the incredible change part 3

Story by Purpledragonbreath on SoFurry

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#3 of The incredible change

i'm getting the hang of this writing

(Author note: this is a story in which I would like to explain how I wanted my life to be so I wish to see your reactions)

I wanted to express my feelings, so I did, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it,

Entharion is my character and will always be so don't steal him.

If you have any suggestions or questions e-mail me at [email protected]

Problems come and go, so this time is no different.


The incredible change part three

The next day, it was still morning, and I felt hungry, my kitty was still sleeping tightly, I was reading his mind.

"Hmm I like Entharion, but that gryphon has something about him that I don't trust, like he's hiding something, oh well it's better than my former home, I haven't been raped yet and this time I am being fed properly"

"They didn't feed you?!" I said with my silly head.

"Huh how could you know what I was thinking?"

"It's a dragon ability, sorry, I didn't mean to trespass"

"It's ok, I have been violated in worse ways than that, besides it would have been a hell to say, but that's how I have been treated yes"

"Oh you poor thing, come here" I pulled him up to me and gave him a big hug.

"I'll make sure I feed you right and you don't have to do anything you don't want"

"You're the nicest owners I had yet"

"I'm hungry what about you?"

"Hmm do you have more milk?, I have never drunk milk before"

"Never? Not even with your mother?" "hmm no I have always drunk some kind of potion to grow fast"

"Oh my god, bred for slavery, how old are you?"

"About 3 years old now"

"3 years old? How old does your kind get?"

"About 700 years, I heard somewhere"

"Oh come here, you'll get some milk right away" I gave him the bottle and he drunk it down in a minute.

"You're not supposed to be sexually active until your seventh year or so, have you ever cum?"

"I don't know actually, all my experiences were painful and I always ended up alone in some dungeon"

"Let me check, I make you feel good, trust me" I grabbed his dick and he was getting an erection, I wrapped my tongue around his shaft and massaged his soft balls, they felt great, warm and firm seed factory's, I started sucking on his shaft a little bit and he moaned and purred as he grabbed my head, wanting me to continue, his soft balls felt great and I had to resist myself going further and making him feel painful again, I just kept sucking him and it didn't take long before he meowed a and came, no sperm came out of him though, he did get an erection and an orgasm but no sperm, he panted heavily and had enjoyed his first time of soft treatment.

"I think they gave you something so you wouldn't cum yet, but could get an erection so they wouldn't have to clean up anything, but don't worry, you'll probably cum later" I was quite disappointed because I wanted to drink his cum, but I was happy he had a good experience for once.

I got up and saw Jerhatan looking at me.

"Good morning handsome, had a good sleep?" I said, stretching my back.

"Yea and a better view as I woke up" I laughed and looked at darkfur, who was standing next to me licking my chest to thank me, he had the same rugged tongue as the other panther, it made me shiver and think back at my ceremony, that panther did cum, maybe I should ask him..., I tossed that thought away and picked up some meat I brought with me the other day and divided it into portions, some for darkfur, some for me and some for Jerhatan, who had gotten up and came to us and sat down with us at the table, darkfur still a distance from Jerhatan and close to me.

"Take it easy, it's only Jerhatan" I stroked his back, he had the body of a grown half-panther and the mind of a kitten, his abuse was written deep into his mind and it would take a while before he would trust Jerhatan, he started eating, not taking his eyes off him.

"Come on, don't be so tense, I'm really not going to hurt you" darkfur got a little courageous and moved a little towards him, still watching him, Jerhatan stretched his arm to pet him but darkfur panicked, Jerhatan saw that.

"Come on, don't be afraid, I'm just going to pet you, not hurt you"

"You know he's only three years old?"

"Really? He looks older" and he took a closer look in darkfur's eyes, he saw the fear and turned his attention to his food to give him some room.

"See, he doesn't want to hurt you"

"I know but I cant forget it, I just need some time alone" he walked away and lied down on the couch.

"He is really treated badly, hmm I wonder if dracko and aihial are enjoying their gift"

"What did you give them?"

"A young wolf, he looked really nice to me, if they would have hated him, they would be here to complain already, so I think I know it"

"Darkfur, were going next door, eat some if you want but stay inside ok?"

We heard an absent "ok", we went next door and we heard some moaning and howling as we got closer, we went inside and walked to the bedroom, the wolf was riding aihial's ass and dracko was getting sucked off by her, they were all Cumming and moaning, as we waited in the main room, I heard them coming to an end and I went back inside.

"So, enjoying my gift"

"Totally" aihial answered panting.

"The only thing is, he's tied in me, we have to wait 5 minutes for his erection to die down, but he's great, we've been at it since we got him, his name is bluefang, I shook his hand.

"Entharion is the name, and this is Jerhatan, my friend" his erection was now small enough and he plopped out of her hole, she lied down and licked her lips, bluefang shook hands with Jerhatan and he spoke to me.

"Ehh master, thank you for purchasing me and giving me to such good masters"

"That's ok we treat you as our friend, we bought a slave for our own, he was a lot cheaper and is still very young, we are training him, you might know him, he's a black panther, a bit shy though"

"Hmm oh yea I saw you buy him, he has a terrible past, he told me once when we were tied up next to eachother"

"He's next door, we wanted to check if you enjoyed my gift, I see you have and we'll be going" I rubbed bluefang's penis teasingly and returned home, the scene had made me even more horny and when we came home, we dove into the bed and started our own fun, I licked his erected cock over its 40 inch length and bent over again.

"This time, take it easy" he nodded and started to push into me, soon he couldn't control himself anymore and pushed himself in hard again but it didn't hurt as much as last time because I had grown some, but I could feel the pain and I screamed out in pain and pleasure, darkfur, which was sleeping and woke up from my cries and rushed to the bedroom, where I was getting it on with my lover he pulled halfway out and pushed back in, I could feel the huge dick moving inside me and moaned rhythmically and bit on the pillow as he kept pounding into me, darkfur thought he was hurting me.

"I knew you weren't to be trusted" he jumped on Jerhatan knocking him off me and onto the ground where darkfur was hitting him.

"No darkfur, bad kitten, stop attacking my friend"

"But he was hurting you" I picked darkfur up and put him on my lap as I lied down, I knew he was only trying to protect me and I explained.

"He wasn't hurting me, I liked the feeling, you couldn't understand but we do this because we love eachother, not to hurt eachother"

"You were screaming"

"I know but that's because I liked it, not because it hurt, we enjoy this, what you had experienced as painful because we do it right, not the way your former masters did to you"

"Why don't you do it to me then, the right way, so it wouldn't hurt"

"I'm afraid I would hurt you too, I don't want that to happen" Jerhatan had gotten up and looked disappointed we couldn't finish.

"He's quite strong, for a kitten" darkfur felt sorry for him and got over his fear and crawled over to the edge of the bed, he took his dick into his mouth and licked him until he came, he jumped a little as the cum filled his mouth but swallowed it all and licked his dick clean and returned to me.

"Wow what just happened?" Jerhatan said confused of the sudden attention and darkfur smiled.

"I made you cum, did you like that?" Jerhatan sat down next to me and put his arms around us.

"I loved it" now I was feeling let out, I wanted to cum too, I was in great need and the only thing I got was disappointment, but Jerhatan started to paw me off while darkfur cuddled up to me.

"Now I know why you wanted a panther, his tongue is great" I smiled and kissed darkfur as I came close to Cumming, he took my dick into his beak, as I bit down onto my teeth, trying to make no noise as I filled his beak with my seed and felt myself finally being relieved of my stress as Jerhatan licked his lips and also cuddled up to me, we briefly locked jaws as I tasted my own cum and his saliva mix and he left my mouth, a trail of cum and saliva hung from his mouth and I licked it up before it fell on the pillow as I closed the curtains with a magical swipe of my claw, I pulled my friends closer to me and fell asleep, dreaming about the rugged tongue of my pet and the big cock of my lover in my tailhole.

The next day I woke up, again feeling horny, I looked over to darkfur, he was still sleeping, or was he, I scoped out his thoughts "cum tastes great, my new masters are nice and let me drink it, I hope I get to taste Entharion's too and maybe my own one day, it tastes better than milk, mm..."

I was glad he liked it and actually I wanted him to suck me off, but he was too cute, I just couldn't make myself take my eyes off his lovely cute muzzle as I felt myself getting exited, my skin tore open again and I played around with my cockhead as it came out of my sheathe, taking a bath of pre with it, I licked the pre off my claw as I noticed darkfur waking up and looking at my cock, he licked his lips and went down to lick it.

"It's so big and ridged" I heard him think as he scraped his tongue across my cockhead and I felt a surge of pure pleasure trough my body and rewarded him with a little moan of pleasure, and I looked at him, he looked at me and smiled blushing a little.

"I'm hungry, I wanted a snack of your whiteness"

"Go ahead but mine is blue"

"Sounds great" and he continued to lick, taking my cockhead in and repeatedly dragged his incredibly rugged tongue across my cockslit, made so much friction It wouldn't take long before I came, I kept thinking back at the other panther in the temple, how similar it felt, I continued to think about it until I felt my climax nearing, I tensed as I started pumping my seed into his muzzle, I bucked my hips wildly as he kept licking and continued to suck and lick all of it out of me and swallowed every drop, I came 3 more times before he finally stopped licking, my cum was still pumping with small jets of cum into his mouth as he let go of it and caught the last squirt of my blue cum with his paw, he carefully looked at it and then slurped it up and licked his paws off thoroughly and lied down next to me again, I looked into his eyes and put my claw onto his soft head, he purred softly and pressed his eyes shut while I gently rubbed his ears.

"This is one of the reasons I picked you, I just love that tongue of yours"

"All cats have a tongue like mine"

"I just fell in love with you, the minute I saw you"

I moved my other hand down to his soft testicles, I rubbed his length and massaged it softly, making him purr softly, I licked him across his muzzle and neck, he looked in ecstasy when I massaged his cockhead with my scaled, leathery claw, somehow my skin seemed to feel great to him and I even made him drool when I used my other hand to rub his balls softly, rolling them in between my fingers, he seemed to enjoy these tender touches greatly and I kissed him deeply while I continued to rub his cockhead, he slowly bucked his hips into my hand and I could feel he was about to cum, I felt him tighten and thrive his dick into my hand as he seemed to love it, he didn't leak cum and I found it quite useful, not having to clean up his mess, but I wanted to taste his male juices, and I went down to suck him off, tracing my long tongue across the long cock, the musky scent coming from his sweaty balls only encouraged me to go on, I wanted him to enjoy me, and ensure him he was going to be happy here, I made him cum 2 more times, but I got frustrated because nothing came out, I stood up and decided to take a walk, I took darkfur with me, without leash and let him walk next to me.

"You're more of a lover than a pet" I stated.

"Is that a good thing?" he asked curiously.

"Well sometimes yes, sometimes no... lovers have control over you, but give more pleasure than a pet"

"What would you want me to be?"

"Actually a pet, but I can't just ignore your feelings"

"Many people have done that, I've become used to it" he looked down, obviously remembering his horrible treatments.

"That doesn't mean I should, hmm maybe I should take you to bluefang, he says he knows you"

"Bluefang? He's the only one that cared for me at the slave market, he's almost like a father to me"

"Then we should definitely go see him" we turned around and walked to dracko's house and we saw the wolf lying on the couch, drooling in his sleep as darkfur kneeled down next to him.

"Blues! Blues it's me" the wolf slowly opened his eyes and looked into the face of the black panther.

"Blacks my boy how are you?" he said as hugged the panther firmly.

"Blacks? I thought you had no name"

"It's just my color"

"Blacks how are you, have they treated you right?"

"Yes they have, they have given me everything I could only wish for as a slave, a place to sleep, food, relaxation, and they even made me feel good instead of just raping me"

"I'm glad you are happy, so am I actually, your friends are really nice Entharion"

"Yes I know, but I have come to ask you something actually, he doesn't spooge when he's Cumming, what did they do to him?"

"Ah it's common that drugged slaves don't spray when they cum, the potion makes them sterile for a while, if you make him cum a few more times I'm sure he will be able to paint your walls white" I chuckled at the idea of seeing the black panther using his cock to spray a thick layer of cum on my wall, it made me incredibly horny, I picked up my kitten and hugged him tightly, he was now a bit smaller compared to me, I had grown to my normal dragon size, I was about 23 foot tall now and darkfur was only 18 feet tall and hugged me back purring.

"You are just made for eachother, that's for sure" dracko and aihial came into the room and looked at us.

"Ohh he's so cute" I heard aihial say, as I looked over to her, she had grew to her full size too, she was a deep, ruby red color and was about 21 feet tall, she looked beautiful, she looked at darkfur in my arms and wanted to hold him, I let him go and aihial looked into his hazel brown eyes while he looked back at her yellow eyes (quite funny, usually this is turned around).

"Oh he is just perfect, she looked down at his dick and smiled, she gave him a lick across his muzzle and gave him back.

"I thought he was just young you said, he looks adult"

"He is only 3 years old now" she looked amazed at the size of his dick, which was hard and throbbing, his testicles bouncing happily underneath.

"No way" she said, while looking at his cock, as if it was the most ordinary thing to do.

"Yes way, he was given a potion to grow faster but it has made him sterile for a while, I'm going to fix that tonight" I said, thinking about the fun we would have, while my cock was as erect as darkfur's.

"He is so cute though, maybe we could get a kitty too, oh please dracko, could we?" she said rubbing up against him.

"I don't know if that's in out budget, but maybe we could take an extra friend for our pet to play with when we are away"

"I want a kitty like Entharion's, he's so cute" she rubbed up against dracko some more, and gave him a begging look, Dracko finally gave in and sighed.

"Okok we will go to pladita this afternoon and buy you a kitty"

"Those two are totally in love ever since I know them" bluefang said smiling at them, it reminded me about our own close bonds next door.

"I love darkfur as much as someone could love a pet, and a child for that matter, and Jerhatan has been a good lover to me and I love him though he is a little rough" I chuckled as I thought of last night, I looked down at darkfur, who had closed his eyes again and purred softly, my arms were getting tired of holding him and I decided to go back home, Jerhatan was probably worried sick about us, I said goodbye and went back home, as I walked in I saw Jerhatan had prepared breakfast for us, I sat down darkfur and myself as he was looking at me, waiting for me to say something.

"Good morning sunshine, I've been walking with blacks here" I said as I looked down at darkfur, which had already started eating his meat.

"I missed you, where have you been?"

"I was next door, I found out how to make darkfur spooge, a few more times of fruitless effort and we will be bathed in his cum" darkfur blushed under his fur coat, already getting a hard on as he thought of the joy he would be having soon.

"I would like to taste it, your cum is delicious Entharion" I blushed a little.

"Thanks darkfur, I think so myself" Jerhatan looked at darkfur with a disappointed look on his face.

"Don't you like mine?"

"Of course I do, but I think his is better, it is sweeter... but not by much"

Jerhatan's pride was partially restored and he turned his attention back to his food while I had finished, I put my hands on their knees and they looked up to me, they both knew my intentions as they finished their meal, they escorted me to the bedroom where I lied down on my back and they joined me, Jerhatan on my left and darkfur on my right, I began stroking both their chests down to the erected shafts as they both purred softly and began to lick me across my neck and muzzle as I continued to rub their hard cocks, I began rubbing faster and faster, making them drool on my shoulders as they tensed and came, only my left leg got covered in cum, but I was determined to milk him today, I turned around and bent over to darkfur's cock, taking it into my mouth and inviting Jerhatan to mount me and I felt him getting up and standing behind me, I felt his hard tip pushing into my hole and I bit down softly on darkfur's cock as I saw him in pain, I released it, It didn't take damage and he put it back in, wanting me to go on, I chewed a little on his cock, and then started to lick across the length, while Jerhatan had already been moving in and out of me, he bent over and grabbed my cock, he started licking my back and rubbing my cock as he pumped his big dick into my inviting ass, I was sucking harder on the tip of his cock, wanting to taste his cum and I went on faster, being taken from two sides by feline dicks as I could only enjoy Jerhatan pawing me off and fucking me in the ass and I was encouraged to suck even harder, I felt darkfur cum and releasing some juice, I kept sucking as Jerhatan came too, taking me with him, but even as I had emptied myself on the sheaths I continued to suck on his cockhead, his cum tasted great, even better than my own, and I was proud of my own taste, though dragons generally had a nice taste I wanted more of his sticky whiteness, I kept sucking until I had my fill as he came a second time, and a third, and a fourth, I couldn't get enough of its flavor and I kept swallowing large portions of his delicious seed at a time, after a while I felt full and he was done, I slowly let go of him and rolled over, heavily breathing and Jerhatan lied down on top of me, he wanted to taste too and pushed his tongue into my mouth, my mouth was still filled with cum and when he pushed in I felt some running down my chin, I started to suck on his tongue a little as darkfur started to lick my cock, It felt great to have him using his rugged tongue to please me, I would wanted it to go on forever, but after a while I had to cum, I pumped my load in his face as I was still sucking on Jerhatan's tongue, the taste of darkfur's cum was great and he licked it all out of my mouth as I licked the spills up, it was still a lot, I really think we could paint the walls with the large amount of cum, it was thick and white, not really sticky but so delicious.

"Hmm his cum is so good, better than yours Entharion" Jerhatan teased, a revenge for my statement before.

"I know" I said blissfully, when darkfur was done with me, he got curious and pushed his tongue into Jerhatan's mouth, tasting the cum that reached its third mouth, he licked some out of Jerhatan's filled mouth and swallowed it with a loud gulp, I chuckled hearing this.

"Hmm the taste of your saliva and my cum Is a delicious mix" we all lied there sharing eachother's cum for a few more minutes and then fell asleep.

The end.