A Demon's Fate

Story by PhantomIsaac on SoFurry

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Astaroth was just feasting on a freshly-harvested human soul when she felt a strange tugging at the core of her being. It took her several moments to remember what it was - she was being summoned. The demoness couldn't help but feel surprised. No one had summoned her in centuries, not since the fall of Sumeria. In a way, she was curious; who would summon her now?

She followed the tugging sensation through the nine gates and to the river Styx. Charon, the tall, skeletal ferryman, silently stepped aside to allow her onto the small boat when she told him of her destination. The trip across the sacred river was silent - in part because of Astaroth's anxiety about what would occur in the mortal world, and partly due to the fact that the ferryman had no vocal chords.

The final gate swung open for the demoness once she stated her purpose for leaving. Taking a deep breath, Astaroth stepped into the blackness of the portal that lead to the mortal realm.


Sister Josephine wasn't sure what to expect when she summoned the demoness Astaroth. Said to hold power over lust and seduction, she was a former goddess of the Sumerians, fallen when Christianity took hold of the region.

There was a sort of thrill in this, summoning a demon in the basement of a nunnery. It was extremely taboo, of course - she was meant to be a sister of the cloth, and had no reason to be consorting with those who had fallen from grace. But Sister Josephine had been sent to the convent as a child, and wanted at least one taste of the forbidden fruit before she fully dedicated herself to the church.

So here she was, naked, in a pentagram, covered in animal's blood. The sister wasn't sure what kind of blood the butcher had given her, and she wasn't sure she wanted to know; she was fighting back nausea just having it on her body as it was. She chanted in Latin for the better part of an hour. She wasn't sure her understanding of the language was spot on accurate, but the translation went something like this: "Come to me, o great Astaroth! Bow to my will, o seductress, o temptress, o mother of demons!"

Sister Josephine had just about given up when she noticed the room seemed a little darker than it should have. But that couldn't be right - it was daytime and there were no clouds in the sky. All of a sudden a dark hole opened in the side of the basement wall. Astounded, the sister stared at the draconic creature that stepped through the portal, wondering just what she had gotten herself into.


Oh, this was precious. She had been summoned by a nun, of all things! Someone that had dedicated her life to chastity and purity. Astaroth couldn't help but laugh, noting the look of terror on the girl's face as she did so. "Who are you, girl, to summon me, a goddess of the Sumerians?"

To her credit, the nun mustered up all the courage she had before replying. "I am your mistress. I have summoned you and bound you to this pentagram. You must do my bidding."

The omnibus raised a scaly brow, looking down at the thing so crudely drawn on the cement in chalk. It was quite evident that the girl had absolutely no idea what kind of forces she was messing with. True, she had managed to summon the former goddess, but she was now unable to control her. "Really, now? If that was truly the case, then how could I do this?" Calmly she stepped outside the pentagram, grinning wickedly at the young sister as she did so.

Not-so-calmly, Sister Josephine turned to flee, giving Astaroth a nice view of her ample rear as she ran. Thankfully the basement was rather large with high ceilings, giving the draconic being plenty of room to spread her wings and land just in front of the retreating nun. "Not so fast, sister," she teased. "You aren't getting away from me that easily."

The pitiful mortal dropped to the ground in a dead faint. Astaroth frowned. What were mortals made of these days? In her age they had more mettle to them. Shrugging it off, the demoness knelt down next to the poor sister and removed her coif with one long claw. The sister had a pretty face, that was to be sure, with long, soft lashes and plump lips. Astaroth smirked as she wondered what those lips would look like wrapped around her cock.

But not just yet. First preparations had to be made. The omnibus took off Sister Josephine's habit, careful not to scratch her with her sharp claws. The touch of the demon's hot breath on her bare skin roused the sister. "M-my habit!" she cried when she saw the habit laying in a heap next to her. "What have you done?" She made a pitiful attempt to cover herself with her hands.

Astaroth chuckled. "You should be less concerned with your clothing, girl, and more concerned with what I'm going to do with you next." Forcibly the fallen goddess spread the girl's legs, and though she struggled, the draconic creature's strength was too great for Sister Josephine to overcome. Panting, she finally went limp, letting the omnibus do whatever she wished.

"I believe you'll enjoy this, little mortal. I can guarantee it will be like nothing you have ever experienced before." Astaroth extended her tongue further, further, further out of her mouth than any creature should have a right to be able to. She waggled it at the human playfully, delighting in the girl's gasps of disgust and fear. With surprising gentleness she began to lap at Sister Josephine's chaste slit.


Heat like nothing she'd ever felt before flooded the young nun's body. It was like every nerve ending in her body was on fire, and no amount of water would ever be able to quench it. Sister Josephine had no idea where the sounds she was hearing were coming from - until she realized they were coming from herself. Embarrassed, she tried to shut her mouth, but the omnibus simply wriggled that splendid tongue in a delightful way, hitting a spot inside the sister that made her cry out despite herself.

This was wrong. This was very, very wrong, but with the lust consuming her body she was beginning not to care. Sister Josephine wanted more, more, more, as much as the demoness was willing to give her. She tried to convey her need with her eyes, but Astaroth's head was buried between the nun's legs. "More," she finally managed to croak. "More."

The space inside her suddenly felt much vaster as the demoness stopped her oral assault. "You really want more, my little one? Truly?" Unable to form words, Sister Josephine simply nodded. "Very well then. More you shall have." Astaroth changed her position, placing her hands on either side of the girl's head while outstretching her wings to form a formidable tent around her. Josephine could hear the spade of the creature's tail lightly tapping against the floor.

For a moment she had no idea what Astaroth was planning, until she saw the large ribbed monstrosity extending from a slit hidden in the demoness' pelvis. "That will tear me apart!" the sister yelled frightfully, suddenly finding her voice again in her terror.

"Don't be ridiculous. It will fit. I'm a demon of lust, remember? I'm well-equipped to take care of the situation." The demoness chuckled at her own joke, then dropped her hips and rammed herself into the nun's waiting hole.

Sister Josephine screamed out in shock. Then waited. And waited. She had expected to feel pain, but there was none. Only pleasure. She opened her eyes hesitantly, only to see the fallen goddess smirking down at her. "Better?"

She nodded, and the demoness began to move her hips. Oh. OH! This felt... this felt amazing! It was even better than the thing that the omnibus had done with her tongue. "Yes!" she whimpered, wrapping her legs around Astaroth's waist. Firecrackers were going off in her brain and she was no longer thinking clearly.

It wasn't much longer before she came hard, her formerly-virgin cunt squeezing tightly around the demoness' infernal cock. With a roar that shook plaster from the ceiling, Astaroth came as well, filling the girl so full of her seed that it was squirting back around her cock like a busted water balloon. With a sigh of contentment, Josephine drifted into unconsciousness, more satisfied than she'd ever been in her entire life.


As she pulled out of the girl, releasing a mix of fluids that flooded the floor, Astaroth's keen ears could hear shouts from the upstairs nunnery as the nuns finally figured out there was something going on below their feet. With a wicked grin, the omnibus flew for the stairwell. Time to face the music.

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