The Schism

Story by Arbiterjim on SoFurry

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#1 of The Schism

Disclaimer: If you're under 18 or whatnot, you know the rules... bastards

Here is my attempt at writing something erotic... I tried this before and it ended in a catastrophe.... Inspired by a dream

It had started off like any other day. He found himself at one of his best friend's houses. He had slept on the amazingly soft couch in the living room, while the other people from last night's party had chosen random places.

Looking at the clock, Michael noticed he had woken up around 10:30. This was actually pretty good considering he had gotten to sleep around 5:00. He wondered if everyone else was going to stay asleep with a hangover. There was a slight tinge of pain in his back, but he immediately put it out of his mind before walking around to see if anyone was awake. There had been a small party the night before, everyone else had gotten drunk, but Michael had made a vow to stop drinking some years before.

Walking around he found Jason in his usual spot in his room in the back. Jason was Mike's only gay friend, and he considered him to be one of his two best friends, something that excited Jason to no end. In the next room lied a weird couple, an overweight girl by the name of Darcy, and Matt, her boyfriend. Matt always sounded like he was high, but he was a nice guy. Darcy had blue hair, enormous breasts, but that was normal considering she had an infant. There was also a girl named Nikki somewhere in the house. She had been staying there for a few weeks now, she was a cute little thing, not even coming up to Mike's shoulder, but he was pretty sure she had a boyfriend.

After making sure everyone was ok, Mike went to go get some breakfast, the pain in his back getting worse the more he moved around. To compliment any unhealthy weekend, he chose a breakfast of Pepsi and Doritos. He sat down in a large recliner, a couch to his left and a sliding glass door to his right, and started eating, trying to find the remote, but giving up in the end. He couldn't help but notice that the pain in his back was getting worse, even though he had stopped moving around so much. Eventually it became terrible and he began walking back to the couch to lie down again.

"Rejoice! For you are one of the chosen." Where had the voice come from? It felt like it was in his head, and resounding through the house at the same time. He needed to get some air, when he reached for the door handle, he pulled... and the door came off its hinges... How the hell did I do that?' He ran outside, the pain in his back becoming unbelievable. He fell to his knees, burying his face in the ground outside. He just lied there for a few minutes, while everyone in the house ran out wondering what had happened to the door.

Everyone was hesitant to walk up to him, but eventually Jason took the first step. He walked slowly over to Mike before crouching next to him and asking "Mike... Mike are you ok?" The only response he received was a moan of pain. "What's wrong? Are you ok? Where does it hurt?"

A strained response from Mike was "....everywhere." Letting out a bloodcurdling scream, he rose to his feet, and then dropped to all fours. Jason jumped back as he realized Mike's entire body was becoming larger. Soon he became too large for his clothes, and they burst off of him. Before long he had grown to twice his size, and his skin had started changing colors. First it started around his extremities, individual plates of red appearing on his hands and feet, as each one appeared it made a metal clanging on metal sound as it folded over the ones below it.

After less than a minute Mike was more than ten times his original size. Considering that he had started out almost 6 and a half feet tall and over 200 pounds, this made him massive. The red scales had already covered most of his body, and his face began to elongate, becoming more reptilian. There was a loud series of bones cracking, and Mike-the Dragon thing-gave a deafening roar that had everyone on their knees holding their hands on their ears. After a few seconds a pair of huge wings formed out of the back of the Dragon. As his transformation ran its course a long tail grew from his back, scales clanging as it formed.

Mike was completely at a loss for what was happening, one minute he was asleep and the next he was turning into a Dragon? People from other houses had begun to come out to see what was going on. Jason's neighbors consisted of a few rich bastards immediately next door; it was a medium sized house with a corvette, a huge truck, and two other cars outside, all of them black. Mike had long suspected the next house after that was a haven for drug dealers, as it was small, all the windows were shuttered, and there was often one broken down vehicle outside. In the final house before the curve was a girl named Michelle who lived with her father.

She was a small thing, Mike would have even thought so if he was normal size, but now... now he could only think of one thing... She had a slender, well tanned frame, long hair that was dark near the scalp and light near the tips, and pretty blue-green eyes set in a perfectly soft and lightly freckled face. In his right mind Mike was very attracted to her, but could never muster up the courage to admit it to her.

Michelle had run out of her house when she had heard the roar. Not many exciting things happened around here, and seeing a giant reptile in the middle of the street was definitely something new. From the distance she didn't recognize the Dragon staring directly at her. She saw its... wings expand and it looked like it was testing them out, not quite sure how to use them yet, with the tips of them touching the trees. It was an amazing looking creature, and by the time she noticed that it had special interest in her, it had already taken flight. It took only a few seconds for it to close the distance between the two of them. It slammed to the ground beside her, shattering a section of the pavement, and quickly grabbed her with one of its huge claws.

Grabbing her in one massive clawed hand, Mike couldn't really tell where his body was going with this. Before he knew it, he had one clawed finger sliding under her shirt and cutting it off. A pleased rumble spread through his body and up his neck to his mouth as he saw her beautiful form. The same clawed finger began trying to slide into her jeans to cut them as well, but they were too tight and he ended up piercing the skin on her lower hip. This elicited a small yelp from her, and he drew his hand back with an apologetic look spreading across his reptilian features... at least some part of him didn't want to hurt this girl. His left hand, while being preoccupied with holding her began to glow slightly, and before his eyes the wound he had caused closed.

Michelle wasn't quite sure what to think. Here she was being held by a massive reptile, her shirt torn off, her breasts shown to it, then after that it wounded her. She would have been worried had it not shown genuine concern on its face after it had hurt her, and when her wound was suddenly healed, it felt amazing. Sure, she was scared, anyone would be in this situation, but it didn't seem to want to hurt her. Slowly she moved her hands to unfasten her pants. If anything, she could make sure it didn't hurt her again when trying to get her pants off. she willing? He couldn't help but ask himself this when he saw her taking her pants off, making the job far easier for him. He slid them off slowly, almost smiling in approval that her lower body was just as perfect as the rest of her. She wore a white thong with embroidery on the front, some part of Mike buried deep below the part now in control of his body had always wondered how girls could wear those. He set her down and let her tease him as she gave a small dance.

By this point, most of the people, aside from Jason, had gone inside to call the police. Jason was too fascinated by what Mike had become to do anything but stare in awe. Michelle was only slightly embarrassed to be giving a striptease to this Dragon in public with so few watchers. Whatever this thing was, it seemed to like her, and if she could stall long enough, the cops should get there. She slipped her thumbs under the fabric of her thong, and danced slowly, swaying her hips, as she lifted the lace and let it bounce back to her skin. With one hand fondling her breast, she used the other hand to slide around under her thong, turning her back on the Dragon and looking back at him seductively. After a few minutes of this dancing, she noticed something large, with a weird shape hanging below the Dragon. She stared in awe at what had to be the strangest looking cock she had ever seen. It was thick around the base, with ridges circling it, and small points periodically along the length, leading up to the head which consisted of two points, a smaller one on the top, and a longer point curving upward on the bottom. She stared at it... it had to be as large as her leg... she began to get worried.

The Dragon was pleased... very much so actually, that this girl was so willing... he was going to have what he wanted either way, but for her to dance before him made it much better. He realized that he was becoming hard and that he would mate her soon, then he saw the fear on her face as she stared at his member and paused. Would he hurt her? Would she still enjoy it after they had begun? Did he even have a right to take from her what he needed? The rational part of his mind kept asking these questions, but the primal part was in control and would have no hesitation. With one massive hand, he grabbed her and lifted her...then he heard sirens approaching. With a grunt of frustration, his mind knew that he would have to leave this place for somewhere more private, and he took flight.

Michelle screamed as he lifted from the ground, taking her with him. They rose incredibly fast, with the city below them getting smaller by the second, her hope that the police would get there before he killed her fading as fast as their cars were fading from her sight. As he flew, she saw an expanse of woods below her. She knew there was a large group of woods a few miles from where she lived, but had they been able to travel that far in the minute they had been in the sky? She felt her body jerk as the Dragon began to descend to the forest.

He spied a perfect spot, what looked to be soft grass in between only a few trees. There were a few stumps around the clearing and a few downed trees As he approached he began wondering how he was going to land with one of his hands being occupied with holding his prize. He descended slowly, trying to put his back legs down first. As he tried to put his front right paw down, he slipped and came crashing down on his right shoulder, a thunderous thud erupting from where he landed.

Michelle felt the descent as they approached the ground very quickly, and then slowed as they got nearer. She worried that it... he was going to forget about her and crush her under his hand as he landed, but was treated to a case of whiplash when he slammed to the ground. He put her on the ground and she just lay there for a moment, trying to recover. He put a hand on her chest... well with the size of the hand it covered all of her body except her head and feet, with the claws stretching well beyond her head. She was afraid he was going to crush her there and be done with it, but his clawed hand glowed once more and she felt all disorientation leaving her body.

Part of him knew exactly how to heal her, and the rest was staring in awe of the magic he used, but he got the job done in the end. After he was done he removed the hand and let her rise to her feet again. Sitting back on his haunches and letting his tail curl around his body.

She looked at him for a moment, not making any attempts to flee or call for help. After a minute she reached up with her hand to touch his face, feeling the scales. They felt like metal, but had the warmth of a living body. Slowly she looked down to see the Dragon still sported an erection, and then looked back into his eyes. "Do you speak? Why... why did you bring me here?" Deep down she already knew, but maybe she could get this Dragon to have mercy on her.

"Yes... I can speak" The voice was incredibly low, Mike was surprised he was able to restrain himself from taking her forcefully, the urge he felt was almost overpowering. She was so beautiful...

"Well...that's not going to fit no matter what you do..." She feared for her life at this point. If he was going to rape her right here, she wouldn't survive it. The thought of him raping her to death flashed through her head and she cringed visibly.

He saw the flinch... she really was terrified. He began trying to think of a way around the size difference. With every new thought he began to realize that he was becoming smarter... or at least he was learning more and more about how to be a Dragon. He didn't know where the knowledge was coming from, but it explained how he knew how to heal her immediately after transforming. Suddenly a command entered his mind, a command he could give his body to make it shrink. He stuck out a large hand to touch the girl; he would need her to make it work.

She shied away from the hand, knowing she couldn't outrun him and just hoping he'd kill her quickly. She opened her eyes when he grabbed her... it was so gentle. What was he going to do? She saw the same glow form not only around her and his hand, but his entire body this time. His grip tightened momentarily then loosened again, but she didn't try to struggle away.

All of his focus was aimed at her. She was a template, he needed his body to become her size, and without her, it was impossible. He growled in pain as his bones adjusted, several of them cracking painfully. His focus was split on making the spell work, enduring the pain, and making sure he didn't crush the girl in his hand.

She heard a growl and felt his hand tighten around her, and she feared the worst, what was he doing? She heard a series of cracks and saw his torso becoming smaller. She gasped and started hitting his face, his grip on her making it hard to breathe. She knew it wasn't near his full strength, but she was being crushed. The hand around her was getting smaller, where it once engulfed her entire lower body, now it fit around her stomach and hips. After a few seconds, his grip loosened, dropping her, his legs gave out beneath him, and they both started gasping for breath. She sat there wheezing for a moment, trying to recover. After she had caught her breath, she slowly crawled towards him, trying to see if he was alive.

The pain had been unbearable. All the bones repositioning themselves... he had to stop before he had crushed her purely out of pain. He just lay there, breathing heavily, trying to build up the energy to stand. It took nearly 5 minutes before he could even open his eyes, and another minute after that before his vision cleared. He saw her walking around him, and worked up the energy to speak a few words. "I... I'm going to sleep... run if you want to..."

There were a few problems with his suggestion. One, she had no idea where she was, and no idea where to go to reach civilization again. Two, she was completely naked in what was not exactly a reputable county. And three, if she left him, he might die, she had no idea. She set out to find some sticks suitable for making a fire. Years before she had learned some survival skills and knew, at least in theory, how to survive for a few nights in the middle of the woods. After some searching, she had a suitable pile ready to go and began trying to start a fire with two sticks. Ten minutes passed before she threw them down in frustration. She paced looking for any flint, but could only find one piece. She sat thinking for a few minutes before she got an idea, what if she tried to strike sparks off of his scales? Wary of his reaction she stepped up to his side, and began setting up a stick that she would use to transfer the flame from his side to the fire. With the first strike, a flash of sparks proved that her idea would work. After half a dozen strikes, she had a fire going.

She tended the fire in front of him and watched him sleep. His breathing was irregular, and she began to get worried, What if he dies? I've never heard of there being any others like him... is he the only one of his kind?' She couldn't very well let him die, so she started circling his body looking for any sign that he was hurt. It was then that she noticed a pool of blood slowly crawling out from beneath him. She couldn't see the actual wound, but the blood was coming from somewhere. The wound must be under him. She pushed against him but, try as she might, she couldn't move the massive creature. He was far smaller than before, but he was still almost as tall as her while lying on his stomach. The wound had to be in his stomach! That was the only explanation, all the stories she had read with Dragons claimed that they had softer scales on their undersides. Upon closer examination she found a patch of white scales still sticking out and touched them; they felt like leather. She touched a little of his blood, with every fingertip she touched to the small pool small shivers ran down her body. Conceding defeat over the fact that she couldn't move him and treat his wound, she took a seat across the fire from him and waited to see if he would wake.

He had slept for a few hours before he woke up to a crackling fire being tended by a young beautiful naked girl. For a moment he had no idea what the hell was going on until he remembered what had happened before he slept. With a start, he rose up to inspect his body. Other than some soreness, he felt fine... he smelled blood, and gave a quick look to the girl, who was now standing and staring at him... it was then he noticed that the blood smelled far too sour to be hers... he was injured. Sticking out of his stomach was half a tree... the scales down there must not be as thick. He winced as he wrapped one hand around the end of it.

"Now, now hold on a minute, if you just rip that out you're going to injure yourself even more." She was surprised the Dragon had survived with how much blood he had lost... She looked closely at the wound to see it better. Lodged in the stomach of this thing was a tree nearly 2 feet wide. There was a rather large pool of blood around them now.

"What... *cough* what do you want me to do with it...?" He was losing more blood as he spoke, and wondered if he could heal his own wounds. He didn't have time to wait; he had to remove it now. With a forceful tug, he ripped the tree out, a fount of blood following it. As his vision began to blur, he moved his hand to the wound and urged his body to heal. However slowly, the wound closed and he fell to the ground immediately after he was done with a loud thud. He looked to her and saw that she was concerned about him.

"Ah, you stupid... gah... are you ok?" She looked at where the wound had been and began picking out little pieces of the tree still inside.

"Yes... I'll be fine... to be honest I didn't expect you to stay." She had to be insane, or very trusting of him... he couldn't tell.

"Well, you brought me out to the middle of nowhere, naked by the way, and you were losing lots of blood..." He was an intelligent creature; with any luck she could convince him to take her home.

"How are you holding up?" His strength was returning very quickly, he was surprised. It wouldn't be long before he could get up and walk around.

"I'm fine... a little scared, but look at me. Here I am naked in front of a Dragon, after he kidnapped me and carried me off to wherever we are." She had to convince him to take her home somehow. Her tending to his wounds should help a lot.

Rising to sit in front of her, he curled his tail around his body, and looked at her in the ever diminishing sunlight. "I promise I won't hurt you." He sounded like he was trying to convince himself.

"And when are you going to take me home? I'm not used to being in the middle of the woods naked you know." She was worried by what she saw in his eyes... he was not entirely in control of himself.

"I..." He reached out to her with a large hand, and then hesitated when she closed her eyes and lowered her head in fear. He set his hand back to the ground and looked at her for a moment. She really was beautiful; young body, gorgeous face, everything in proportion, except her hips were just slightly larger than one would expect on a girl her size. He noticed that once again he had an erection, and looked at her.

I shouldn't have stayed.' Thinking to herself she realized that she would have had more of a chance if she had walked home naked. He's going to eat me... I know it.' She cracked an eye at him and saw him staring at her. Why hasn't he cooked me with his fire yet?' She saw him shift slightly and saw something swing below him. He's horny again! What do I do now?' She looked at it; it had shrunk just like the rest of his body. It was still as large as her arm, but...

He noticed her looking at him and reached out again, ignoring her flinch and grabbing her around the waist. She refused to look him in the eye, and he could see her trembling. He didn't know what effect this was going to have on his conscience, but he couldn't stop now. Slowly he raised her above his head, she wasn't squirming; she must think she's doomed no matter what.'

When he picked her up, she knew it was over... there was nothing she could do to stop him from killing her. She felt his tongue slide up her right leg slowly; she was surprised he wasn't going to rape her before he ate her. The tongue curled around her thong and that thought died quickly. He began exploring her sex with his tongue, slowly pushing it in and out; every few pushes he pulled the tongue out and slid it across her clit. The tongue was as thick as her fingers at the point, and became thicker as he thrust more of it inside her. She felt him begin to massage her breast with the part of his finger where the skin met the claw, further adding to the jolts of pleasure she felt from his tongue. He let her slide further into his mouth and began sliding his tongue back and forth over her clit slowly. This was the final menstruation before she came... and she came hard, her fluids flowing freely down his wide tongue.

She tasted sweet, he was glad his tongue was so pleasurable to her, he resumed thrusting his tongue in and out for another minute before she came again, not as hard as the first time, but still she moaned loudly as he pulled her out of his mouth.

She was worn out by the time he set her back to her feet, and she fell to the grass and lied there for a moment before looking at him. He just sat there, patiently eyeing her, his erection at full now. She could see it throbbing up and down with his heartbeat from where she sat. His tongue had felt wonderful, and two powerful orgasms had worn her out. She moaned a little then fell back on the grass.

He had been waiting for a queue to continue, but had not received one. He didn't know how much longer he could keep himself off of her. Slowly he reached for her body and lifted her up, her lazy form not quite registering his touch yet. She hung almost limp in his hand, panting from her orgasms. He could wait no longer; he rose to his hind legs and brought her closer to his member.

She raised her head to look at him, not even realizing that he had picked her up until she saw the ground a few feet beneath her. He stood on his back legs holding her in the air for a moment before rolling onto his back. She saw his member coming closer and began to squirm; trying to avoid what was coming. He was too big for her...

He felt her squirming and a pang of guilt the back of his mind... he would not stop now. He brought the tip to her sex and grabbed her waist with both of his hands.

She began bracing herself for what was coming, expecting him to just shove her down roughly and without mercy, and closed her eyes when she felt the tip. The point on the tip was soft, she was surprised to find out, and he slowly brought her down, allowing her to feel every individual ridge, every point, and every vein. After the point was inside, the shaft could not slide in so easily, with a push, she found herself spread to her limit, a loud moan-scream escaping her lips. He stopped there for a moment, concern on his face and let her adjust to his size. His eyes were so... so kind... She reached for his face, desperately searching for something to hold on to.

He felt her touch his face with her hands and pushed her down slowly, letting her adjust; she was unbelievably tight. Even as a human he hadn't had sex too often, but this... this was heaven, he could feel her grip him tighter just before some of her juices slid down the shaft. He had buried nearly a foot in her now and was about to reach the base.

It was amazing, every single ridge and spine sent jolts of pleasure through her body as they dragged along her ever so slowly. He stopped his pushing and after a minute she looked down. Her stomach was bulging inanely as she neared the base of his member; she was amazed she had taken so much. She looked up to his eyes and met his questioning stare before nodding to him and biting her bottom lip. She yelled soundlessly as he lifted her slightly and thrust the last few inches into her quickly. The base of the shaft was at least three inches wider than the rest of it, and it pushed her past her limit.

He watched in horror as a look of pain spread across her face, and felt a liquid begin dripping on his stomach. He quickly lifted her from the base and a glow appeared around his hands as he healed her. She sobbed on his chest, eliciting a low "I'm sorry."

It had hurt so much... but she had an orgasm when he forced her down... even stronger than the one she had with his tongue. She saw concern in his eyes and cried a little harder when she heard him apologize. It took her a minute to work up a "Just... not that far down..." He began lifting her up and down his shaft, causing her to moan loudly as he slowly drove into her. He moved his thumbs to her nipples and began rubbing them in circles. His tongue slithered from his mouth and curled around each breast in turn before entering her mouth. She suckled on it a little as he shoved half a foot of it down her throat, deeply kissing her for almost a minute before removing it. Simultaneously, he pulled her up and down on him, and rubbed and licked her nipples, the pleasure she was feeling was more than enough to overpower the pain.

Every minute or so he increased his speed. At first he was just going fast, but eventually he reached a speed that she wasn't sure a human could match. He let his arms fall to his sides as he began just thrusting with his hips. Every time he thrust upwards she came to the base and let out a loud moan/scream. He filled her completely, the tips of his member reaching to her deepest parts. The spines and ridges causing her to shudder with pleasure every time he thrust in and out. The roughness of his fingers on her nipples sent waves of pleasure down her spine. She looked down, a slight stream of drool dropping from her mouth and looked him in his eyes. She moved her hands to rub all along his stomach, feeling the leathery scales, and massaging him as well as she could massage a Dragon.

He knew she was in pain, but he couldn't stop. He began thrusting faster and faster, not paying attention to her screams. Every time she came she tightened around him, sending shivers through his genitals, and fueling him to thrust more. He brought his tail to her back and curled it around her stomach, and brought his wings around both of them. He felt his limit coming and returned her look. "I... I'm.... it's coming" was all he managed to get out before he fell back to silence. He felt himself burst within her, a torrent of his cum exploding out in waves. Each spurt hit her insides and was inevitably followed by another for what seemed like an hour.

She could barely hear him through the pleasure, but she knew what was coming next. The next moment he tensed up and she felt him shudder as a liquid began filling her. He let out a deafening roar as he thrust upwards and forced her down with his hands, filling her completely. He seemed to keep coming forever, with her just locked to his base as he pushed her down with an enormous amount of force; one hand on her back forcing her to lie on his stomach, and the other on her ass, forcing her further down on his member. After a few minutes she saw her stomach bulging even more and cum was seeping from her even around the base of his member. They both just sat there motionless for a few minutes, the after effects of their orgasms still gripping them both.

His mind had begun to clear a little; never had he felt so much pleasure. He knew he should stop, if only for her sake, but he couldn't. He began lifting her slowly off of him, cum from both of them seeping out of her in waves. He looked at her completely exhausted frame. She was panting with exertion and sweat was glistening all over her perfect body. She looked him lazily in the eye as she reached the tip of his member. His arms tensed and he prepared himself to start again.

She felt him raise her off of him, and had a miniature orgasm as she felt their fluids flowing from her. The feeling of being so completely full of his cum was amazing, she looked into his eyes, ready to give in to a blissful sleep. When she felt him thrust her back down, her eyes went wide and she let out a small scream, He's going again!?' Without even pulling her off and letting her rest, he began again. Once again she felt intense pleasure as the ridges dragged along her insides. He didn't thrust as quickly this time, in fact he took the time to slide her to where only the tip was inside then push her back down very quickly, her ass slapping against the base every time she came back down. He positioned his hands on her thighs and used them to pull her down with immense force on every thrust, his body rising from the ground to thrust into her even harder. It was painful, sure, but she came every time he thrust her back down.

He knew what he was doing had to be painful, but it wasn't long before he was about to burst once again. He continued his slow movements, sliding her to the tip then pulling her back down. He could feel her cum flow from her and across his balls every time he brought her back down. With one final thrust, he forced her all the way down to his base and came again, flooding into her. When there was no more room inside for his cum to go, it erupted from around the base, covering the ground near his feet.

She felt him come again, and had one last intense orgasm. He took his time to lift her off, and for the first time since they started, he pulled her fully off of him. He sat her on his chest and both of them simply laid there for a time. Eventually she fell to sleep on his chest and he made sure not to move so that he wouldn't wake her.

Now that he had gotten what he needed, he laid back and began thinking about what he had become. What had caused this? Who was that voice? What do I do now? And what about her...?

High overhead was a watcher. The man in control of the device knew his lord would want to know about this one.

Hmm.... Well when I first started thinking about writing an erotic story I thought it would be short and to the point but... 10 pages.... anyway I hope you enjoyed the read, and give some feed back for a beginning writer for gods sake!