Changing Rooms

Story by serophous on SoFurry

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Story done for Varnamo during my writing for donations livestream. Still working out time for a next one at some point.

Changing Room

Daf sighed as he went through his clothes drawer. Everything started to look faded or too old. Three wolf t-shirt? Way too 2001. He tossed that aside and looked around more, finding some stuff he hadn't worn since middle school buried deep down in the dark corners of the drawers. They didn't even unfold right without being stiff. The eastern timber wolf sighed and dragged his paws down his muzzle. He had really fallen behind in keeping up with appearances lately, and he needed more normal looking clothing.

He sighed and put on a faded pair of jeans and one of his last shirts that didn't have a hole him them. He hated shopping. It was a male's worse nightmare. All he wanted was to get something and get out. Its not like any other male wolf's shopped for clothing alone. And those that he saw immediately got in and out.

Guess he didn't have a choice though. He grabbed his car keys and buret hat, leaving his apartment and heading off towards the mall.

Grumbling as he had to get one of the far away spaces, he parked and headed on in, looking at the mall directory. There was the JCHenny's, Bears, and it seemed the newly opened one, Clothing R Us. He had never heard of them before, and hoped no one else he knew had so he could enter unnoticed.

Following the map, he soon entered the store, noticing how, as always, females were walking around straightening the clothing stacks, or working the counters. Even around the store mostly females shopped, some looking up and giggling as they pointed and whispered to each other. He whined a bit to himself and slipped in, trying to go unnoticed. Just in and out, in and out, that's all he had to do. Find a new shirt, some pants, and then checkout, and go.

"Can I help you sir?"

Daf yelped and nearly jumped out of his fur, not even noticing the petite mouse having walked up on him.

"Uh no, just looking. Pants, shirt. Ya know, the usual stuff." He mumbled a bit and rubbed his arm.

"Well, if you find anything you like and want to try them on, we have changing rooms in the back." The mouse pointed to the back of the store where a bold sign said "Changing Rooms".

"Thanks." He mumbled, going back through the jean rack.

He grabbed a few jeans he figured would fit and some shirts and headed for the checkout line. But then he remembered as a kid how his mother always made him try on the clothing before she bought it.

Grumbling to himself, he changed paths and went into the changing rooms, finding an unoccupied stall. He locked the door and sat the clothing down on the bench, the room of course not being very spacious at all. He began to take off his shirt and pants before his arm hit a wall, jingling something. Pulling his shirt off, he saw a skirt and tank top hanging on the wall. The previous customer must've forgotten to take them back once they were finished.

He sighed and began to put on the new jeans, but his eyes wondered over the female clothing once again. I mean, he was alone, supposedly private. Sure, there were probably security cameras watching him, but who cares?

Blushing a bit to himself, he pulled his leg out of the pants and grabbed the skirt, easily slipping it on, if not a bit tight. Next, he put on the tank top, the thing barely covering his chest as he laughed at himself in the mirror.

"Oh, come here big boy." He whispered in a fake female voice, smooshing his chest together as if he had breasts. It was strange, but that felt actually really good to him. He groped himself again, panting a bit as his chest tingled, causing him to stop for a second and look down. Was it his imagination, or did the shirt look more taunt then before? He shook his head. Naw, that was impossible. And yet...he couldn't help but grope his chest again, giving a slight whimper at how sensitive it was. It was then as he whimpered did he suddenly realize that his voice indeed sounded lighter, higher pitched then normal.

"What's going on?" He gasped, looking at the mirror once more from the side. Now he knew something was wrong. Out stood two softly growing breasts from the shirt, the nipples peeking through from the attention.

"Holy crap! I have boobs!" He gasped, trying to remove the shirt, but it wouldn't come off!

"What's going on? Make it stop!" He yelled, tugging at the skirt next, to no avail. That's when his paw brushed over his crotch.

"Oh no. No, no, no!" He whimpered, feeling his sac and sheath slowly starting to dwindle away under the skirt. He whimpered and watched in horror and fascination as his form began to change. Muscle began to slowly melt away on his arms and legs, become more lithe and feminine. He watched as even his muzzle seemed to narrow slightly, his fur starting to feel softer and have more of a sheen. His breasts continued to fill out, becoming between either A or B cups, his newly slender hands gently feeling them once again, causing a slight whine to escape his muzzle once more. He squeezed his slender legs together, no longer feeling a bulge there anymore. As he stared at himself in the mirror, he soon realized that he was now a she!

Daf began to look herself over, sliding her paws away from her breasts and over her tone stomach, then her wider hips, and finally checking between her legs one last time to make sure nothing was there. All she found was the entrance to her new femininity.

"I can't believe it. I'm a...girl..." She spoke softly, stunned at her look. "I can look at myself naked..." she giggled and lifted up the shirt, looking at her bare breasts with a giggle. In fact, she felt like she could get use to this now. Hell, she needed a new wardrobe anyway, so why not just start over and pick out all female clothing?

Giggling, she put down her shirt and straightened the skirt a bit, hoping the staff wouldn't mind her wearing this till she got some new clothing picked out. Heck, she might just end up working here!

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