Corruption Stream Story 9: Pup Training: Foot Care

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: Bluedude and with art by FA: Kihu , we enter the second half of the stream.

**Pup Training: Foot Care

for Bluedude

by Draconicon**

The skunk smiled at his pup. The little guy had been a hard one to train, but the more time he put into getting his pet educated in serving a master, the better investment the time seemed to be. He reached down, scratching the pup's head.

"Come on, Scout pup, time to get up."

The canine woke up almost immediately, getting up on all fours. His feet stuck out behind him, and his cock continued to throb as it had while he was asleep. The prince albert piercing in the tip seemed to collect his pre before letting it drop to the floor, a sight that the skunk admitted that he might like more than he should.

He dangled a foot over the edge of the bed, right in front of the dog's nose.


There was a slight moment of hesitation before the pup leaned in and pressed his nose in to Azure's soles. The skunk raised an eyebrow; he thought that yesterday's lesson had been ingrained a little more thoroughly than that.


There it was again. Just like before, that slight pause before action. Azure wasn't unreasonable. He knew that there were physical limitations to how quickly someone could react to a command, and that not all pets were able to do something as soon as the master said it. He understood that and gave allowances for it.

But the skunk didn't like to see someone ignoring their training due to their own tastes. The pup obviously processed the command. To see him ignore it for a second due to his own desires was something that he would need to fix.

He let the pup lick his sole for a few more seconds before pulling his foot back, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and standing up. He reached for a leash, clipping it onto his pet's collar.


There was never a need for more than one-word commands with the dog. He was trained enough for that, at least, so Azure had that much to be thankful for. The only time he used more than single words was when he praised the pup, or when he was working on 'installing' a few more features to the pup's mind. At that point, multiple words were needed, no matter how much the hypno-snakes said otherwise.

He led the pup out to the kitchen, putting the leash around one of the legs of the table.


The pup lifted his ass immediately. It was so much faster than the response to licking the skunk's foot that the canine's preference was unmistakable. Azure sighed. You are going to be a problem today.

He dragged one finger over the pup's rump in examination. There was still some seed from the last night's fuck dripping out of his little pet, but there wasn't anything else. The pup kept himself clean, though definitely sloppy. Azure chuckled to himself. At least if he'd wanted to have a morning fuck, there would have been lube.

However, the pup obviously wanted that, and after his behavior at the bed, that wasn't acceptable.


The pup whimpered, but silenced himself as Azure looked down at him. The skunk sighed as he pulled down a few pieces of fruit, shaking his head as he peeled a couple of apples and then cut them into pieces before putting them on a plate. The pup seemed disappointed that fruit was breakfast, but he figured that his pet could stand to deal with it. No treats were earned this morning, that was for sure.

As he ate his own apple and some toast, the skunk put his feet up on the chair nearest to the pup. He saw that brief expression of distaste before the pup masked it, and sighed.


The dog looked away from his feet.


His pet suddenly looked a bit nervous, but did as it was told. Azure held out his hand as the pup circled the table with the leash in its mouth, then dropped the end into his hand. As soon as he had a good grip on it, Azure gave it a strong tug, pulling the pup's face against his foot. With his other hand, he lifted the amulet that hung from his neck, letting the light catch the blue surface.

"Sniff. Look."

The pup had little choice. Azure let the pendant sway, watching as the pup's eyes followed it. The canine was helpless against hypnosis, always had been. It had made the initial training much easier, and it kept him very...compliant, as well. The skunk watched the familiar descent into trance, enhanced by the soft scent of his feet. Regardless of the pup's taste in it, the smell was natural, relaxing, and unless a person was a total germophobe, actually eased most people into a sense of relaxation.

"That's it, pup. Look into the pendant. Look into the blue depths, into the blue light. It's simple to look at the blue, so easy to look at the blue. So easy to follow it, to watch it. So just follow the blue, and look into it. Just follow the blue, and fall into it."

The longer he talked, the more that the pup seemed to fall under his spell, so to speak. The pup's eyes were drooping slightly, and his tongue hung out just enough to be pressed against his feet. The skunk admitted, he liked the feeling, rubbing at his crotch as he shifted his balance.

"Just keep falling into the blue. Watch it, and sink into the blue. It's so easy to just watch it, the soft sounds of master's voice just the waves of the blue against you as you sink deeper and deeper. Deeper and deeper into the blue. Deeper and deeper into a nice, relaxed state."

The pup was most definitely slipping away, and Azure smiled.

"You feel a little uncomfortable, a little strange. That is fine. Something new is always a little strange, and you don't have to be afraid of feeling strange. Just remember, pup, this is your master. This is your master, and there is nothing wrong with him. Anything new on your master is another part to like, another part to love, just like you love the rest of your master.

"It's so easy to love your master and his body, so simple to enjoy your master and his body. Just looking at your master and his body is relaxing, and good. It is almost as good as your master's voice, just short of it, so you can keep listening.

"Say it with me, pup. I love my master and his body.

"I love my master and his body.

"I love my master and his body."

"Good boy. You are doing so well. So relaxed, and so obedient. A 'good boy' always feels good when he obeys."

He didn't need to look to know the pup was leaking. The use of that particular trigger for pleasure was always his first choice for his pups.

"You know there is nothing wrong with master. Nothing is wrong, nothing is bad about master. Love all parts of him. It makes you happy to love him, to love his body, and it's so easy to love him too, since there are no bad parts to him.

"You love your master, and you love his body. From his hands to his chest, to his belly to his cock. You love your master, and he gives you so much pleasure.

"You love your master, every part of him. From his cock to his ass, to his legs, all the way to his feet.

"And you particularly love his feet. You love the smell of them, the taste of them. There is nothing bad to your master, so everything must be good. No matter what your master presents you with, you must love it. It feels so good to love master, to be obedient, to be a 'good boy' for your master."

The pup moaned, and the skunk smiled as he smelled more of the pup's aroused scent filling the air. It was clear that the pet was definitely getting into this the more he went on, and he found himself enjoying it as well. It had been a long time since he'd actually pushed someone towards his feet, and he supposed he was a little overdue.

"You've loved master's body for a long time. Now you will love it more. It won't hurt you to love your master's body. It won't hurt you to enjoy it. From his head to his feet, everything is bliss to play with. Everything feels so good to worship, so wonderful to be allowed to touch and taste and smell. You will be a 'good boy', and you will enjoy it from now on."

He lowered the pendant, but the look didn't fade from the pet's eyes. It wouldn't for a while, as the pup was rather deep in his own little world, letting the words roll around in his head. It was for the best, anyway; he'd bring out the awakeners before long, let the pup come back to the world with his voice as a guide, but for the moment, he wanted to let the words settle in his brain. Once the subconscious absorbed it, he'd be in a much better state of mind to be properly worshipful.

In the meantime, he continued eating. Every so often, he dragged his foot along the face of his pup, leaving the fur pushed down or slightly ruffled up, depending on the direction. The feeling of a footrest under his heels was actually pretty good, and he decided he'd have his pup's food dish moved so he could do this more often.

After a few more minutes of enjoying the worshipful gaze, the skunk decided it was time to wake the pup up.

"Your master is speaking, pup. It's time for you to come back to me. You know the way back; it's always been there, and you can hear the call of the path now. Listen to my voice, and follow it back.

"You can feel yourself waking up. You can feel the trance lifting from you like a cloud, lifting away from your mind. Just follow my voice, and feel the cloud of your trance disappear. 1. The cloud is getting lighter. 2. Lighter still, and rising up."

He continued, all the way up to ten, and smiled as the pup's eyes blinked once before focusing on him again. Almost immediately he could tell a difference, as the canine's nose pushed deeper between his toes before his pet smiled.

"Woof, woof."

"Heh, good boy."

Azure tugged the leash again, and this time the pup started licking him with gusto, dragging his tongue across the skunk's soles. He sighed in pleasure, reaching down and groping himself properly.

"That's it...good boy..."

The End

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