Distant Earth CYOA part 16

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#19 of Distant Earth text adventure

sorry it was late but if you read my journal you'll know things in my life have no been good lately. Anyway, please enjoy and vote on the next chapter below.

Option 1 report Paul 33

Option A don't have sex 21 (and people say furs are all about the porn)

Zack gasped as the cheetah squeezed his swelling bulge tighter. The feline licked his lips and looked up with hopeful eyes. The rabbit's body was begging him to take this willing partner. However, his mind was telling him this was a bad idea, he hadn't proved himself to the crew yet. If they found out he helped a stowaway it might end up with both of them being put off the ship. He had made too many friends to leave now. "I... come on Paul, this is not a cool thing to ask me," The rabbit batted Paul's paw away from his crotch and stepped back.

"I'm desperate, you won't reg..."began the cheetah as he stepped out of the cupboard.

"Yes I will, I'd love to bend you over and pound you senseless, but you know the second you are caught I will be too," Zack interrupted impatiently his tone and look firm, but not unsympathetic. "Look, why don't you go speak to the Captain, he might let you join up."

The cheetah looked away and then back up, the rabbit could see the fear in those eyes, he offered a paw to the feline. Paul took the paw and nodded, "I guess, I mean he could probably make use of me. My graft was pretty expensive, top of the line n fact."

"What was it?" Zack enquired as the cheetah stepped out of the cupboard.

"Military tactics, advanced weaponry and hand to hand combat," Zack didn't have time to process those words before the cheetah's fist landed in his stomach. The rabbit fell to his knees the wind knock out of his body. He glanced up just in time to see the golden blur of the fist that landed squarely on his muzzle and sent him into the, not so blissful, arms of unconsciousness.

He awoke when the cupboard door he had been stuffed inside opened and a pony head leaned inside. His head ached and he moaned deeply, "What hit me?" He mumbled and then suddenly his eyes went wide, "Paul he ..."

"Knocked you unconscious so you wouldn't report him until we launched and it was too late?" Kelo asked as he offered the fallen rabbit a paw.

"How did you know?" Zack asked in surprise.

"Oh he told us," the pony replied with a shake of his head and a smile. "After we launched and it was too late to kick him off the ship. Ahh young love, poor Karlos, thought truth be told I think the badger likes him. It's flattering after all."

"Tell that to my jaw," snorted Zack grumpily as he rubbed his jaw.

"Oh yeah, the boy got himself a really top notch graft. I think he might even give Reg a run for his money in a fight." The pony observed as he led the rabbit out of the engine room. "Well I hope you slept well, we're about an hour away from a nice fat transport ship. Deju wants to see you, Qerry and Paul."

"What about?" The bunny asked nervously, he had been about to do the right thing. Of course as he was unconscious Paul could have said anything, maybe even tried to spread the blame.

"Well it's your first raid, so I imagine he wants to give you guys a pep talk, you know a win one for the Gipper speech," the pony replied with a chuckled patting the rabbit. "Nothing serious, well for you, he is amazingly pissed at Paul. He's impressed too, it's a long way to go for a guy who kidnapped you. Of course that seems a tad suspicious if you ask me. After all... Paul was set free a human and a really good intelligence operative could have debriefed him and then blagged his way on board."

"You really think he could be a spy?" Zack asked in shock, he had barely known Paul but the cheetah had recognised him. However, it would not have been too hard for the human to have given a list of names and descriptions to an operative. Plus, he hadn't even attempted to listen to reason, he had just made sure he stayed on board.

"It happens, we have caught a few spies over the years. Most of the crew have half an eye on you, Qerry gets a pass because of his brother." Kelo replied as they got into the lift and headed up to the captain's cabin. "However, your bumping into Qerry on the shuttle, the only new crew member out and vulnerable a relative of someone on board ship, that's convenient too."

"You don't trust me?" The rabbit asked a little shocked and more than a little hurt.

The pony shrugged , "Reese say's you're ok. Well that's not what he said but it's what he meant. I trust his judgement, Reggie likes you too and he's not dumb. However, tomorrow, well tomorrow everyone will know."

"You will?" The rabbit asked, he felt a little warmth to hear the raccoon and hyena trusted him.

"Yes, that's why we send you on the raid. Make you prove yourselves in a raid." Explained the pony as they approached the door to the captain's cabin. the pony stopped and put a paw on his shoulder. "I was only joking about not trusting you, I know a good man when I see one. Maybe after your raid you can actually spend the night in your cabin, and me and Reese can give you a proper welcome on board."

Zack blushed deeply and felt his groin stirring more than a little at the prospect, "I... would like that a lot." He replied and then added, "one question though?"

"Shoot," replied the pony with a smile.

"Who's the Gipper?" Zack asked with an honest puzzled look on his face. Kelo laughed in response and then opened the door to Deju's cabin and ushered the rabbit inside. The fox was standing up with Qerry and Paul in front of him. Kelo gave a wave to the fox and then turned to leave as the door shut.

"Ah, awake I see, not seeing stars are you?" The fox asked with a smirk and a glance at the lithe cheetah boy. "I do hope you don't let every skinny guy you meet beat you unconscious."

Paul gave him a sheepish smile and a shrug. Zack gulped and replied, "not 'every one' just ones with advanced combat grafts."

"Ha, fair enough, now I need you three to take separate assignments, and given the beating you took trying to be a good crewman I thought I should give you the choice," The fox announced as he pulled out three different data crystals. "You can be in the bridge party and take the ships bridge, the hold party and be the ones who take the cargo, or the passenger quarters part and be the one to hold all the passengers hostage while we empty the ships hold. Which is it? Oh and don't worry on your first raid we don't expect much of you, except to point your guns and follow orders."

Same as always vote for your option by clicking thumbs up on the corresponding comment below.

Option A Join the raid on the bridge and face the crew members

Option B go for the cargo hold where there is an increased chance of meeting the battle droids

Option C hold the civilians hostage