The Fox of a Thousand Faces - Part 3: He's Not Heavy, He's My Brother Fox

Story by Zelphair on SoFurry

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#4 of The Fox of a Thousand Faces

The Fox of a Thousand Faces â€" Part 3

He's Not Heavy, He's My Brother Fox

By Zelphair / YaminoFoxie

Hey there, fox fans! Sorry for the delay. I know this next installment's been a long time coming, but come on...if you could do what I can do, would writing about it really be the first thing on your to-do list? Yeah, I didn't think so. Still, it's been a long time, so let's get right to it.

Those of you who've been paying attention probably remember at least a couple mentions of my little brother. We may not be related by blood, but he's still my brother in every way that matters. And for a long time, it never even crossed my mind to think of him as anything other than that.

Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, though. A little bit of background might be appropriate. As I mentioned before, I was adopted, by a couple of wonderful German Shepherds who hadn't managed to have any luck conceiving. As irony would have it, though, that trouble stopped not too long after adopting me, and before they knew it, they had another pup to deal with, my little brother Kris.

Despite all the hurdles that you'd expect from such a situation, we've actually always had a pretty good relationship. He's always kind of looked up to me, and we've never really had to compete. It was clear from a pretty young age that I had books, and he had baseball. I helped him study, and he helped me become a bit less unprepared for high school's mandatory PE.

I was worried when I first came out to my family, because, some ways, Kris was your typical jock, even at that age. But he turned out to be so sweet about it. He had a lot of questions, but in the end, he told me it didn't change anything, that I was still his big brother and his friend, and gave me a big hug.

Like I said, for most of my life, he'd been just that, my brother and my friend. It's funny, though...when you discover you can basically be anyone or anything, it has other effects besides the obvious. The walls of taboo start to break down. For all that my possibilities had increased, my curiosity and imagination seemed to expand even more.

Growing up, I think that a lot of people will agree that you never really see your brother as a guy. I mean, you know logically that he's male and all, but on some level, you never truly realize that he has all the parts, all the desires, all the things you like about guys. Much like any other relative, as far as your subconscious is concerned, he's as asexual as an amoeba.

The thing is, he's a teenager, too. I'd been cleaning up the house after a particularly adventurous day to myself, when I happened to come across some girly magazines under his bed. They weren't that interesting in and of themselves, but I think that was when my subconscious started to realize some things. My little brother paws off, my little brother has a cock, and balls, and a sheath, and a knot...

It was all stuff I theoretically knew, but at the same time had just sort of ended up in a back corner of my mind somewhere. A subconscious process had likely starting working its way through my mind after that day, but it all sort of came to a head, so to speak, when one of my brother's friends had been staying the night. They'd been wrestling vigorously, in that carefree way that teenage guys do, and what seemed perfectly innocent to them, seemed more like the intro to an X-rated video to me. And as my little brother had his friend pinned, their bodies grinding together, his rump in the air, tail raised high in excitement, a thought came to me, seemingly out of nowhere: Damn, Kris has a nice ass.

That thought had stopped me in my tracks like a physical jolt, and other, more panicked ones followed: He's your little brother! He's fifteen. He's straight... Like I'd said, though, the walls of taboo start to break down when you're in my position. Given everything that had taken place in my life recently, once I'd calmed down, I had to wonder what, really, was wrong with thinking of him that way. The more I thought about it that way, the less it seemed to bother me.

Before long, I'd finally admitted to myself that yes, I was majorly in lust with my little brother. He'd been developing a lot lately, and the effect of his athletic endeavors was obvious. He was already a bit taller than me, and there were the beginnings of nicely toned muscles under his smooth, young exterior and his silky tan fur. One night, I'd given in completely, and taken his form for my pawing pleasure.

Now, what you should know is that one of the first things I'd learned about my abilities was that I didn't have to know every detail of a fur's body. If I just thought about them hard enough, somehow my abilities knew to fill in the gaps in my own knowledge, including things that I could never have known about. That was how I discovered my little brother had an eight inch cock, nicely sized balls, and seed that tasted a bit sweeter than my own.

The problem is, that little taste made me want to go further, and that had some logistical issues, to say the least. It was one thing (albeit a fairly big thing) to say I wanted to seduce my little brother. It was quite another thing entirely to figure out how I was going to do it. After all, the pup may have been open-minded, but he was still quite straight, and I was his brother, anyway.

The idea did occur to me that I could make myself a girl for him, but that wasn't particularly appealing. It was something I might eventually want to try, but for seducing Kris, it wasn't ideal. He was my special little brother, and in addition to finding him to be a hottie, I really did love him very much. I wanted to show him the joys of male on male love, and I wanted him to want me. I suppose you could say I wanted to "convert" him, to make my straight little brother a budding bisexual.

Under normal circumstances, that would be difficult to say the least, and even being able to transform myself only helped so much if I wasn't willing to temporarily become a girl. I could easily alter my own orientation if I really wanted to, but I couldn't change his in any way that came to my perverted little mind. So, then, what's a lusty big brother to do?

In the end, I ended up asking Aaron for a bit of advice. It was something of a last resort for me, because frankly, I had no way of knowing if he'd react badly to the idea. It was quite easy to imagine him calling me a pervert, or at least getting seriously weirded out. Thankfully, though, when I finally brought the subject up, his reaction was a pleasant surprise.

"So you finally realized what a cutie he is, hmm?" the mouse had asked with a smile after hearing me out. "I kind of wondered if you'd ever wake up to that. I think I might have an idea, but I want something in return."

"Oh?" I replied cautiously, "What's that?"

"Well..." Aaron stammered nervously, "...if you can...convert him, I'd...I'd like a romp with him. I know you can fake it, but I'd really like the real thing...and I think I know him well enough that I'd be able to tell the difference."

"All I can say is that I'll try," was my honest answer. "At the end of the day, it still comes down to his decision, but I think once he's learned to see guys that way...well, you are one of the only gay guys he knows, and a very hot one at that."

"Point taken," he replied with a blush. "Now that that's out of the way...I don't know if this'll work or not, but can you alter your pheromones?"

"I'm...not sure," I admitted. That wasn't one of the many ways I'd come up with to use my abilities. "I've never really tried. I mean, how would I even test something like that, anyway?"

"Well, I'm no biology expert, but I assume you'd observe their effect on someone," the mouse hypothesized. "I'll be your lab rat right now, just to get you started." When I still couldn't seem to figure out what I was supposed to do, he continued. "Start with what you know. I'm aroused by the pheromones that you give off naturally. Try pumping up the intensity on that, and see if it increases the effect. I, meanwhile, will do my best to stay completely disinterested."

Nodding, but still not really sure how this was going to work, I closed my eyes and tried to imagine my pheromones. The image I eventually settled on was of waves coming off my body, intermingled with my scent. I focused on that mental image, and in my mind's eye, saw the amount and intensity of those waves going right off the charts, but the "color" and "flavor" remaining the same.

"Well?" I inquired, opening my eyes, but still focusing on that mental image.

Aaron's head was still turned away from me, seemingly aloof. To all appearances, the experiment seemed to be a failure. "I don't really notice any â€"" He stopped in mid-sentence, his nose twitching, then flaring as he took a sniff. His head turned back in my direction, and his eyes were slightly glazed, a big smile on his face. He took another sniff, much longer and deeper this time, and before I even knew what was happening, he was diving onto me and tearing off my clothes.

A couple hours later, Aaron had finally worn himself out, and I'd figured out how to turn my pheromones back down to normal levels. I was still tied in him, though I could easily have fixed that if I really wanted. He didn't seem to want to move from my lap, though, and I didn't mind letting him stay there.

"So," I asked as I petted his head softly, "how do you think the experiment went?"

"Mmm," he replied softly, barely lifting his head from my shoulder, "an unqualified success, I think."

I had to admit he was right. Of course, it still didn't completely solve my dilemma. I still had to figure out what pheromone combination appealed to my little brother, and more importantly, to find a way to use it on him and get more than just temporary arousal. In reality, I still had quite a bit of work to do, but I supposed practice would just have to make perfect.

As I quickly learned over the next few weeks, just practicing adjusting my own natural pheromone levels wasn't enough. Unlike Aaron, Kris presumably didn't have much of a reaction to it, after all. Just cranking up what came out naturally wouldn't have nearly the effect it had on Aaron. In fact, there likely wouldn't be any effect at all, unless my brother was harboring some latent attraction to me. Similarly, simply emitting female pheromones wouldn't help me in the long run.

What I ended up deciding on was something ironically appropriate for my canine little brother: a classic Pavlovian conditioning. First, I found the pheromones that caused the most potent arousal in him, not too surprisingly, those of a teenage female German Shepherd in heat. Then, I started constantly giving off those pheromones in high amounts around him, in tandem with my own, and a fairly wide mix of other male pheromones. The effect was quite profound. While I was trying to spend more time with him, he seemed unusually nervous and apprehensive around me. I could often see him trying to hide a tent in his shorts, and he spent a lot more time in his room, with the door closed, presumably doing what teenage guys do best.

Step one was a success. Being around me made him very horny, and though he didn't know why, he was feeling a powerful, primal attraction to me, or rather, to the pheromones I was producing. Once that reaction was firmly entrenched, I began to ever so gradually reduce the female pheromones, leaving only my own, and the mix of males. The theory was that, like Pavlov's dogs, my little brother would make a subconscious connection between the different sets of stimuli. In other words, he would "drool" over the male pheromones as if they were the incredibly heightened female ones I'd been producing.

It definitely seemed to be working, but I was concerned. An unfortunate side effect of my process was that he was becoming more withdrawn and quiet. More than likely, he was having a difficult time adjusting to suddenly finding himself immensely attracted to his big brother, and likely gradually feeling at least some of that same attraction to other males as well.

I hadn't really given much thought to the possible emotional distress I might cause, and it pained me deeply, because I loved my little brother very much, and wanted to protect him always. Still, it was too late to turn back now. More surprisingly, though, I found myself jealous of his possible attraction to others. It was really weird, honestly. I had no problem with him having a little fun like I'd promised to Aaron, but the thought of him actually forming a romantic relationship was unsettling. I had to wonder...I knew I loved my little brother, but was I possibly in love with him as well?

It was a valid, important question, but it didn't really change anything in the short term. Much as his confusion and emotional distress hurt me, it would be a waste to reverse the process at this point, and I'm not even sure I could if I wanted to. If I were going to help him through this, the best way to do so would be to implement the last phase of my plan as quickly as possible. As it turned out, I got my chance the next week, when Mom and Dad left for their anniversary vacation, leaving me to take care of Kris and myself for the week.

I decided it was time to take things to the next level the night of his baseball game. He'd been heavily distracted for the whole game, letting the ball whiz past him a few times. I even saw him staring at a couple of his teammate's backsides when he thought no one was looking.

His friends on the team were a bit mystified when he decided to go straight home, without even showering and changing in the locker room. He told them he didn't want to keep me waiting, and when that got skeptical looks (after all, he had no problem keeping me waiting every other game), he claimed he wasn't feeling well, besides. I had a feeling I knew the real reason, though. During the game, his cup would hide any...excitement he may feel. In the locker room, however, there would have been nothing between him and a room full of nude males he was finding himself attracted to.

On the car ride home, I experimentally turned up the mix of male pheromones I was emitting. Much to my pleasure, I could see a definite reaction, in the form of a far amount of fidgeting coming from the passenger's seat. In fact, I ended up having to manually turn down my libido a bit, to resist the temptation to pull over and try something then and there. He was just so hot, in his tight uniform, still sweaty from the game, squirming around next to me.

We did eventually make it home, though, and as soon as the car was parked, he was out the door and headed to his room. I had to chuckle to myself as I made a quick detour to my own room. My ultimate goal was to follow him, of course, but first, I wanted to double-check a few minor alterations I'd made.

Closing the door, I stepped in front of the full-length mirror, temporarily making my clothes transparent for easier viewing. These changes were probably the most subtle I'd made yet, but should prove helpful nonetheless. Over the last few weeks, I'd been gradually softening the curves of my body. I was still quite clearly male, but just a little more...feminine, for lack of a better word.

To be fair, it was barely even consciously noticeable under the fur. However, it would certainly feel very different to someone like Aaron, who knew me...intimately. Kris likely wouldn't have any conscious idea that there was a difference, but my hope was that it would reinforce the subconscious image the pheromones had given, that I was as good as, if not better than, a girl.

Satisfied with my changes, I wandered down the hall to my brother's room. More than likely, the hard part was still ahead. With all of my abilities, all I could do was make it so that I (and other males) aroused him. Getting him to act on that arousal was something that would have to be done the old-fashioned way.

I knocked softly on the door, and could hear a rustle of cloth as he cried out "Just a minute!" After a moment more, I heard footsteps approaching, the door unlocking, and footsteps retreating. "Come in," he said finally.

Opening the door and stepping into his room, I found him sitting on the bed, still in his uniform, and for a moment, I wondered why his legs were crossed. Then I remembered, with a purely internal grin, that he always took his cup off first after a game. He found it uncomfortable even under normal circumstances, and I could only imagine how eager he'd been to get it off tonight, with his cock trying in vain to harden in it for hours. He was probably even planning on pawing off, until I interrupted.

Though I was extremely aroused, all I let show was the very real concern I'd been feeling for him. Sitting on the bed next to him, I noticed him sliding away ever so slightly, as much as he could without being noticeable. I couldn't help but notice, out of my extended peripheral vision, a nice tent in his uniform pants as he briefly uncrossed his legs to move. Just as unobtrusively, I narrowed the gap to what it had been before.

"I think we need to talk, little bro," I stated, simply and sincerely, in my best "concerned big brother" tone. "You've been keeping to yourself a lot, and I've never seen you leave a game as early as you did tonight. Something's obviously been bothering you. Wanna talk about it?"

"It's nothing," he lied. I simply looked at him and waited. We both knew I wasn't buying that. "Okay, there is something, but it's stupid, and you're the last person I should be telling."

"Hey," I snipped, looking him directly in the eyes, "I would never think you or anything you told me was stupid, even if you told me two plus two is seven." I put my arm around his shoulders gently, and although he squirmed a bit, he couldn't really get away without revealing the real problem, or being extremely rude.

"Well, okay, not stupid," he amended, "but you'll think I'm weird, or messed up, or...well, something bad."

"Why don't you let me be the judge of that?" I replied sincerely, squeezing his shoulder in encouragement.

"Well...the reason I left early tonight was because of the other guys on the team," he confided.

"Are they picking on you?" I asked. I knew this wasn't the source of his misgivings, of course, and I even let some of that show. He was really popular, on the team and in general, and it just wasn't a theory that made much sense.

"No..." he answered, still apparently stalling, perhaps hoping I'd get frustrated and leave for now.

"Then what is it?" My voice was concerned, but stern, letting him know I wasn't leaving until I got to the bottom of this.

"I...throw a boner around them," he finally admitted.

"What's the big deal about that?" I asked innocently. "From what I hear, that does sometimes happen to straight guys in the locker room. It's just part of being a teenager."

"Yeah, but..." I could see a deep blush under his fur. "It's not just in the locker room.'s not just the boners. Sometimes, I find myself feeling like...well, like they're hot. Especially after a game or a practice, or when we're checking out girls. Hell, half the time, I end up feeling as attracted to one of my friends as I do to the chick."

"And why would I, of all people, think that's weird?" I asked calmly, a slight grin on my muzzle.

"Because I'm straight," he said simply. "I mean, it's fine for you, and don't get me wrong, I don't think there's anything wrong with that sort of thing...but I like girls."

"It is possible to like both," I said matter-of-factly. "Did you ever think maybe you're bi?"

"But why would it only be starting now?" he asked sincerely. "You always knew you were gay."

"Well..." I pretended to think for a moment. "I've heard it's not uncommon for bi guys to figure it out a lot later than gay guys. I mean, they find they're attracted to girls, and they don't look any deeper than that. They assume if they like girls, they're straight, and so it sometimes takes them a long time to realize they like guys, too."

"I guess..." he replied uncertainly.

"Look, take away everything else," I told him. "For the moment, throw away any feelings about social implications, guilt, anything like that. The actual feeling of attraction it unpleasant?"

"Well, no..." he admitted. The blush under his fur got much deeper. "Actually, when I'm pawing thinking about these new feelings...maybe it's the variety, the change of pace, but it feels amazing, even if I do feel guilty afterwards."

"Then, there we go," I explained. "The feelings are pleasant, and you already know there's nothing wrong with a guy being attracted to another guy. And if your friends are really friends, they'll accept this. So what's the issue? Hell, you've effectively double your number of possible dates, too."

"I suppose so," he conceded with a bit of a smile. The smile disappeared when he looked at me again, though. "But there's one more part. And you're going to think I'm a freak if I tell you."

"Just spit it out," I chided gently.

"Well, there's someone I'm attracted to more than any of the others," he confessed. "Someone I can't seem to help getting aroused by every time without fail. It's...well..." There was a positively crimson glow showing through the fur of his face. "It's you, bro."

"That's...actually pretty understandable," I replied, after a moment of feigned surprise. "You know me better than almost anyone, you know I like guys, and you feel incredibly safe around me. Hell, when I first discovered I liked guys, I had it bad for...well, it's not important who. The point is, it's perfectly understandable, and there's nothing wrong with it."

"Really?" His face lit up like I just told him he'd been accepted to the All-Stars team.

"Really," I confirmed. "The other thing that helps tremendously is having someone to show you the ropes, so to speak. And...well, if you'd like, I could..." I paused, observing my brother's imitation of a canine tomato. "Was...was that too much? I'm sorry."

He never did give me a verbal reply to that question. Instead, I soon found his muzzle drifting closer to mine, until the two met and locked as he kissed me softly. He stared at me for a moment, and when I made no move to back away, kissed me again, harder and longer this time, weeks of repressed feelings venting themselves onto my muzzle.

"Are...are you sure this is okay?" he asked, vulnerable, but so cute because of that.

"Definitely, little bro," I reply, petting him gently. "You can try anything you want with me." I grinned as I scratched behind his ears. "And I won't tell Mom and Dad if you won't."

His face lit up with the same mix of anxiety, excitement, and joy as a kid breaking into a candy store. His only reply, however, was to kiss me again, his tongue gently pressing at my muzzle this time, until I allowed it in, tasting the slightly sweet muscle, feeling his panting breath. Not only was he turning out to be a great kisser, but the entire experience was also heightened by the rush of realization, that here I was, making out with my sweaty, hard jock of a little brother.

I gradually worked my way into a standing position beside the bed, bringing him up with me so that our tongues never had to stop grappling. I pulled his body close to mine in an embrace much more intimate than any we'd ever shared before. His strong arms wrapped around me in return, running up and down my back, and I could feel his young muscles under the fabric of his uniform and the downy softness of his fur, just as surely as I felt the outline of his member rubbing against my thigh.

Reluctant to break our kiss, but wanting to experience more of him, I slowly withdrew my muzzle from his, and instead began to lick and lightly nibble at his ear tips. I know he had some experience with girls, but I guess this was something they'd never done, because I was immediately rewarded with a surprised gasp, followed by a low moan. Each nip was accompanied by a whimper of pleasure, and he didn't seem to even notice he'd started gently dry humping me.

Smiling at his eagerness, I slowly sank to my knees in front of him. I took my time, savoring the sensations as I affectionately nuzzled the delicious bulge before me. In the end, he was the one, whining softly with need, to lower his uniform pants, leaving me face to face with my little brother's jock strap.

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but there are few things I find hotter than a cute guy in a jock strap. So this...this was heaven, burying my muzzle in my little brother's sweaty jock strap, the fabric stretched nearly to its limit by the ample hardness straining against it. I inhaled deeply, my own cock throbbing in my jeans as I took in the heady scent of my little brother's musk. The fabric near the tip was getting soaked with pre and saliva as I teasingly mouthed at the prize trapped inside.

When he finally dropped the jock strap, I could actually see his cock throbbing in time with his heartbeat. A drop of pre glittered tantalizingly on the tip, and I couldn't resist the urge to lick it up, relishing the flavor on my tongue. He moaned appreciatively, and I had to suppress a chuckle. This was one part I knew he'd done with girls before, but he was about to get a lesson in just what guys could do.

I ran my tongue in slow circles around the sensitive tip, making him whimper with that sharp pleasure that's almost pain. His hips bucked in a clear display of primal need and I obliged, slowly taking his length into my maw, quickly taking it to the base, my nose buried in his fur as his tip tickled the back of my throat. It's definitely nice to be able to turn my gag reflex off like a light switch.

My head bobbed gently up and down on his shaft, my tongue working over the underside, having no trouble deep throating him on every downward motion. Almost every motion of his head brought forth another delicious morsel of pre, and I swallowed every drop greedily. His paws were on the back of my head, guiding me, and he seemed to give a continuous low moan as I pleasured him.

After a few minutes, though, I could feel the signs that he was getting close, and so I reluctantly pulled my muzzle up and off his throbbing, slick member. I would have loved to taste his seed again, this time straight from the source, but unlike me, I knew he only had so much to give, and there were plenty of other things I wanted to try that night. With that in mind, I stood back up and slyly suggested that I should wash all that sweat of the game off him. At that point, I think he would've agreed to most anything, and so it took almost no effort to lead him to the shower.

This time, it wasn't a very long walk. As the family jock, my little brother happened to warrant getting the one bedroom with an attached bathroom. There were no hard feelings, though. We'd both known growing up that it wasn't a case of him being spoiled, but rather a practical matter of him needing it more. Of course, if our parents knew some of the stuff I was up to lately, they might reassess that, but hey, maybe my little bro's new outlook might make him more willing to share this one.

After I quickly removed my clothes, and my brother discarded what little of his he'd still been wearing, there were a few minutes where we simply stared. We'd both seen each other naked before, but this was the first time since I'd started seeing him the same way I see other guys. And for his part, he seemed transfixed, like he was seeing me for the first time. Finally, I tilted my head to the side inquiringly.

"Sorry," he murmured. "I mean, I know I've seen you naked before, but...when did you get hot?" His eyes traveled further down, and widened, like he'd never seen another guy's hard-on before. Then again, maybe he hadn't. "And I certainly don't remember that."

His paw seemed to move of its own accord, drifting closer and closer to me, until it was wrapped around my cock, slowly stroking up and down, his eyes transfixed. He just kept watching himself stroke me, neither his eyes nor his paw straying as we both stepped into the shower. His free paw somehow managed to blindly work the knob, and between the hot water, and the feeling and sight of my little brother pawing me off, I think I was in heaven all over again.

For his part, the water seemed to simultaneously wake my little brother up, and wash away his inhibitions. His free paw wandered over my increasingly soaked fur, and before I knew it, his curious muzzle had found its way to a nipple. And let me just say, I was beginning to understand that there was more to his reputation with the ladies than just his good looks and his popularity. He also had an amazingly talented tongue.

He continued licking as we soaped each other up, only taking a brief break for a vigorous rinse before returning to my now clean and slightly soap-scented chest. Eventually, his muzzle drifted lower, and in no time at all, he was kneeling in front of me. The water ran down his back as he stared, getting a closer view of someone else's cock than he'd likely ever had before.

"I can't believe I'm doing this..." he muttered, but evidently his newfound attraction, combined with his own innate curiosity, was too much for him, and soon my straight little brother was taking a cock into his muzzle for the first time.

Realistically, my expectations weren't that high, given that he'd never done this before. Even if it would've been horrible, though, just the sight of my little brother, on his knees in the shower, my cock in his muzzle, and his own throbbing in arousal beneath him, would have been plenty to get me off. As it was, he was actually pretty good for a first-timer. He couldn't deep throat me, and knew better than to try, but he took what he could into his muzzle with enthusiasm, and as his head began to bob, I could feel his tongue exploring.

He may not have done this before, but it's quite true when they say guys know what guys like. His talented tongue already knew a lot of the sensitive areas, and I looked forward to being able to teach him the rest. As it was, he was picking some things up already. Every time I'd gasp or moan, he'd come back to that area more often, until eventually, all his tongue seemed to be hitting were hot spots. I could very easily have blown my load into that sweet little muzzle, but I didn't want to push it, so I held back for the moment. Besides, there was somewhere else I really wanted to try that talented tongue.

As I slowly, rather reluctantly pulled him off my cock, he looked up at me and tilted his head to the side cutely, as if asking why I stopped him. Maybe I should have cum down his throat after all. Oh, well. There'd be plenty of time for that later. As it is, I just chuckled and turned around, lifting my tail.

"As long as you're back down there with that awesome tongue..." I prodded, spreading my cheeks apart with both paws, my tight, pink, virgin tailhole exposed invitingly.

"I don't know..." He seemed to hesitate, though his cock still throbbed. If I had to guess, I'd say his cock clearly wanted him to, but his head couldn't quite wrap itself around the idea.

"Come on, little bro," I chided. "You know it's clean, and it's not really that different from eating out a girl. Have you done that before?"

"Oh, you have no idea." His muzzle was filled with a wide grin as he relented and leaned in close. His licks were a bit tentative at first, but soon he was showing me exactly why his lady friends loved him so much. His tongue was so warm and slick, and never seemed to tire. Soon he was quite literally fucking me with his tongue. It darted in and out, and explored inside me with precision. I swear he even almost got my prostate with it.

He eventually stopped, though I would've been just as happy to let him go on all night. "You know," he said with a grin, "it seems only fair, since you got my cock all slick, and I got you all slick down there...Well, I've heard tailhole's a lot tighter than pussy."

"Why don't you find out?" I asked in most seductive voice, and he was already standing behind me again. I leaned against the shower wall for support as I felt the tip of his cock teasingly rub against my slick tailhole. I whimpered in anticipation, and he obliged me by slowly pressing forward, entering me as gently as he could.

To be honest, it started out hurting a bit. I knew that would probably be the case, and I could have easily kept myself from feeling the pain, but more than anything, I wanted every sensation in this experience to be genuine, so I simply tried to relax as he hilted himself in me. In an unexpected move, my little brother's paw snaked around my hips and wrapped around my cock, stroking it gently as he stayed hilted in me. Gradually, the pain faded. Or perhaps it was simply that I was feeling enough pleasure to overshadow it. Either way, it was only then that he slowly pulled almost all the way out, then slid back in.

I moaned at the feeling, and he couldn't help but groan along with me. "Damn, this is tighter," he admitted, panting, as he began to get into a rhythm, pumping in and out of me. Even though I was relaxed and painless, his paw was still on my cock, stroking me in time with his thrusts.

His remaining paw was gripping my hip, pulling me closer to him. Eventually, the new angle must have had him hitting my prostate, because the pleasure of each inward thrust suddenly intensified. I was practically seeing stars from the pleasure. I was approaching the edge, and although I could hold it off indefinitely, I didn't particularly want to.

Thankfully, I didn't have to. My little brother's pants were starting to get more ragged, and as he thrusted deep into me, I could feel a pleasant sort of expanding sensation just inside my entrance that told me he'd tied with me. My own knot had expanded under his paw, and as he made short, rapid thrusts inside me, his paw tugged and squeezed just behind my knot, the area wonderfully sensitive, and the pleasure was just too much. With a low growl, I bucked my hips back against him as my whole body tensed, and I fired several ropes of creamy seed onto the shower wall.

My tailhole must have been clenching like crazy, and I think that's what finally pushed him over the edge. He pressed himself all the way into me at the same time that he leaned over me, his teeth lightly digging into my neck. I felt a pleasant warmth start to fill me, and I knew my little brother was blowing his load inside me.

"That" he gasped, holding me to him tightly.

"Same here," I replied happily. "So, little bro, still think you're straight?"

"Hell no!" he replied, then blushed a little. "I mean, I do still like girls, but man, how come no one ever told me guys were so fucking hot?"

I had to wait a moment to reply, as he kissed me deeply. "Would you have listened to me if I'd told you that a few months ago?"

"Probably not," he admitted, turning off the water and grabbing a blow drier, doing his best to get us both as dry as he could while he waited for his knot to go down. "Thanks for showing me, though. And thanks for helping me deal with all these new feelings."

"No problem," I said with a grin. "What are brothers for?"

A few minutes later, he'd managed to extract himself, and we were both sitting on his bed, cuddling a bit. It was then that I noticed that, while his knot may have gone down, he was still pretty hard. I suppose jocks do have a fair amount of stamina, so I thought I'd see if he was up for trying more.

"You know, I was thinking..." I began. "I'll bet there's something no one's ever done for you before."

"Oh?" He looked intrigued. "What's that?"

Instead of telling him, I decided to show him. I moved in front of him, and had him lay back, slowly lifting his legs. There I was, face to face with the ass that had started this whole crazy scheme. I don't know what it was about baseball, maybe running all those bases, but it gave him such a high, firm, tight, perfect butt. Spreading his cheeks apart with my paws, I saw that little pink pucker where no one had ever touched him before, and I couldn't resist.

As I slowly ran my tongue across my little brother's entrance, I was immediately rewarded with a gasp, followed by a soft moan. The least I could do was return the favor of his talented tongue, and I set about to do so with gusto. I lapped up that delicious tailhole like there was no tomorrow, and when my little bro was so turned on that he'd started stroking himself with one paw, and pulling my head closer to his ass with the other, that was when I actually started tongue-fucking him. He moaned and squirmed as shamelessly as a bitch in heat, and when I stopped a few minutes later, he looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Could you...could you do something else no one's ever done for me?" he asked, his tone full of nervous excitement.

"Are you asking what I think you're asking?" I was willing to oblige, of course, but I wanted to be sure.

"If you think I'm asking you to fuck me, then yeah," he replied with a blush, lifting his legs higher. When put like that, how could I resist?

My cock was already rock hard from the excitement of tongue-bathing his sweet little hole, but to make sure everything went smoothly, I released a sizeable amount of pre, spreading it over my shaft until it was absolutely covered in the slippery stuff. Thus lubricated, I lined myself up at his waiting hole, and pressed in gently. Gods, he was so tight and warm...

Even with that much lube, I could tell it hurt a bit for him, though the groan he let out could easily have been partially from pleasure. Deciding to do one better than he had, I took advantage of my flexibility, nearly doubling over as I once again took his cock in my muzzle. As I then began to slowly rock my hips in and out, in timing with the movement of my head, I could hear his groans turn to pleased moans, and tasted a few more spurts of pre onto my tongue.

As I picked up the pace, I could see if I looked up that his eyes were closed and his tongue lolling out a bit in pure bliss. "Oh, fuck..." he moaned as I started to consistently hit his prostate. "No wonder girls love getting fucked. I had no idea it felt like this..."

Sooner than I would have thought, I felt his knot start to expand in my muzzle, and his hole clenching wildly around my cock. I obliged by expanding my own knot, giving him his first tie, which drew a surprised gasp and another spurt of pre. That was soon followed by several shots of warm, sweet seed into my maw. I swallowed hungrily as I let my orgasm wash over me, and I could tell from the pleasantly surprised look on his face, that he'd felt me blowing my load inside him.

"Fuck..." he muttered, as I settled my head on to his chest. "Guys are fucking awesome..."

"Glad you could see things my way," I replied with a lick at his cheek.

"Thanks, bro," he said, looking down at me with a smile. "for everything. I...well...I love you." He'd said those words many times before, of course, but this time, the way he blushed when he said them, and the way he followed them by kissing me passionately, I wondered exactly how he meant them.

"I love you, too, little bro," I answered, simply and honestly. Feeling this way about him...I knew I'd have to be honest with him about what I did to bring this whole thing about. But that could wait, at least for the moment. For now, as I fell asleep in my little brother's arms, all was right with the world.