A Dragons Capture

Story by Eclipse_Lunablade on SoFurry

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#1 of Dark times (An Eragon FanFic)

I've noticed a severe lack of Saphira on this site (and other sites ingeneral) and want to help remedy that. I may make this into a series depending on reception.

(Made an edit to make the chapter longer and tried to add a little more buildup.)

Saphira flew over the trees of Alegasia as her rider Eragon held tight onto one the spikes that ran down her neck, the two had been sent to investigate some strange activity that had been effecting the wild life. Eragon noticed that his dragon was panting from having flown for so long and seeing that the sun was setting decided that it was time that they land and rest. "Saphira I think we should land soon, I'm tired and I know you are too." Eragon said in his mind for Saphira to hear him over the rushing wind

"I suppose it would be nice to rest my wings." Saphira replied as she slowly descended to a nearby clearing.

When Saphira landed she lowered herself so that Eragon could dismount. Eragon took the bag of supplies they had taken and the saddle Eragon used for riding Saphira off her as Saphira lay down on the grass to rest. "I need to get some wood for a fire. Wait here while I get the wood, I'll be back soon." Eragon said as he walked into the woods. As Eragon left and Saphira rested neither where aware of the dark shadow overhead.

Shruikan flew over the trees as he enjoyed his hunt, his belly full and his hunger sated Shruikan decided to land and rest but soon picked up a scent he hadn't smelled in years... A female dragon. Shruikan knew the last female was the dragon of the rider Eragon and he soon flew in the direction of the scent as his mind filled with evil ideas.

Saphira rested soundly as she relaxed, her mind far out of Eragon's mental range. Although she was worried about her rider she knew he would be safe. However Saphira's rest was cut short when she felt the ground rumble and she quickly got up when she saw that the reason for the disturbance was none other than the kings dragon, Shruikan. "Hello Saphira." Shruikan said calmly as he approached, his large body bringing along a powerful intimidation factor with it that made Saphira feel fear creep into her.

"S-stay away from me." Saphira said backing up

"Oh and why would I do that? After all you have such a sweet scent..." Shruikan said taking a whiff of the air "The scent of a receptive female if I'm not mistaken."

At those words Saphira knew what he wanted and quickly turned to fly away, however Shruikan was too fast and tackled her as soon as she turned her back.

"Damn it, get off me." Saphira demanded

"Not until your womb is filled with my seed." Shruikan replied moving his body up to mount her.

The struggle continued until Shruikan had Saphira pinned under him. Shruikan lifted Saphira's tail and let out a pleasured growl as his dragonhood appeared from the slit between his legs and began to press against Saphira's womanhood.

"N-no..." Saphira began as her struggles began again even fiercer

"That's it keep fighting. I'll break your will eventually so fight as much as you wish." Shruikan said getting more excited as he brought his massive cock up and without warning plunged himself into Saphira, taking her virginity.

Saphira roared out in pain as the barrier protecting her virginity was destroyed and Shruikan kept himself still inside her savouring the feeling of Saphira's no-longer-virgin pussy. "Mmmm so tight and warm." Shruikan moaned into Saphira's mind as he began to pull out with Saphira's vaginal fluids and some of her blood covering his dick until only his cockhead was inside before giving a single hard thrust. When Saphira felt it however all she felt was emotional pain and humiliation as the dark dragon began to have his way with her. Saphira tried to contact Eragon but found that he was too far away for her mind or her emotions to reach him. Shruikan began to build up a rhythm as he took the unwilling dragoness, he hadn't felt the pleasure of mating in years and was more than happy to take a female once again, the fact that this same dragoness was part of the Varden and by extension an enemy of the empire added a pleasurable thrill to the large black dragon.

"I wonder how many eggs you'll lay for me." Shruikan mocked as he sped up his thrusting while Saphira continued to struggle as the fear of being impregnated by the dragon of the mad king entered her mind. "P-please no..." Saphira began only to mentally gasp when she felt a large bulge hit her cunt. Saphira knew what it was as Glaedr had explained the procedure of mating to her before his death and as such knew that if Shruikan continued she would definatly bear his young.

"P-please Shruikan, spare me." Saphira begged as fear overtook her pride

"Not a chance, you're mine now Saphira Brightscales." Shruikan roared out as his knot entered her tying them together. Saphira felt tears form in her eyes as the large knot forced itself in and the tip of Shruikan's dick lodged itself in her womb. Shruikan however only felt immense pleasure as his cock throbbed a few times before the first stream of cum was shot into Saphira's fertile womb where her unprotected eggs rested.

Shruikan kept thrusting as much as he could as he came, wanting to make sure Saphira recieved as much of his cum as he could fit into her. It wasn't too long until he stopped cumming and stood over her confident that even now Saphira was well bred. Saphira rested as Shruikan stood there tied to her, tears ran down her face as she knew that she would now be doomed to carry his offspring. However her rest was soon interrupted when Shruikan flipped her around so that she was facing him. "Well that was fun... My mate." Shruikan mocked

"I'm not your mate you bastard." Saphira replied weakly

"Oh but you are, you now carry my young and now all that's left is the mating flight." Shruikan said as she grabbed hold of Saphira and took off high into the sky only to do a quick dive towards the earth before breaking out into a glide with Saphira still under him and still knotted inside her. Saphira wept as not only had Sruikan had taken her virginity but also had taken her as his mate. The mating flight was done so that the female would carry the males scent until death and now Saphira would be unable to find a proper mate that she loved now that she carried the scent of the dragon that had sent the dragons to near extinction. "So shall we go home my mate?" Shruikan asked as he flew off up North with Saphira. With one last effort Saphira reached out as far as she could and with whatever power she had left let out a final plea "Help me Eragon." Saphira yelled out praying that her rider heard her desperate cry for help.

Eragon returned to the clearing with the wood only to notice Saphira wasn't there. Eragon looked around only to see a large black shape wrapped around a slightly smaller blue shape before he grabbed his head in pain as a loud voice entered his mind, "Help me Eragon." Eragon immediately recognised the voice and knowing that returning to the Varden for help would take too long and that he couldn't mentally reach Arya chose to instead run in the direction the two dragons where heading hoping that his elven speed would be enough to follow them.

"Why do you even try Saphira?" Shruikan asked as he held onto her tightly "Your dear rider would take days to get to where we're going even with the speed of an elf, and by then I'll have you begging for more of my seed."

"N-never you monster." Saphira replied

"Oh we'll see about that." Shruikan said as he began to use his hind legs to grab Saphira's rear and force it to thrust on his dick making Saphira growl in anger.

"Just accept it and it will feel much better." Shruikan said

"I refuse to let myself be reduced to a mere whore for your pleasure." Saphira yelled as she gave another attempt at escape this time managing to get free enough to get Shruikan's knot out of her.

Shruikan growled in pleasure as his knot pulled against Saphira's inner walls before coming free.

"So you do still have some fight left. Good, it will make it even better for me when I break you." Shruikan mocked as he began to fly down to a nearby cave. Shruikan flew into the cave and after dropping Saphira quickly landed so that he stood over her. "Do you like it? This is where I live when I'm not needed at the castle." Shruikan said as he leaned his head forward and gave Saphira's neck a lick making her shudder.

"I swear Shruikan, once I've recovered I'll tear off your dragonhood and shove it up your rear." Saphira yelled in anger

"What's that? You want me to take you up the rear?" Shruikan asked mockingly as he grabbed Saphira's hips and brought them to be level with his once more erect cock.

Shruikan lifted Saphira"s tail and soon had his cock pointed at her tailhole, taking carful aim Shruikan began to push in.

When Saphira felt the evil dragons cock against her tailhole she tried to get out of his grasp but Shruikan was too strong and soon she felt the head of his cock enter her anal passage.

"Ah H-how could you not be satisfied already?" Saphira asked as her ass was spread by Shruikans dick

"You tend to be very backed up when you have spent an entire century without the touch of a female." Shruikan said as he slowly thrust into her "And I intend to make up for all that pent up arousal right now." Shruikan roared out as he began to thrust as hard as he could which caused Saphira to gasp in pain as her anal walls were violently violated.

Eragon ran as fast as he could, his mind focused on finding Saphira, "Damn it, I should never have left her alone." Eragon said to himself as he searched for Saphira "I swear if he's done anything to her I'll make him wish he never hatched." Eragon gasped when he hear crying in his mind. "Saphira..." Eragon said as he focused on Saphira and soon melded his mind with hers allowing him to see and hear anything she could.

"So tight, I'm going to release it inside you soon Saphira." Shruikan said as he pulled Saphira back into his thrusts before he felt his knot begin to inflate "Here it comes." Shruikan roared out as he thrust as hard as he could until with a wet pop his knot forced its way into the sapphire dragonesses ass. "No..." Saphira moaned out not wanting to admit that she had in fact felt a strange pleasure in being mated like that. "It's time we get some rest." Shruikan said as he pulled as hard as he could until his knot popped out of Saphira's rear entrance soon followed by the rest of his large cock. Saphira turned her head and finally got a good look at what had been defiling her body. Shruikan's cock was large even for a dragon and his cock had ridges that ran along its underside followed by a large knot. "T-that was inside me?" Saphira said to herself in disbelief before Shruikan grabbed her neck with his mouth and dragged her to the back of the cave Saphira didn't struggle as her most recent fucking had left her too exhausted to fight back any more and instead she simply closed her eyes and prayed to the gads themselves that this was all a nightmare she would wake from.

"Welcome to your new home, my mate." Shruikan said as he walked to a nearby wall where a large shackle chained into the wall sat. Picking up the shackle Shruikan took it and closed it around Saphira's neck, however that wasn't all Shruikan then used his fire breath to melt the point where the two ends of the shackle met so that they melded together and sealed around Saphira's neck. "Don't worry, I'll let you go once you've accepted me as your mate and laid our eggs." Shuikan said before curling up around Saphira before falling asleep.

Eragon tore himself away from Saphira as his anger grew to its peak before he let his mind reach as far as it could in all directions and made a claim in the ancient language "Shruikan, once I find you I will personally make sure your death is slow and painful fir what you have done." Eragon declared and with a new burst of energy fuelled by anger Eragon chased after the two dragons once again.

The Legend of Eclipse: The Night Princess

18 years later Eclipse woke from his slumber slowly his sapphire eyes adjusting to the light coming though the window of his room as he removed his blankets to get up. As Eclipse walked over to a closet he couldn't help but look over to a photo...

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The legend of Eclipse: Prolouge

Celestia flew over the vast area that was the everfree forest the moon casting an eerie glow across Equestia. Celestia did a quick barrel roll her rainbow mane always keeping the same flowing motion as she flew over the lush yet untamed land below,...

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