Alluring Nights: Prologue pt. II

Story by Midnights_Dreamer on SoFurry

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#3 of Alluring Nights

Disclaimer: Usual blather, if you don't like sexual situations that contain: Submission/Domination/ Blood/ Death... don't read, end of story. The song is "What happens tomorrow, © Duran Duran * * * Child, don't you worry It's enough your growing up in such a hurry Brings you down, the news they sell ya To put in your mind that all mankind is a failure But nobody knows What's gonna happen tomorrow We try not to show How frightened we are If you love me, I'll protect you However I can You've got to believe It'll be alright in the end Fighting because we're so close There are times we punish those who we need the most Though we can't wait for a savior Only got ourselves to blame for this behavior And nobody knows What's gonna happen tomorrow We try not to show How frightened we are Would seem lonely If you were the only star in the night? You've got to believe It'll be alright in the end You've got to believe It'll be alright again Time is a ribbon, a silent icy river (froze us all) Running deep, deep and fast Enough to get lost down in the flow Crashing around These tiny lives mean everything And nobody knows What's gonna happen tomorrow So don't let go Now we've come this far Hold my hand please Understand me You're never alone We've got to believe It'll be alright in the end (Nobody knows) You've got to believe It'll be alright my friend And yes we believe It'll be alright again (Nobody knows)

  • * * Nearly an hour later, as the eastern sky began to lighten, Nicolae led Corrine towards his apartment. Already he could feel the suns' imminent approach. He unlocked the heavy metal door and ushered her in before slipping in behind her. "It would be best if you stay here today, if Dimitri saw you, I would not care to leave you alone just yet." He shut the door and barred it from inside. He turned and saw the dazed look in Cory's eyes. He moved towards her and led her to the couch. "Cory? Come on, don't flake out on me now..." He murmured, running his fingers through her blonde hair. She flinched and her gaze focused on him. "Was it all a dream?" she muttered, a deep fear residing in her eyes. "No dream. I'm here, flesh and blood. I am what I am, nothing can change that now." He growled, his voice bitter. "What happened? How??" Concern filling her fear edged voice. "Nearly three hundred years ago. In my homeland of Russia. I was twenty-five, The eldest male of my family. We were mostly well-to-do, while not Russian royalty, we were of a lower caste nobility. My father could stress nothing more than duty to the family line and name. My only other brother, Alexi was practically ignored by our father, as if I were the only one of value. When I was twenty, it was formally announced that I was to be betrothed to a young woman of a slightly higher caste. Unfortunately for me and my family, my betrothed had committed suicide a month before the wedding was to be held. Father blamed me for it, somehow, it's been so long now it's hazy. For weeks I wandered the bars, hoping for death, to escape my father's tyranny and wrath. It wasn't long before death found me. I became aware I was being followed one night, and ignored it, welcomed the thief or murderer that the person surely was.... Little did I know that he was both." Nicolae moved to the windows and watched as the sky lightened further, knowing that in minutes the sun would clear the mountains. "Two nights later he cornered me, and introduced himself. 'My name is Dimitri Zadora, and I believe I have something you want, Baklav. You want death, freedom from your family... I can offer you both...' It was as if he had me ensnared in his voice, which I now know that he did. I went to him, and willingly offered my life. Which he took with brutal force." Nicolae shivered and dropped the shades on the windows, completely blocking out the growing light. Cory watched him closely... and then a dawning realization filled her. "Did he?" She murmured her face scarlet. He glanced at her, and nodded. His gaze unfocused as he remembered. It was the first and definitely not the last time that Dimitri used him as such. Just as Dimitri had trained and used Laureen. After that ordeal, he had felt Dimitri's lips on his throat, then the searing pain of his bite. As he felt the world grow dim around him, he felt glad that his pain on this world was finally ending. Again the memory flooded his senses, the scent of his own blood strong, the weakening feeling in his limbs, his mind succumbing to fate as he wished for death to come on swift wings. Then the horrible coppery taste in his own mouth, as Dimitri pressed his own slashed wrist to Nicolae's mouth. At first he fought the flow, wanting nothing more than death to claim him into darkness, but Dimitri had other plans. "Stop fighting you fool...." Dimitri had growled, that iron-clad command stilled Nicolae's movements, and he swallowed the proffered elixir. Nicolae blinked and was returned to his apartment, with Cory staring at him in concern. "He turned me, took away my human life and made me like him. The first week was filled with a bloodlust and gluttony that makes me quiver with revulsion now. For a full century he held me in his thrall till I gained enough strength to escape him." Nick turned and placed his hands on the windowsill, hanging his head low, as if he could collapse at any moment. "I believe it's my fault that Eric got caught up in all of this. Dimitri has followed me, intent on taking me back into the fold..." He hadn't heard Corrine move, but he felt her arms wrap around his waist, her scent arousing as she rested her cheek against his shoulder. "Don't blame yourself, please. While it may not have happened, there's no changing it now." He moved one hand to cover hers, and wondered why had it taken him so long to find such an accepting soul. He turned and drew her near, tilting her head up so that he could kiss her. It was gentle, but the raging need within was not. He longed to crush her to him, claim her irrevocably for all time. Corrine tensed briefly, feeling that barely caged animal within him, but melted in his embrace, wanting that darkness within him, wanting him in his entirety. She had always loved him, she realized now as he kissed her with a gentle possessiveness. Felt the arousal within her, a chemical reaction she had never felt with anyone else. Reaching a decision, Nicolae broke his kiss, and leaned down just enough to pick her up into his arms, and carried her into the next room, laying her down gently into the large bed. Quickly he removed his shirt and then leaned over her, this time kissing her on the lips, then moving slowly down along her jaw, nipping lightly at the flesh of her throat, making her moan, and delve her slender fingers into his hair. After a moment, she untangled her fingers and dropped her hands lower, deftly undoing the buckle of his belt. He paused, and quickly realized her frustration with her limited range of motion, and pulled back, sliding the offending material over his hips and stepped out of them. While he was so occupied, Cory repositioned herself on the bed, so that she reached out to him, her hands closing over his shaft, and her mouth closing over the tip, making him gasp in sudden shock, as his knees nearly buckled. He moved forward slowly, allowing his knees to brace his weight on the mattress of the bed. Cory could hardly believe that she was actually doing this, considering all she had witnessed this night. But the very presence of this man, no matter what he was, or what he had done, filled the emptiness she felt within herself, as though he was a missing piece of the puzzle that was her life. As she drew him in, she couldn't help but smile inwardly at the sound of that single gasp of pleasure. When he felt he could take no more, Nicolae pushed her back, and grasping hold of her hips, pulled her towards the edge of the bed. Kneeling down, he nipped lightly at the flesh of her inner thighs, making her gasp at the combined pleasure and pain. This time it was his tongue that slathered the area, slowly, but firmly manipulating the flesh just above that fleshy node. She bucked under his hands, arching her back and crying out. Her hands clenched and bunched the blanket, her nails snagging the fabric. Still keeping his hands on her hips for control, he continued, alternating between gentle and firm pressure, and lightly nipping the flesh with his teeth. Cory couldn't help but buck under his ministrations, feeling what inhibitions she had take flight the moment he made contact, and felt the cry of pleasure tear from her lips as he drew her near the edge. He released her hips, and lay one hand on her flat stomach, and gently parted her folds with the other, his tongue still working the node. The next time she bucked under him, he slipped in two fingers, curving upward as far as he could reach, making her cry out again. He moved these two fingers in and out, slowly at first, his fingernails lightly scraping the inner wall, finding a small swollen spot there, and gently rubbed it. Cory nearly screamed then with the pleasure he produced, feeling her body alight with flames of heat radiating from her very core, an electric pulse dancing down her spine. She thought she was merely skating the edge before, now she was plunging head first into an abyss. His ministrations were quickly rewarded by a gush of sweet-smelling fluid, and her body arched in pleasure as her walls contracted around his fingers. Her gasping cries only made him smile as he leaned forward and caught her mouth with his. He waited till she came down from that high, and only then did he enter her slowly. She gasped and tensed, feeling him within, raising her hips to meet him. Quickly he found he wanted more... and pulled back. Taking hold of her hands, he helped her to stand, and turned her away from him, gently forcing her upper body back to the bed. At first Cory was momentarily alarmed at the sudden change in position. Till he reached down and gently rubbed her clit till she relaxed, moving towards him with a need that made her groan. His hand moved, and then grasped her hips. He entered slowly at first, judging just how far he could go, and was momentarily startled that she accepted all of him, with only a small gasp of pain that was definitely mingled with pleasure, considering how she rocked back against him. The pain was minimal as he pushed deeply into her, and it only heightened the pleasure that radiated through her. Her soft mewling cries only spurred him on, as he pulled back and then pulled her to him, eliciting pleasurable gasps from both of them. "Please... Nick...." She moaned, and he took it as an invitation. The next time he pulled back, he slammed hard into her, educing a sharp cry from her, but she rose to meet him, and he continued, now thinking of his pleasure, each thrust pushing him closer to the edge. The height of her arousal and pleasure made his hunger rise, though he knew intellectually that he had fed enough this night. The scent of her heated blood was almost too much as she climaxed again, making him groan as her walls contracted against him, threatening his control. One more violent thrust and he came inside her, pulling her close, and buried himself so deep he wondered if he would find the strength to pull away....She cried out with him as they both collapsed to the bed, his throbbing member still deep inside her, as she felt deliciously sore. She snuggled back into his chest, as he dropped his head to her shoulder, her scent filling his senses. As he softened, he felt himself drift into sleep, pulling her close, wrapping his arms protectively around her. Cory felt him slip out of her, and could feel his seed trickle down her thighs, but she didn't care, she could shower later. Instead, she felt the stress of the night catch up with her, as she too felt sleep rise up to claim her. Her head rested in the depression of his shoulder, and could feel his breath on her neck as sleep quickly claimed them both.