Kiyo's Journal 2: The Hell Cat

Story by Kiruru on SoFurry

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Kiyo's Journal

Journal entry 4/3/20XX

This....without a doubt....was the craziest day that I have ever had. The day started out like any over day, with me waking up, grabbing a shower, breakfast, and I was off to school, without a word to my folks. I drove to school, with thoughts of my beautiful Kitten on my mind, and what we shared a few months ago.

I got to school fairly early, with at least 20 minutes before class started, I got out of my car, trying to yank my engorged book bag out of the back, note to self: you have a locker...Use it! I walked inside, there were a couple of people here and there, but I really didn't care, I walked around to a row of lockers where normally, me and my Siberian cutie would sit and talk, and laugh, but this day, I was alone.

I pulled out my sketch book and drew images that came to mind, trying to kill time, waiting for my pierced tail princess to show, but there was no sign of her, maybe she was sick, I didn't know at the time but there was one thing I thought, the day was going to be boring, yup, that what I thought.

So the day drug on, horribly boring, I tried to make it entertaining, a laugh here, and chuckle there, but all in all, it was just to quiet for me. I thanked the Gods when 3:30 peaked its head up on the clock, school I was finally out, and the first thing I was going to do, was check in on my Siberian Tigress, colds suck, I should know.

I pulled up at Kitty's house, both of her parents cars were still in the drive way, They didn't go to work? I rung the door bell, and for a time, there was no answer, another ring, still nothing. With my head tilted, I pondered to myself, then, the sound of latches and locks, II looked back at the door, as it opened, there stood Kitty's little brother. He had a huge smirk on his face, I smelled foul play, but I walked in the house anyway.

As soon as I stepped over the arch way, it hit me, a scent so heavy, so raw, so animalistic, that I felt dizzy, I heard scraping, like claws against wood coming from upstairs. Then I heard it, almost like a beastial roar, my name being screamed. My head shot right to the stairs, her brother teasing telling me what was so damn obvious.

She was in heat...

It was so painfully obvious, it took all my will power now to rush up those stairs and take her, her parents were still here for Gods sakes. As I stared at the stairs, her father came out of the kitchen, not knowing I was there, his eyes glanced upon me, they were set in shock. He dropped what he had in his paws and grabbed me by my shoulders, barking different things at me, most of what I could catch was, "What are you doing here?" "Who let you in?" "Stay away from my daughter!"

But I couldn't turn my head away from the stairs, I was fixated on the growling and moaning coming from upstairs. Her little brother snickering, laughing at what he knew I wanted. Her dad kept yelling til' her mom came out of the kitchen, pulling him off of me, their yelling sounded muffed, as all sound around dissipated, all I could hear was my own heart beat, as it rose faster, and faster.

I started to break out in a cold sweat, and my breathing started to become a softly pant...the was driving me insane, I could barely contain myself.

My stomach felt like it was tied in so many knots, I felt like I was gonna black out, something inside me wanted to come out, an inner animal in me, it wanted her. I was snapped out of my hypnotic state by my Kitten's mother, who simply told me that it was her "time" and that I shouldn't come back for a few days. kicked out of the door was I, the door closed behind me, I collapsed on the front porch, my heart still racing.

I drug myself off of the ground, and to my car, my paws were shaking, I could barely put my key in the ignition. I drove home, my parents asking me what was wrong, I still had the same face, as if frozen. I went directly to my room, head under my pillow, I could still smell it, her scent, it was all over me. My older sister was sent up to me by my parents to see what was wrong with me, she asked, I answered. She patted my head, and told me a story, of how the same thing happened to her and her boyfriend, now husband, and what he did to get to her without our parents knowledge.

I took that story to heart, as if she was sent by the Gods to help me. She walked off with a smile, now that I had a plan I was going to set it into action. As night fell I began to sneak out of the house, before I even got to the front door there was my sister, as if waiting for me. I was confused, but she just looked at me with a smile, and tossed me my keys, before a thank you came out of my muzzle, a box of condoms came next, "Don't be stupid" she said. I could only nod as I walked out of the door.

I drove to her house, all was silent, I had on no radio, it was just me and the silence of the night. I pulled up a block away from her house, I snuck around to where her window was, I climbed up the willow tree that was next to that window. I knocked on her window, as she opened it she gasped, I put a finger on her lips to silence her so no one could hear her say anything else. as soon as I stepped into her room, her lips were on mine, her tongue forced into my mouth. It took me by surprise but soon I melted into the kiss. She pushed me onto her bed, ripping off my clothes as fast as her claws could move. before I could blink, my boxers were off.

She had me pinned under, her tongue lapping at my Wolfhood, the stud on her tongue going slowly up and down my shaft, making me growl with excitement. her gentle sucking, coupled with licking, was driving me insane, her fangs gently tapping against me it felt so good, I didn't want her to have all the fun, her panty clad tigresshood swaying just within in my reach. Letting my tongue flick against her center, caused her to suck faster, my eyes closed, I was close, but I still wanted to make her scream.

Off came her panties, and my tongue was buried deep within her, flicking slowly from side to side, making her moan on my member. what seemed like hours passed, and I couldn't hold back anymore, I bit back my urge to howl with delight, as I came, spilling my seed, which she swallowed. I laided panting , but she didn't give me a moment to rest. She grabbed my wolfhood stroking it, bringing it back to its erect state, she was licking and biting my neck, arousing me again.

I knew what she had planed, and my mind were on the box of condoms, but then it hit me, they were in my car, Thats what my sister meant by " Don't be stupid" I knew that was going to come back to haunt me, damn it I should listen more. She started to grind against me, I started to growl again, to hell with the condoms...

She slowly slid my wolfhood into her, and began to rock on top of me, both of us wanting to scream, but knowing we couldn't. she started to go faster, and was moaning and panting, I silenced her moans with a kiss as she rode me harder, I couldn't help but thrust back as we both worked to our climaxes.

Our kiss broke as she started to moan louder and louder, I covered her mouth with my paw, she was growing more and more wild with ever move she made. her claws scratched at my chest, drawing blood, her climax was on the rise. My paws went up to her breasts, caressing and rubbing them gently, pinching her nipples, gently, it set her over the edge.

She came, her Tigeresshood squeezing me hard, setting me over the edge as well, my seed flowing into her. We both laided panting, her purring was the only thing that made me want to stay as long as I did.

Journal entry 6/5/20XX

I sat on the porch of me and Kitty's new home, a present from her parents after our marriage. Little Kim running up to me, asking me how I and her mother met, I tell her it was just like the story in one of her favorite princess book. Then she ask what I was writing, talking about this journal, I told her, its just another book about a princess...