Of Stars and Flame ~ Chapter 2

Story by Siek on SoFurry

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#3 of Of Stars and Flame ~

Well Uploading this one much earlier than I was planning to originally....but again, I hate waiting if I don't have to, I guess.

Things get a little more interesting in this one! Least I hope people find it interesting, hahah.. As always, please feel free to comment/critique, can't get better if I don't know what to fix!

Chapter 2

~Promises kept & promises made~

Shawn woke with a drawn out yawn, stretching tiredly onto his back; his eyes only blinking open long enough to notice Kaine still beside him. He squirmed slightly and rolled back onto his side facing the husky, snuggling in against his warm body contentedly and loosely draping his arm over the husky's side. Kaine breathed a quieter yawn himself and slid both his arms warmly around the fox now snuggled in against him, squeezing Shawn in a hug while burying his muzzle between those soft vulpine ears.

"Mmmnh... Good morning my sweet fox. Did you sleep well?" the husky asked quietly, figuring the fox would be able to hear him perfectly no matter his pitch with his muzzle resting comfortably between his ears as it was.

Shawn gave a faint nod and yawned again, pressing tighter into Kaine's form while nuzzling and giving tender licks to his neck-fur. "I slept... great, honestly." he mumbled in reply, then - feeling the fur along his tail as he wagged - added "I may need to er... borrow your shower, though... heheh." he giggled quietly and gave the husky a playful nip.

Kaine perked his ears and sniffed at the fox's own, letting out a quiet huff after. "Mrf? If you wanna... Can I watch?" the husky snickered softly as he looked down at the fox, holding a mock-serious expression as best he could all the way up until Shawn actually looked up at him; giving in to his need to chuckle soon after though and smiling big as the fox kissed him before replying.

"Actually I was hoping you would maybe... join me?" His reply, however, made the husky grin. Shawn blushed and wagged his tail again, ignoring the still slightly wet-stiff sections of fur all along its base. "Is that a yes, then?"

"Hahah, oh definitely." Kaine replied immediately, teasingly scooping the fox up into a hug and pulling him on top of him as he rolled onto his back, his curly tail wagging steadily between his legs. Shawn yipped as he was pulled, giggling and settling in on top of the husky, straddled over his legs while laying on him with their muzzles mere inches apart. Kaine licked the fox's maw affectionately and smiled. "So... you wanna get to that shower?"

Shawn nodded eagerly, though instead of getting up, he canted his head and pressed into a gentle kiss with the husky, moaning softly the moment Kaine met his kiss with tender licks into his partly open maw. "M-mmrawrf... we sh-should get to that shower of yours..." Shawn panted softly as he regretfully broke away from the kiss, pushing himself up to sit more fully over Kaine's thighs, his paws trailing down the fluffy white fur of his chest to his belly as his eyes roamed; taking in everything about the husky he could see from the symmetrical fur pattern on his head and neck all the way down to his... "H-heheh, well someone's certainly awake."

Kaine huffed and blushed faintly, though slid his paws up over Shawn's thighs and squeezed gently, the tips of his claws pushing under the legs of his boxers with a nod of his head. "He's not the only one..." he chuckled and wagged again as Shawn blushed much more noticeably than he had. "Alright alright, lets get in there before I... break my promise..."

Shawn giggled and smiled, crawling off the side of the bed with a playful flick of his tail at Kaine. "I'll follow your lead..."

Kaine groaned and stuck his tongue out at the fox. "Don't tell me you're one of those punny foxes, huh?" the husky batted a paw at Shawn's tail as he got up, slipping an arm around his shoulder to pull him along into the master-bath that was only accessible through his bedroom.

Shawn laughed a bit and followed along. "Oh hey I didn't even think about that... hahah, follow your lead... I get it. No, not normally. I can make an exception though if you like." he teased, though his attention was quickly diverted to the room he had been led into.

Kaine stopped and chuckled as he noticed Shawn's muzzle slightly agape, taking the opportunity to steal a playful kiss "What, never seen a bathroom before?"

"N-no... I-I mean, obviously, but... Never one this nice!" the fox stumbled over his words a bit as he padded further into the rather plush bathroom, immediately taking notice of the fairly sizable glass-and-tile-sided double shower stall with what looked like a stone floor. It was practically a room in-and-of itself!

"Well looks like you know where we're headed at least, hahah!" the husky smiled and padded up behind the fox, pulling him into a warm hug while running his paws slowly, delicately down his torso. "Are you... ready to get in?"

Shawn shivered and leaned back against the husky, his tail wagging back between Kaine's legs making him squirm, which made the fox giggle in quiet delight as he hugged him tighter. "Yeah, just gotta get out of these..." Shawn bit his lip gently as he tugged at the waistband of his boxers, gasping softly when the husky took the opportunity to slip both paws inside. He squirmed and blushed as Kaine hooked his thumbs in them and slowly slid them down off his hips, feeling his heart beat faster knowing that he'd be standing completely and openly exposed soon. Shawn yipped softly when he felt Kaine nuzzle his hip, then nudge him forward to step out of his discarded boxers. The fox turned and swished his tail as he leaned back against the glass wall of the shower, his tail curling up into his paws to be held over his exposed sheath and sac shyly, though did nothing to hide his blatant staring while he watched Kaine slide out of his own boxers and kick both pairs off to the side. Shawn's breath caught in his chest once his eyes locked over Kaine's thick sheath, watching as it moved closer until the husky pulled his muzzle up and distracted him with a sweet kiss.

"Shower." Kaine stated simply, pulling the door - which the fox stood beside - open and guiding him inside; stepping in behind him and pulling the door closed again. He chuckled as Shawn looked around the stall in wonderment - large enough to fit maybe 5 furs at once if needed, or wanted - and slipped past him to turn on the water. Several shower-heads sputtered to life with a steady flow of water, quickly making the glass fog up and filling the stall with hot steam.

"This thing is huge..." Shawn mumbled as he padded over to Kaine, gasping as he was spun carefully around and under the flow of water to the amusement of the husky holding him.

"I know I'm bigger than you, but I wouldn't say I'm 'huge'." Kaine snickered and stuck his tongue out at the fox, who huffed and licked his exposed tongue.

"I didn't mean 'that'! Although... now that you mention it..." Shawn's voice trailed off as his paws slid down Kaine's semi-wet body and brushed slowly along his still firm sheath, a faint whine escaping both of them when the husky rocked forward. Shawn looked up from it and into Kaine's emerald eyes, starting to pant softly from the mix of arousal and the heat building up quickly around them - not to mention the heat quickly soaking every inch of his body from the jets of water pouring over him. "I... We aren't in bed anymore..." the fox panted out, loosely wrapping one paw around Kaine's package while leaning in, gasping softly when the husky ground into his paw with a shake of his head.

"N-no... we aren't... I wont complain if you..." Kaine started to say - he wasn't sure if he was going to say he didn't have to or that he really wanted him to - but he was cut off by a deep kiss and more intent groping from both the fox's paws. Kaine moaned into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Shawn's soaked body, pulling him in tight and grinding with want into those velvety pads much as he had the night before, though having no reason to stop this time.

They stood in place for only a few moments before Shawn found himself being pinned back against the wall beneath one of the shower-heads, still being kissed passionately while Kaine's paws roamed and raked through his fur, both canids panting deeply into the other's maw as their arousal began to peak - Kaine's much faster than Shawn's at the insistence of those eager vulpine paws groping, tugging, and stroking every inch they came into contact with. Kaine gave a frustrated growl and suddenly grabbed the fox's paws, grinning at the surprised gasp and yip he got as he pinned his arms above his head with one paw while his other slid down to return the favor; groping and sensually stroking Shawn's growing erection while giving loving licks and kisses along his muzzle.

"Oh-hhhh....K-...Kaine...!" Shawn panted and moaned as he squirmed against the wall beneath the husky's ministrations, unable to - and more importantly not wanting to - get away as he was teased and drawn out of his fuzzy sheath. He let out a deep, quivering huff when Kaine suddenly pressed their bodies tight against one another; grinding his fully erect and throbbing shaft firmly into the fox's belly along his own somewhat smaller - though just as erect length. His grinding intensified as he locked muzzles with the fox again, growling deeply in pleasure and desire; the electric sensations coursing into him from so intimate an act was making it difficult to hold back. Copious amounts of pre soaked into their fur from both canids cocks and their knots were already swelling steadily. Kaine groaned loudly and wrapped his free paw around both members, grinding both extremely slick lengths together as tightly as he could stand for as long as he could until he felt Shawn's heart skip and his breath caught sharply. Kaine grinned deliriously as he felt those hot, thick spurts coat his paw and both their cocks, making quite a mess between their bodies.

"Ohhhhh foxy... hahhh... Good boy, v-very good boy..." Kaine panted and lapped all over inside Shawn's gasping muzzle, unable to speak as the husky kept stroking and humping against his overly sensitive shaft, bringing sharp whines and deep, loud moans all the same from the smaller male.

Kaine growled deeply over several jagged thrusts and bared his fangs to bite back a howl, pleasure tearing a lustful moan from him instead as his own climax hit him hard, the first few gushes splashing under Shawn's open muzzle causing him to jump slightly - moaning deeply when he realized some had splattered and drooled into his maw even; the rest messily soaking into his chest and belly and coating both their groins in the husky's hot, slick cum along with the fox's own. It took them both several breathless minutes to come down from their respective highs, Kaine slowly and lovingly cleaning his seed from Shawn's neck and muzzle before he realized he was still squeezing their still hard erections together. Carefully prying his paw away from the sticky mess between them, he brought it up to his muzzle; catching the fox's scent mixed with his own and taking a quick taste. He soon eagerly lapped thick globs up onto his tongue and firmly meshed his muzzle together with Shawn's, stuffing that cum-coated tongue deep into the fox's own maw. Both of them quivered and moaned loudly, the fox whimpering and closing his eyes tight as he pressed deeper into the kiss and suckled firmly over Kaine's tongue, pushing his hips out to grind into the husky's body; even with his paws still remaining pinned above his head.

Kaine slowly withdrew from their naughtier-than-usual kiss and panted hard, the fox licking at his muzzle now under his own panting huffs. Realizing that he was still pinning the fox's arms, Kaine withdrew that paw as well and chuckled softly as Shawn slumped back against the wall, his gaze immediately dropping to Kaine's messy arousal and the sticky mess covering his own.

"H-heh... wow..." was all the fox could manage to say, bringing both his paws in to lift Kaine's bluish-black shaft and feel over every slick-coated inch his paws could reach - which was all of it, of course. A teasing squeeze and tug under his knot brought a breathy gasp and several thick drools of husky-cum from his tip, which Shawn swiped up with his other paw and eagerly suckled over. He blushed deeply when he saw Kaine watching him.

"I so needed that! Hahah, you have no idea after what you were doing last night. I nearly came just from you grinding back against me. I'm glad you wanted me to join you, dealing with this by myself wouldn't have been nearly as much fun." the husky grinned and licked Shawn's nose, rubbing his paws through the water-and-cum soaked fur along his chest, spreading his mess teasingly.

"Oh you might have actually... came I mean, last night. I'm not sure, but... you were 'very' uh... wet. And my back-side was even more-so this morning!" Shawn giggled and watched delightedly as Kaine blushed despite himself.

"No, I know I was wet but... what can I say, you excite the hell outa me foxy. Heh, if I 'did' cum last night, well..." He didn't bother finishing that statement, rather just glanced up and down Shawn's body indicating their mess. Shawn simply nodded and bit his lip, then licked his lips clean remembering the first few splashes that hit him so precisely.

"Nice aim, by the way..." Shawn snickered and blushed, giving the husky's cock another firm squeeze before pushing him back a few feet into the spray of water; enjoying the brief look of confusion before following and pressing their bodies tight together again, letting out a deep groan as the steaming water soaked through all over his body again. "I... think its time to uh, actually wash up, huh?"

"Heheh, yeah I think that'd be a good idea..." Kaine smiled and kissed Shawn intimately again while he reached over and grabbed a shampoo bottle, nearly dropping it though as a whine escaped him; Shawn having groped his once-more throbbing though still sensitive cock and started stroking in slow, rhythmic motions. "Ah-hhh.... L-like me that much huh...? Still a b-bit to-ohhh.h....f.fuck..." he panted and whined sharper at a squeeze to his knot. "P-please...gods I want to but I can't yet... t-too soon a-after..."

Shawn nodded slowly and drew his paw back, licking it clean and letting the over-worked husky relax. "S-sorry, heheh... Can't help myself, you're so fucking hot... I just wanna get as much of you as I can, while I'm here..."

"Oh I'm not planning on letting you stay away for too long, believe me... especially not after this." Kaine chuckled and kissed the fox softly this time. "Lets finish this up though so you can get home... sooner that happens the sooner I get you back!" he grinned as Shawn wagged in agreement.

The two of them - doing their best to ignore the obvious distractions presented to them - finished up their bathing much faster after that, spending a little longer in the drying stall than was necessary simply enjoying each others company and nudity with only minor teasing here and there.


As they exited the bathroom, Kaine picked up both their boxers and tossed them into his laundry-bin.

"Hey, I still need those!" Shawn giggled and watched the husky, who shrugged and grinned.

"Just means you'll have to borrow a pair of mine. And believe me, I'll be getting those back next time you come over!" Kaine teased and dragged the fox out into his room by his paw, bringing him around to his large oak dresser and pulling out a pair of what looked to the fox to be silk boxers.

"Oh so you want me to come back huh?" Shawn picked the boxers out of Kaine's paw and wagged his clean-and-fluffy-again tail happily.

"Nah I just love that pair, feels great to grind against someone in." the husky said in a completely serious tone, though couldn't stop from grinning as the fox punched his shoulder.

"Mean husky, such a tease!" Shawn giggled and carefully stepped into the pair of smooth, cool boxers, squirming and swaying in them slowly to get a feel for them. "Wow these are really comfy..." he mumbled after a moment, blushing at realizing Kaine was still watching him. He padded over and picked up his pants, putting them and his discarded shirt back on as well before turning back to Kaine; letting a disappointed whimper escape his maw when he noticed the husky was just as dressed as he was by that point.

"Wha? I can't make you breakfast naked, now can I? Bacon grease everywhere!" Kaine chuckled and smiled.

"Oh I dunno... I'd be more than happy to... help clean up, bacon tastes pretty good no matter what it's on, or so I've heard." Shawn grinned, his focus obviously on Kaine's crotch as he spoke.

"Hahah, I bet! But really, you hungry? I don't mind." Kaine wagged softly and took Shawn's paw when he gave a nod, bringing him back out into the living-room and through to the kitchen so he could prepare whatever the fox wanted.


Right around noon, Kaine reluctantly drove Shawn home - who was equally reluctant, though he also had things to do that he couldn't get done at the husky's home. As they pulled up to the curb in front of Shawn's apartment, the fox smiled and waved, moving to open the door. Kaine leaned over and squeezed Shawn's paw affectionately before he could get out of his car though, and drew him into one last sweet kiss before letting him go. "Until next time sexy, I'll be waiting!"

"Heheh, you better! I'll text you later alright? See ya!" Shawn called back, closing the door behind him and returning the wave the husky gave him until he drove off, disappearing around the corner. The fox sighed and smiled inwardly. 'I have a boyfriend!' he exclaimed in his mind, resisting the urge to skip up to the stairway before climbing the steps up to his apartment. His tail was wagging steadily all the way up to the peak of the staircase, though quickly fell still as he noticed his door had been pried open.

Scratches and rub-marks were prevalent on the wood-paneling, and the door still stood partially ajar. 'Ok this is highly abnormal... there haven't been any break-ins in this neighborhood in... Ever! What the hell? - Don't let your guard down, dammit. What if they're still in there? - would they really be that stupid? Its the middle of the day! - Still, be smart alright?' a faint growl escaped his throat as he steeled himself, slowly pushing the door open and peering inside before actually entering. He scented the air, but couldn't make out anything in particular; so he cautiously stepped inside. The darkness was eerie, almost thick like a dark mist had filled his apartment, though he could still easily make out that the main room was in shambles; items tossed off tables and shelves haphazardly strewn across the carpeted floor in utter disregard for their original placement. The cushions of his sofa were torn open, and the few books and cases of movies he owned were lying open or broken... 'What the hell were they after? It's almost like they were looking for something in particular, but what? It's not like I have anything of value here...'

Shawn froze in place as he saw a door open out of the corner of his eye somewhere down the hall, a shadowy figure emerging while looking through something - a book maybe? - that it was holding. The fox bit back a gasp and, before being noticed, he quickly ducked behind the torn up sofa and pulled out his phone. The only thing he could think to do was send a text to Kaine, so he opened his IM and started typing. He had only managed to get down 'Help' before he yelped and was dragged back, being shoved up against the wall harshly. With a shaky paw, he hit send right as the device was knocked out of his grasp, and was left only hoping that the message was sent as he heard the device crack against the wall on the far side of the room.

"Where is it?!" the stranger growled loudly, keeping Shawn pinned by his neck to the wall, staring up at him through a darkly hooded mask of cloth.

"Wh-what... Wh-where's wh.at...?" the figure only loosened its grip enough for Shawn to gasp out a response, the fox clawing at the paw and arm that pinned his throat when it tightened again. His claws drew blood, though the stranger didn't seem to react at all if he felt it.

"I don't have time for this dammit!" the intruder growled again, his claws digging into the flesh beneath the fur of Shawn's neck. He yowled loudly when the fox kicked him hard, squarely in the groin before lifting that same leg and shoving him back with a heavy kick to his sternum.

Shawn watched - panting and gasping for breath after falling to the floor - as the creature stumbled back and tumbled over the torn-up couch. As soon as he felt able, the fox made for the door to get outside; though was tripped up by a paw grabbing his ankle, and only barely managed to keep from falling over. "Ngh - Let me go!" he growled and kicked with the same paw, though was pulled down and pinned soon after instead of escaping.

"You'll give it to me or I'll take it from you! Either way I get it, Tegra'll!" the creature growled fiercely, placing one paw firmly against Shawn's chest with the other around his neck again as he struggled, choking the breath out of him.

"S-Saik- ... ng.ghahh... f-fuck you!" the fox huffed and wheezed, slamming both paws into the figure's chest - at least where he figured it was given the creatures cloaked visage - and when he didn't move, managed a harsh whisper of a breath as he muttered "S-sio kai Saikan-..."

The creature yowled again and jumped back several feet, clawing at its own chest frantically as an ember seared through its rapidly disintegrating appearance before he vanished completely in a wispy fog of shadow, drifting out through a window - one that Shawn only just realized was also pried open. Shawn lay there a few minutes, panting harshly as he attempted to regain his composure. He coughed hard and spat up blood when he rolled over onto all fours, slowly pushing himself up onto his knees while lifting one paw to feel over his throat - stinging from the claws of that creature and slightly damp with his own blood, though seemingly ok otherwise despite his esophagus nearly being crushed not long before. Shakily, the fox stood and stumbled forward, glancing to where his phone lay broken on the floor before simply walking out the door and pulling it closed behind him; leaving the wreck of his apartment behind him for now. All he wanted to do at this point was get back to Kaine - he could figure out what the hell all that was about later - and relax. Shawn leaned heavily against the rail as he took each step of the staircase, wobbling as he stumbled his way down the sidewalk at the bottom and made his way at a slow ambling pace up the street.

The previously sunny day steadily became dark as the clouds overhead grew heavy, a thunderous crack setting them loose upon the world below all around the fox. His body quickly became drenched in the sudden downpour, though he hardly cared as he kept walking, if anything being grateful for the distraction. It seemed typical, of course. A bright sunny day becoming dark and brooding with a heavy rain... 'Of course it's raining, the area needs to be cleansed... Whatever that thing was is sure to leave some residual energy. - Yes, but the Irony... - Hah, yeah...' The fox laughed quietly despite himself, then regretted it as it spurred a fit of coughs. He did his best to keep his amusement to an internalized level after that.

His misery returned after a short time however, as the frigged temperature of the rain started to make him shiver and cough more. He watched as the red trails of blood dripped out of his fur and onto the sidewalk along his path, only briefly remaining before being washed away... Lifting his maw to the sky, he breathed in deeply of the chill rain-scented air despite the pain it brought to his chest and throat, and decided to just stand there a while.


It wasn't long before Kaine's car came to a screeching halt at the curb beside Shawn and the husky jumped out, rushing up to the slightly battered - and very wet - fox. "Oh gods what happened? Are you alright?! Where are they! I swear I'll-" Kaine gasped out frantically, ready to do whatever he needed to avenge the fox, though was stopped as Shawn leaned heavily against and hugged around him with a whimpering huff.

"Th-they're gone... already... J-just, I don't wanna b-be alone right now... please...!" Shawn whined and clung to the husky, who held him close. The fox didn't feel up to explaining what happened just yet, and was grateful as the husky carefully led him up to his still-running car; helping him into the passenger seat - not caring if anything got wet given the circumstances.

"Alright, its ok. I'm here, I wont leave you. Lets get you back home-" Kaine started, though was cut off by a sharp "No!" from the fox, startling him.

"I-I'm sorry, I just... Not my place... please... L-lets just go back to yours, if th-that's ok?" Shawn whined and curled up in his seat, hugging around his knees.

Kaine bit back a whimper as he looked over the fox's battered form and gave a slight nod. "A-alright... Yeah, yeah that's fine. Just... what... What happened foxy?" the husky asked quietly in concern, though didn't press the question when he didn't get a response. He sighed and nodded again, one paw moving to grasp around Shawn's comfortingly before he started to drive; taking the fox back to the warmth of his home.


The rain was still pouring down hard as the car pulled into Kaine's garage, the muffled din still quite loud despite being cut off by the insulated door sliding shut behind them and encapsulating them within the dry-but-still-cold garage. Kaine got out and moved around to the passenger-side door, opening it and helping Shawn up. The fox wrapped an arm over Kaine's shoulder for support, and the husky helped him as they made their way inside, taking them directly into the bathroom through Kaine's room.

"We gotta get you warmed up... You're shivering!" Kaine insisted when the fox started to protest and pull toward the living-room instead. "Besides, you're already soaked to the bone Shawn, at the very least you need to dry off... A hot shower would do you good though I think.

Shawn vaguely chuckled at that, though coughed again after. "Like th-the one this-morning?" he teased at the idea, though knowing what the husky meant was only to heat up his core-temperature and not... other places.

"Ah, heheh... As much as you know I'd love to, I think actually cleaning you up is more important right now..." Kaine mumbled quietly and kissed one of Shawn's ears before leaning him up against the wall and stepping back, stripping out of his clothes.

Shawn watched him for a moment before slipping into the shower and letting out a huff, slowly peeling his own shirt up off his soaked body. He yipped quietly and smiled as a now naked husky stepped in behind him and braced him, waiting for the fox to turn around before he helped him out of his pants and the pair of boxers Kaine had let him borrow. Once they were both naked - Shawn shivering more noticeably despite being free of the drenched clothing - Kaine turned on the steaming flow of water and helped guide the fox under it, pulling him close into a gentle but supportive embrace; his paws rubbing slowly up and down his back helping the hot water soak in and sap the chill away. The two of them stood there for a while, slowly rocking back and forth in each others embrace as Shawn thawed out, the heat of the water and the warmth of Kaine's own body doing wonders for the fox's moral.

"How you feeling...?" Kaine asked in a whisper, only heard due to the proximity of his muzzle to the fox's ears.

Shawn sighed and nuzzled under the husky's maw slowly, his eyes closed. "I'm... shaken. But, thank you... I dunno where I'd be right now if not for you. My... My apartment is..." he let out a whine and hugged tighter around Kaine's body, almost as though he were trying to hide in his strength. "I don't know what happened..." the fox mumbled quietly after a moment.

Kaine held him close and nuzzled between his ears as he spoke, whispering "It's ok, it's ok... You're safe here, I'm with you."

"I-I don't even know how to explain it...dammit..." Shawn huffed and whimpered, resting his muzzle on the husky's shoulder. "I just... My apartment... someone had broken into it I guess... I-I dunno what they were after, but... It's gone... Everything is ruined in there, broken, torn, shredded, its all just... fuck... then he... this..." the fox bit his lip for a moment and winced at the pain. 'You can't tell him. - Why not? - Because, You have no idea what he might know about this stuff. It isn't exactly 'normal', the things we do. What we ARE... whatever that thing was after, It had something to do with 'us'... - ...Fuck...'

"Whatever it is, I promise, I'm here for you Shawn... All I want is for you to be safe and happy with me, and if anyone tries to hurt you I swear...." Kaine huffed and hugged the fox tight for a moment, though immediately loosened his embrace when he heard him whine. He was happy to note that Shawn didn't loosen his own grip around him though, clinging to him - whether he was afraid of what happened or just happy to be there with the husky, he didn't know; but he was more than happy to let the fox stay like that as long as he needed or wanted.

They stood there a while longer, Kaine slowly massaging up and down Shawn's body while the fox did the same, the hot steam easing the pain in his chest and neck as the heat itself soothed his aching muscles. Kaine smiled and kissed Shawn's forehead before stepping back.

"You ready to get out?" the husky asked while offering his paw, which Shawn accepted with a nod, and Kaine shut off the water before leading the fox out and into the drying stall opposite the shower. After they were both inside, he shut the door and turned on the full-body dryers - large, powerful fans which blew heated air designed specifically to expedite the drying process - and embraced the fox again while he leaned back against the sturdy wood-paneled wall. He nuzzled tenderly along his neck until he heard the fox gasp and felt him wince, immediately splaying his ears and stepping back slightly. "W-what is it, are you hurt there?" Kaine sniffed gently at Shawn's throat and whined quietly, worriedly searching through the fur with both paws, finding the numerous - though thankfully no longer bleeding - claw marks. "Shit foxy... A-are you sure you're alright? I mean, should I take you to the-"

"I'm fine! I-I'll be alright, I promise... I just... need to rest..." Shawn barked, though winced and quieted his voice after, leaning in to hug around Kaine's shoulders, an embrace which the husky returned without hesitation.

"Alright... I... I just want you to know you can trust me." Kaine gave a quiet whimper as he nuzzled - carefully - along the fox's neck away from the claw-marks.

"I do... I-... Can I stay with you for a while...?" Shawn returned Kaine's nuzzles and then slid down to sit on the aerated bench on the opposite wall, looking up into the husky's emerald eyes hopefully. "I'd really rather not go back there just yet... I... I feel safe with you."

"Oh Shawn..." Kaine crouched down and grasped one of the fox's paws, pulling it up to nuzzle affectionately. "Of course you can stay a while. You can stay as long as you like, I promised to be here for you remember?"

Shawn blushed slightly as he watched the husky, giving a faint nod in acknowledgment of his words. He grasped both Kaine's paws and drew them up, resting his head against them for a moment. "I guess I can borrow your couch...?"

"Hahah, Ok you can stay on one condition; You share my bed! I can't keep you safe if you're not beside me silly fox." Kaine teased, though grinned when he felt Shawn nod in agreement to his conditions.

"Hey um... Your dryer works a lot better than mine... and its kinda starting to make me thirsty, hahah..." Shawn smiled and laughed a little as the husky stood, immediately turning off the fans.

"Well we certainly can't have that, thirsty foxes must be hydrated!" Kaine chuckled and opened the door, letting Shawn step out first before following. "You go lay down though, alright? I'll be right back with some water."

Shawn gave him a nod and padded into the bedroom, smiling as Kaine went off to the kitchen in nothing but his gorgeous fur while he crawled into the husky's bed in nothing but his own, sprawling out on his stomach beneath the covers with a contented sigh and swish of his tail. It couldn't have been long after 3 at this point, but Shawn felt the exhaustion of his day creeping up on him quickly in the warmth of this bed, and had nearly drifted off before Kaine returned with a glass of water for him.

"Here you are beautiful, water for my parched vulpine friend." Kaine chuckled and set the glass on the night-stand, sitting on the side of the bed next to the fox.

Shawn groaned softly as he rolled over and sat up, smiling to Kaine as he reached over and handed him the glass. "Thank you my chivalrous husky." he giggled quietly and brought the glass to his maw, lapping up some of the water before simply downing the whole glass shortly after, wiping the few stray droplets off with his forearm and blushing.

Kaine laughed softly and set the glass back on the night-stand before crawling in under the covers next to Shawn, who then happily snuggled up against his side and hugged him close. "Heheh, well I'm glad you decided to forgo your clothes this time..." the husky kissed the top of Shawn's muzzle as he blushed, chuckling.

"I figured... You weren't putting yours on, why should I? Besides... I was getting in bed." Shawn argued his reasons, not that he really needed an excuse to be naked with the husky at this point. Kaine simply smiled and hugged him close, relaxing back into the bed with the fox curled up against his side, one leg wrapped around his own loosely while his head rested comfortably upon his chest.

They both stayed as they were, enjoying each others warmth, and slowly drifted off for a well-deserved and much needed mid-afternoon nap.


Shawn woke at some point later in the night with a gasp and was panting lightly, though he did his best not to wake Kaine if he didn't have to. 'It was just a dream... No reason to panic, right?' He tried to reassure himself, shivering slightly though carefully pulling out of the husky's warm embrace so he could get up. Slipping off the side of the bed and out from beneath the covers, Shawn picked up the glass from the night-stand and quietly padded his way out of the bedroom toward the kitchen; his keen vulpine eyes able to see well enough in the dimly lit environment to traverse that distance without tripping over anything. He rubbed his eyes with his free paw and yawned, letting out a quiet huff while leaning against the door-frame leading into the kitchen, his eyes wandering over the shadowed silhouette of the island counter. His body shivered again, so he hugged around himself and curled his tail up loosely around his waist.

"Triume' desta..." the fox whispered softly into the air, watching as a small wispy orb of crimson energy coalesced before him and began to bathe the room in its soft light; floating up just above and in front of Shawn's position in the room. 'See? Nothing here. Lets just get some water and get back to bed before Kaine notices you got up huh? - Yeah... alright.' Shawn sighed and stepped away from the wall and into the kitchen, padding up to the sink in the island counter and proceeding to fill the glass. He stood there a moment and drank that first glass-full; shivering again as the smooth, cool liquid coursed through his body and settled nicely into his stomach before filling the glass again and shutting off the water. He couldn't shake feeling like he was being watched, but he knew there was no one in the room with him even as he gave one last look around to be sure.

Seeing no one still, the fox sighed and shook his head, leaving the kitchen and heading back toward the bedroom again; reaching up and pulling that orb of light close to his chest as he entered and snuffing it out once he placed the water-filled glass back onto the night-stand. He could hear the husky's steady, soft breathing still; his figure beneath the covers hardly stirring save for the slow rise and fall of his chest. 'Still asleep... Good. Time for us to join him again...' Shawn smiled softly and carefully slid back beneath the covers. He sidled up next to the husky, returning to his previous position and finding it every bit as comfortable as it was before; grateful for the added warmth as his tail slowly uncurled from his waist and his body gave in to the wanted rest again.


When Shawn woke next, he squirmed slightly and felt for his warm husky-pillow, though to his dismay the bed beside him was cool and empty. He blinked his eyes open lazily and yawned, stretching as he rolled onto his back; propping himself up on his elbows to glance tiredly around the dark room. "Kaine...?" he called out in a gentle tone, doing his best to ignore the anxiety building in his chest. He wasn't afraid of the dark... At least, not usually; but being alone - more particularly 'feeling' alone - was something he really didn't like right now. Pulling the blankets up around himself more tightly, the fox huffed and let a faint whine escape his muzzle into the stillness of the room surrounding him, his eyes searching through the darkness for movement or light beyond the open doorway that led into the living-room.

"T-Triume' de-" he stuttered in a hushed tone, though paused before finishing and bringing another orb to life before him. 'What if he's just in the kitchen or something? Do you really wanna explain that? - No... I suppose not. What if something's happened though? There's no lights on out there, and I'm pretty sure he would've at least turned on one in the kitchen if that's where he's at...' With a faint growl and a sigh, Shawn slid over to the side of the bed and cautiously stepped out of it, crouching and quietly moving toward the door leading out into the living-room; stopping and hugging the wall as he peaked out and scented the air curiously. "Triume' roukas..." he mumbled faintly, watching as an orb formed near the distant wall this time, casting its eerie glow softly across the apparently empty room only briefly before fading as the fox shook his head and severed the flow of energy with a resigned huff.

"Where are you Kaine..." Shawn whined and leaned with his back against the wall, staring toward the empty bed he had just crawled out of. It seemed inviting, even without the husky to curl up against, so he pushed off the wall and slipped back under the covers - though stopped as he felt and heard the crinkle of paper beneath his paw. Picking it up and looking it over, there were only a few words hastily scribbled across its surface, which the fox mumbled aloud as he read them. "If you wake before I'm back, Sorry. Have a few errands to run. Sleep long as you like, be back shortly." 'Huh...guess I'll just sleep a bit longer then. Maybe he'll be back by the time I wake up again...' With another sigh and a slightly louder whimper, Shawn curled back up bundled in the covers and closed his eyes, taking a few slow, deep breaths to try and calm himself until he was able to drift off again.