Those Puppy Dog Eyes: Part One

Story by PhantomIsaac on SoFurry

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Kate sprawled on her bed, legs askew. She was so horny it hurt, but her boyfriend was with his study group so he couldn't come help her out. Grinning mischievously, she reached for her phone. If he couldn't come to her, then she would go to him.

She shimmied out of her jeans and top. Posing seductively for the camera, the white-furred husky snapped a quick photo before texting it to her boyfriend Daniel. At least, that's who she thought she texted it to.


Clayton Reeves was just finishing up a report when his phone buzzed. He looked around the large office to see if anyone had noticed, but all the other furs were too absorbed in their work to care. The wolf grey husky pulled his phone out of his desk drawer and viewed the message.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing at first. There was his own daughter, posed in the nude as if trying to entice someone. She was making sad puppy eyes at the camera, one finger perched in the corner of her mouth and the other hand barely covering her genitals.

Clayton knew he should feel enraged, but instead he felt something else. No, it couldn't possibly be attraction. This was his daughter. Despite that, he found his fingers moving on the keyboard, texting back two characters: ;). Afterwards he sat back in his chair, wondering, What did I just do?


A ding alerted Kate to an incoming text. Eagerly she bounced across the room to where her cellphone rested on her pillow. Unlocking the screen, she was delighted to see the positive response - until she saw from whom it had come. The husky tucked her tail between her legs like a scorned feral and sat down on her bed. This was the most mortifying thing that had ever happened to her in her life!

And worse, her father had liked it. Kate's embarrassment increased when she realized that the idea of her father seeing the picture meant for her boyfriend had gotten her wet. Flustered, the white husky pondered her options. She could pretend this had never happened - but her father knew it had, and would likely call her out on it. She could tell him the truth, that the text was meant for her boyfriend, but he would probably ground her or refuse to let her see him again. No, Kate thought, her heart fluttering in her chest, the best thing to do was to play along. She decided to send her father a text to see if she could explain things.

kate: dad im sooo sorry. i didnt mean to send that 2 u. it was meant 4 some1 else.

clayton: It's perfectly alright. Sexuality is a natural thing to explore my darling.

kate: so ur not mad?

clayton: Of course not.

clayton: In fact, if you're willing, I'd like to see more.

kate: what?

clayton: I'd like you to send me another picture.

Kate could hardly believe he was asking this of her. But she couldn't deny the idea of sexting her father turned her on. The white-furred husky dragged a chair to the end of her bed and laid down, positioning her heels on the back of the chair. Spreading her legs as wide as she was able, the husky parted her labia and positioned the camera. After snapping the photo she snuck a quick look at it, a grin spreading across her muzzle. It was perfect.


The wolf grey husky was completely ignoring his work by this point. All of his attention was focused on his phone and the beautiful girl he knew was waiting at home. A sort of thrill raced through him with each heartbeat; he knew that legally speaking what they were doing was wrong, but he couldn't seem to bring himself to care.

A buzz from his phone roused Clayton from his thoughts. Eagerly he unlocked his phone to see what Kate had sent him this time. At first he wasn't quite sure what he was looking at, but when the realization kicked in he felt himself get as hard as a rock. His daughter's pussy appeared to be soaking wet. He could see the soft pink walls. He wondered what she would taste like.

He stood and crossed the cubicle to the entrance, poking his head out to make sure there was no one around to view his next actions. Satisfied that no one was near, Clayton sat back down in his chair and unbuttoned his jeans. It wasn't hard to fish out his cock - it nearly freed itself from the confines of his underwear. The wolf grey husky switched to the camera app on his phone and snapped a picture. It showed a good view of his cock, sheath, and the bubble of pre rising from the tip of his prick. Clayton smiled to himself before sending the image to Kate.


The young husky grinned as she stared at the picture on her screen. Wow, her dad was big. She wondered what it would be like to take him inside of her. The idea was strange, but also extremely hot. Kate found herself rubbing her thighs together as she imagined it.

kate: so hot thinking about u.

clayton: Are you now? ;)

kate: yeah. what r u gonna do about it? ;)

clayton: So much baby girl. Just wait until I get home.

Kate felt a little thrill go through her tummy at the nickname. It was one that her father had called her when she was a young pup, but now it was being used in an entirely different context. She found that she didn't mind at all. Her tail was wagging a million miles a minute. She needed some relief, and fast.

She flopped on her back, spreading her legs wide. Almost as soon as it was open for access she had two fingers stuffed in her sopping cunt. As horny as she was it was easy for her to imagine that it was Clayton pounding into her instead of her mere fingers.

She had almost brought herself to an orgasm when she heard the front door open. Concerned, Kate slid off her bed and shrugged on her robe, intent on seeing just who had come home at this hour on a work day. Before she got her bedroom door, however, it swung open, revealing the tall figure of her father. The husky felt her heart beat faster in her chest as she stared at him.

"I told my boss I had a migraine so he'd let me go early." Clayton was staring at Kate with an expression she found hard to read. "And now, as for what I'm going to do about 'it'..." He grinned wickedly, causing the girl's heart to skip a beat. The elder husky advanced on her. She fell onto her bed, eyes wide as she stared up at him. He smirked mischievously, his fingers deftly playing with the belt on her robe. The flimsy cloth fell to the side, exposing her breasts and bare fur.

He knelt at the edge of the bed and spread her legs wide. Kate didn't expect for him to lick her wet labia. She let out a little shriek of surprise; his breath was warm but his nose was very, very cold. His tongue parted her folds, slipping inside the little husky with ease. She squirmed as Clayton's oral muscle stroked her sensitive walls, stimulating nerves that she had never been able to reach herself.

Pressure was forming in her lower body. Kate opened her muzzle to tell her father she was about to cum, but before she could get the words out, her hips lifted skyward, a howl escaping from her throat as endorphins raced through her system. The wolf grey husky was greeted with a splash of sweet fluids as his daughter clenched around his tongue. He winced at her grip but held on, knowing that she would come down from her high soon.

Kate slowly relaxed, chest heaving as she sucked in great gulps of air. That had been like nothing she'd ever experienced before. She wanted - no, craved more of that feeling. Gently she pushed her father's head away from her slit. He looked at her quizzically, a slight frown upon his muzzle. "Kate?"

She stood and stretched, a tingling sensation spreading throughout her body. "Lay down on the bed, Daddy," she ordered, tail wagging. "I'm going to make you feel good too." Obediently the elder husky reclined on the bed, his cock visibly tenting his pants as Kate took charge. She straddled his chest and unbuttoned his shirt one excruciating button at a time. Finally pulling his work shirt open, she stroked her father's bare chest, feeling the long silky fur that coated it.

"Are you going to keep feeling me up all day, or are we going to have some fun?" Clayton teased. Kate playfully stuck her tongue out before sliding down his body, leaving a trickle of fluid in her wake. She took much less time to unbutton her father's pants; she had seen his dick in the picture he had sent her, but now she wanted to see what he was packing for herself. From the bulge in the fabric, it was just as big as she'd imagined.

The rod of dogflesh sprung free once Kate yanked down the cloth. She could feel herself salivate as she stared at the slowly drooling tip. She had to... needed to taste it for herself. The young husky wrapped her lips around the tip and gave an experimental lick, feeling her father shudder underneath her. Kate smiled at his reaction, careful to avoid scraping his member with her teeth.

She wasn't inexperienced at giving head, but Clayton was much bigger than any of her former partners. It took Kate a while to adjust to his size, as in order to take all of him she would have to choke herself on him. The young husky settled for sucking on what she could, bobbing and licking down her father's length at breakneck speed. Clayton, for his part, seemed to enjoy the attention, letting out a series of yelps and snarls that threatened to break her concentration. His knot was growing, but Kate was careful to keep the monster outside of her mouth; she didn't need a broken jaw to explain.

A howl was the only warning she got before a warm liquid flooded the inside of her mouth. Reflexively she swallowed. It was slightly bitter, but otherwise didn't taste that bad; her father must keep himself clean. Kate quickly found herself growing full from the sheer amount of fluid. Finally it stopped and Clayton's softening prick slid from her maw. Licking her lips, she looked up at him. "We need to do this again."

Anything more they might have said was interrupted by a buzz from the older husky's pants pocket. Groaning, he pulled out his phone and checked his messages. Visibly deflating, he read the message aloud to his daughter. "On my way home. Do you need anything from the store? I'm picking up dinner. -Mom"


"Where does he think you are?" Logan strode out of the bathroom, a white hotel towel wrapped around his waist. He came up on Charlotte from behind and planted a kiss on her neck. The older husky could feel her son's cock pressing into her back through the fabric of the towel, and she smiled.

"At the store, getting dinner. I told him there was traffic on the route home, so we have plenty of time." She twisted in his arms, planting very unfamilial kisses on her son's muzzle. As the stronger husky picked her up and carried her to the hotel bed, his lips parting her own, all thoughts of her husband and daughter fled from her mind.

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