Cell A114 (Chapter 1)

Story by AddicDragon on SoFurry

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#1 of Cell A114

Greg, the only human in a national crisis on a space station has to work out his complicated relationships with other species and finds love and friendship with enemies and hatred along the way.

Hello! This is my first submission of a story I am working on in its first revised draft. I have decided to post it in chunks for easy reading I hope you enjoy!

The story is very character driven and wont begin with the sensual stuff immediately. I wanted to produce this story in as much a novel form as possible.

Tell me what you think! Id love to hear and I hope you like it :)

The thick white door slid closed quietly, leaving Greg alone in a long corridor that stretched several meters to a similar looking barrier as the one he passed though. The five other gateways he was urged though looked exactly the same as this one. Dull and blank same as the tube-like walls. On his left was a thin pane of black glass that stretched at eye level from one end of the way to the next. Greg knew they were watching him from that long dark strip of glass. Just then a monitor chimed twice and a deep voice said in a bored sort of way "Please continue forward... human."

He swore as loudly as he dared. He had been at one of the Prime Stations heading for earth an hour ago before he was taken in, for of what was known as a Passive Arrest. It recently turned out that a selection of inter-galactic species, including humans, were under public threat of what was currently an unknown source. Though Greg did not like being Passively Arrested, he knew it was an act of safety. Greg, along with many others who were in mid travel though the Prime Stations from one planet to another were now considered to be in danger. What made him more uncomfortable was the surety that the high security station they were being taken to was very, very far from home and he was sure to be the only human in the community. Besides the initial shock from the news proceeding to the threat of his planet, everything else made him uncomfortable almost to the brink of panic. But he knew that would not help him. Panic in a station full of species known and unknown was a dangerous thing.

"Please move forward human" the voice said again as insipidly as before.

Greg soon relented and stepped forward "I hope this is the last one" he growled to himself.

It was, for as he reached the white door it opened up to a massive station chamber stretching easily ten stories high and as long as ten football fields. At the center standing like monstrous bookshelves were the thousands of residential cells set for the many other passively arrested civilians.

What took Greg's breath away was the sheer amount of people in the station. Thousands upon thousands or Dragonkin, Feralkin and their cousins which looked like humanoid wolves and many other species Greg had seen but knew nothing of.

Nobody greeted him at the door and it was soon apparent nobody was going to come and assist him around the massive station. He was on his own and nobody paid heed except to gawk at the fact that he was human and move on.

It concerned Greg, because in the inter-galactic community humans were not appreciated or respected. During the first contact between the "Alien invaders" who were the inter-galactic community at the time; the humans took the contact as an act of war. Like idiots they shot first and asked questions later. Fifty years have passed and that act was not forgotten.

Greg sighed and moved into the bustling groups of creatures, careful not to attract unwanted attention. He was looking for cell A114 which was on the yellow collar tag they gave him. It was a lettered cell, which meant it was a single unit. The Dragonkin at the front of the station gave Glen a worried glance and assigned him his own room and actually wished him luck before walking through the first quadrant.

Greg hastily ducked though the large lumbering species, careful to doge the dragonish tales and bolting Feralkin who snarled with wolfish teeth if he got in their way. Everyone seemed busy to Greg.

Upon skirting past one particularly quick wolf, Greg found his feet tangled over a scaly tale that was almost longer than he was tall.

"Watch it!" roared the ruddy blue dragon that swirled and lashed out his sharp claws at Greg's chest. The dragon was bare chested dressed in purple gasps. Around his neck was a silver device with a green flickering light that transmitted the guttural Dragonkin language into English. The guttural growl along with the voice box screaming at Greg made his blood run cold with fright and the sharp claws did nothing to help. The scaly limb clipped Greg's collar tag which snapped the fine steel chain and sent it hurtling into the crowd.

The dragon did not peruse the argument any further but turned and continued on his way.

Greg stood there, heart racing and his legs almost giving way from fright. For the first time his subdued panic contorted him almost to tears. But he did not break and instead began for the direction in which his tag had been thrown. After a few minutes it was clear that it would be impossible to find it. He stood straight after scouring between the fast paced legs and looked up at the massive grey ceiling of the station almost obscured by mist that normally formed in such massive cambers.

A heavy claw grabbed him on his left shoulder and he shuddered and turned to see his next assailant; a green dragon with silvery eyes and snarling teeth of a maw that made Greg quail. The dragon was shorter than most of his kin but exceptionally well built. Thick arms as wide as Greg's thighs and a chest heaving with a fit belly that faintly betrayed eight tightly stacked abs. He too wore a similar purple garment from the waist down.

Before Greg could react the dragon lifted its free left claw to his face. Greg instinctively closed his eyes in preparation for what was most certainly a strike.

"You dropped this" it said in a deep grumbling voice. The only voice Greg heard today that was touched with concern.

Greg opened his eyes to the yellow tag with thick black letters A114.

"It is" he replied, startled.

The dragon gave his dragonish grin and said "Don't lose it again", with that he patted him on the shoulder and walked off.

Before he disappeared into the crown Greg yelled "Wait!"

The dragon stopped and turned round expectantly at him. Greg frantically searched for a reason to maintain a conversation with the dragon. His cell was one floor above and not hard to find so that would not work. Finally before the dragon started giving him an amused look he asked "You speak English?" he noticed the dragon did not carry a voice box.

The dragon was clearly amused and his sliver eyes lit up, reminding Greg how much like humans they were. The dragon walked back to Greg "Did that not seem apparent?"

Greg's face flushed and he looked down "I just meant, I haven met many Dragonkin who can speak English so well"

The dragon nodded as if the comment meant much to him "Thank you! You are the first human to compliment me so"

Aaron finally smiled back at the dragon that only seemed to brighten more at that. He was the happiest creature Greg had ever seen.

"My name's Greg" he said and put out his hand to shake.

The dragon awkwardly shook his hand "Mine is Moran in your tongue" he said.

The bustling station clamored at Greg's ears for a moment.

"I see you are in a bit of a panic, Greg. May I stay with you until the chaos subsides for the day?"

Greg had to refrain from losing his composure, the question provided relief that Moran immediately saw in Greg's face, "Then come Greg, let us go and eat. I'm sure you are hungry."

Moran grabbed Greg by the arm and gently pulled him from the chaos and beneath one of the massive cell towers wherein Greg's cell lay. The underneath was an open space with a circular construction at the very center. All around were different types of seating setups for different species.

The canteen was mostly full but Greg was skilfully led though the swelling chaos until they reached the circular construct were a selection of wolves served the many customers.

Greg stood behind Moran has they waited for their waiter. Once she, a wolf with black pelt and soft blue eyes but with the voice of a shrieking commanding officer approached them, Moran gently pulled Greg from his hiding beside him.

The waiter looked at him "Human?! We can't serve humans at this station we weren't supplied."

Glen saw a flash of both surprise and anger contort the green dragons scaly face "How is that possible?"

The wolf shrugged "Not my issue."

"Then prepare what he can eat from the feralkin menu please."

"Does he have a ferlakin tag?" the wolf snapped, slamming her gloved hand on the counter and glaring at Greg with her harsh blue eyes.

"You know very well he does not!" Moran snapped back.

"Then I can't help him!"

Just then Greg wanted to leave the situation. Before he could ask Moran if they could depart the dragon patted him softly on the small of his back. Removing his own tag from his pocket, a red one, he presented it to the waiter who stammered with wide eyes "Commander?! I'm... sorry I'll arrange your meals at once!"

"Thank you" Moran said gently and slipped the tag back into his pocket.

Greg looked at him with equal surprise "You're a station commander?"

Moran looked at him with smiling bright eyes and laughed "Yes! Thus a good thing I found you; the only human in the entire station of twenty thousand!" he shook his head.

Greg's trepidation returned and he looked at the white counter, pressing on it with his hands. The received their trays of food. Greg received meats and plants that were unknown to him but Moran assured him he could eat them. Finding dragon seats they sat and ate in relative silence. Though it was awkward for Greg, it was clear that Moran was content to just eat for the time being and perhaps talk later. It gave Greg the chance to brave the food set before him. The meat was a dull grey and remarkably tender. When he took a bite Moran stopped to look at him intently.

"And?" Moran asked.

"It's a bit sour!" Greg exclaimed "but really good!"

"It's what you would consider a pig in the ferlakin planets."

That broke their silence into conversation that made Greg relax and finally enjoy himself. Forgetting where he was and the situation he was in. Now that all the fears and worries escaped him, he found a sense of infatuation towards the Dragon. Every now and then he caught himself staring down at his torso as he spoke or directly at his silvery eyes. Of all the things he ever would feel towards another creature other than a human; the feeling of excitement filled Greg when he looked at Moran. As if he was staring at his crush. The subtle revelation shocked him somewhat and he hoped the dragon would not notice how he dazed of staring at his form or beautiful eyes.

They talked long after eating and the bustle quieted down to only a few people walking about. Soon Moran stood and said it was his shift for the evening on the third dock of the station.

"Can I show you to your cell before I go?" he asked Greg as they left the canteen. Greg nodded and Moran smiled, placing his claw at the small of Greg's back and keeping it there. Greg wondered at it for a moment but decided to enjoy it as they made their way to the elevator and up to the walkway leading to hundreds of cell doors. Starting at A110, they passed the cells until they reached A114. They did not speak; Moran said they would not be appreciated if they woke anybody. So Moran left Greg standing at the threshold of his single room with a smile.

"We'll perhaps see each other again when I have the time" said Moran.

Greg nodded, nervous that he should be leaving him there alone.

"Or not... it's up to you!" Moran quickly said.

Greg caught himself "No, no please! I'd love to!"

Moran grinned his bright dragonish grin "Very well, my shift ends the first quarter. I'll see you for... breakfast?"

Greg laughed "Yes, breakfast."


With that, the dragon left him to close the door behind him. The room was larger than he expected. With an exceptionally large bed and Greg soon guessed the cells were generically designed to accommodate all species. The large bed was fine. He found his way to the back compartment of the cell where the ablutions and showers were. The shower was enormous and the water spouts stretched all across the ceiling. After the shower he dried himself and proceeded to place his clothes in the cleaning unit as instructed on a bold notice beside the door. He was not provided with any other clothes as they were not prepared for humans. So Greg slept naked as his clothes were cleaned for the following day. He slept well that night with the excitement of seeing Moran again and nothing else.

"You know..." Greg began as they sat at the same table as the night before. He stopped himself and considered whether or what he was about to say would be offensive.

Moran looked up at him with his silver eyes, bright as ever. Just then Greg decided it may very well not be, "When I grew up we had stories of dragons"

Moran nodded "I know"

"But in almost all of our accounts, dragons had wings..."

Moran sat back against his chair and laughed, stretching at the same time. Greg watched as he lifted his arms over his head. The sides of his torso bulged out with the smooth scales as his muscles moved "We have a distant cousin with wings, maybe that's where the humans got their ideas" he lowered his arms again and Greg forced himself to look away.

"What work do you do in the station?" Greg finally asked.

Moran considered the question "Mostly mechanical work actually, though I am a commander now; I was first one of the best mechanics in the station. But I excelled quickly after my uncle."


"He is captain of this station, M28 and before was the captain of the famous M12 station"

Greg nodded with interest. M12 was a station ten years ago held under siege by a massive group of Feralkin raiders. They won on account of Captain Vaerin, a Dragon who now appears to be Moran's uncle.

"Wow, so you are quite high up in the ranks?" Greg marvelled.

Moran nodded "Well, we don't get along well at all so most of my position was on account of my own perseverance"

Greg listened intently as he spoke, fascinated by Moran and who he revealed himself to be and he asked "Why?"

Moran's maw curled slightly and he shifted as if uncomfortable.

"Sorry" said Greg "I didn't mean to pry"

Moran sighed and Greg could hear his large tail swish across the grey floor "No it's all right. We had differences in my personal life. Relationships and such, fortunately for him he won that little war"

Greg didn't know what to say "Sorry" was the best he could do.

The dragon smiled at him politely and tapped the table with his right clawed hand "Well! Today I'm back in the Blackouts. Do you want to join me? The civilians aren't assigned anything in this station as we are fully staffed. But I'd hate to leave you alone with these crowds"


Moran stood "The engine quadrant of the station. I'm a qualified Blackouts Engineer"

Greg stood with him and considered the offer "Won't I be in the way of all the engineers?"

Moran shook his big green head "Nope, the Blackouts is divided into small areas each with an engineer. It would be only me. And besides" he reached over the table and slapped Greg on the shoulder "You're the first company on this damned station I value"

Greg did not respond until the dragon pleaded him. That made his heart jump with excitement. His

New crush had just urged him. He laughed both at the plea and at the giddiness he felt "Okay if you insist!"

Moran led him from the main chamber and the chaotic bustling people to the outer barriers of the station. There stood one of many doors of cells each marked with a number. Every fifty doors stood one without a number, only an unusual symbol. The one they entered had a down facing arrow in a hollow circle. Moran used his red tag to open the door and they both moved into a corridor dimly lit with orange light.

"I hope you enjoy it, Greg. Not many get to follow an engineer into the Blackouts" Moran coaxed Greg to walk beside him as the corridor was wide enough.

"We will need to go to my quarters and get you a mechanics suit. I'm sure I have a human one somewhere in storage. Each engineers quarters is issued with one."

With that they passed two doors on the left and entered the third one. Inside was a large room with pleasant white light. At the far left corner was the same type of bed Greg had in his cell. Beside it was a long desk piled with books, papers and an integrated computer. Beside that to the right was the threshold to the ablutions and shower much like in Greg's cell and on the right facing wall, a door. But what caught Greg's attention most of all was the collage that spread over every inch of what was once the white walls. It was a collection of anything, from signs to photos of places and people.

Moran moved past him "Excuse this, Greg. If anybody saw this I'd get into a bit of trouble"

"I like it" Greg said as he examined all the pictures.

Moran moved to the door on the right and opened it gesturing Greg to follow. They passed though into a narrow walk in closet with orange suits hanging along the entire left side. Greg watched as Moran shuffled his tail so that neither he nor Greg would step on it. Moran gingerly began skimming though the hanging suits "I'm sure it's here" he mumbled.

A moment later he produced an orange suit and exclaimed "here!"

He handed it to Greg "Go and try it on outside, I'll wait here"

Greg took the suit and looked over it "How do I get in it?"

"Thought the neck" he looked over Greg "you will need to take all your clothes off for that I think"

"Even my underwear?" Greg gaped.

Moran laughed "Hence you change outside... unless you want undress here?"

The question had a hint of amusement and Greg blushed, "Ill change outside thanks"

He stepped out of view proceeded to remove all his clothes and begin working into the narrow neck hole of the orange suit. The fabric was cotton lined with ribs of rubber that made it difficult for him to squeeze in. After a few minutes he finally found himself surprisingly comfortable inside the suit.

"I think it fits! It's very comfortable." he called and walked back into view where Moran was waiting expectantly.

Greg spread out his arms and looked at Moran expectably "What do you think?"

The dragon stared at him for a moment, the roared with laughter so much so that he doubled over.

"What is it?" Greg asked and looked down at his outfit. To his horror, there was a flap at his groin unzipped. His cock and balls hung freely in full view of Moran who had by now almost fallen over with laughter.

Greg frantically gabbed the flap and fidgeted with it trying to close it "How do you close this thing?!"

Moran regained his composure and moved forward "There's a catch between the legs below the opening you must press."

Greg fumbled but could not find it. His face flushed blood red with embarrassment and he wanted to run from the room, but he also wanted to close the damn flap.

Moran shook his head "no, no not there. Let me do it."

Without Greg's consent, Moran moved in and quickly moved his right clawed hand in-between Greg's legs. Greg froze and held his breath at the sudden motion as he felt the dragons hand feel up between the v of his legs and press lightly. Instantly the opening began to mend itself closed and Greg squirmed as the fabric pushed against his groin "Now it's uncomfortable..."

This made Moran laugh harder still until finally Greg left the room in order to try and clear the embarrassment heating up his face.

Moran quickly pursued him "I'm so sorry Greg! I didn't know the flap was open!"

Greg forced himself to look at Moran and smile with obvious embarrassment "Sorry you had to see that."

The dragon bumped him on the shoulder and teased "It was worth the look" he winked and giggled again.

"Right! Let's be off! There's other machinery I'd like to look at besides the machinery between your legs."

Greg couldn't help but laugh at that "I hope so"

Moran coaxed Greg from his quarters and out the corridor where they continued down until they met a flight of stairs moving towards a deep hum that shook Greg's chest.

"Were near the Blackouts" Moran explained.