Chapter 5: Magical Pleasures

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#5 of The Mating Season

Chapter 5: Magical Pleasures

"I always suspected that Zaldon was in love with you, my brother," said Loryn to Kel when the latter had finally composed himself and come to join them. "And the whole time he was using Aliona here to get to you."

Kel said nothing, just sat wearily beside them, his head bowed. Though he'd stopped sobbing some time ago, he still could look at no one for his shame, and he knew his torn anus was dribbling blood. He didn't even want to move, it hurt so badly, and just sat with his head bowed, his elbows on his knees.

Hesitating a moment, Aliona came carefully to Kel's side, and placing her paw on his arm, she whispered, "Come. Let me wash the blood from you."

Kel looked around at her to find she was smiling at him warmly, and he couldn't help but smile in return.

"I did it for you," he whispered some minutes later when they were making love once more beneath the waterfall. "Always for you."

Several months later, Aliona gave birth to a healthy, black pup -- a male -- who even had Kel's bright green eyes. Kel was then free to marry her, and on their wedding night, he made tender love to her again for the first time in nine months.

Aliona then spent the rest of the week preparing to move from her mother's hut into Kel's. With the last of her possessions in her arms, she had left little Kilyan with his grandmother that night as she ventured toward Kel's hut for another night of intense lovemaking. Kilyan would not officially live with them until the next morning when (after having enjoyed their last night of privacy for the next seventeen years when a male became an adult) they would return to Aliona's mother's hut and collect their child.

Aliona thought she'd never been so happy. Those nights she visited his hut and they shared a meal, Kel was such a gentle and caring lover. He was so tender with her after the pup was born, entering her slowly and carefully, rubbing his penis down with oils so that entrance would not hurt, cradling her head in his paw. And if her breasts were sore or if she was too tired from caring for Kilyan all day, he would let her alone, merely holding her until she fell asleep. She knew she was lucky to have Kel, for not many males would let a female alone after she had a baby, no matter that it was too soon, no matter that she needed time to heal. Some males were so obsessed with having many sons that they simply did not care -- but Kel wasn't like that at all. Kel loved her and she loved him with all her heart.

Smiling to herself as she wandered through the dark village, a basket of her last possessions in her arms, Aliona was startled into halting when she saw a small child (a pup no older than six or seven) standing in the dark streets crying. Overwhelmed with compassion, Aliona set her basket down and approached the child. It was a small male pup, white fur striped black. He stood digging his paw in his eye, sniffling and sobbing.

Aliona reached out. "What's the matter, little one?" she asked kindly, but the child flinched and ran from her, stopping some feet away.

Concerned, Aliona followed. "Aw, I won't hurt you! You can tell me. Are you lost, little one?" she said, reaching out again, and the child fled yet again, running this time toward the village gates.

Aliona stood frozen. There were no sentries at the gates. That was odd. Were there warriors from another tribe stealth-attacking the village? It had happened once long ago when Aliona was a pup no older than the one who kept running from her and sobbing. More than concerned, Aliona hurried toward the village gates and took the pup's paw.

"Come along now," she whispered fearfully, squatting at the child's side. "You can come to my hut until we find your mother, but first we're going straight to the village council about there being no sentries --" Aliona let out a scream, for even as she was speaking, a sudden burst of smoke engulfed the child, and suddenly, she was looking not at a small sniffling pup, but at a great, towering, vicious wolf! He stood with his paws on his hips, grinning down at Aliona where she was squatting, and she was horrified to see his great penis erect and dripping. He was a sorcerer and a great one at that: he bore the mark on his forehead, a strange symbol that had been burned into the fur. His fur was white striped black, and his long tail flashed triumphantly behind him. Black leather cuffs were on his wrists and he wore a golden earring in his ear. He grinned a wide, nasty grin, and laughing at Aliona's shock, he snatched her into his arms. Aliona twisted and fought, tried to scream, but the strange wolf covered her mouth and then they were engulfed in the smoke of his magic and his evil laughter.

When the smoke cleared again, Aliona found herself on the edge of a pine wood. They were standing in snow, and the cold air hitting Aliona's breasts made her nipples stand out hard. Her shawl! She was supposed to wear it now that she was married, but the sorcerer had ripped it off in the struggle and she felt so exposed! She covered herself uncertainly as she looked around, the wind snatching strands of gray mane across her frightened eyes. The gates of a foreign village stood in the distance, guards pacing up and down, torches flickering along the little streets and smoke rising from huts. Aliona twisted and fought in her captor's grasp, but the big wolf (with his strange and overpowering smell) only laughed. He kept his paw clamped firmly over her mouth, and cupping one of her breasts, he examined it.

"Ah," he grunted, giving her aching tit a light squeeze. It hurt so badly that Aliona let out a broken whimper behind his paw. Pearly milk seeped out of her nipple and dribbled over the fingers of this massive stranger. He put his fingers to his lips and tasted her milk, giving an appreciative grunt. "You've just had a pup. Good -- I like breast milk."

Aliona flew into a frenzy, thinking with a burning heart that he would die before he ever drank her son's milk! Rocking within the prison of his hard arm, she kicked and swung wildly, screaming behind his paw and struggling to bite it. To her fury, the stranger only started to chuckle.

"I see I'm going to have to whip it out and tame you, bitch," he said merrily.

Aliona managed to scream, "Over my dead body!"

"If that's how you want it."

Aliona froze when the cold steel of a knife touched her throat. It seemed he had produced the knife out thin air. Trapped in his arm, Aliona watched in terror as the glinting blade hovered first near her eye (right at the corner, as if he would pop it from her face), then the blade lowered to her breast near the nipple, and then . . . Aliona let out a whimper when the knife touched her pussy right near the clit.

"If you don't relax, I'll cut your pussy to ribbons and fuck you in the ass instead. You'll be the wife I use especially for anal," the sorcerer hissed nastily in her ear.

Aliona's tense body relaxed. She wasn't surprised that this stranger had more than one wife: most males had three wives and most sorcerers had five or six. Aliona wondered with dull rage how many this one had and why, if he had so many, had he come all the way to her village just to kidnap her? She asked as much in as scathing a voice as she dared.

"Don't flatter yourself," said the sorcerer, rolling his eyes and making the knife disappear with a flick of his paw. "I didn't come there just for you. I came there looking for a new bitch, that was all. And a pretty one at that. I noticed you this morning when you were breastfeeding your son -- big, luscious tits. None of my wives have tits like these, not even when they're nursing." So saying, he cupped her breasts from behind, squeezing them once more until milk seeped out.

Her breasts thrilling with pain, Aliona gasped and squirmed in his grasp. "Please - d-don't! It hurts . . ." she begged, ashamed of herself for wheedling. She hadn't fed Kilyan for quite some time (in fact, she had planned to after Kel had made love to her and fallen asleep), and so her breasts were so full of milk that it hurt, the pain doubling each time the sorcerer grabbed her.

To her dismay, the sorcerer only chuckled. "We're going to play a little game before we head home. It's called the Opposite Game. You say something and I do the opposite."

Before Aliona could blink, he suddenly slammed her down by the throat to the snow. His paws forced her legs apart and he rammed his fingers inside, caressing her so hungrily and so urgently that she wailed her pleasure against her will. She clapped her knees shut. The sorcerer smacked her legs back open, and then not only was he fingering her pussy, but now he slipped his fingers into her anus. She screamed softly, trying to twist herself away, and he laughed and prodded her anus all the more vigorously.

"No -- please stop!" Aliona wailed, sitting up and scooting away from him. She covered her great breasts and trembled in the snow.

The sorcerer laughed and dragged her back by the tail. "Keep going? If you insist," he said with a grin and started massaging her clit with his thumb.

This was too much. Aliona started to sob. She lay trapped under him, shivering, moaning. Her clit hadn't been touched in so long, for she had asked Kel not to, and now after so many months of having gone without, she was ready to explode. The sorcerer's fingers were quick and skillful, summoning soft screams and moans from her with the slightest touch. And then he was twisting her clit in his fingers, making the pressure build and mount, until she was screaming and sobbing for him to let go, to let her come, to stop caressing the inside of her pussy. Her pussy lips were gushing now, she could feel it, and she felt ashamed and embarrassed and enraged all at once: who did he think he was, not only snatching her from her husband and child but raping her here in the snow like a monster? The more she asked him to stop, the more he tortured her clit, and to her horror, he even leaned down and started sucking on it hard, nibbling with his teeth, prodding with his fingers.

The sorcerer closed his mouth over her, sucking and slobbering. Aliona knew what he was trying to do, but she didn't want to come in his mouth. Her cum was for Kel! Only for Kel! She hated this wolf! She despised him! But his tongue worked away at her with a quick skill, and unable to restrain her passion any longer, she arched her back and spurted into his mouth. He gulped her cum down with dark pleasure, lapping at her pussy, sometimes sucking at her anus. And then, to Aliona's dismay, he climbed on top of her and drove himself inside. The first burst was agonizing, he was so rough. She arched her back and screamed in the snow, begging him to stop.

"No -- please, stop! Please! You're h-hurting me!"

"We're playing the Opposite Game, remember?" he asked tauntingly.

Desperate now, Aliona screamed, "Yes, fuck me harder! Harder!" in the hope that he would do the opposite and stop.

The sorcerer only smiled and kept going, slamming into her harder, just as she had asked. Confused, she started to scream again, "Yes, please fuck me! Please! Oh, yes, YES! Touch me! YES!" And to her dismay, he did just that: he leaned down and squeezed her tits. It hurt so badly she began to sob brokenly, but he squeezed and pumped, making her milk gush down her front for him to lap up with all the hunger of a starving creature. Then he took her nipple into his lips and sucked hard, gulping down her milk, squeezing her tit for more and gulping again. She realized with a sinking heart that he'd lied about the game of opposites just to make her scream for more! What a stupid creature she'd been and, god, how she hated him!

At last, he came inside of her, and by the time he was through, Aliona was lying weary and sobbing in the snow.

"Oh, yes, very nice," the sorcerer said, turning Aliona over onto her stomach. He smacked her tail aside impatiently and started fingering her anus, licking it and sucking it, and when she cried out and squirmed away, he sat up, dragged her across his lap, and starting smacking her buttocks hard. Aliona couldn't believe it: he was spanking her! She bucked and screamed and sobbed in his grasp, struggling desperately to escape, but he seemed to enjoy her wiggling all the more. Her swollen breasts smacked rhythmically into his thigh and he laughed as he paused at intervals to pinch them before spanking her very hard again. When her buttocks were aching and tingling with pain to the point that she could stand it no longer, she cried out for him to stop and to her astonishment . . . he did.

"If you won't be kissed on your ass, you'll be spanked. Which would you prefer?" he said lightly, gripping her tail hard at the base and twisting his finger around in her anus.

She shivered at this prodding, her teeth clenched, and whispered brokenly, "K-kissed. . . ."

"Kissed, 'Husband'," he corrected darkly and gave her a hearty slap on the ass that made her scream out. "Kissed what?"

"Kissed, Husband!" Aliona wailed, hating herself.

"That's better," he whispered, pulling her up in his lap.

Aliona sat in the sorcerer's lap, gazing back at him with dull anger, and she saw that he was hard once more. What a big creature he was: tall and strong and terrifying. He was taller than any of the males back home in the village -- even Zaldon! -- and his cock was twice as thick and long. What a giant! He could do whatever he wanted to her and she couldn't fight him. He was at least twice her age, she realized, and probably had pups that were teenagers by now! She felt a wave of misery and longed to be at home once more in Kel's strong arms, at home nursing her child, at home chatting with her mother beside the fire.

"I like your tits," the sorcerer told her, lifting one and forcing a small cry of agony from her. "The milk tastes so sweet . . ." He gave her tit a little suck, then pulled her closer, sucking harder and licking. "Yes, you will make a fine wife," he said, now squeezing her thigh, then holding out her leg. "Good for bearing sons . . ." With that, he turned her away from him, and lifting her up, he squashed her down on his rigid cock. Aliona felt like a little doll in his grasp and cried out when he entered her, so big and so invading and so long that she felt with a helpless cry of agony that he was holding her wide open. He started lifting her up and down on his cock, slowly at first and then faster, until screams were bursting out of her.

And then she felt it: the sorcerer's dick had swollen abnormally! It was growing very thick and wide as he slid her up and down, her pussy clenching tight despite her gushing juices. She felt herself stretch the tiniest bit as his cock swelled. She cried out now in shrill gasps as he pushed himself deeper and deeper. The thicker his cock grew, the slower he lifted her. It was almost as if he was trying not to hurt her now; it was almost as if wanted her to feel good! He lifted her up the shaft of his cock, allowed it to swell a little more, and then slowly pulled her down toward his balls. She let out a low moan of ecstasy, her body falling back, her nipples getting hard in spite of herself. Yes, it felt so good every time he brought her down so slowly, her juices gliding her down his shaft (which had grown so wide now that she couldn't even struggle). Then her pussy lips would touch his soft balls and the base of his cock, and would he lift her slowly up again, conjuring deep moans from her, making her melt in his grasp.

After a while, he turned her on his cock to face him and started to suck tenderly at her breasts, not hard and hungrily as he had before. Aliona was so weak with ecstasy at that point that she sagged in his grasp, her head back, her breasts thrust forward, and shuddered as the waves of pleasure overwhelmed her. Why did his cock feel so damn good inside her? And so monstrously large, too large to be true? She realized that it was his magic: he was using his magic to make himself huge, to make her feel good, to make her weak. And now, as he sucked so gently at her tits, even that was starting to feel good. She groaned in spite of her hate for him, surprising herself by begging for more: which he gave to her as tenderly and as eagerly as if they could have been lovers. What had come over her? His magic, damn him.

"It's no fun if you don't cry," he said, pausing to lift her head and make her look at him. "But I like to hear a female's pleasure every now and then, and you moaned like you'd never been fucked so deep. Wasn't your husband male enough to please you?" Seeing Aliona's cold fury, he laughed. "Ah, well," he said squeezing one of her breasts. "I took the pain away, didn't I? It doesn't hurt anymore."

He was right: nothing hurt anymore! Not her breasts from his cruel squeezing, not her anus from his fingering, not her ass from his spanking! In fact, she felt nothing but aroused. She wished in silent desperation that he would touch her clit and make it stop throbbing, but he didn't seem inclined to do anything more to her, and a thrill of frustration washed over her. Her entire body was still tingling with pleasure when he lifted her from his cock with a squelch, and rising, he slung her over his shoulder and clapped her ass. Aliona rocked on his shoulder as, clutching the back of her thighs, he stomped down the snowy incline toward the village.

"Welcome home, little bitch," the sorcerer said cheerfully. "I am your husband, Eloein, but you will call me Husband. I have three other wives: Arorta, Nasma, and Nisma. As fourth wife, you will do what they tell you to do or I will punish you."

Aliona silently seethed. She could just imagine what sort of punishment Eloein would give her. She remembered his knife again and shuddering, tried not to think of it.

"Or, if you've done something really awful, I will give Arorta permission to punish you, and no one wants that," continued the sorcerer with a laugh. "Your name is now Sasha, little bitch, and you will answer to that name or suffer the consequences. Whatever your husband used to call you, that is over. Forget him."

Aliona ground her teeth and said nothing. She was helpless against his power and knew now that fighting him would only make things worse: he could conjure knives from thin air, could make his dick swell to sizes that would probably tear her to bloody shreds, so she whispered a quiet, "Yes, Husband," and knew he was pleased when he gave her ass a light slap and a smacking kiss.

"I can make you happy here, Sasha, if you will let me," Eloein said at length, and Aliona was shocked to hear a note of worry in his tone. "I can give you a better life than you had before. With my magic, I can make love to you in ways no male ever could. You've never been fucked like that, have you? And by such a big cock?"

Aliona said nothing and remembered the night she spent with Kel under the waterfall. After Zaldon's challenge, they'd gone back there together, and Kel had made love to her all night, gently and slowly and tenderly, his greatest concern her pleasure. Yes, someone had made love to her that way before. But even still, Eloein had been partially right: Kel, not being a sorcerer, had never been able to get so deliciously large. And Kel, being the average height and strength of a male in her tribe, had never been able to lift her bodily up and down on his cock. No, she'd had to wrap her legs around him while he stood. With the sorcerer's ever swelling dick inside of her, with the sorcerer's great paws lifting her up and down, she had never felt such arousal. And since she hadn't come, her clit was still throbbing between her thighs even now.

So, yes, Aliona was confident that the sorcerer could give her all the pleasure in the world. But the one thing he could not give her was love. Kel loved her. And no matter what punishments the sorcerer threatened her with, she would find her way back to him. And back to love.

Riding up on Eloein's shoulder, Aliona struggled to lift her head, her breasts smashing into her captor's back. They had passed through the gates, and Aliona was shocked to see that the entire village seemed to be comprised of the same giant wolves: warriors as tall as six, seven, eight feet in height greeted Eloein as he passed, shouting that he had a nice bitch on his shoulder, if not a little too small. Eloein would cheerfully return that he'd just "claimed" Aliona, and sometimes he would stop altogether, allowing his friends to gather round. They would lift Aliona's tail and prod her anus, remarking how nice and tight it was, or they would examine her breasts, squeezing them and giving little moans of approval when they dripped milk.

Aliona, in her humiliation, closed her eyes and set her teeth and was glad when the sorcerer finally started away again. She saw females standing in doorways who were just as tall as their husbands. It was astounding! And as a result, every hut and construction in the village was huge. Pups who couldn't have been more than six or seven ran up and down the dark streets, laughing and playing, at least five feet in height. It was a village of giants! And they laughed and gawked at Aliona's small size, shouting jokes at Eloein, who smiled in turn and stroked Aliona's tail.

And yet, even though the villagers were friendly and easygoing when they spoke with Eloein, they still seemed to respect him as a great sorcerer. They bowed out of his way as he came through the streets, children stopped playing and stood in respectful awe until he had passed, and females flirted, bowing their heads and fluttering their lashes and flashing their tails wildly when he came by, as if to grab his attention.

"It is a great honor," said Eloein in a low voice to Aliona, "being the wife of a sorcerer. I hope one day you will come to appreciate it. Maybe you will even admire me."

If that day comes, thought Aliona darkly, I will already have died inside.

They came at last to a large and grand hut in the center of the village. It was decorated with swinging chimes, and smoke was furling from a hole in the domed ceiling. A group of children, seeing Eloein approach, ran with shuddering steps toward him, squealing, "Daddy! Daddy!" And Eloein chuckled and ruffled their heads as they smashed against him on all sides, hugging him and grinning.

All of Eloein's pups were females -- and females on the brink of budding. Aliona noticed their small and budding breasts, the way their hips were just beginning to round, the fluid and almost seductive sway of their bodies. Preteens. But children still. And they doted over Eloein with fluttering lashes much the same way the females of the village had.

"Is that a new mommy, Daddy?" the children squealed, eying Aliona, who was peering over her shoulder at the hut.

Aliona had noticed that one young one in particular -- the only male, by the looks of it -- was standing silently in the shadows of the hut, peering around the side of it at her. Aliona realized at once that this one was on the verge of the mating seasons: he was at least sixteen years old. Like the rest of the village, he was monstrous in size: over six feet tall, a little shorter than the sorcerer. He had dark eyes, like Eloein, but his fur was gray and striped black. He sniffed in Aliona's direction with his eyes closed and his ears flat back, and then he looked at her again, dragging his tongue over his teeth in a lusty smile. Aliona shivered in digust: what was obviously the son of her captor . . . was lusting after her!

"Eno!" Eloein barked suddenly, and the young wolf started and came out of hiding.

"Is this any way to greet your father?" Eloein demanded harshly of the young wolf, who stood now with his head bowed, his face tense with anger.

"No, Father . . ." the apparent Eno said to the snow, and crossing his arms over his chest, he bowed and said in a rehearsed manner, "Good evening to you, my father . . ."

It must have been a winter wolf custom, for it surprised Aliona.

"That's better," Eloein growled, and he grabbed his large, hulking son by the side of the head and shoved him away, snarling, "Stay clear of this hut until dinner! I've already told you once, damn you!"

Aliona watched as Eno shuffled off, looking somewhere between hurt and vengeful. It was not unusual for a father to keep a son near adulthood away from the hut, especially if the father had many wives: a grown son might start mating with one of his father's wives. Such a thing usually resulted in the banishment or the deaths of both.

"Is she our new mommy, Daddy? Huh? Huh?" the little ones were begging to know, but Eloein chuckled and sent them off to play with a loving pat on their heads. Then he entered the hut at last.

Aliona was overwhelmed by the heat and the scent of what she knew to be cooking pots over a roaring fire. When Eloein set her on her feet at last, she was able to take in the hut. She wasn't surprised at all by how lavish it was: a sorcerer was very important, after all. The hut was sectioned off into different rooms by many curtains. The very front room held a roaring fire, on the edge of which pots were boiling on stones. Cooking utensils hung from the walls, as well as other tools and objects and decorations made of feathers and bones. On the floor near the fire were sitting furs (the hides of enemies long dead), and squatting on one of these furs over a cooking pot was the largest female Aliona was yet to see.

The female was gray with small white flecks around her eyes and in her mane. Her eyes were slanted and thick with lashes, a bright intense green. She had big thighs and buttocks, a puffy tail, and her gray ears were riddled with golden earrings. On her wrists were bracelets, and Aliona was shocked to see a golden ring in one of the great female's dark nipples. She was ladling at the pot and humming to herself, this female, and when Eloein barked "Arorta!" cheerfully, she looked up and then stood. Aliona stiffened with fear: the female was at least seven feet in height! And seeing the new female standing beside her husband, her slanted eyes narrowed with hatred. She had fangs long enough to bite Aliona's head off. This terrifying female was first wife? Aliona shuddered against the wall.

"Oh, now, don't get mean," Eloein warned, grinning as he came to Arorta and took her in his arms. When he started kissing her neck, she gave in to a smile.

". . .well," relented Arorta in a husky, deep voice that made one think of smoke, "she doesn't look like she'd be much help to me around here. So scrawny and little. She'd just get in my way."

"She's not for helping you, sexy bitch, she's for helping me," Eloein teased, clapping both paws on the first wife's ass and squeezing.

Arorta started to giggle at her husband's advances. Eloein was moaning and nibbling Arorta's ear as the latter giggled and squirmed playfully when two more females (both about six feet in height) burst from behind a curtain and into the room. They were both a pale tan color with thick soft manes, pink noses and pink nipples, and bright blue eyes. Like Arorta, they wore earrings in their ears and in their nipples, and but for the black spot on ones tit, both females appeared to be identical. Aliona could only assume that they were Nasma and Nisma. One was complaining loudly about wanting a certain fish for dinner when both halted where they stood, seeing Aliona standing miserably against the wall.

"Finally!" shrilled the twin with the spot. "A female to boss around! I was getting tired of being a bottom wife."

"You're always a bottom wife, Nisma," said Eloein, drawing Nisma to his side and smashing her against him. Aliona saw him slip a finger under her tail and into her anus, and she was shocked when Nisma seemed to be enjoying this: the twin wriggled and squealed with delight and gave Eloein a kiss on the mouth.

Aliona stood against the wall in silent amazement. Unless she was with Kel or being otherwise stimulated, Aliona found anal sex in general unbearable.

"I don't know," said the other twin, who'd been examining Aliona in disgust for a long time. She stood with her arms folded, her breasts jutting over them. She tilted her head to the side and sneered. "She looks skinny and stupid to me."

"About what I thought," added Arorta, shooting Aliona another glare.

"And about what I thought about all of you before you finally grew tits," Eloein retorted, giving Arorta a hard slap on her big ass. "Finish making dinner, my children are starving," he ordered, to which Arorta said with a flashing grin, "Yes, Husband."

"I'm not eating here tonight," Eloein announced, resting back on a wooden chair covered in lush furs. His three wives looked around at him in dismay, and he gestured the twins to his side. They hurried toward him and each sat on his knees. Nisma rested her head on his shoulder and Nasma curled her fingers in his mane.

"Why not?" Nasma demanded, who seemed to be the more whiny and aggressive of the twins. "You only just got back! We haven't seen you all day."

"That is a male's business, bitch!" Eloein growled, and he jerked his knee, giving her a jolt and making her perky little breasts fly up. He glanced at Aliona for the first time since they'd entered the hut, and as if he'd just remembered that he had a fourth wife, he gestured her to him.

Aliona, who'd been standing huddled against the wall, didn't want to go to him like some summoned pet, but she knew it was better if she obeyed. She hurried across the room toward him, her swollen breasts jiggling, and when he indicated with a gesture, she sat between his knees. The scent of his crouch was oddly arousing, but she reminded herself again who her real husband was and did her best to quiet the throbbing pleasure between her legs. She would get out of here, she would get back to Kel, she just had to wait and to plan and to study and, in the mean time, obey.

"And about that pup of yours, the oldest one," Eloein barked suddenly at Arorta, who was placidly stirring away at a pot and sniffing the contents of another.

"Eno?" said the first wife lightly.

"I saw him hanging around the hut when I returned. I told him to stay out until mealtimes, so why the hell was he here?"

"I didn't know he was here, Husband," said Arorta absently.

"Well, keep him away, dammit! I caught him sizing up Sasha here and if I even hear that he was near her at all --"

"I understand, my husband," said Arorta as calmly as before. "Though I don't see what my Eno could possibly want with a scrawny thing like that. I would think my Eno would be more interested in a real female. One with curves."

"I can't see how any male would want to bother with that," chimed in Nasma, giving Aliona's ear a disdainful flick with her nail. "She must be here to scrub and wash." Nasma laughed nastily. "Simple thing. She doesn't even talk."

"Watch your mouth, bitch," Eloein warned, jerking Nasma again on his knee. He pushed Aliona and Nisma from him suddenly, and as Aliona scrambled into a corner, she was amazed to see Eloein throw Nasma over his lap and start spanking her hard. Nasma's tail flashed everywhere and she screamed and bucked, her little breasts jiggling, her legs kicking. The sound of Eloein's paw coming down again and again on her buttocks rang in the hut, only a little louder than her screams and pleas. Eloein, meanwhile, was clearly enraged. His fangs were bare in a wild snarl as he shouted threats, jerking his knees around so that Nasma hiccupped and choked, her breasts flapping together like wings. Eloein spanked harder and harder until Nasma's poor little buttocks were burning red through the fur. At one point she pulled her chest up, thrusting out her breasts and squirming to escape as she begged desperately for her husband to stop. But Eloein forced her back down with a curse, giving her a great whack that made her lift her head and scream as her sore, red buttocks jiggled wildly from the blow.

When Eloein had finished the brutal spanking, he shoved Nasma from his lap in disdain. Nasma collapsed with a sob on her ass, and bowing her head, she cried into her paws like a pup. Nisma crawled to her twin's side and held her, glaring at Aliona as if she'd been the one who'd spanked her.

"And let that be a warning to you all," Eloein growled, rising to his feet. "None of you are to harm Sasha. If I hear that you have, I'll beat you without blinking an eye. That goes for you too, first wife!" he snarled, jabbing a finger at Arorta, who was looking grim beside the fire. "The truth is, you're all just jealous that she's got those big-ass tits. Females!" And Eloein marched toward the curtain, but he paused again, and leaning down, he reached toward Aliona, who was huddled in a corner.

Aliona flinched when he reached for her, but he only lifted one of her breasts and examined it, giving it a light squeeze. Aliona gave a little cry as more milk seeped out. Ignoring the jealous stares of his wives, Eloein tenderly licked it away. "That's your problem," he said quietly to Aliona, "your tits are too damn big for your own good. All this milk and you only had one pup!"

Aliona, of course, said nothing, and was glad when he let go of her again and straightened up.

"Get a ring in this bitch's nipple," Eloein demanded of Arorta. "She may not be as tall as our tribe, but she can at least wear the markings of a female." And with that, he left the hut.

Aliona felt her heart shrink with fear. A nipple ring! They were going to pierce her nipple! Oh, god! She shrank back against the wall, terror trembling through her as the three females glared at her: there was no way they were going to be gentle about it. It was fairly obvious that they weren't even going to numb her first as Arorta, grinning wickedly, went to a little shelf and pulled a long golden needle out of a box. It glinted innocently in the firelight, paralyzing Aliona where she sat.

"Girls," said Arorta to the twins, her eyes fixed in wicked glee upon Aliona, "hold her down."