Change of Fashion

Story by Thunderdramon on SoFurry

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#22 of Story Commissions

A story commission for FA: Dragonien. Here we have him and a mutual friend trying to convince Thunder to change up his warddrobe a bit. Involves shenanigans.

Change of Fashion

"Guys, please, I really don't need a wardrobe change."

He'd lost count of how many times he said it today. What was supposed to be a day of staying in and enjoying his impromptu vacation from classes turned out to be something far less productive. Two of his friends decided to visit during his little downtime and the three of them got to chatting. While they were discussing how their week was, the whiskered eastern dragon had his head buried into one of his books for school. They protested and demanded that he go out and do something with them. Thunder denied and jokingly stated that he could use some new clothes.

Of course, they took it a bit too literally and dashed off into his room to take a look into his closet. He tried to stop them, but when one was friends with a dragon just as strong as him and a reality bending feline, you didn't have much in the way of advantage. Thunder plopped onto his bed and watched Dragonien and Gnarl go through his closet with a myriad of responses.

"Jeez, why do you just have polo shirts and button-ups?" Dragonien commented, using a hand to look through the hangers. Some of his polo shirts were different colors while his button ups had lots of different designs. Whenever he did see the eastern dragon, he always had on a signature blue button-up that looked way too tight to fit him. The green fuzzed dragon was shirtless since he was in his home, so that didn't matter now. He really did need to expand his clothing line a bit.

"I don't agree with the red much, but this is a first. Why no other colors for your other stuff?" Gnarl stated. The black and green striped Cheshire was wriggling around deeper into his closet. The eastern didn't have much in the way of sneakers or shoes. Hell, he could point out at least 12 pairs! Gnarl himself had at least doubled that. Looking deeper into Thunder's closet, something caught the feline's eye. A box had been found way in the back and labeled "Not Mine". Gnarl's signature Cheshire grin formed on his face.

"Oh, look what I found~!" the cat declared.

Thunder's heart started beating rapidly. Shit, did he find that? His fears were confirmed as Gnarl pulled out a giant cardboard box between his arms. With some help from Dragonien, the box was put on the ground in front of the eastern dragon.

"G-guys, can we please not?!" he tried picking up the box to put right back in the closet, but he was easily thwarted. He felt something tie his arms back and found that Gnarl's arms were missing from his body. Both limbs were tied around Thunder's brawny wrists, allowing his leathery red friend to discover the contents of the box.

"Come on, I'm sure it's not that bad, Noodle." Dragonien chuckled. After prying open the box, he and Gnarl scanned over the stuff inside; they found a rather large yellow singlet which Thunder vehemently denied was his and that it belonged to his roommate, a few collars and ball-gags which wasn't too surprising along with a rather large toy concealed at the bottom. It seemed to be of dragon origin judging from the pricks and it was equipped with a rather large knot. Thunder's face flushed pink before his eyes shone a dull green. The houseplant near his window sprang to life, vines launching out from it and shoving the box back to the depths of his closet. After being released from Gnarl's grip, Thunder went to go get himself a shirt and some pants.

"Fine, we'll go shopping. Since you found that, last thing I wanna do is be at home..." he grumbled, crossing his arms.


Thunder rolled his eyes. Yeah, they could laugh it up now. The trio soon left the apartment, heading off to the mall for a shopping day. Their primary goal was to get Thunder some new threads, as well as have some fun. The three walked around and decided to do some window shopping first. The first store was a sports depot that had a few stuff out on the display. There were a few basketballs, some bats, as well as some mannequins swinging a golf club. Dragonien tip toed, gently making his way toward Thunder's ear as the green dragon was distracted with another shop next door.

"Bet you've taken bigger than that, huh?" He whispered.

"Are you serious right now?!" Thunder cried out, haphazardly throwing out a punch. Dragonien neatly dodged to the side, Gnarl covering his mouth with his hand to try not to laugh too hard. Just like in the apartment, the eastern dragon's face flooded pink.

The moment died soon afterwards, the three heading off to the closest "Big and Tall" store on the next floor. After taking the escalator, the double doors led them inside. The place was rather large since it took up the space of several stores. The first part of the store had spring wear out in the front since it was starting to warm up. Thunder aimlessly wandered around, Dragonien and Gnarl following behind him closely.

The plan was to watch how he shopped before making an intervention. Thunder started to pick up a few short sleeve button ups, prompting a reaction from the duo. Dragonien swooped in and slapped the shirts down on the ground, Gnarl sneaking in and putting them back where the dragon had found them.

"Hey, what was that for, I liked that." He grumbled.

Gnarl shook his head. "That's exactly what we're trying to change here. You really have to expand your look. As much as I like the tight shirt look, your closet could really use a breather."

"I think his butt could use a breather, too."

Dragonien's comment was met with a kick to the shin from Thunder.

"Okay, how about this? You guys can pick out stuff and I'll wait in the dressing room. I trust ONE of you to not embarrass me." The eastern dragon said, glancing towards Gnarl. The three nodded in agreement before Thunder left towards the dressing room to wait.

"He was totally talking about me." Dragonien nodded.

Gnarl rolled his eyes. "Come on, big guy; let's go see what we can find."

Thunder arrived in the dressing room, casually watching some of the folk that went their merry way. He sighed, crossing his legs and his hands under his chin. He had a small scowl on his face that turned into a curious look. He had his eyes on a rather large doberman with a spiked collar and matching bracelets. He was dressed in a fishnet shirt and a pair of black shorts that didn't leave much to the imagination as that bulge bounced with every step. Once the canine noticed he was looking, he rose up an arm and flexed it with a grin before walking off. The eastern dragon coughed, adjusting his legs and rubbing his cheeks. He really didn't need to pop one right here and rip through his pants, especially when he was trying to buy new clothes.

He just needed to distract himself. He wondered what Dragonien and Gnarl were going to get for him. While he trusted Gnarl, he didn't know if he was good enough to curb the red dragon's almost natural urge to screw with him at any time or place. He considered it a miracle he only made two jokes about the stuff he found in the closet while they were here. However, with him out of earshot, there was technically no stopping him. Maybe he was worrying too much. At the very least, he trusted their fashion sense.

"I just hope I don't get any skimpy underwear. Least they didn't find that." He murmured to himself. Just in case, he glanced around to see if anyone else or that doberman cutie was back. The gods had graced him, no one else was there. With nothing else but his thoughts, Thunder wondered what else they could bring him. He hadn't mentioned it, but he was always considering updating his clothing in a few small ways. Most of the reason why he dressed the way he did was because he liked looking semi professional. Since he was a kid, most first appearances made a great deal of difference, at least from what his dad and high school told him. Considering he had to wear a uniform most of the time when he was younger, his own fashion style didn't bloom. And when he got too big for the uniforms, he had to make do with small size and the polo shirts that barely fit.

Now, he still kind of preferred it. He had no reason to wear a tie, though it could be a good thing. Maybe even some suspenders since his waist was getting a tad too wide for conventional belts...The fact that he was already abnormally huge made it difficult to try and shop, so simple was the best way to go.

"What's taking them so long?"

He grumbled. The dragon pulled out his phone and stared at the clock. He'd only been waiting for ten minutes, but it didn't take that long to shop for someone else, right?

Finally, Dragonien and Gnarl returned with two piles of clothes. Thunder blinked rapidly, glancing at the two colorful mountains of fabric. "Um...isn't that a bit much?"

Gnarl set the pile down in front of him, pointing a thumb at Dragonien who went into the dressing room with some shirts and pants. "He couldn't help but get some stuff for him. This is what we pretty much agreed that would work, but it's all up to you." the Cheshire finished.

Thunder waved him off and nodded. The eastern dragon held out a hand, the feline handing him a few outfits. One of them was primarily purple and black, garnering a raised brow. Gnarl smiled at him.

"What? I think those colors work, least it works with your hair. And you can be a nicer looking Hulk!"

The eastern chuckled before rolling his eyes and wandering off into the dressing room. He and Dragonien returned a few minutes later, leaving Gnarl to be the only judge of how everything looked. The leather skinned red dragon wore a fishnet shirt and ripped jeans while Thunder sported a royal purple long sleeve sweater with a pair of black jeans. Gnarl stared at the two dragons for a few minutes before nodding.

"Yeah, noodle wins by a landslide. Where'd you even get that from? Looks like something I'd probably wear." Gnarl commented. Dragonien shrugged his shoulders in response.

"I thought it looked silly enough to try out. Who'd even wear something like this daily?" The red dragon retorted. Behind him, the enormously muscled doberman returned with some clothes laid out over his forearm. He glared at Dragonien for a few moments before glancing at Thunder. The eastern dragon nervously waved at him. The canine approached the green dragon, red eyes staring up and down at him. Thunder took a deep breath, his sweater vest fitting rather tight against his muscled frame. The doberman leaned in and promptly kissed the blushing dragon right on the spot. The two shared a quick make-out session, Dragonien and Gnarl staring on in shock, awe and mild jealously. After what seemed like an eternity of watching the two muscled males grind against another and grunt heavily as they kissed, the two parted with heavy pants.

"Rrf. good tongue you got there. Now, just one more thing..." he prompted that Thunder pass over his phone. After unlocking it, the doberman took a picture of his chiseled torso after lifting up his fishnet shirt and pulling his pants down a bit to show the treasure trail of hair leading downward into them. He snapped a quick picture and added his phone number. After taking the phone back, Thunder and the doberman engaged in another quick, yet groan filled kiss.

"And here ya go. Call me if you keep on looking that sharp, chief." He grunted, giving the eastern's rear a squeeze before walking out and giving Dragonien a level glare.

"What..." Gnarl started.

"Was that?" Dragonien finished.

The look on Thunder's face and the rather large bulge snaking its way down his pants leg told the two of them that he was still partly dazed. He eventually returned to the world of the conscious by shaking his head and glancing at his phone. He didn't know what exactly happened, but he guessed he had plans later this weekend. The whiskered dragon made his way toward Gnarl, kneeling down on one knee and bowing.

"Bless you, oh fashion priestess."

The black and green striped Cheshire scratched his cheek. "D'aww, you don't need to call me that~! How's about we get to the next outfit?" Gnarl suggested.

Dragonien looked on, pouting and crossing his arms overdramatically. "I bet I could get someone like that if I wore that..."

Thunder leaned in, wrapping an arm around the red dragon's shoulder. "Yeah, after you dissed his shirt, don't think you'd stand a chance. Don't know why he liked me, but I won't question a gift like that horse in the mouth." He chuckled before grabbing another set of clothes and wandering back into the dressing room stalls. Dragonien followed suit and the two returned once more a few minutes later.

"And now, it's time for Round two!" Gnarl had a look of concentration as Thunder was the first to emerge from the stall. Compared to his colorful outfit, this one seemed much more fitted for an interview or if he was going out somewhere. Thunder had on a white button-up shirt along with a light brown vest that seemed to be just the right fit over his enormous frame. Coupled with a pair of slacks that were the same color along with a tie, it looked like the dragon was going to his day job and trying to look good.

"I thought we said we weren't going to do this? What happened?" Thunder asked as he adjusted his vest. The Cheshire simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, I figure a buffer or some 'going out' clothes might be good for you. Besides, I think you pull it off well. It's either that or you cut off the hair." He suggested with a grin on his face, two of his fingers acting like a pair of scissors. Thunder frowned at him before glancing back. He pulled his mane back behind his ears, letting the luscious and flowing locks overtake his hands. The idea of cutting his hair was nothing short of blasphemy to him. Despite all the trouble it gave him when it came to cleaning it out and keeping it well groomed, it felt like a part of him.

"I could try a ponytail or something? I think I can do that, if it works, I mean." He grumbled, reaching behind him to gather all of his hair to mimic one and turning around. Gnarl hummed and eventually nodded.

"It does clear up your face a bit. What's taking Drago so long in there?" the Cheshire asked. Thunder shrugged his shoulders. Not even a few seconds later and they heard a crash coming from his stall. The door opened to reveal Dragonien with the same fishnet shirt he'd been wearing, but caught around his horns along with his pants around his ankles.


After helping the red dragon out of his wardrobe malfunction, the three of them agreed they'd done enough looking for clothes and set off to do something else after buying everything. Thunder toted off two large bags of clothing, Dragonien and Gnarl searching around ahead of him for anything else to do. Gnarl was the first to find something; a shoe store having a buy one, get one free. The Cheshire could spy a few pairs of sneakers, shoes, as well as a pair of heels he could probably try on if he was small enough for them.

"Guys, can we go here?" he pleaded.

Gnarl clapped his hands together, staring up at the two dragons. The two of them glanced at the sign, then back at Gnarl. They could be there for a good while trying to find shoes, and they didn't want to be there all day. Thunder made his way to say no, but was stopped once he stared into the feline's eyes. The Cheshire widened his eyes and pushed his lower lip forward and started whimpering. Dragonien covered his eyes and turned around, but it was too late for the eastern dragon. He was caught in the infamous "kitty eyes" and couldn't help but keep staring until...

"Sure, we can go...But I wanna get something to eat afterwards, so can we make it quick?" Thunder said hesitantly.


"No, you fool! You've doomed us both!" Dragonien countered, grabbing the dragon by his shirt.

Thunder sighed and gently pushed Dragonien off of him and patted down his shirt. It couldn't be that bad, right? Just because Gnarl had double the pairs to go through at the store didn't mean he was going to take all day. As the three stepped inside, it took Thunder dragging his red companion in for him to stop the overdramatic complaining. The two males sat down in the chairs that were always way too small to sit on because they were meant for the average sized folk. With the store somewhat packed, they were forced to share with just one butt cheek and shoulder bumping constantly.

"This is your fault you know, you had to enable him."

"Come on, I can't handle that face. Besides, what are two pairs?" Thunder shrugged his shoulders, bumping into the red dragon again. Their tails spilled across the ground, making their area a bit of a hazard to walk across. As they bickered over how long Gnarl would take, they had to deal with apologizing over people tripping across their large tails. The Cheshire finally returned with several boxes of shoes and sneakers and laid them out on the ground in front of the two. Dragonien let out a groan and Thunder just stared at the pile of boxes. True to the dragon's word, it did take quite a while since Gnarl couldn't decide between some shoes or new black and green sneakers.

"You already have those!" Dragonien groaned out.

"And? They're getting old; I think I need a new pair anyways." Gnarl said.

The two soon devolved into an argument over whether it was okay to buy sneakers if you already had the pair to begin with. Thunder watched the two bicker and argue with bated breath and wishing he had popcorn. Eventually, the three were forced to leave the store after making too much of a ruckus. In the time they left, the Cheshire was able to buy at least a pair of heels before they were escorted out of the store. The three of them sat in one of the benches at the center of the mall, wondering what to hit up next. The consensus was that going home was the better idea. After going back and forth about the simplest things like shoes and clothing, going to someone's place and ordering take out was better than staying out.

"So, what should we try and order? My place is the closest and I think I have a few menus." Thunder offered.



Thunder sighed and pinched his nose. This was going to be a long evening.

Spring Cleaning

_Spring Cleaning_ He really needed to learn how to say no sometimes. Thunder glanced at Kaji with a frown on his face, wondering what exactly he got himself into. It was no surprise that the dragon-wolf deity had quite the lavish living standards in...

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"Ugh, my aching head..." Quazy rubbed his head, the sound of his voice catching his attention. He groaned and twisted underneath the sheets of his bed, his groaning sounding rather different. Everyone recognized their own voice at some point, but the...

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Blew Up

" are we gonna do this again?" Thunder asked. The blue furred canine stood over the plant dragon as he stood on a plush bean bag chair with nothing but a pair of boxer briefs on. Sai crossed his arms; the muscled wolf glancing over a few of...

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