To take a pet

Story by x1gameguy2007 on SoFurry

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Jake, a young black and red dragon, sat outside a cave thinking over his plan one more time.

The plan was so simple, Xylex, another dragon had taken up residence inside the cave and rumor had it he was only a hatchling. Hearing this Jake couldn't believe his luck, a hatchling this close? most hatchlings had already been claimed by some other dragon, usually with in the first 20 years of their lives. But Xylex hadn't... and he had his own cave already.

O this was so great, just go in jump him when he wasn't aware, or even better yet while he was sleeping and make him a thrall. An obedient pet with practically no will of his own. Jake might not be a big dragon, actually he was rather a shrimp only standing two foot tall at the shoulders and having a slender build at that, still he was young in his own sense and what's more he was smart. smarter than most other dragons alive or so he thought. and with this acquisition he would start to take others and Xylex was going to be his first.

Dragon cum, you see, has three uses. One its used for the purpose most other cum is, to fertilize female eggs from another dragon. Second it has a changing effect where any non dragon that's exposed to it regularly and liberally starts to turn in to dragons, for normal humans receiving one 'dose' a day this process can last anywhere from 5 years to as little as 3 months to completely transform. The third use and the one Jake was going to use, was enthrallment. When a dragon mates, there cum has a drug like effect. making the one they do it with start to lose their free will. The effect doesn't last forever, nor is it absolute, but it is effective... very effective on young dragons especially, and once trawled, it's an easy thing to keep the other wanting more of your cum and the cycle, if not broken, will evenly form a permanent need of the other.

Jake waited until night fall and kept his noise to a minimum as he did, barely moving for fear of alerting the other dragon he intended to take, and soon enough his patients was rewarded by the moon rising high above him.

He started in to the cave as silently as he could looked around to make sure he didn't set off any magical traps, or alarms, After all that was supposedly what Xylex was best at, magic. But to his surprise he found none, and chuckled even more to himself. "How much of a fool can this Xylex be to set no defense against intruders and expect to keep free." he said slinking in and walking past corridor after corridor walking to the main chamber of the room.

And there he say him. laying on a miniscule pile of gold was a black dragon with blue under coat, not scaled but hided, still he was in excellent condition and Jake simple put his head up and walked over. The room was large, and looked like it had been hollowed out with magic just as Jake had been told. He snickered and whispered to himself, "What a skilled caster I'll soon have as my pet." and soon enough he was looking at the back of Xylex, watching the smaller dragons tail swish back and forth over the other piles of gold making soft clinking noises as he shifted some around.

Jake walked forward and when he was close enough he pounced landing with two paws of Xylex's back holding him to the pile of gold saying, "What easy prey you were, now submit and become mine."The black/red said grinning to himself and feeling so dominant, it was great, soon he would take the small one and make him completely his. he even moved one of his paws off the dragons back to move his tail out of the way to make ready to start.

Jake then heard one of the few things he hadn't accounted for. He thought he might hear begging, pleading, silence, submission, even maybe asking to be taken... but he heard laughter. Xylex was laughing at him as the smaller dragons head turned and spoke, "I was waiting... though I have to admit, I thought the first Other to come after me would be bigger.... still your smart to get this far... and you'll do as a pet."

with those words Xylex started to grow... and grow. evenly toppling Jake on to his back who was struck dumb founded at the size increase of the monster he saw before him. Xylex was no longer the little one foot tall dragon whom Jake thought so easy to take, he was 6 feet and grinning wildly down at the puny one below him. "I would go to my true size, but I don't wish to kill you as I take you."

Jake just looked at him and said, "But... this cant." Those words were cut short as a paw came across and sent him flying back into a wall where he crash landed on the ground. Before he could get up he was dragged back near the center of the cave and laid on the pile of gold, propping up his lower body for a chuckling Xylex.

Jake then felt his shoulders being pressed down by a paw and heard Xylex saying, "You are going to be so fun to's been a long time... how lucky for you." and with that, Jake felt his cheeks being parted and a draconic prick placed up against his tail hole. all he could get out was a "No..." and then felt a roaring pain from his backside as Xylex pushed his way in forcibly. On the first pass Xylex got a 1/4 of his entire length in and slowly pulled out slightly before ramming in another 1/4 of his girth in to the tiny dragon who each time knew he was going to split from the pain and tried to muffle his screams.

Finally after Xylex hilted after 5 thrusts he leaned over the small one and said, "There pet tell master how much you like it when he rapes his toy." dragon just gritted his teeth as he felt the larger dragon slowly move in and out of him starting to work up the pace and release a little bit of pre in to his abused tail hole.

After hearing no answer Xylex asked again, "Pet... tell master you want him to rape you..." in a more commanding voice this time. And for a second Jake was going to say, "Go to hell" but he already felt the cruel warm tendrils of dominance looming over his brain and pushing at it, trying to get it, stopping his voice in his throat and changing it. With each thrust Xylex added more pre to the dragons back side, and with ever little bit, another tendril joined the fight to take the dragons mind and make it subservient. and so again the Dragon said nothing.

Xylex smiled, seeing the strain on the small dragons face as he tried to fight the invading forces, both mentally and physically, but it was useless. The dragon could no more keep him out of his mind than he could out of his rear, and Xylex was enjoying the little hole so much... it had indeed been a long time.

Xylex then leaned down and bits down on Jakes neck and growls softly as he starts to pants. He thrusts hard and mercilessly into the little dragon under him and stretches his hole hard and hilts into him. He rumbles, and happily claws at Jakes back. "Pet likes master to rape him doesn't he." He asks as he pounds his cock in and out of the tight pucker of his pet's rear.

Jake couldn't take it as he heard again, "Pet wants more doesn't he? Well, he needs to beg master for it. Beg to be abused more." He slows down a bit as he whispers to you. "Beg your master for more abuse." He smiles evilly to his little dragon, waiting to hear him.

Jake simply said one word as he couldn't stop himself, "Please..." he said in an airy voice all the dominance and gusto out of it now "Please ... please master... abuse your pet toy..." with the pauses in there for breaths and a little choking back tears.

Xylex smiles wide as he hears Jakes words. "Tell master how much you love being abused by him." He says, now slamming into the little dragons hole really hard but really slowly, building up impact against your prostate before slamming him and hilting Jake more than fully as he stretches the young dragons poor little tail hole. He closes his eyes as he takes a little pet, quietly waiting for a response from him.

A few tears were sliding from the dragons eyes now as he was asked the question each thrust he pushed back to meet you and finally after a bit too long of a pause said. "I.. I love it ... master please more..." he said and kept pushing back felling you start to rip his back side.

Xylex murrs and grins evilly again as Jake tells his new master that he love for Xylex to rape his poor little pet. The older dragon moans out as he fucks as harder and as fast as he can, not show a shred of mercy on the younger's tail hole as he starts to tear Jakes anal flesh, though building his climax as he floods Jakes insides with precum and thick dragon shaft. "Master is getting close to Cumming, pet should beg for his masters seed, and I mean BEG for it."

At this point Jake was doing all he could to keep any shred of himself left from the massive amounts of intrusion his mind was suffering. There was almost nothing he could do and finally said, "pl... please master... gr ...grace your pet with your... your ... seed ..." he said his eyes shut tight trying to keep from screaming in pain now.

Xylex grins as his own knot starts swelling and tearing the black and red's hole open more, dripping a little bit of blood as he practically rapes his new pet. He moans out as his knot grows and pops in and out of the hole until it just bumps against the hole. Stretching it and tearing the flesh as his climax hits him. He roars out and mercilessly slams very hard into the other dragons hole, tearing Jake wide and forcing his knot into him as he finally ties into the tight, virgin tail hole. He pants heavily and floods his pet with his thick dragon cum as he holds Jake close and marks him.

As Xylex finally cums in Jake he can't take the strain any longer and simply lets his mind go. feeling the blood and cum drip down his back sides and inner thighs as there's nothing he could do now. He simply turns to face his new master and snuggles close to him the last few tears rolling from his eyes. his mind crushed with his will. But slowly, very slowly the wheels of his mind cranked back to life, and the beginnings of thought entered his mind, it was clouded, and with a love for Xylex that couldn't be mistaken... but there were there.