Late submission

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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ok well the fantastic cover picture is something i commissioned from Chibi Marrow on FA . This picture and the story is something for me, my own personal jerk fantasy, which I am sharing with everyone cause...well porn as good as this art should be shared, after all there is never enough hard cocks n the world and I like to work to end the shortage.

You can also find the prequel to Late Submission here

Lack of planning, that was his problem, mused the shivering rabbit, Toby, as he stumbled through the rain. If he'd planned ahead he wouldn't have gone out the previous night and gotten so drunk he slept through his alarm. If he had thought ahead he would have handed his report in the day he finished it. However, he did go out and didn't hand his report in early which led him to this situation, wandering through the streets of Killingworth looking for a house he had seen once two years earlier, the house belonging to a bear, who now held the future of the soaking rabbit in his paws.

The polar bear, Dr Gisborn his lecturer, was a terror of the university. Six and a half feet of growling bear, he was sharp as well and unforgiving for the unwary student. The first day of his degree Toby had attended a Dr Gisborn lecture, the rabbit had actually rather liked the look of the bear; tall and dominant, his shirt pulling taut every now and then to show that, he may have a belly, but he had plenty of muscle too. He wore small glasses that accented his muzzle nicely, his black eyebrows somehow giving his expressions even more depth. A literal muscle bear, a wet dream to many a gay bunny, like Toby. Then the bear had opened his mouth, he didn't just lecture he talked fast, expected students to keep up and he fired difficult questions like bullets at random.

Toby had been hit by several bullets that first day, he'd managed to answer the first few and then he missed one and the bear revelled in the failure of the 'smart Alec' rabbit. The bear took down every student over the next few weeks, any student smart enough to last the first few lectures without a wrong answer was targeted again and again until eventually they broke and missed an answer. The rabbit couldn't help but think the bear was a self important cock, desperate to belittle his students into submission to his superiority. The rabbit had studied extra hard for the bear's lectures and made damn sure he was as hot on marine ecology as he'd ever been. The bear still fired a question his way now and then, but it'd been a long time since a shot had gotten past his defences.

Last semester a deer named Jane had fallen asleep in one of his lectures, once the bear spotted her he had stopped his lecture and walked very calmly to her desk. He had woken her with a gentle nudge and then informed her he was giving the class an extra essay; ten thousand words, worth five percent of their grade, due in the next morning and that the class could thank her for their homework. It had been a hellish night for them all and the students shared many bad names for the polar bear. Nobody ever fell asleep in class again though.

The bear was also well known for his hatred of missed deadlines, nobody who had missed a submission date had ever been allowed to submit a project late. Several students had dropped out thanks to missing crucial deadlines. Now, with a project worth fifty percent of his grade for the bear's module, Toby had missed his deadline and needed to beg the bear to take his submission late.

He had decided not to wait until Monday and ask, he wanted to ask the day it was due. When he'd woken up at half three in the afternoon he had barely noticed the hangover. His stomach was churning with acid and bile, his head was pounding like a thousand tiny miners were trying to drill holes in his brain. However, he noticed none of it, all he knew was he couldn't fail and there was no way in hell he was repeating this module. He'd have to delay graduation for six months and he couldn't take the bear, not for six more months.

Rag week two years earlier, Toby, and a few others had pulled a prank on the bear. Something they'd seen on television, something Americans did. They drove to his house, Toby didn't know how come they knew where he lived. They threw toilet paper all over it, covered his trees and garden. The bear hadn't been home, or they wouldn't have dared, he was giving a lecture at the time and they knew they had at least two hours.

Now the rabbit wandered the streets, a bitter chill in the air reminding him the winter wasn't gone, rain lashing down soaking through his shirt and jeans. He'd been in such a rush he hadn't grabbed his coat, he'd just ran all the way to the university, it had started raining later. His fur was sodden, the blonde rabbit clutched a plastic folder to his chest, shivering as the wind blew and chilled his wet body to the very core. He struggled through street after street, Garth 22...what the fuck was a Garth, apart from a very well hung pony the rabbit had a fling with earlier in the year?

Finally he spotted a house that looked familiar, then a street. He quickened the pace and finally he arrived at his destination. He was so grateful to find the house he ran right up to the door and rang the bell without thinking. Then as he waited his mind caught up to his situation, he would have to explain and ask the bear to accept his late submission. Suddenly he realised how tired he was, how his stomach was churning and his body shivering.

The door opened and a waft of warm air blew over the grateful rabbit as a perplexed bear stood in the doorway, dressed in a smart shirt and neatly pressed black pants. "What on Earth...?"

"Please, Dr Gisborn, I missed the hand in date for marine eco three oh five, I..." Toby was panting and wide eyed, he hadn't been willing to let the bear speak or ask questions, the words just tumbled out of his desperate lips. "I completed a review of reef formation and the life cycle of Sabularia Spinulosa... I'm sorry I missed the turn in, but it was only by..."

"Bloody hell boy, you are soaked to the skin, come inside before you catch your death," the bear cut across him sharply and Toby half jumped, half stumbled across the bear's threshold. He was trembling visibly as he stood dripping in the hallway, he looked around. He wasn't sure what he had expected the bear's house to be, somehow he thought more gothic, lots of skulls of his fallen students type thing. Instead it was actually tasteful, some landscapes on the wall, light blue paint with matching curtains and carpet. Giving the place a rather light and friendly feel.

"I... I, please you..." Toby began but the bear wasn't going to let him finish.

"Upstairs, now second door on the left is my bathroom. Get yourself in and have a hot shower, don't be stupid we can talk about your project after you warm up." Dr Gisborn said, pushing the rabbit further into his warm home. " Leave your wet clothes outside the door and I will have get them dried. In the mean time my bathrobe is hanging on the bathroom door, you can wear that until your clothes are ready."

Less than five minutes after he knocked on the door the rabbit found himself naked in the bear's bathroom hot water spraying down onto him. The chill in his bones was sent scurrying for cover as warm water cascaded down wonderfully. Toby stood under the warm flow for a long time, his stomach was easing, the hot water and a chance to stop and breath helped chase away the last vestiges of his hangover.

When he eventually stepped foot outside the shower his mind finally caught up with his situation. Naked, in the home of the most unforgiving lecturer, after he had broken with all acceptable protocol and shown up at the bear's home unannounced and barely decent. He was shocked the bear hadn't just sent him away, after a thorough shouting, he'd seen the bear shout at dozens of other students for far less.

The rabbit dried his fur as much as he could, as he did so he couldn't help but note a few things about the bathroom. The red towels were monogrammed, A.G. and next to them were another set, a blue set, monogrammed C.G. He knew the doctor's first name was Adam, so he assumed the blue towels and, presumable, the light airy decoration were the work of the bear's wife. It was strange, he had never imagined the bear with a partner. He was so loud and aggressive, it was hard to see anyone making googoo eyes at that snarling face.

Then his eyes spotted something else and he reached out, a slight thrill in the back of his mind as he realised he was slightly invading someone's privacy, he picked up a solo toothbrush from a small rack. With a shrug Toby assumed that whoever the bear had been with had not been able to put up with him forever. The rabbit grabbed the bathrobe off the back of the door, it was huge, far too big for the rabbit's lithe frame, red and fluffy and smelling faintly of bear musk. A slightly exotic scent to the rabbit, it was undeniably male and very enticing, nutty and earthy with a slight peaty feel. He wrapped the fabric, and the bear's scent, around his damp mussed up furry form and sighed as the warmth surrounded him. The robe was so big on him he had to grip the fabric carefully to keep it from slipping off his shoulders and falling off.

Feeling so much better, yet nervous and embarrassed the rabbit opened the door to the bathroom. A voice from downstairs echoed up to him "My study is across the way you can wait for me in there. I will be up in a moment."

Toby saw the door opposite him, it was slightly ajar and he pushed it the rest of the way. Walking in he found a small room, the walls lined with bookcases, each one heavily laden. Some were filled with scientific texts, others were filled with works of fiction. It was clear the bear loved to read, or maybe it was his ex partner. It was hard to imagine the bear sitting down with some trashy sci-fi novel for the evening.

There was a desk in the middle of the room, with a single chair next to it. On the left wall of the room was a small coffee table with two comfortable chairs facing each other across it. One of the chairs was clearly well used, the one opposite was perfectly arranged and yet a small layer of dust told Toby that it was one the bear never sat in. The rabbit wandered around the room and spotted a few framed pictures. Dr Gisborn was in them all, only his face looked strange, he was smiling and laughing. In most of the images he wasn't alone, a black male rabbit was with him. The bear's ex, the rabbit guessed, apparently his lecturer was gay and had a thing for bunnies. The rabbit smiled as he thought he might be able to use that, if things got desperate enough.

A few minutes later the door to the study opened and the bear bustled in carrying a tray. "Mr Roberts, please have a seat. I have some tea, freshly brewed Earl Grey, just the thing on a cold day like this, don't you think?"

It was weird to see the bear acting like a normal person, the rabbit sat down in the slightly dusty chair. He noted a slight look of discomfort on the bear's face, but the ursine continued seeing to his guest. Pouring a cup of tea for them each as the bear reached out to pick up a slice of lemon with tongues the rabbit spoke up, "just milk please."

The bear's brow and muzzle creased with mild disapproval, "milk with Earl Grey? Were you raised in a barn?"

"I... just like milky tea, that's all," shrugged the rabbit, noting that on the tray was a small jug of milk. He couldn't help but wonder why the bear had filled a milk jug if he was only going to offer lemon.

"Must be a rabbit thing, I had a... "the bear paused in his sentence, his eyes flicking to one of the nearest pictures, before he continued, "rabbit friend who took his Earl Grey that way."

"Took?" Toby hadn't meant to ask the question so blatantly, the past tense the bear used certainly implied an end to a friendship, or as the bunny thought relationship.

The bear's eyes were now firmly latched onto one of the pictures and Toby could see something in those blue eyes he had never seen in any of his lectures, vulnerability and more than a hint of pain.

"My... friend died a few years back. Lung cancer, I always told him smoking would kill him... " The bear paused as he picked up the milk jug, his eyes turning to it and staring at it for far too long. "I just wish I hadn't been so right about it."

Toby sat in awkward silence, unsure of what to say. He could see the pain on the bear's face and he was smart enough to put two and two together. It was so strange to see the bear as someone who wasn't loud arrogant and hateful. After three years of being taught by the bear for the first time he realised there was more to his lecturer than the loud angry bear he had seen.

After a moment the bear took a breath and poured some milk into the rabbit's cup. "Anyway, that was a few years ago and life moves on, for those of us left living anyway. Now about your project..."

"I know it's late and you have a policy of not accepting late submission, but it's only a few hours late and... I haven't gained any advantage from the time. Please can you accept it?" Toby asked, his voice dripping with earnest hope.

"Indeed, well as you said I do have a policy of not accepting late submission. May I ask why you were unable to submit your work on time?" The bear picked up his cup and settled back into his chair, sipping on his Earl Grey, with lemon.

The rabbit paused as his mind raced trying to think of an excuse which would garner some sympathy from the bear. "I... got seriously drunk last night and slept through my alarm." Honesty is the best policy, or at least that was the gamble Toby made.

"Well... at least you are honest," the bear replied as he sipped on his tea further and then asked the question Toby was dreading. "So do you think being drunk is sufficient excuse to allow you break the rules?"

"I... please, look I made a mistake, I know that..." The rabbit leaned forward in his chair and reached out to the bear, aiming for his arm he misjudged and his paw slipped down onto a warm meaty leg. The bear jumped in shock almost as much as the rabbit did as he pulled his paw back deeply embarrassed, his cheeks burning with the heat of the sun. "... I... I sorry."

There was a moment of awkward silence and in that moment the rabbit's nose picked up something new, a slight increase in the musky scent of the bear. His eyes could see a lump in the fabric along the bear's left inner thigh. This only made Toby's blush even worse, he glanced up at the bear's face, looking through his glances into those blue eyes. "Please... if you don't accept my project I can't graduate with anything but a third. Surely that's a harsh punishment for a night on the drink?"

"Indeed it is, can I ask though, do you think your boss will accept you submitting your work after the deadline because you got drunk?" The bear asked sternly shuffling in his chair, clearly trying to hide his own embarrassment and his growing erection. Toby couldn't help but wonder how long it had been since someone but the bear had touched that, quiet impressive looking, bulge.

"I know and I've learned my lesson, none of my other lecturers would refuse this request. Please Sir, I'm just a few hours late, can't you accept it? I don't want to repeat the semester or take a Third, I expect at least a two-two." Toby's voice slipped into a whining tone his words hinting at the tears of frustration he could feel as he thought of how he would explain this to his proud mother that he got drunk and screwed up his education.

The bear leaned forward and said softly, "Toby Roberts a bright student, but he procrastinates too much. The words of every professor in our department, except me. I see a young rabbit with a mind so sharp he can cut himself, someone who studies hard and provides me with his very damned best, like all my students. I know you all think I'm the 'big white terror' and many other choice names you students call me. However, I am hard on you because life will be hard on you and I do what I need to do to get the best out of every student. Students in my class consistently get higher marks than any other class and that's because you are all scared shitless of me. I have high standards boy and I expect my students to reach them," the bear's voice took on more than a hint of a growl as he added, "you should be looking at a top marks, a first and then postgrad study, if you put the effort in."

The growl sent signals right to the rabbit's primal brain, sending a shiver down his spine. The desperation inside was building as he looked at the huge bear, the hulking form, portly stomach and massive shoulders. He leaned back in the chair, forgetting to hold on to the robe, it fell open slightly and he saw the bear twitch a little. It took him a second or two to realise the bear was looking at his exposed chest and his, rather swollen sheath. "It's good to hear that you think so highly of me, and believe me I will work harder. I won't get drunk before any big hand in dates again."

Gulping softly, trying, and failing not to inhale, the bear nodded as he tried to think of an appropriate response. His mind was clearly not on the conversation fully, his eyes kept sneaking glances lower down the rabbit. Toby couldn't help himself he leaned over to pick up his cup of tea and as he leaned back he let his robe fall open more. He smiled internally as he saw the bear's eyes drop straight down to his exposed crotch. He could see a hungry look in those eyes, the bear clearly enjoyed what he was seeing and the thought of exposing himself to his teacher in this way was actually turning him on, his sheath swelling fully and his tip peaking out. He'd seen some female students wear low cut tops when they asked lecturers for extensions, showing a little bit of the goods to get the rules bent in your favour, it was acceptable if not exactly moral.

The bear couldn't stop himself inhaling his student's scent, the rabbit smelled sweet and clean and with a delicious hint of fresh cut grass. His paw holding the tea began to tremble a little as he gulped his drink trying to cleanse the smell of the rabbit with a the taste tea, which failed to do the job. The rabbit's scent was in his nose and as he noted the pink tip he knew the rabbit was interested. He'd been quite the stud in his day, before he met the love of his life, he knew he could turn that peaking tip into a night's forbidden passion. What was worse he desperately wanted to do just that, his cock was throbbing in his pants, leaking pre into his boxers. However, he forced his eyes back up to the rabbit's face, noting a slight coy smile, and he replied, "I do still have my policy and it's not just there for you, it serves to help all my students. If I break my rule then other students will expect me to do the same."

"Please, I just want to graduate with a good degree...," in moments of stress everyone can make a stupid mistake or two and the rabbit was too desperate. Even with his junk on display and the huge erection showing in the bear's pant his teacher wasn't budging. Toby did the only thing he could think of to change the bear's mind. He reached out again, quickly, his paw stroking over the bear's knee and up his inner thigh, where he felt a thick and firm length. It was warm against his fingers and he felt it throb and grow harder at his touch, as he looked into the bear's shocked blue eyes and said in a low voice, "I'll do anything..."

Dr Gisborn's jaw dropped and the two sat frozen in the moment, the bear's cock the only thing that moved, throbbing and twitching in the rabbit's paw. Then slowly the bear's paw moved, the huge shovel sized appendage reached down between his legs. The black pads felt warm as the paw clasped around his own and for just a second the bear made the rabbit's fingers squeeze the pulsing length in his fingers before they were pulled away forcefully. He held the rabbit's paw for a second, his eyes straying back to the rabbit's crotch where a half erect cock showed his student was more than willing to do anything, he wanted to do it too.

The bear held the rabbit's wrist tightly pulling the rabbit forward as he learned a little closer, Toby could see the bear's nose twitching as he scented the student, the rabbit's growing arousal music to the bear's nose and cock. A thick tongue poked out as the bear licked over his black lips and as he looked into those blue eyes the rabbit could see he wanted to say yes, he desperately wanted to get his paws on more than just his student's wrists.

Then the bear leaned back and pushed the rabbit's paw back towards him, as he spoke his voice trembled a little as if he was holding some internal doubts or desires at bay "you are a very attractive young male and believe me, if I was twenty years younger I'd take you too my bedroom and show you exactly why every lover you have ever had is nothing compared to a bear who knows how to fuck." Toby's own cock sprung to life as the bear talked and he thought of laying beneath the huge musky bear, feeling his warmth and strength pressing him down, the thick length forcing his pucker to stretch wide. "However, I'm forty one and I know that is just something my cock wants. Really badly."

Picking up his tea the bear drained his cup, as if he was trying to wash the taste of the rabbit clean from his mouth again. Then he looked up at the rabbit resolve in his eyes, "I know that in the morning you would regret it, you are offering your body in exchange for services, there is a word for a person who does that, prostitute. An act like that, it sticks with you, eats away at the back of your mind. All your life you would remember how you got your degree. You would hate me and I would hate myself, for taking advantage of a student in his moment of desperation. There are many words for people like that, bastard and cunt are two of my personal favourites. That is not me, no matter what you students say when I can't hear."

Toby hung his head, his cheeks burning with embarrassment and yet his cock was still standing to attention. He didn't notice but as he leaned back the tip poked through the robe that had fallen open even further. Enough for the bear to get a really good look at the rabbit, his thin frame, the white fur of his chest and stomach contrasting nicely with the soft golden fur of the rest of his body. His pink maleness bobbing above two white furry orbs, it wasn't the most impressive cock in the world but it was a nice one.

Standing up the lecturer was unable to hide the huge tent his erect cock made, the rabbit's eyes couldn't help but notice the tower in the bear's pant. It had felt like a nice thick cock, possibly thicker that any he'd tried and it looked like a challenging length. In that moment he hated himself for offering himself for a trade, the shame of his actions burned deeply, like the pit of acid and fire that was his stomach again. Then he felt a huge warm paw on his shoulder and he looked up into a sympathetic face.

"Hey, don't feel bad about it, we've all said and done things in moments of panic that we wish we hadn't." The huge shovel sized paw felt warm on Toby's shoulder and the bear squeezed gently as he spoke. "Look, it's clear to me you didn't hand this in late to get extra time, I am going to bend my rule and accept your late submission. However, you have to promise not to tell any of your classmates, I don't want them thinking I've gone pun intended."

Relief flooded the rabbit, mixed with a thick dose of gratitude. Toby looked up, blinking back the tears in his eyes, he finally managed to speak. "T.. thank you Sir."

The bear smiled down at him and the rabbit felt a warm sensation in his chest, his heart beat rapidly and his cock was staying stubbornly erect.

"You're welcome, now why don't you come downstairs with me, I have some carrot cake and some more tea can always be made," as the bear spoke he held out a helping paw to the rabbit.

Toby took the paw gratefully, the warmth and strength of the bear's grip sent a shiver down his spin. He was pulled to his feet a bit faster than he was expecting and stumbled forward, the bear caught him with his other paw in an awkward embrace. Toby looked up into two perfect ice blue eyes and before he knew what he was doing he pressed his lips to the bear's.

He felt the bear pull back for a moment and pushed further against him, his courage bolstered as he heard a soft moan from his lecturer. Then the bear pushed forward into the kiss. His strong arms curling around the rabbit's waist as he returned the kiss. Soft and tender, at first, the kiss grew more passionate and heated by the second. The rabbit's lips parted and he felt the light teasing of the bear's tongue. The ursine traced his lips gently and then pushed inside, tasting the rabbit. Toby sucked on the invading tongue, the taste of the bear was wonderful, slightly meaty and musky and yet mature and aged. All the guys he had been with had been around his own age, twenty-one, they were usually a bit over eager with their tongues. Not so with the bear, he used it sparingly, only teasing and tasting lightly with each caress the rabbit's skin tingled and his passion grew.

Toby knew he wanted more, more than that he needed more. Yet he feared that if he stopped the kiss that would be the end, he knew that speaking would lead to thinking and his body was desperately begging his mind not to think, just do. His cock was throbbing and leaking as he pressed against the warm body, the bear was firm and yet soft to press against. His nose was filled with the growing musk of the stronger male, his body quaked at the scent desperately wanting him to submit to the bear.

The rabbit's soft moans joined the bear's and then as he kissed he felt his robe begin to slip. His paws were stroking the bear's sides and he didn't want to stop. The red plush fabric fell away and he let it, he wanted this male desperately. Breaking the kiss the rabbit gasped softly, the bear opened his mouth to say something and the rabbit's paw moved, unbidden, his fingers silencing any words. No words, no thinking things through, all that mattered was doing and, for Toby, being done.

His other paw slipped down to the bear's pants, the fly was pulled down and his eager fingers pushed into the smooth fabric. The warmth inside was intense, almost as intense as the feelings of desire swirling inside the rabbit. His fingers closed around a thick hot flesh rod and he moaned with delight. The meat was so thick his paw couldn't wrap around it's girth completely, the length was amazing and he pulled it out into view a heartbeat later.

The musk in the room intensified ten fold as the rabbit devoured the beautiful meat with his eyes. It had to be ten inches long and thicker than any cock he'd seen outside of porn. Licking his lips the rabbit drooled as he gazed at the pink length, his fingers danced on the hot clammy flesh, teasing it gently and making the bear groan deeply. His rumbling expressions of pleasure filled the rabbit's sensitive ears and Toby fell to his knees. The cock in front of him filled his vision, his world and his immediate future.

Opening his mouth the rabbit leaned forward and took his first taste of the bear, musk flooded his tongue, like it had flooded his nose. One taste and Toby was lost, his lust was total, his body had desires and wants, it was in control. His lips pressed to the thick glans, he kissed the bear's sensitive maleness with gentle passion, his tongue teasing the meatus and then over the slip, tasting the bitter pre of the male. He slid his mouth down around the thickness, the heat filling his maw, and filling a hole inside him in an indescribable way. He suckled firmly thrusting down to take in as much of the maleness as he could.

He suckled with growing passion and need, his need growing by the second. The rabbit was energetic in his desires, his muzzle bobbing wildly as he gave in to every desire. The rabbit took as much of the cock in as he could, almost choking on the thick length. It was never quite enough, he needed more and more. He swallowed bitter pre like a man dying of thirst swallows a glass of water, drinking it eagerly as if it was very life itself.

The bear above him groaned and gasped as he looked down to watch the young handsome male, his student, devouring his cock. The bear's pink tongue peaked out as he licked his lips hungrily. He reached down with both paws, cradling the rabbit's chin as his thumbs stroked both cheeks at once. Toby nuzzled against the two warm paws, but let nothing deter him from the meaty length inside his hungry mouth. His paws worked on the bear's pants, unfastening them and pulling them down, helping the bear to remove his shoes.

All the while his muzzle worked non-stop, slipping back and forth over the hot throbbing meat. His paws reached up to cradle two furry orbs the size of tangerines and then one paw wrapped around the base of the cock stroking it faster and faster. The cock cleaned of the sweat of it's prison had a much milder flavour, notes of oak and honey coated his hungry tongue. He licked at the drooling tip hungrily drinking down every drop of bitter pre that the cock issued.

Each beat of the bear's heart could be felt on his tongue, as it made the cock pulse, and the bear's heart was racing. He could hear the bear's breathing growing rapid and he continued to suckle and bob his head faster eagerly trying to milk the thick shaft. He was desperate to get a taste of the bear's seed, however, the ursine had other ideas. Just as the rabbit thought he was about to get a mouthful of bear honey the cock was pulled forcefully from his lips, and he gave a primal squeal of disapproval.

His outrage was short lived as two powerful paws grabbed his shoulders and pulled, using brute strength, to lift the rabbit back to his feet. For a moment Toby trembled, not in fear of the bear hurting him, but that he had come to his senses that he would take that beautiful thick cock and lock it back away in his pants and the rabbit would never get to taste it again.

The bear didn't push him away or look to stop anything, it had been years since he had been with another male. After staring at the exposed rabbit for so long, his resolve had been as fragile as glass, it had broken when the rabbit's perky lips had touched his. Now, after feeling the rabbit's mouth around his cock, he had no intention of stopping until he had emptied inside the young man. He kissed the rabbit passionately his tongue delving deep into Toby's muzzle, dancing with the rabbit's tongue passionately as he pushed the lapine back.

Toby's mind was focused on the fiery passionate kiss, his body was tingling with the bear's every touch. The large paws stroked over his back and flanks and then he whimpered as five thick digits wrapped around his modest shaft, engulfing it in ursine warmth. The bear squeezed and then stroked softly on the rabbit's cock as he continued to push him back slowly step by step. The rabbit's hips humped forward into that huge mitt, the black velvet pads were slightly calloused, the slight roughness drove incredible sensations into the rabbit's glans. Waves of pleasure rode down his cock and through his entire body. He humped forward quickly and desperately, being led entirely by his body's desires.

Then he felt hard cold wood pressing into the back of his upper thigh, the paw disappeared from around his cock and the bear's hungry lips pulled away from his. With a slight thrust of his hips, the bear's stomach pushed the rabbit gently but firmly back onto the desk. The rabbit's paws fell onto the desk behind him for support as the bear leaned down over him and sniffed his neck, then growled deeply with lust. Huge paws stroked over his body as the bear descended, his eyes observing every inch of his lover as he slipped down to his knees.

Toby gasped looking down as his teacher knelt between his spread legs, powerful ursine paws stroking his thighs. Each touch sent thrills of pleasure through his body, little overtures of what was to come. Then he watched as the huge head moved towards his cock and in a single smooth, toe curling, motion the bear swallowed every inch. The rabbit's paws grabbed at the huge head, holding it for support and in desperate need as he felt tidal waves of pleasure, tsunami's, running down his cock, drowning him in sensations beyond his control.

The rabbit thrust forward into the warm maw, humping the bear's lips desperately as he felt his balls beginning to rise. His breath came in ragged short gasps as his head began to spin. He could feel the pressure of his impending orgasm building rapidly inside him, he gave himself over to the pleasure of the moment. His eyes closed and his head hung limp as he rode out the pleasure of the mouth mating his cock. Those thick black ursine lips squeezing and teasing his meat, the powerful tongue lapping over his glans feasting on his taste and drinking his pre cum.

Just as Toby felt himself reaching the point of no return the bear's lips parted and his throbbing, aching, desperate cock was suddenly unattended. The rabbit whimpered and cried out in protest, the bear stood up, casting off his shirt joining the rabbit in the freedom of nudity. Leaning close to the outraged rabbit he whispered two wonderful words, "turn around." The bear's voice held no hint of doubt, the words were spoken, not as a command or a request, they were a statement of what would happen. The sun would come up, the tides will come in and go out, the rabbit would turn and present his ass to the bear, it was a law of nature and Toby had never been one to break the law.

He spun around lifting his rear, his paws stretching out over the desk as he bent over offering himself to the bear. Toby was desperate now, having come so close to orgasm his balls held a dull ache, his cock throbbed constantly, begging him to finish himself off. He felt the bear's huge paws start to fondle and massage his rear, he moaned out loudly as the powerful digits teased his furry mounds, pulling them apart. The rabbit's tail quivered as he waited for the bear's cock, he knew it would only be a matter of moments before he felt the bear inside him. He was desperate to be bred and pushed back like the wanton slut he knew he could be.

His heart beat rapidly, as his entire body tingled at the thought of that thick cock pressing into him. However, as he prepared himself for the feeling of that monster cock forcing him open, he wasn't prepared for the sensation he felt next. A tingle in the fur of his taint as a warm moist breath huffed across his crack. Toby's mind wasn't able to process what was happening before he felt a thick, moist ursine tongue lapping slowly over his taint and up to his pucker.

The bear's tongue glided slowly but firmly over his sensitive nub, Toby shuddered and whimpered. He'd been rimmed before and yet it had always been a brief affair, a quick dirty preparation before a desperate pounding. The guys who did it clearly had only one goal in mind, getting him loose and ready However, the bear let his tongue lap slowly and deliberately, like he had all the time in the world.

Snuffling softly the bear's hot breath flowed over Toby's ass making him shudder. The bear's paws stroked slowly up and down his thighs as his tongue licked over and around his pucker, swirling around it. Then the bear started to thrust with his tongue-tip, slowly teasing the rabbit open, before delving inside his doughnut. Toby cried out as he felt the tongue pushing inside him, he pushed his ass back against the bear's muzzle.

Smiling as the rabbit whimpered, and pushed back willingly, the bear pressed his black lips to the rabbit's pucker. He kissed his ass deeply, pressing his tongue far inside the squealing male, swirling it around, teasing the rabbit open wider and wider. Thrusting back and forth, letting the bunny feel the slick muscle sliding in and out of his tight ring. Toby's paws scrabbled on the desk as the bear's tongue hit some hidden spot inside him, his knees went weak as waves of pleasure overtook his mind once more.

Once he had regained his balance the rabbit reached down to his throbbing dripping cock. Only for a bear paw to grab hold of his wrist, holding it away from his cock. The rabbit fought on pure instinct and desire, his cock was begging to be touched, his balls were aching with need to empty. However, it was the bear who was clearly in control. His tongue had noted the metallic taste of the rabbit's prostate and was thrusting in and out with growing speed, thrusting as hard into the sensitive gland as he could.

With his paw held in the bear's vice-like grip and his prostate under assault there was nothing for Toby to do but lay his head down and ride the pleasure that was flowing through him. With each thrust of the bear's tongue new waves of pleasure drove him to higher and higher peaks, his cock throbbed and drooled pre non stop, his balls felt so full and turgid, they were churning desperate to empty. The bear lapped faster and faster, driving the rabbit further and further into the desperate realms of bliss. No lover he had ever had had teased him like this, keeping him on the edge this long. They had all been about getting off as fast as they could. As much as he was desperate to cum, he was loving every second of the bear's tongue fucking. He wondered how long the bear could keep it up, he wondered how much longer he could take the tongue-fucking.

The bear growled in lust, enjoying the taste of rabbit ass on his lips, the scent of aroused male in the air and the sounds of a bitch being held on the edge of his orgasm. He squeezed the rabbit's ass with his free paw as he stepped up his tongue action. He had spent hours licking out a partner before, though his cock was screaming at him, begging to be buried deep inside the willing bitch. He knew he would not be able to resist it's psiren song for long. He knew this was wrong, that this was his student and he was breaking every ethical rule in the book as well as several dozen actual rules of the university. However, the taste of ass on his lips, the feel of the warm body in front of him and the scent of bitch filling his nostrils all combined to make him cast all morality aside as if it mattered for nothing. He wanted this male, he was going to take this male and the consequences be damned for the tiny ounce he cared in that moment.

Hearing the rabbit whimper softly and then just groan in pleasure, he knew it was almost time. He reached out to his desk draw and, keeping his tongue buried and worming away inside the rabbit, he pulled a tube out of the draw. It was paw lotion, and the closest thing he had to lube. He knew if he stopped long enough to leave the room and grab real lube he would probably come to his senses, he was happier out of them, he had played by the rules often enough and now it was time to screw the rules and his student at the same time.

A generous portion of the cream was squeezed into his palm and then he moaned deeply as he spread it over his needy cock. Unable to hold back any longer he pulled his tongue out of the rabbit, who whimpered loudly. The bear got to his feet and smiled at the sight before him; the rabbit laying over his desk, mouth open, eyes unfocused lost to the pleasure, pucker glistening with his spit. He had stopped Toby from jerking because he knew it was better to tease him, draw their session out. He was just a middle aged bear, and he knew the rabbit could just wander into any bar and walk out with a stud. Dr Gisborn, Adam, wanted to make sure that the rabbit realised that young studs were a fine thing, but they didn't hold a candle to an older stud who knows what he's doing.

Toby cried out, in slight surprise and great delight, as he felt the bear's cock stroking up his taint. The bear teased the rabbit's pucker stroking against it and then lay, hotdogging between two pert rabbit buns. The rabbit groaned as he squeezed that thick cock between his desperate furry cheeks, it slid back and forth slowly and yet maddeningly. The bunny gasped and groaned, desire filling his mind entirely, the slow steady thrusting of the cock between his cheeks was too much for him. "Please, just take me," he begged his breath coming in ragged short gasps as he squirmed on the desk.

Standing over the young male, feeling his furry cheeks squeezing and hearing his words begging for his cock, the bear felt powerful, virile and most importantly in charge. It had been years since he was last with another male, he was glad to see he hadn't lost his flair for fucking. There was, and is, nothing better than teasing a sexy guy until they beg for you cock. He continued to thrust his hips slowly continuing the teasing for a little while. His ears listening to the sweet music of rabbit groans and whispered pleas and entreaties for his cock.

Toby groaned as the bear continued to slide that thick cock between his buttocks, the hot flesh stroking over his pucker again and again, the lotion on it making his pucker and taint nice a slick. "Please...oh god... I can't take it anymore! Just fuck me please...fuck me now!" The last words were half shouted in desperation, his balls were aching and his cock was throbbing almost painfully. He knew that if he tried to grab his own cock the bear would stop him again, it was clear he was in charge. The dominance of the male only served to drive the rabbit's lusts, he wanted to submit to the male, to be taken and bred by the stronger dominant man.

With a soft chuckle the bear decided it was time, his own cock was aching with need and the rabbit's begging was driving his lusts far higher. He adjusted his glasses for a moment letting his cocktip rest on Toby's pucker. Then he reached out with both paws, taking a firm grip on the slender body, enjoying the feel of the solid warmth under his fingers, the feel of a young male submitting too him. Then he thrust forward slowly, but with the power of his huge hips, the rabbit's pucker resisted for a moment or two before he felt it spread around him. He moaned deeply as the rabbit cried out, the feel of the warm male surrounding his cock almost overwhelmed him. The need to orgasm rose unbidden inside him and he bit his lip to hold back, biting so hard his mouth filled with the taste of his own blood.

Toby clawed at the desk, sending papers scattering onto the floor, squirming and moaning as the cock inside his spread him far wider than he'd ever been stretched. No toy, no lover had ever prepared him for the monster cock that was only just starting to press into him. However, the pain was nothing compared to the lust and desire he felt in that moment, he pushed back onto his teacher's cock wantonly trying to get it deeper inside him.

The bear moaned softly and smiled in surprise as the rabbit stated pushing back, the sensation of the initial penetration fading he began to thrust, working with the squirming male. Inch by inch the bear forced his thick cock deeper into the rabbit, Toby squirmed as he fought to take the thick maleness inside him. The squirming only made his ass clench around the bear, massaging the thick length more and making the bear growl in lust.

Licking his lips clear of blood the bear pushed on, his cock passing the halfway point, the warmth and tightness driving unimaginable sensations of pleasure into his glans. Then as his cock slid almost two thirds in he heard the rabbit squeal in pleasure and he knew he had found the sweet spot inside the bunny. He paused and pulled back a little, thrusting forward again making the rabbit moan and push back harder.

The rabbit's cock throbbed as his prostate was assaulted by the thick cock tip, with each thrust the bear pushed a little deeper, the teasing of his tender-spot lasting a little longer. His cock was straining, throbbing and begging him for release, his head swam and his body trembled with barely contained pleasure. He rocked his hips back onto the thickness, desperate to get more inside him.

Dr Gisborn was impressed at the rabbit's eagerness, most lovers he had taken had been far less enthusiastic about getting the bear's full length inside them. This student however, was taking his thickness in his stride, and ass, like only one other male had ever done. The bear put his huge paws around the rabbit's slender waist, his fingertips almost touching and then with a grunt he thrust hard driving the last the inches into the rabbit hard.

Toby squealed as the bear took hold of him and drove his maleness right in to the hilt. He gasped as he felt those huge paws surrounding his entire waist as a cock his fingers couldn't even wrap around was driven into his tight spasming depths. The bear paused letting the squirming rabbit get used to the thick bear fuckpole lodged fully inside his tight rear. Toby panted and gasped, his fingers finding the edge of the desk and instinctively grabbing hold, something in his primal mind knew what was about to happen, and the thought made his cock throb and a jet of pre sprayed onto the papers on the floor.

The bear moaned softly, trying to contain himself, the rabbit's squirming body was pulling and teasing his cock in the most insidious way. His mind was awash with pleasure as he tried to control the bestial side of his nature that was screaming in his ear to breed this bitch, and breed it hard. Licking his lips he took a deep breath and, with tenuous control of his own actions, he began to slide his cock out. He pulled back to just beyond where he thought the rabbit's sweet spot was and then drove back in hard and fast. He felt the warm tight bunny spreading around his cock, lancing into the lapine like a nail being driven into a block of butter.

His hips pounded into the rabbit's ass with a satisfying, muffled, thud. His desk screeched as it lurched forward and inch under the power of the bear's thrust. His huge nuts rested on the rabbit's most sweaty taint as the contents churned and roiled, like an angry lake trapped behind a dam, that was about to burst. Biting his lip again the bear couldn't stop himself he pulled back quickly and thrust forward hard, driving his cock against the bunny's tender spot.

A desperate squeal escaped the rabbit's lips as he felt a thick cock pounding into his prostate. He pushed himself back willingly, as the cock inside him drove powerful shockwaves of pleasure through every fibre of his being. His entire body tingled and he felt drunk as his cock begged him for release, the bear was not stopping though he had begun his assault in earnest and his goal seemed to be to pound the rabbit into heaven. Toby's paws clung to the desk as each powerful thrust pushed him hard into the wood, now warm with his own body heat. The bear's huge nuts slapped on his ass with each powerful thrust, a soft spanking from the bear who taught him daily.

The rabbit found it hard to believe the beast above him was his teacher, the one who spent hours lecturing to him and his classmates. He seemed so different outside of the classroom, his powerful body being used to drive a thick, long, shaft deep into the bunny's wanton ass. He felt full in a way he had never felt before and he continued to thrust himself back with desperate abandon, he didn't care who or what the bear was now, all that mattered was that the rutting must continue.

With each thrust the desk was driven forward another inch, the hardwood floors getting a set of groove gouged into the wood. Not that either of the two cared, their bodies writhed together, the bear leaned over the rabbit, his large stomach nestling into the bunny's back as he rained passionate kisses and nips down onto Toby's back and shoulders. Each thrust was getting faster and harder, the bunny took each one and pushed back desperately for more. With a thump the desk was finally driven against the wall. Two huge bear paws reached out to the perfectly wallpapered wall and the bear pushed himself up.

Looking down the bear watched his pink maleness slamming into the stretched rabbit pucker. He gasped as he though of how many times he had eyed up the bunny in class. He had given most of his lectures dozens of times, they often flowed from his lips while his mind was elsewhere. There were many handsome students in class and in his mind he had fucked them all, though even in his deepest fantasies he had never imagined his resolve would be so easily broken. All it had taken was a single kiss and he had abandoned all his ethics all to thrust his cock into the willing ass of the squealing bunny. In the heat of the moment he couldn't find it in him to care, all that mattered was breeding the bunny and bringing him to his peak.

Toby cried out again and again, his mind was lost to the pleasure consuming his body. His mind spinning as with each thrust he squealed and his balls ached, he could feel the pressure inside him building and building, he felt like any moment he might burst. The pleasure from each thrust was too much for him to control of understand, his mind drowning in endorphins and completely driven by his need, one need; to cum.

With each thrust the desk thumped against the wall, giving a steady drum beat to their passion, the rabbit's loud cries and moans gave the wonderful vocals and the bear's grunts and panting the tune of their love. The bear was struggling to keep control, he was desperate to cum, his cock was alive with the constant pleasure of being inside the bunny. However, he wanted to hold off, to make the rabbit cum first and most importantly he wanted to gift his student with the feeling of cumming untouched. He knew that the pleasure and pressure inside the rabbit were growing with each thrust, all he needed to do was hold control for a few more thrusts and the pressure would burst.

Crying out again and again the rabbit felt something give inside him, as that thick cock pounded into his prostate. His balls began to squeeze and a rush of pleasure far beyond anything he had ever felt took hold of him in a vicelike grip. He squealed and howled, his cock throbbing as he came harder than he had ever cum before. Thick jets of rabbit spunk splashed onto the floor as his fingers scratched thick grooves into the desk.

As the rabbit's ass clenched around him so tightly and the strong scent of spunk caught in his huge nose the bear knew he had achieved his goal. He let go of his control, his hips suddenly thrusting with all his might, using every ounce of speed and strength he could muster. His thick cock pummelled the helpless lapine, driving home deeper, touching places inside the rabbit he never knew existed, the rough breeding drawing out his orgasm, forcing more jets of cum out onto the floor.

The bear's strength was almost spent, there was nothing holding him back and he lifted his head to roar dominantly as his body was finally taken by the grip of a powerful orgasm. His thick cock throbbed as it thrust into your rabbit with desperate speed, floods of bear spunk jetted into the rabbits needy depths. The warm fluid soothing as the bear's desperate thrusting drew to an end. The two remained panting, the student his legs and ass spread cum dripping from his overstuffed rear, and the teacher panting breathlessly as his balls drained dry inside the twitching ass of his pupil.

Toby lay still as his mind finally came back to him and he realised what and who he had just done. He found it hard to care much, he had never been fucked like that before, no lover he had ever had could match up to the experience of the bear. He glanced back up at his as his tired body reminded him he had been up drinking all night and barely had any sleep. He yawned and blinked his eyes a little fuzzy as he rested his cheek on the hard wood desk, trying to fight the urge to doze off. It was a fight he was destined to lose.

He never felt the bear pull his cock out, or the river of bear cum that flowed out of his ass and down his leg. He didn't wake as two strong arms lifted his body and carried him to a bed, laying him down gently. Nor did he feel the soft kiss that was placed on his lips and then forehead or the bumping of the mattress as someone got in beside him. He snuggled instinctively into the warm bulk, pulling a huge arm around him.

When he finally awoke it was to the click of a door closing, he opened his eyes and yawned as he stretched. He was in a large bed, alone, but he felt refreshed and hungry, he realised that the light streaming through the blue curtains was the sun of an early morning. The clock on his nightstand told him that it was indeed morning and his nose told him something else. His eyes confirmed it as they spotted a tray on a small dresser nearby, a pot of coffee along with a plate of food.

He picked the tray up and pulled it onto his lap, scrambled eggs on toast. He could see green specks in the eggs and tasting them he found out they were chives and a hint of something else, rosemary along with just the right amount of salt. Apparently his teacher was not only an amazing lover he was a pretty good cook. He drank the coffee and noted as he did so that there was a small silver dish covering something else on the tray.

He lifted it up and laughed at what he found under it, a tube of lotion designed to sooth sore asses. There was something a young lover would never have thought of, yet the rabbit was very grateful the bear had. As fun as it had been, the actions of the previous evening had left him with some uncomfortable pain back there. He finished the eggs and drank a mug of good strong coffee, before using some of the cream.

Putting the tray carefully to one side he slid out of the bed and stretched again. His stomach felt much better for having some warm food and drink n it and the last vestiges of his hangover were gone. He spotted his clothes, neatly pressed and folded and placed on a chair at the end of the bed. As he picked them up he noticed the picture on the wall, more photo's of the bear and his late lover. Part of him wondered if he had just been a convenient plug for a rabbit shaped hole in the bear's heart.

It was a shocking thought, not so shocking as the realisation that he really didn't want to just be a partial replacement for the bear's ex. The bear had been so kind and sweet to him yesterday, he had tried to take the high path and had shown the rabbit a lot of compassion. Toby couldn't help but feel stupid for offering to suck the bear off in exchange for accepting his paper. However, he was grateful the bear had turned him down, maybe if he hadn't things would have been the same, but he doubted he would be feeling so attracted to the bear when he woke in the morning.

His mind was full of confusing thoughts and emotions as the rabbit took a quick shower, washing his ass clean of dried bear spunk. Then he dressed and went downstairs. Wandering around the bear's house alone was slightly strange, he felt like he was invading the home of a couple. In each room two happy faces seemed to stare out at him, the rabbit's heart sank as he realised that; as handsome and virile as the bear was, there was a good chance he was not over the death of his lover and the bunny had been just a temporary replacement.

He found the bear in the kitchen sitting reading a paper, he couldn't help but think how sexy he looked focusing on the words through his thin framed specks. The small frames only served to accent his huge muzzle and black nose. His ice blue eyes turned to look at him and an embarrassed smile spread across his face. "Good morning... did you sleep well?"

Returning the embarrassed smile with one of his own the rabbit nodded, "yeah, uh thanks for breakfast it was delicious."

"Ha, well when I was a student, oh too many years ago now, I funded my studies by working in a rather posh hotel as the omelette guy. If there is one thing I know it's how to make eggs." The bear said waving to the seat opposite him on the dinning room table.

Glancing around, as he walked to the table, the rabbit noted the kitchen was clean and tidy, modern conveniences all placed neatly and a small rack of hand towels just by the sink. The room was split in half by a long kitchen bench and the table was situated in the other half by some patio doors that looked out on a well tended garden. One thing he noted, to his great relief, in this room there were no photographs, no bunny eyes looking out at him judging him unworthy of the bear. He sat down opposite the bear nervously and tried to think of something to say, "last night..." the words failed him as he spoke and the start of that sentence hung in the air, to add to the awkward tension that was building.

The bear picked up a mug of coffee and took a sip, then broke the silence that had descended upon them both, "would you like some coffee?" The bear waved to a large cafeteria half filled with coffee. The mug he had drunk upstairs had been good and the rabbit nodded his agreement. the bear unhook a mug from a small mug tree on the table and poured a cup, "milk, sugar?"

"Just milk thanks," murmured the blushing rabbit. He took the coffee and took a long sip, the coffee was only warm but it tasted good.

"Last night was a mistake," Dr Gisborn said softly and Toby's heart plummeted into his shoes, as he struggled to find words to say how he felt the bear continued. "A very wonderful mistake, I haven't been with anyone since... well I'm sure you are smart enough to figure out who."

"Your friend, I... am I ..." Toby struggled to speak, he could feel an unpleasant knot in his stomach and tears building up behind his eyes.

"Like him? Oh no, you are nothing like him, if you were... I couldn't have done what I did last night." The bear looked at his black coffee, his eyes staring deep into the mug, as if he was hoping to find the answers to all life's mysteries in the swirling black liquid. "He was very special to me and I know I can never replace him, but I can move on from him... I know that now and I am very grateful for that and for last night."

Hope flooded the chest of the rabbit, he couldn't stop the smile that spread across his muzzle. "I... I..." He began stumbling over his words and the bear chuckled at him. "Dr Gisborn..."

"I think after what we did last night you can call me Adam," chuckled the bear and then he sighed. "however, I meant what I said last night was a mistake, you are a student and I'm your teacher. If anyone finds out what happened between us you will be kicked out of university, and I will lose my job. We can't be together..." Toby whimpered unintentionally as he heard that, the bear paused in his speech and then added, "that is we can't be together now. You are in your final year, in six months you will graduate. If when you do you chose to come find me again to see where our relationship could go... well I would be one very happy guy."

Toby couldn't help but laugh out in relief as he heard the bear's sweet words, he knew the bear was right. Six months of sitting in a lecture hall looking at the bear but not being able to touch him, that sounded like torture, but a pain he could endure to have another night like last night.

The rest of the morning passed pleasantly enough, the bear eventually told him it was time to go and they shared a last long and lingering kiss on the doorstep. Then returned to their lives as if the night had never happened. They exchanged glances sometimes in class, but never spoke of it again. Toby resisted the urge to go visit the bear, knowing that it was best to wait and Adam resisted the urge to ask Toby to come to his office for some 'private tutoring sessions'.

Then after exams Toby went back home to await his results. The bear found himself tidying his home, putting away some of the pictures of his former lover. He kept one on his desk and another by his bed. He would never forget his first true love, but at last he felt he could go on. As the days and weeks passed the bear couldn't help but wonder what Toby was up to. A young guy in the prime of his life, hormones raging and his libido at it's peak. It would be understandable for him to have found someone else, someone his own age.

Graduation day came and the bear donned his cap and gown to head to the ceremony, it was a long and extremely dull affair, they always were. His eyes looked everywhere through the thousands of students trying to spot the rabbit. He did finally get a glimpse when the rabbit came up to claim the paper scroll with a ribbon around it. A blank piece of paper made to look pretty and important while his degree, a first, would be posted to him later.

Adam gulped as he noted the rabbit didn't even glance in his direction. His own heart fell a little as he realised how long six months was to someone twenty one years old. He looked for the rabbit in the festivities afterwards but didn't find him. Eventually he gave up and headed home alone. He cried a few tears as he lay in bed alone that night.

The bear spent the next week moping in his home alone, until one morning as he sat in his garden and thought about things he sighed and then smiled. He knew it was over and if life had taught the bear anything it was how to be happy for what little you are given. Toby had been sweet and sexy, he had made the bear realise he could move on with his life. It was sad that the rabbit seemed to have moved on without him, but the one thing he knew he was able to do now was move on himself, he was only in his early forties, there were plenty of years left to share if he could find someone special to share them with.

As he sat in the garden thinking back over his past lovers the bear felt a large wet drop splat on his cheek. It was followed by another and another as a summer shower began. The bear grabbed his paper and made a dash for the safety of the kitchen. He watched out the patio door as the shower turned into a torrential down-pouring. He smiled as he thought of how the rain would save him from having to water his garden that night.

As he stood there, trivial thoughts on his mind he heard a knocking. He wasn't expecting any guests and it was Sunday so he knew it wasn't the mailman. The bear walked to the door and opened it to find a blonde rabbit, in a t shirt and shorts, soaked to the skin, standing on his doorstep. Toby gave him a sheepish smile and said, "I think I might need to borrow your bathrobe again. I know it's past the agreed deadline, but I wondered if you'd accept a late submission, just this once?"


Thanks for reading I do hope you enjoyed. I am working on plenty of other stories to post for your amusement. If you would like to tip this hard working bear then you can do so via my paypal tip jar, which can be accessed at the button below.

You can also find the prequel to Late Submission here

If you enjoyed this story please consider buying my first book details can be found in my journal It's a sweet romance story with some steamy chapters and some art by avatar?user=166120&character=0&clevel=2 Edesk

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