Little Lion Man

Story by Adius on SoFurry

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Well, this is the first story I have ever commissioned.

So, I do hope you all enjoy as much as I did hehe.

Also, please visit GearRyu to inquire about getting your own stuff written <3

Sorry about all format errors, FA Hated uploaded this..No idea how to do it properly XD

Little Lion Man by ~GearRyu

Little Lion Man Bits of feathery down wafted across the room; Leo sneezed, kicking up more. He sat back up and turned on his lights, casting the room in a soft glow. As he picked up the pillow, he noticed a large gash running across the soft surface. When...? Maybe it was that stupid dog. Whatever. He got off the bed, careful to not jostle the pillow and send more feathers flying across the room. He stepped out into the hallway, thinking: he needed another pillow. As he tossed away the old one in the kitchen trash can, he remembered - mom sometimes brought linens down from the attic, when they had guests over. Maybe he could find another pillow there.

He padded upstairs, moving slowly, afraid the squeaking boards might wake up mom. She was a light sleeper, and it wouldn't be the first time she caught him up when he should be asleep. It sucked when he wanted to sneak in a snack, but at least she cared. Unlike dad, back when he was around.

Leo shook his head. He just wanted to grab a pillow, not reminisce.

The attic door squeaked as he opened it, and the illumination from the stairway dimly illuminated rows of sealed boxes and furniture covered in plastic tarps. He clicked on the attic light, which flickered from neglect; it made the room brighter, but not cheerier.

"Where would the pillows be?" he whispered to himself as he walked into the attic. All of the boxes he could see were labeled, but none of them looked promising. A box of family photos, one of his old art work back when he was in grade school, and even one labeled "Leo's Baby Clothes". It brought back memories; drawing animals, visiting zoos... in retrospect, he'd always been kind of a nature lover. Maybe that's why mom picked out the pawprint PJs he was wearing now, for his last birthday. An orange silk base with black paw patterns. ... He'd need to wash it to get off all the dust. Tomorrow. For now, he just wanted to find a pillow.

After a few minutes of searching, he was about to give up. Then he recalled a chest sitting in a corner. He had assumed it was locked, but noticed some boxes scattered about it. Maybe they had fallen away, or maybe mom moved them - but he had looked everywhere else.

The latch opened with a rusty click, and then hung loosely. Broken? He grunted and forced the heavy lid open. Inside, he found an assortment of linens. And at the bottom, one pillow. It was large, with a fancy golden embroidery, and a hypnotizingly elegant pattern that must have meant something to somebody long ago. Leo felt a little awkward taking it, but he didn't want to leave empty-handed after all this hassle. He took the pillow, closed the lid, and padded back downstairs to his room. He rested his head against the pillow and fell asleep


Leo's dreams shifted from pleasant to troubled and back again, and he felt they must have been wonderful; but when he awoke, he could not remember. The thought nagged at him, but he ignored it; dreams are dreams. Still, he felt like today might be peculiar.

But breakfast was uneventful. Getting ready for school was uneventful. Driving to school was uneventful.

Sitting in class was... interesting.

Leo was sitting in a first period, taking notes as he listened to the teacher drone on and on. His fingers cramped as he wrote. He lifted his wrist to roll it a bit, and relax it, when he dropped the pen. As he bent down to pick it up, he found his hands were clumsy; and his hands looked strange. He pulled his hands back out from beneath the desk. Only he didn't have hands anymore; he had a pair of fluffy kitten paws. Startled, he pushed back against the desk behind him; his flustered classmate shouted at him. But Leo didn't notice. He just watched, helplessly, as fur spread up across his arms, then through his shirt sleeves; he felt a warm sensation flow across the clothed parts of his body, followed by an itchiness - the fur was spreading across his entire body. His face felt a little numb and his ears more sensitive, as he could hear the teacher's droning with unparalleled clarity. And then the lecture stopped, as the teacher, and everyone else in the room, turned to look at Leo and the long fluffy tail snaking out of his rapidly-fading pants. He rose, wanting to excuse herself, as his neighboring classmates wondered at his leonine muzzle. He bumped against the desk again, only this time there was a crinkle. Looking down, he saw his underwear thickening into a large, pink, frilly diaper.

After a moment of awkward staring and confused murmuring, the teacher excused himself "to go get the nurse". Leo sat back down, now hyperaware of everything, especially the crinkling of the thick padding beneath him. He just looked down at his desk; maybe if he didn't make a fuss, this would somehow turn out okay. At least nobody said anything - to him.

After five painfully long minutes, the classroom door swung back open; the teacher stepped in, followed by the school nurse - young and beautiful, she was the heartthrob and secret crush of half the male student body. Leo had wondered if he might have a chance with her some day. Now that seemed laughably unlikely. He looked at her; she looked at him and froze, then looked at the teacher. He just tugged on his shirt collar and shrugged. The room seemed a little warm to everyone.

Putting on a patient look, the nurse approached Leo. "Would you like to come with me to my office?" she asked in a pleasant tone. Leo could smell nervousness on her, which made her countenance all the more impressive. She was really trying, despite how silly he looked. He nodded and stood up. Stepped forward on his bare footpads. And stumbled forward, against her! She caught him and tried to help him stand. She was shaking a little bit, but calmed down visibly in a few seconds.

Leo tried again. He stepped forward, and stumbled. Again; same. Again... He took the nurse's hand with one paw and stepped forward, but his legs quaked. As he began falling again, the nurse caught him this time, and was visibly surprised - she could carry him. He ought to be heavy, but she wasn't struggling with him, and she didn't look like she regularly lifted anything heavier than a medical chart. The surprise faded, and Leo felt his concerns melting slowly as she gave him a pleasant smile, and carried him out of the classroom.


The walls of the nurse's office were painted warm colors and decorated with vacation photographs. She sat Leo down on the bed and pulled up a chair. Now she was wearing protective gloves, although it was a tardy gesture if it would have been useful at all. She took out a tongue depressor, a little flashlight, and a few other basic check-up devices. "How are you feeling?" she asked, as she readied her instruments. Leo didn't know how to answer that. He felt... fine. Obviously he wasn't fine. He was anything but fine. But he wasn't in any pain. And his tail was - kind of cool. He looked back at it and watched it wave.


He broke free of his hypnotic trance. "Um, fine." He grabbed his tail and pawed at it a little bit. "I feel... okay, I guess. What happened to me? Is - is anything else gonna happen?"

"I don't know," said the nurse in a sincere tone. "I was hoping you could tell me." But Leo couldn't. She asked him what he'd eaten, had to drink, if he'd done anything unusual over the past few days. He mentioned the attic, but the nurse just gave him this patient, if incredulous, look as he suggested dust bunnies turned him into a diapered lion. Embarrassed and exhausted, he was glad when the nurse finished her examination.

"Well..." she said, trying a humorous tone. She brushed back her long hair away from her face, "You appear to be a perfectly healthy lion. I'd like you to go to a hospital anyway, but I'm not really sure this counts an emergency..." she said with a small, becalming giggle. "I'm going to have to call your mom on this one."

She kept smiling as she picked up the phone. Leo whimpered. If mom found out about this, what would she say? Was she going to punish him? For what? For turning into a lion? What did he do? Oh god, they would kick him out of the school. He'd be all over everybody's facebook pages. He'd have to move to a different school. A different town. His mom would hate him.

"Uh-huh. Yes. Okay... I'll wait." Leo looked up, wondering what he'd missed. The nurse must be on the phone with mom. Perhaps it was a reflex, but when the nurse saw Leo's worried look, she reached out and stroked his little triangular ears. He began purring, and she continued stroking while waiting. Finally, Leo heard mom's voice come back on the other end. She'd be here soon.

"Don't worry," the nurse said to Leo. "Your mom sounded very understanding. Now, are you going to be okay if I leave you here for a few minutes?" Leo nodded. "Good, I'm going to go get you some track shorts to replace... tha- your current underwear." Diaper. She meant diaper, and Leo knew that's what she meant.

He sat alone, after the nurse left, wondering what he could do to entertain himself. He noticed a little stuffed bear and grabbed it with his big clumsy paws. He batted it around on the bed some, gnawing at it, pawing at it. Fun! Fun! Fu- he stopped. Go. Now. Leo needed to go - right now. He looked for a bathroom. None in here. But must be one, in the hallway. But someone might see him. But... but he couldn't let his mom see him with a wet diaper. He had to go for it. Go. Oh god. He dropped off the table, landing on his knees, and whimpered. He tried to stand up, but he couldn't. He just began crawling up to the door. He wanted to move fast, but that made the need greater. He wanted to move slow, but it was building up. He only made it half way to the door before he finally couldn't hold it anymore. And he actually felt relieved for a moment, as he released a pressure he didn't know had been building.

And that's when the nurse walked in, with his mom. Leo looked up at them; they were in mid-conversation, but the conversation trailed off as they looked down at Leo, who couldn't shut himself off. Ke kept going, and felt the increasing warm and heavy diaper sag, until it tapped the floor. He whimpered and breathed something that was almost a word, trying to explain, but coming up empty. "H-hi, mom...." Is all he could settle on. Leo's cheeks reddened beneath the fur of his muzzle; face tilted down, eyes looking up.

Leo's mom looked at her little boy with this knowingly embarrassed, if not surprised, look. She looked at the nurse, who ducked out of the room after handing the track shorts to Leo's mom. She, in turn, closed the door and walked up to Leo, putting on a passable smile. The boy squirmed as she approached, and felt painfully self-conscious about the increased warmth and weight of his diaper.

But to his surprise, mom didn't yell at him or question who he was. Her first question was rhetorical: "So, you found the pillow, huh?" That caught Leo's attention.

Mom helped Leo back onto the table and sat beside him. He squirmed, trying to find a position where he wouldn't feel damp, but to no avail. Mom began to stroke his hair. "The pillow is a family heirloom, sweetie. It was given to your grandma as a wedding gift. But, it's a special pillow: it makes dreams come true." Leo raised his eyebrows, and his mom quickly added, "in the worst way possible. But it's such a pretty thing, your great-grandma couldn't bear to part with it, so she gave it to your grandmother, who gave it to me. I was going to pass it on to you when you got married someday, but..." she shrugged. "I feel terrible."

Leo mewed, afraid of exactly this. He sniffled and leaned forward and nuzzled his mom. She looked back, down at him, and saw his worried expression. "It's okay, baby," she said, hugging him. "You'll be okay. Mommy will take you home and when you go to sleep on the pillow again, you might even turn back to normal." She smiled at him affectionately.

Leo's mom didn't ask him to explain the transformation. She just gave him another hug and then pulled the track shorts up to cover his wet diaper. The track shorts then shrank, clung to the diaper, and gradually faded into it, leaving it as it was. The best they could do was a towel wrapped around his waist, and it didn't stop his sensitive ears from hearing the crinkling as mom carried him out to the car. Her car. She said she couldn't trust him to drive himself home, and anyway, his keys had disappeared with his pants.

Leo had been quiet this whole time; which wasn't unusual for him. He had always been quiet, but now he was shamed into near-total silence. The long ride home was made more uncomfortable by Leo's need for a diaper change. Mom must have been thinking about that because along the way, she stopped at a grocery store. She returned with a package: Adult diapers. She said this might work. Leo asked if he would really need to use all of them, but mom just patted him on his head and told him to not worry.

Once home, mom carried little Leo inside, managing to hold both him and the diaper bag. She brought him into her bedroom and laid him down on the comfy mattress, then stripped the diaper off of him, cleaned him up, and grabbed a new one. She put the new diaper on him and, now to little surprise, it transformed into a duplicate of the original one, albeit dry.

Mom then slid onto the bed and cuddled with Leo, stroking his hair and humming to him. He found the attention heartwarming, and mom didn't seem to mind how he had changed. She even teased him playfully about what a cute little lion he had become.

Leo actually enjoyed the cuddling, despite how embarrassing all of this was... but surely he could cuddle his mom if he were normal again. Even though he was coming to like being a lion, too. But he wanted to be human, to be able to go outside again. And so, that night, he slept against the pillow, while cuddling with his mom. And the next morning...

Leo awoke. Still a lion. Still diapered. And wet. Oh well, there was always tomorrow.