped to its hind legs, looking right at him, and moved faster than he could believe. Like lightning, the creature was upon him, and Edward found himself pulled into the cavern without even drawing his sword.

Thrown to the floor - and sliding in some of the creature's ooze - Edward eventually came to a halt, bumping against something hard. Hard, and smoother than any rock. He turned his head.

Steel armor, much the same as his own, glinted in the light. Henry's, judging by the familiar scratches and use. And -

He whipped his head around as the creature grabbed his legs. Somehow, it managed to rip the remaining armor from him, as well as most of his clothes. The only thing remaining was the cloth he wore over his crotch, and as the creature loomed over him, dripping that musky goo on him, it burned it away, leaving him fully exposed.



It didn't answer. He didn't expect it could, but it had to be Henry. He leaned up -

-Only to be slammed back down by the creature's overlarge hand. His head bumped the ground hard, and he saw stars for a second.

When he could see clearly again, he looked down. The creature continued to jerk at its shaft, oozing more pre over his stomach. The liquid burned at him, but as it covered him, he could see his flesh sliding away. It moved as if detached, flowing off of him like sticks down a river. In its place were scales, large, and growing, just like the ones on the creature.

He couldn't even protest. The smell, the musk was too strong, making it impossible to think of anything but the smell. And as the liquid started to spread over him, it carried the transformation with it. His skin slipped off, replaced by smooth scales, and his muscles began to grow beneath them.

However, that wasn't the only thing that was growing. As his body changed, it felt like it was stretching, growing to absorb all the musky fluid that was covering him. It seemed to soak right into his scales, and as it did, his head and his feet grew further and further apart. His nose and lips pushed forward, extending outwards, upwards, even as his head grew to support the new, larger mouth.

He rolled over, feeling the goop settling over his back, over his ass. It burned, and stung as it affected him, his spine tingling and growing as much as the rest of him was. More, as it pushed out through his new scales, rapidly wrapped in scales of its own.

A tail?

The thought disappeared as the creature forced his legs apart, that shaft - no longer so monstrously big, but only moderately so - rubbing against him, forcing bits of its pre inside of him. It squirted against his hole with such force that it went in on its own, and it burned inside of him.

Through it all, his own shaft begged for release, throbbing and twitching excitedly. It leaked, then came, at least twice during the transformation, each time taking more of his thoughts and worries with it, until he finally stopped thinking at all.

He rolled over again. The creature was almost done, he realized, and no longer looked so huge. As he reached up and grabbed that shaft, now slightly smaller than his own, he understood that was because he had grown. He had turned into one of them.

And then he stopped thinking, and started sucking. There were more important things to be thinking about than that, after all.

The End