the incredible change part 4

Story by Purpledragonbreath on SoFurry

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#4 of The incredible change

(Author note: this is a story in which I would like to explain how I wanted my life to be so I wish to see your reactions)

I wanted to express my feelings, so I did, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it,

Entharion is my character and will always be so don't steal him.

If you have any suggestions or questions e-mail me at [email protected]

This series is the product of no internet, too much free time and imagination :P


The incredible change part four

The next morning I felt horny and I silently pawed myself off a couple of times and then got up, I felt like fighting in the arena, I needed some training, though I was in pretty good shape my magic needed some polishing.

I needed my books from home, but the police was probably still looking for me, I needed a disguise, I went to dracko's house but no one was there, I went to the bedroom but there was no one either, then I remembered they would go look for a new pet, I decided to leave a note at home and then took off again, but before I could walk out, I was grabbed around my shoulders, it was Jerhatan.

"You're not leaving me are you?" I gave him a lick across his beak

"Of course not, I'm going to earth to pick something up"

"Ah your home world, can I come?"

"Can you turn into a human?"

"Ehh I don't know, never tried, they look like aihial did right?"

"I'll show you" I turned into a human and I saw him staring down at me, I was totally naked and a little embarrassed but he seemed to be intrigued by how I looked as a human, I looked at the difference in height and he looked like a mountain to me, he was 3 times bigger than me now I was only 6 foot tall as he towered above me with 21 feet "so... can you do this?"

"Hmm it looks hard, but I'll try, besides you can help me, can't you?"

"Ehh it think so" he tried it and was shrinking to my size and waited for a response

"You need to look like me too"

"Ok" and he turned into an exact replica of me

"Not exactly like me, but just a little different"

"He turned his hair red and grew a few inches, his jaw changed shape and I didn't see any resemblance anymore, besides he was now human too

"Great, now we need some clothes"

"Clothes?" "I've never worn clothes before"

"You'll have to wear them, it's illegal to walk around naked on earth"

"So what, who's going to stop us?" I smiled, he was right, who would dare to stop us, I turned back into a dragon halfway, my dick was hidden now and I was slightly bigger than before, I looked at Jerhatan with my black, purple glowing eyes "you're not going to earth looking like that are you?"

"Nah, I'm just trying something" I said as I looked at my claws

"Were going to have fun" I grinned, showing my sharp teeth, Jerhatan turned too, he looked a little like me, but not too much, I saw his cock was outside him

"That's not safe" I held my hand on his cock and hid it inside him

"Hmm you're right, it feels safer this way" I was about to chant the spell as darkfur came out, he smelled it was us and didn't understand what we were going to do

"Where are you going, looking like that?"

"Were going to pick up my book on earth"

"Can I come?" I figured it wouldn't be a problem, I turned him into a small cat and took him into my arms as I spoke the words.

"Returnic velocious aero" and we were in the streets, it looked deserted, only some cars were on the road, it was night after all, I went to the sidewalk and dragged Jerhatan with me so he wouldn't be hit by a passing car, he wanted to run after it but I stopped him.

"Don't be a fool, it could end very painful if you act like that"

"Maybe we should look more like humans, but we need clothes then" I recognized this street, it wasn't far from my house, we jumped on the roofs of the houses and made or way to my former home, I hung from the drainpipe and used a silence spell on my window and broke it, I opened the other window and went inside, stepping in the glass with my bare feet, I had to force myself not to scream, I carefully sat down on my bed and pulled the pieces of glass from my foot "don't come in yet, there is glass on the floor" I wiped it away with magic and healed my foot, I felt some pieces of glass pop out of the wounds and catched them and tossed them in my trashcan, my room was cleaned up and I walked up to my closet, I picked out some clothes and fully changed into my human form, I put on my clothes and waited.

"You can come in now" and with a swipe Jerhatan was in my room, holding darkfur, darkfur jumped on my bed and lied down on my pillow as he watched us get dressed, I saw he liked our human forms and lick his lips, I also noticed Jerhatan was wearing his pants on backwards, I laughed because he didn't know what he was doing wrong.

"Haha your pants are on backwards"

"Huh? Oh yea now I see, he pulled his pants down and turned them around, maybe I was a little noisy, because my mother rushed trough the door holding a baseball bat, she stopped and looked at me, she recognized my human form and dropped the bat, I looked at her, I forgot I was away for a week already and I said.

"Mom, ehh this is ......"she was crying and mad at the same time, she looked at me.

"How dare you stay away for so long, the police has been here claiming you had killed someone and now you return in the middle of the night without even calling me, I was worried sick, what if you really killed those kids?"

"What if I told you dad was a dragon"

"... What?"

"Didn't you know? I'm half-dragon" she looked confused and leaned back into the wall

"What are you trying to do?... Get me in a nuthouse?"

"Mom, let me explain"

"And who is this? Another dragon?" she laughed confused, I slowly turned into my dragon form and saw her fainting


"Well, show's over" darkfur chuckled

"Come on, this is my mom"

"She's just a human" Jerhatan claimed, I looked at him angrily and pointed a finger at his face.

"This is my mother, a little respect please" he took a step back and I picked her up and put her on my bed, darkfur jumped off the pillow, and I covered her with the blankets and moved my hand trough her hair.

"I'm sorry guys, she is still my mother"

"Sorry about that, I should have been nicer to her"

"It's ok Jerhatan, I understand, you don't know her, to you she's just some human, to me she is the only one that really cared for me in 17 years"

"When will she come back to consciousness?"

"That's a matter of minutes, you wait here, I go get my book" I took the huge book from behind my closet and opened it on my desk.

"Revealis texum iris mortallis", the letters appeared and I looked for some spells.

"When did it happen?, when did you turn into a monster?"

"I'm not a monster, I'm a dragon"

"Your father always looked so normal"

"That's because he loved you"

"And what about him" she pointed at Jerhatan.

"Who is that?"

"He is my... friend, Jerhatan"

"Is he a dragon too?" I smiled at her.

"No he is a gryphon" and he turned back into his gryphon form, only smaller of course.

"And the cat?"

"He's just my kitty"

"At least something's normal"

"Not quite" darkfur said while he jumped on the bed

"He can talk?!"

"And much more, believe me" I laughed and began practicing some spells

"Did you kill those kids?"

"They were in my way"

"They said the teacher was traumatized, what did you do to him?"

"Just scared him, I didn't hurt him"

"You have to turn yourself in" I stopped reading and looked at her angrily.

"So I can go to jail?, no thanks"

"Where will you go?, who will look after you?" I walked over to Jerhatan and gave him a lick across his beak and hugged him while I looked at my mother, she looked disappointed.

"Sigh... I wanted grandchildren, the idea of having a dragon as a grandchild was fun, but you are together and so I have nothing" she started crying and I sat down next to her and wrapped my tail around her, I wiped her tears away and smiled,

"I'm going to miss you mom"

"I'll miss you too, but I am glad you are ok and happy with your friends" I hugged her for a few minutes, when I looked back at Jerhatan I saw him crying too, I signaled him to join us and he also joined the hug, and even darkfur cuddled up to our little group and we sat there, comforting eachother as my mother looked up to me.

"It's not as bad as I thought, you have a good heart, I guess it is just your nature to be a little violent" I looked at her and said.

"I would love you to come over sometimes, I have to warn you, we are very free about sex, so, please don't just rush in please"

"Honey I don't even know where you live, and I respect your privacy" I smiled down at her and gave her the note dracko had once given me.

"Say these words when you want to visit our world and back, but first I am going to take you with me, it was convenient to be hugging at that time, I picked up the book and chanted.

"Returnic velocious aero" and we were at the arena again, this time in the hall across the pit.

"Where are we?" "in the arena, close to our town"

"Have you ever fought here?"

"Otherwise I wouldn't have met Jerhatan"

"And how exactly, did you meet?"

"We had to fight to the death, it was a bloody fight, we were the last survivors, but we got too tired to go on" I explained while we went outside, I stopped, pulled my clothes off and turned into my full size again, and so did Jerhatan, my mom was holding darkfur as we walked down the path towards town, as we walked by dracko's house and bluefang greeted us while he was sweeping the floor with his tail.

"Hello there neighbor, how are you?"

"He looks nice" my mom said

"Yes he is, I bought him for dracko, you'll like him"

"Is that your house?, it looks expensive"

"1800 gold coins, we both paid 900 and we live together ever since, come I introduce you to my friend dracko and his girl aihial" we went inside where bluefang was still sweeping the floor.

"They are 'ahum' busy in the bedroom" bluefang explained.

"Are they trying to get a baby?"

"Yes, we couldn't find a decent friend for me and they decided to get a baby instead, it keeps them busy" I laughed and heard some moans coming from the back.

"Sounds like they are enjoying themselves, I looked at Jerhatan and I saw he was getting horny too, I walked up to him and gave him a kiss.

"Tonight we are going to enjoy ourselves too, aren't we?" I said as I gazed into his eyes, I saw he was agreeing with me and eagerly kissed back, pushing me off him, I hadn't noticed my mom was staring at me, not believing I said something like that in public.

"You weren't kidding when you said you were very free about sex" she said as I rubbed Jerhatan's wings across their whole length with one hand as I felt his strong chest with the other.

"I hope they are finished soon, I'd like you to meet them"

"Yes they euhm... sound nice" as we heard them Cumming, I smiled, remembering the loud moans when we had walked into their room when they were at it, the thought had made my cock hard and I tried to hide it from my mom, but she had seen it already.

"Wow you're bigger than I would have thought... well 3 feet or so?" I blushed under my blue scales and I felt a little embarrassed to hear my mother talking about my cock like that, I saw her staring at Jerhatan's cock now and she laughed.

"You look about the same size to me" we looked at eachother and smiled.

"Our kitty has some meat too" I picked him up from her arms and turned him back to his original size and shape, he had a hard on too, and hugged me around my waist and licked my thigh, softly purring, wanting me to please him, he rubbed his cock against my leg and I was starting to get annoyed, my mom could only laugh.

"I see you have a close bond with your pet" and the second she said that, dracko walked into the room and looked surprised at darkfur, who gave no attention to his reaction and kept rubbing his dick against my leg as he continued to lick towards my cock.

"Ehh he is a little horny" dracko laughed when I stated the obvious.

"I can see that"

"Your cat doesn't seem to be trained as well as your wolf" I had to force myself not to moan as the rugged panther tongue licked my ridged shaft.

"He's only young, were training him ourselves" Jerhatan defended

"It seems like he just wants to be submitted to you" I just moaned

"He loves licking me" as I felt myself almost Cumming from the rugged tongue as I leaned back onto the couch as I came, feeding my kitty with my rich bluish sperm, he kept licking and I stopped Cumming, I wanted him to stop, but I couldn't move as another orgasm hit me and I pushed him off my cock with all my strength, the friction made me cum, hard, my sperm squirted all over my mom before he had put it back into his mouth, sucking the rest out of me, I felt horrible, I was getting sucked off by my pet while my friends are watching and I had painted my mom blue, how could it get more embarrassing?

"Tastes good" I heard her say as she licked some off her lips (yeah I couldn't believe it either)

"What's going on here, who is that?" dracko said confused.

My cumming stopped and Darkfur stopped licking.

"This is my mom" I said, heavily breathing as my orgasm was fading away.

"Euhm your mom?"

"Yes, ehh mom sorry but he got a little excited and..."

"Never mind, where can I clean myself off?" I picked her up and walked to the door and flew to the waterfall, not far from there and put her down in the water.

"Your friends are 'nice' but a little strange and your pet is certainly... loving" she said as she washed the thick layer of cum off her body.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hold it anymore and..."

"I said it's ok, besides, I was curious, how it tasted, how it felt, and looked, I had never seen dragon cum before, I am confident your friends just love it"

"Ok if you really don't mind, I like the taste too" she smiled.

"You remind me of your father, he was always bragging about his cum, now I know why"

"Mom, you're only 38, why don't you find another husband?"

"I wanted to raise you first, now I know I can let you go, you have a house, a lover and a pet, you don't need me anymore" I started crying as I realized she was letting me go, I held my drenched mom tightly.

"I love you son"

"And I love you too mother".

A few moments later I had dried her off with a fireball and carried her back to dracko's house, I put her down and we walked back in, everyone was sitting on the couch, and they all knew the story about our reuniting and had put some food down, they had waited on us, except darkfur, who was hungry, I didn't mind, he was only a child but I wanted to punish him for embarrassing me like just now, but I knew he meant well, so I just tapped him on the head, he seemed to understand now, he was just so excited that he lost control over himself, I picked him up and put him on my lap as I sat down, just like he was a normal cat, he licked my claw a few times and I petted him on the back, to comfort him, he was still a baby after all, he needed a lot of care and so he needed to learn how to control himself when he was horny, I could feel his dick was pushing against my leg and I knew he was horny right now but he controlled himself this time as he looked up to my face, I read his thoughts.

"oh please can we go home? I want you to make me feel good, please, I know you can hear me, so please let's go" I looked in his fuzzy little face and saw his desire, I felt sorry for him, it had to wait a few more hours.

"What are you thinking?" my mom said as I was being so quiet.

"My kitty wants to go home"

"I'll take care of him" bluefang said "I can't do anything useful here and I am going to get some sleep, so Want to join me blacks?" darkfur looked up at me again and I saw him ask for approval.

"Of course, you must be tired" I patted his head and let him off me again, he walked to the bedroom with bluefang and I relaxed.

"So, wouldn't you like a small pet for yourself mom?"

"They are great help around the house, and keep you company when you feel alone" aihial said as we started to eat from the big pile of various meats and fishes, there were some vegetables for my mom, but she wasn't hungry.

"I don't think a slave would be convenient as it is bigger than me and could go on a rampage if I don't know how to control it"

"Then I will teach you to make a magic leash, and will find you a calm, small pet, but first, I have to prepare to fight in the arena"

"You're going to fight again? I thought that was only for once, I told you it was dangerous!" dracko yelled angrily.

"Fighting is in my blood, and how else am I going to get money?"

"There are many opportunities in this town, I just don't think it would be good if you went fighting again"

"Come on, I'm lots stronger than last time and I didn't get hurt that bad either and I don't feel like working all day for 300 gold a month while I could get 500 gold per kill"

"We are not done talking about this, but now let's just eat" the night passed without much being said, my mother went back home and I picked up darkfur and went home myself, I was tired too and it wouldn't take me long to fall asleep with my friends at my side.

The next morning I woke up first and felt horny, I felt darkfur's cock was hard as he woke up too, with his dick against my leg, my leg was already covered in pre, he was incredibly horny, he didn't get to cum yesterday and I thought he had done it with bluefang, but he was only interested in me, I grabbed his pulsing wet dick with both hands and started to rub its length a bit, he instantly began drooling and I wanted to mount him since the day I met him, I got up and pulled him in front of me, he didn't understand, was he going to be treated bad again?

"Don't worry, you'll love it" I used one of my claws to grab his dick, and rubbed my fingers around it a little so they would be covered in pre, he purred and I slid down trough his legs and used one hand to rub his balls and the other to tease his hole, he loved the sensation in his ass and bit down on the pre covered sheaths, and purring softly, I slowly pushed one of my fingers in him, he moaned loudly as he felt the finger moving inside his tight hole, he was drooling all over the sheaths and I pushed in another finger, he moaned even louder, only making me hornier and I had to control myself not to just ram my cock in him, he felt so tight and hot, he made me drool, just by feeling in him with my fingers, I pulled out my fingers and rubbed his ass some as I pointed my big cock at him, I wanted to ram it in, but something in me told me not to, instead I slowly pushed my cockhead in first, he came already, he pumped his seed all over the bed as he moaned loudly, waking Jerhatan up, he wanted in on the action too and crawled under darkfur, so he could suck his cock, and he could suck his , I pushed a little further and the first ridge popped in, I began pushing faster as the next, thicker ridge disappeared in him, he seemed only to enjoy it the more, after a while he had cum again and I was fully inside him now, just feeling the tightness of his abused hole.

I slowly began pulling back and pushing back in, increasing my speed with every thrust, it took only 6 times for me to cum, making me scream loudly in pleasure, but I kept going, he came too and he bit down softly on Jerhatan's cock, making him moan and cum too, but I kept going, making him and myself cum over and over, I wanted to enjoy this as long as I could, I had never felt such tightness, I pulled out of him and licked the long stream of cum, which was gushing from his tailhole as I grabbed his thighs and pushed my long tongue into his stretched hole and drank all of my own cum, I was saving some for my friends as they did too, we all mixed cum in our mouths as we kissed, we didn't care what happened, but we wanted this every day.

"I love you guys"

"We love you too" they both said, and we happily fell asleep again.

The end