Wanderer's Luck Pt.3: Love's Reach

Story by masterlevan1 on SoFurry

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#13 of Literature

As I said in the conclusion, this is the last and final installment in the Wanderer's Luck series. Will Kara's appetite prove to be too much for Jim? What will happen to their hidden feelings when some outside influences interfere? All questions can only be solved by reading. If you haven't read the past two sections I urge you to or you won't get the hidden emotions or loving actions of the characters.

All characters and places belong to me! (I.E. Jim, Kara, Lucas, etc.)

_~The story series that started it all: Wanderer's Luck. I'm so overjoyed by all of you people making me feel good and just making my writing that much better. For this story I went back and carefully pulled apart every character and detail that I'd put my heart into when making the first two. I know people enjoyed the first two and kindly responded, showing me mistakes that I had missed. Thank you for your feedback-I found it to be very helpful in correcting errors that I made. You see, I wanted to make this one really special. Lately I've been feeling slightly lonely and troubled by some things that have been happening but I've always had my writing to help me cope. My dragons are my love and my soul and I love creating new characters and continuing old loved ones. Please enjoy the third installment of Wanderer's Luck.

My apologies for this long 'introduction' but like I said I wanted this to be special. I honestly don't know if this is the last of the series but it looks to be that way. I envy and love Jim for his experiences and his privilege at meeting such a kind and wonderful dragon like Kara. So without further postponement, enjoy! ~ _

The attack came swiftly through the night, the shining crescent moon blazing overhead. Fiery trebuchet rounds smashed into house after house, reducing them rubble seconds after impact. The villagers ran screaming from their shelters, terrified by the noise-only to be met with a hail of deadly arrows. Barbarians roared fearsome battle cries in some strange language, marching through the village, slaughtering anyone who dared stand in their path. Men fell like animals in a slaughterer house, and the new rubble soaked a dark red-only for a color to be purged by hungry tongues of flame.

Bernard howled like an animal, even as he and a group of six warriors held off a contingent of barbarian troops. Being bulky and skilled with weapons, the older blacksmith fell upon the enemy with his two bladed swords, swinging them with practiced skill, deadly grace. His troops fought alongside him, each man drawing strength from the blacksmith's courage, his will to defend their home.

"RRRAAARRRGH!" With an inhuman roar, Bernard picked up a handful of throwing spikes and hurled them at the enemy. They hit many of the invaders in the face and chest, making them scream in pain. Because of his bravery, he was able to hold the attackers off-just long enough for Lucas, and a few of Bernard's elite guards, to evacuate what was left of the village. As soon as the last civilian had left, these men joined Bernard, voices raised in hatred as they aided him in an onslaught of rage against the attacking army...


I breathed steadily, then bolted through the ash ridden wood and broken glass, running towards the blacksmith hut as fast as I dared. I'd been asleep when the first signs of the attack had appeared-the panicked cries of the guards in the watchtower as they sighted the army-and had only awoken at the sound of swords clashing, and the dull thud of the trebuchet rounds.

I hope everyone is all right...

I reached the hut in less than two minutes, quickly threw on some light leather armor, and grabbed my special tungsten sword as I headed out the door; bolted towards the fighting at the gates, in a bid to help save our village. Arrows continued to fly but this time, for every arrow that flew by the heads of the troops, two throwing knives would counter it. Bernard roared once again when he saw me, then continued to slash barbarian after barbarian to the ground. The blacksmith snarled with rage, snatching spears and other throwing weapons from the bodies of his foes, and hurling them in every which direction. My heart banged in my ears, and I huffed with a mix of adrenaline and caution as I reached my allies, and engaged the enemy.

My sword rang out like a bell as I blocked, parried and riposted and slashed against my opponents. Sparks flew off my gleaming blade as I cut down several troops in a few minutes. Even though I'd only been a blacksmith for a month, Bernard had been a great teacher, instructing me in the art of sword fighting. I'd dedicated myself to it and practiced over the past month, becoming one of the best swordsmen in our village as a result. A barbarian screamed as I stabbed him through the chest. Blood spilled, and he fell to the ground-dead-just as Bernard and his troops cut down the last flanking group. The cheer in my throat abruptly died as I looked towards the horizon, however-there were more troops coming.

I ran to Bernard, breathing hard from the fighting, but determined to enjoy my few minutes of respite.

The blacksmith rested on his sword, also panting. "J...Jim...You need to go, get out of here! We...We've pushed them back...but only for the moment. I...I don't want to see you hurt, buddy..."

I swallowed. "N...no Bernard, I'm not going to...to just abandon you guys to these monsters. You're...You're my friends...and my brothers...and I'm not a coward..." I broke off, gulping in air, and Bernard laughed.

"I know...Lad, you are probably one of the bravest boys I know-I have taught you well...But, please run to the sanctuary with the rest of the village." He grinned wryly. "You've got to let this old man show these barbarians a few more tricks-don't steal his thunder, eh?"

I sighed and, somehow managing to put on a false smile at his remarks. Normally I wouldn't have the time, but was probably best to humor him-given the situation. Seconds later we heard some running and turned to see Lucas bolting towards us; coming right at me with his broadsword out. I tried to jump aside, but he was too quick-on me in seconds. I braced myself, but he just ran into me, locking me in his warm embrace.

"Jim! I thought I'd lost you-please don't scare me again!"


"Come on! I shuffled my feet, and Lucas sighed. "Look, I know you want to stay-but I need you to come with me, now. Bernard seems to be doing valiantly in his defense-he'll be fine"

I just nodded dumbly, even as Bernard patted my back, hugging Lucas for a second-before returning to his post. The two of us ran through the ruins of the village; towards the outskirts and the beginning of the forest. 'The Sanctuary' was a small constructed area deep within the mountains about ten miles from the village- it had been a secret haven for the village for years. Its walls were made of nigh impregnable stone, and the only entrance was a series of caves through one of the waterfalls that lay on the side of the mountain. Even if the barbarians did find us, they would be unable to get in-and meanwhile, we had enough food and water to last us for years...

We continued running, jumping the low sheep-fence between the farmlands and the town, and then sprinting off towards where the forest began. Thinking of Kara, I allowed myself the luxury of a smile-then yelped when I heard the war screams, coming from right behind us. Lucas and I turned, to find, rather unsurprisingly, three barbarians running towards us. With a growl that I didn't think I was capable of making, I unsheathed my blade-my fierce uncle got into a defensive position, reciprocating my own actions exactly. Whilst I clashed swords with the first barbarian, Lucas moved like only a practiced fighter can-hitting the second man with a knife, and then launched himself at the third. I parried, easily cutting the knees of that bulky man. With a surprised yell, he staggered-a pert time to stab him in the chest. I sighed, wiping my blade on the grass as I looked over to Lucas...

...And almost screamed when I saw my uncle's sword fly out of his hand.

I rushed towards the barbarian, but he unexpectedly hit me in the face with the hilt of his sword. Whether it was an accident or not, I'll probably never know-but there was monster strength behind the blow, one that made me fly straight backwards into the grass. With a cry of panic, I tried to get up and grab my sword...but it was too late. As it was, I rose just in time to see Lucas get stabbed in the chest by the large man. A tear ran down my cheek, a scream of pain and anger rising in my throat- before I knew what I was doing, I was running. My blade flew, swift, glinting silver in the dawn light-and now, bloodied as it exited the other side of the man's neck. The head dropped to the ground, bouncing a few feet away as the large body tumbled to the ground. Spitting on the man, I then rushed to my uncle's side.

"U...uncle...Please...Don't go!" I shook him, my voice suddenly small and shaky: "H-hey! Look at me, say something!"

Lucas groaned, his hand going to the deadly wound in his chest-glazed eyes looked at me, with a pained faint smile gracing his lips; "J...Jim please don't cry...It's alright. I...I don't think I mind going this way."

I sniffed and let out several tears; he couldn't e gone, he couldn't...no...

"N-no! You...You don't deserve this! Please...you can't die!"

He shook his head, tried to laugh; but it came out as a series of racking coughs. "Yes...I can die; boy...I want you to make sure that the village is safe. I know...you never wanted...

"No! Don't...please don't leave..."

"You never wanted...to be my successor...but...Please...Maybe y...you'll reconsider."

In the distance, I could hear more shouting, more explosions-but for the moment, all I wanted was to be with Lucas. I held him close. "Uncle..."

"G...goodbye my-my son...I love you, even though I know I was difficult sometimes. P...please...m...make sure Lily is all right...Tell her she was the best wife...a-any man could ask for..." His words trailed off into a groan, and with a start I noticed the blood seeping out from under my quivering hand.

He's not going to make it...

_Impossible. _

"I...I will. L...Lucas...I love you y...you were my life...my mentor...m...My daddy", I responded, and began to sob. And slowly, slowly, I felt the grip of his hand on my shoulder lessen-finally letting go as his breathing grew faint, his head drooping off my chest.

My salty tears slid down my cheeks, dripped on the rough ground beneath me, as I cradled one of the only people in my life that I truly loved. I wanted to raise my head to the sky and just howl, letting my wails mix into the background noise of the crack of fires and crash of distant catapult loads. But that would only have given away my own position.


With great care, I picked my loving uncle up and carried him to the river running beside the trails. Slowly, slowly, I set him in the water with his sword of honor and sent him down the current; holding my hand over my sad, beating, heart in remorse and respect.

A few more tears found their way down my cold cheek as I started to move again, running into the forest and heading towards the mountains. I ran for hours, stopping occasionally to catch my breath as I continued forward, trying to get to the Sanctuary. After the third hour, I collapsed in a clearing by some trail tributaries, panting with exhaustion. I rolled onto my back and heaved from my shortness of breath, watching as the high smoke from the fire-miles away now-darkened the already shady sky.

"Oh Jim...Why is this happening..." I asked myself, but there was no answer. With a small sniff, I stood, though my muscles protested violently against the movement. My whole body ached, and I just wanted to sleep right now, sleep forever and never wake up.


Sitting on a nearby rock, I breathed slowly-in, out, in, out-gradually becoming calmer as I did. The night had gotten very chilly-now soft breezes blew in the darkness, rusting the leaves of the tress around me. I'd traveled about five miles in the hours that I'd run through the forest, and still had about five to go. I just shook my head in hopelessness.

"I lost everything...my home, my friends, m...my daddy, my dignity, and now my energy..."

I picked up a sharp rock lying by me and stared at it. How easy would it be just to end my suffering? I had nothing left-there was no way I could fulfill my uncle's last wishes. My energy and body had betrayed me, and my village was in ruins.

And Uncle...He...He...

My chest buckled with exhaustion, and I fell to my knees with a sigh.


This is it for me. _

Slowly, I moved the sharp rock close to my neck and let my face become wet with a few tears as I thought about everything that had happened.

It's all too much...

As I sat there with the rock held tightly and tears falling swiftly, some nearby bushes rustled and moved slightly. I sighed in annoyance, but still glance over by them, not seeing anything out of the ordinary. _Probably just this blasted wind. _

I raised the stone higher, trying to build up courage to slash it.

I...I don't even deserve to live...

"GRRARRRRRR!" An almighty roar split the sky, making me jump and drop the stone. The next thing I knew, Kara had landed in front of me with a thud, claws digging into the ground.

I hadn't seen the beautiful dragoness in weeks, even though I'd tried too.

A month ago, I had professed my love for her-and was delighted to find that the feeling was returned.

But then...

I had only managed to see her once, maybe twice before my work and my uncle kept me from the forest. Now there were increased threats in the forest, and I was required to help protect the village against the raids. Our last meeting didn't go as well as I remember. It had been a day where I'd really needed some dragon affection. Blacksmithing had really drained me, my friends had deserted me, and my uncle was being a pain. I had been able to sneak out to the forest in the night without anyone knowing, heading for one of the spots where I had met her at before. I sat there looking as anxious as ever and jittery like a summer beetle. After about ten minutes, those pretty sapphire eyes peered out from the brush and slowly revealed the crimson dragoness.

Kara had smiled at me and had given me a few kisses and hugs but then just seemed very...concerned and worried about me. She'd observed how things had been going at the village, and was now utterly convinced that I should come away with her to escape all the trials and hardships I was going through. I objected to this-I couldn't just leave my village and my uncle like a coward. This went on and on for the next few minutes until we began to argue, and from there to call each other names. It got to the point where she just ate me quickly and angrily-the first time since our first meeting that I actually feared for my life. As I sat in her stomach, I had begun to cry and whimper in fear and hurt because of her actions and feelings. Minutes later Kara expressed her remorse and apologies for doing that to me. She swiftly let me out and apologized many, many times as well as proceeded to bow before me in respect.

Somehow, it had still gone all wrong-and it had been my fault. I...I'd been so angry and hurt that I'd just stormed off into the forest without saying another word. I had been surprised that she hadn't followed me, but had just ignored it at the time. Now I felt bad, and feared what she'd do to me.

As Kara growled at me, I whimpered, backed against the rocks and began to cry. "M...make it quick K...Kara..." I pleaded, closing my eyes as she drew nearer.

She roared again, lifting her head to the sky. "You think I would KILL you Jim?!"


Her head dipped to my level, bringing those awful teeth closer and closer to me. "Jim...You're my lover! I wouldn't hurt you, but I can't believe you were about to kill yourself dear! That's so selfish and scary!"

"You don't under-"

Once claw went across my lips, silencing me instantly. "Quiet. Jim...Look, about last time...That was my fault, totally. You...You were right. There, I said it-you were right to stay with your village. Now that this has happened to it...I think my heart is just breaking in sorrow." I just cried and looked up at her as she spoke. "After I saw the fire...I thought I had just lost the only person I've ever had feelings for...and then I felt horrible for not trying to see you again. It took me two hours to catch your scent, but only to find you like this!"

I knelt before her and whimpered with fear. "I...I understand...K...Kara. You don't under...understand though...I just lost everything: my friends, m...my village, a...and would be daddy..."

I fell on the ground in heart break as the dragoness cooed and just came closer to me. "I...I know Jim, and I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you. I should've been there for you and your village. You must hate me right now. Look, I forgive you, for everything that you might have done to me. None of it matters...the one thing that does matter is you-All...all I think want is you." I smiled a bit at her passion and painfully got on my knees again. With a smile, she came and rested herself by me.

"T...thank you Kara...I thought you'd abandoned me...I...I have no one left and failed at fulfilling my uncle's wishes...to make sure my village is okay...", I just sniffed and rested on her neck.

She licked me a few times as she curled her tail around my waist. "Honey, I made sure those evil men wouldn't follow your people...ever again. As for your village, last I saw they were doing okay in going to your mountain home or whatever is over there. Don't worry-as soon as I nurse you back to health, we can go check on them..." she said with her mothering tone and loving voice as her tongue licked my aches and the dirt off me.

"K...Kara I love you...I w...want to be with you...I'm sorry for everything that you blame me for."

She shook her head, "I don't blame you for anything. I want you to Jim. I mean, you're so sweet and kind to me as well as honorable to your people and superiors-even though sometimes they've been mean and disrespectful to you. I love you my sweet little boy."

I cried a bit in joy, reignited life inside me as I rubbed her neck, feeling happy 'growl' in her throat.

"I...I feel my heart beating again K...Kara, I...I thought you didn't love me."

She smiled and licked me more, "No Jim, I love you with all my soul. I...I may not have shown it or said it back until now but it's true. Ever since you...revealed your feelings for me, I've had a long time to think about it and I apologize that I've not said it until now. This is my entire fault for not protecting you better or being here when you needed me. I'm yours Jim, your dragon and if you would like, your mate. I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you."

I chuckled with a nervous sound, "Th-thank you, but the only thing I need is knowledge that you love me as passionately as I love you."

She nodded and held me close, cuddling with her tail wrapping around me: "I do, but we can talk later." She glanced up at the sky then. "Okay Jim, let's get you to my cave so I can heal those scratches and give you some food. Don't worry, your village will be fine-my cave rests on top of the mountain ridge that your haven sits in, you know." With a tired smile, I nodded, not really wanting to say anything and spoil the moment. She cradled me in her claws as she took to the sky flying towards the dark shadows of the mountains.

She arrived in a short amount of time and glided gracefully into her large and cozy cave. She set me down on a nice cushioned 'bed' of straw and leaves, while she got some food and healing herbs for me. The next few hours were filled with her baby feeding me with her claw and rubbing herbs and her saliva on my scratches and aches. Although she did have to remove most of my clothes to access all the places where I'd been bruised and battered, she was very respectful; she didn't remove anything that she didn't have to and didn't violate me in any way. When she had finished, she wrapped me in a warm blanket and curled up around me protectively, purring a lullaby at me to help me sleep.

I tossed and turned in my sleep at visions of death and fire and screaming. I saw Lucas's bloody face right there in front of me, staring with eyes bloodshot. He was trying to scream, reaching out to me-but his voice was silent, and his hands grasping at nothing...I gasped and screamed at him, a wave of overwhelming sadness hitting me moments later.

With a jolt, I woke up-but the loss, the aching pain in my heart, was still there. I looked around me, allowing myself the pleasure of a lazy smile as I lay back down against the woolly material of the blanket. I could see Kara, still asleep, curled around me while my body was cuddled in this cocoon of wool. I blushed slightly when I saw that most of my clothes were gone. Taking comfort in the fact that I still had had my underclothing on and that most of my cuts were healing or already gone, I stood up. Spotting spot some food beside me, I realized that I was ravenous. I immediately did the sensible thing; I fell upon the food, moaning at the taste of the delicious fruit and meat as it traveled down my throat.

I heard a giggling behind me; turned to see the smiling face of Kara. She let out a happy sigh. "Enjoying the food, sweetie?" I nod and keep eating, attempting to keep myself covered. Even though I still have clothes on, I didn't really want her seeing me like this...

The dragoness laughed. "Oh don't worry Jim! I promise that I didn't take off anything I didn't need to. I would never do that to you without your permission and would die before ever violating your trust and privacy" Her tone was certainly genuine, and her chest puffed out a little in obvious pride.

I smiled and swallowed a juicy piece of meat, "Thank you Kara, I do trust you...I was just startled. I'm sure you did it to just try and heal my wounds." She purred at my understanding and let me eat the rest of my breakfast in peace...although she did ever-so-causally groom my hair with her tongue.

I finished quickly, smiling at her as I hugged her muzzle. She laughed in reply, "I'm glad you liked it..." The big head tilted, and she cooed. "You're so cute Jim. Come here, my little human" She brought me on her chest as she licked my face again, then slowly pushed her tongue into my mouth, swishing it around sensually. I couldn't help but let out a soft sigh, sliding my tongue under hers as we locked our mouths. After that, we began to suck and kiss against each other's mouths. I smiled widely and rolled my eyes back in pleasure, even as her forked tongue wrapped around my smaller one. Several minutes later I was breathing in gasps, and she pulled away, letting me sit back on her chest.

"Mmm, that was great Jim. Thank you for letting me do that with you", she cooed and nuzzled my chest.

"Uh...Y-you're welcome. So...so are my wounds pretty good?"

She giggled, "Yes dear, most of them are healed or are healing and you seem to be okay now. I'm glad I caught you just in time. Like I said I didn't sense anything wrong last night, so hopefully your people got to safety. I promise you, in a few days when you're feeling a bit better, we'll go visit them. I'm sure they'd love to hear the tale of how you got a dragon girlfriend." I blushed and nodded shyly, then chuckled with her.

"Thanks for all this Kara, I love you...you've done so much for me. I...I'm sorry for everything too. I guess we're both even now."

She shook her head, "No, that's not right. Jim...I'll always be in debt to you, you know why? Just for loving me. You've shown me kindness and love when I showed you fear and sometimes anger. I will try to be a good dragon for you if that's what you want me to be."

I smiled a bit at that, "Yes, I'm excited to have you as my dragon companion. He-he...Maybe I could be your rider or something?"

She nodded, "Well, that's what 'your' dragon entails." I thought for a minute, wondering how exactly I should phrase my next question. It was a sensitive one, but I felt that it needed to be asked.

"K...Kara I...I remember you said something last night t...that you wanted to be my mate." I took a deep breath.

"Just what exactly did you mean by that?"

Kara blushed redder then even her scales. "O...oh you remember that. W...well I...I meant what it sounded like. I want to mate with you, Jim. I mean...I want to share my body with you. I love you that much. I've never done it before, as all the male dragons I've met have been complete morons."

I pondered this for a moment, "I...I've never done that with anyone either, but as far as I know I have to wonder. H...How is this possible or how would it be possible?"

She blushed even more, "Uh...Let's just say that we have similar enough physiology that it could work. And...I love you so much, I'm willing to try and do anything."

"I...I still don't know...that's a lot to ask for...to give myself to you like that...I mean...It's an awfully personal thing..." I said with some doubtful expressions.

"I know it is Jim, it's a lot to ask, but I promise you a few things. One, if you accept me as your mate, you will experience some of the most tender pleasure you've ever felt. Two, I will be forever your soul mate and never want anything or anyone other than you. Three: I will follow and listen to all your concerns, questions, fears, or suggestions with an open heart. Nothing that I do with you will be forced upon you and no love or affections shall be without your permission." She accompanied this last statement with a respectful bow, and a kiss to my cheek that made my heart just melt away.

"That...That is very tender and kind of you to say." I returned the bow, and Kara's eyes twinkled in amusement as I continued to speak; "I do love you-with all my heart, Kara. I would like to share myself with you and feel this pleasure you speak so lovingly of. I'm just nervous but...well, all right. Kara, would you become my mate and s...share your beautiful body of yours with me?"

She lets out a few pants of excitement, making strangled sounds for a few seconds as she tried to speak. "Y-yes!! Yes Jim, I will, I will! Oh how I love you-my cute, handsome, kind human!" She hugged me, giggling like mad.

I coughed as she nearly squeezed all the air out of my lungs. "So, uh...would you like to do it right now?"

She appeared to be shocked by this question-but then her face lit up, and she let out a cry of delight. "Yes I would Jim, come let's go to my chambers, they're warmer and safer" Her tail wrapped around me as she moved deeper into her warm cave. I yawned slightly, chuckling at the little trinkets spread out over the cave tunnels and rooms-little bracelets, white sand-dollars, bits of coral and amber and cloth...

After a bit, we came out in a large chamber with pretty glass pictures around the walls, gold coins spread all over the floor, a warm and very large bed with what looks to be soft wool, and sweet smelling flowers and roses. I was struck speechless.

"Y...you collected all this stuff?"

She nodded in response, "Yes. You see, I just love all of these items for their beauty and some for their smell. Depositing me on the bed, she looked around proudly. "I know the gold is a little, well...expected of a dragon but I just like the way it shimmers and makes the glass glow."

I laughed and smiled, "Oh, it is very pretty. I do not doubt your reasons for doing and collecting all of these things."

She sighed and then lay on the bed, extinguishing most of the lamps with a swish of her tail. She slowly looked over at me, rolling onto her back and licking her chops. "J...Jim, my loving human...share yourself with me and consummate our bond", she said with tender emotion and love. I offered a wide smile and a tender response in return.

"Yes, I will Kara. Out of everything that I've lost, you made my heart start beating again after it died. You know I sometimes thought what would've happened had I never ventured into the woods that day, or what I would do if I didn't have you to think about. I cried every time, because my soul wouldn't be complete without my experiences and privilege to meet you..." I broke off, my throat suddenly dry. Kara just burst into tears, and she cooed and purred with the deepest adoration.

"My dearest Jim...you're heart is so pure...my soul...is yours." She kept crying as she brought me closer, began to kiss and nip at me in affection. We both cried, kissing-now united in our joy and love, as she started to remove the last of my coverings.

As she finished, she let her mouth hang open as she purred again. Her eyes drifted, and she looks at my fully natural and bare body with love and admiration. Her eyes continue, even as she leaned closer, her mouth emulating the words, 'I love you', over and over again, my heart lifting at each repetition of this statement. Licking my body all over only mad her purr again. Blushing furiously, I let her examine and lick me-touching her tongue each time it passed within my reach. Eventually, it was done-with a bow of her muzzle in respect and submission; she indicated her natural area and smiled, white teeth flashing in the near-dark. I could feel my body and my feelings of mating making my body and my groin more noticeable, as I moved closer to her. For a second, I thought that she may well turn away from me-but instead, she simply licked again, blushing at all this love and attachment. I hovered for a minute over her natural area, as my eyes reciprocated her feelings, matching her undying love for her little human. I descended and let our natural souls and selves connect with each other.

As my body entered hers, she let out a soft and loving moan, her smile widening. As our bodies got closer, we quickened our pace, beginning to make sounds of pleasure and coos of love. After what felt like hours of feeling her loving body against mine and feeling the immense and almost indescribable pleasure that she'd explained earlier, I let out one more moan of love's ecstasy as my natural body released its soul making self inside my loving mate. Kara purred with devotion as she felt her now wet, natural area make her moan again and accept the length of me into it. We let our breathing and panting just continue for a few minutes as we cuddled against each other with warmth after both of our selves had let the sweet nectar of our being coat each other in love. The sweet dragoness wrapped her paws and tail around me as she sighed in complete elation and joy.

"J...Jim t...That was so perfect and s...spectacular. I can assure you that we'll be doing that more in the future. W...would you like to sleep inside my stomach or just outside within my embrace? I...I promise I'll always let you out. Tomorrow we will go visit your village, make sure they have a good leader."

I nodded tiredly, my voice coming out in ragged gasps. "T...thanks Kara, it was so intense and like you said...perfect. I...I would like to sleep inside you tonight I just hope that everyone that I know is okay. I do promise though that I'll stay with you as your mate and companion."

She purred more, "Aww that is so sweet. I will take care of you Jim, and we can live happily up here. I'm sure one of your other elders can take over-like that bulky blacksmith you seem to have so much respect for."


She nodded, "Yes. I helped him out when I destroyed those monsters-he was the only one left along with two others, but I'm pretty sure he'll make it back all right."

I sighed in relief at this news and smiled at her, "I'm grateful that you helped them and saved the rest of my people."

She returned the smile. "You're welcome my love, now everything is okay. I know you've been alone and sad and depressed at the loss of your friends, uncle, and other things but I'm here now. I will never leave you. Now get inside my mouth you sexy human", she laughed, helping me untangle myself from her still hot and dripping nether reaches.

I yawned, blushing at her as her slimy tongue wrapped around my bare body, lifting me into that glistening maw of hers. Her warm drool started to coat me, even as her smooth and silky muscle moved all over my body, cleaning off the left over effects from the mating-seemingly with extreme optimism. I went limp and allowed her to have her way with me-letting out a few sighs and moans at being swished and loved by her tongue. Minutes later, she let her head droop backward and began swallowing the man she loved, sending me down her slimy, pulsing gullet.

As the throat massaged and pushed me downward with its contracting muscle rings, I just purred at the treatment and massage against my natural body. Kara moaned at the taste and feeling of my body as she licked her lips off of my texture and liquids, feeling my soft and, hopefully handsome body, slide into her warm and cuddling stomach. I spread my body out in the chamber of hot, humid flesh, feeling as everything pumped around me with the thrum of her heartbeat. I sighed happily and gave a few little scratches to her flesh, making her moan more.

Her voice rumbled all around me. "I'll see you tomorrow love, we'll go see your village and tell them about our love. I'm sure they'll understand. You're a hero as I understand it, and I know the nice blacksmith man trusts you." She gave a cavernous yawn point. We'll talk as long as you want on the morrow okay?"

Her yawn made me realize just how tired I was. "Of course my dear Kara, and that sounds like a wonderful plan. Till tomorrow. I'm so glad I was lucky enough to meet you!"

She laughed and curled around her large, smooth tummy. "Well, so am I. Maybe you should've wandered more into the forest before." I giggled, letting the humidity take me into a deep sleep. Even though sleep had eluded me on the night before, this time...I slept like a baby, feeling safe and warm in the embrace of my natural mate and lover.


As the day turned into night, Kara cuddled her love inside her and glanced out to the sunset. She was going to be the happiest dragoness ever, now that she had finally got what she wanted: Someone to love her, to care for her, someone like Jim.


_Thank you for reading and enjoying this third installment of my favorite series. I hope I wasn't too graphic. I tried my best to keep it loving, cute, suspenseful, and awesome for you guys. Although this is the last story to complete the Wanderer's Luck series. I can safely say that I'm probably not done writing stories about these two.

I hope I gave you a great tale about sadness, acceptance, and the eventually feelings of love. I love my characters and I also love all of you for supporting and inspiring my work. I really, really worked and worked on this one so I hope it is as good as I think I've made it. Thank you again ever so much!_