Test Subject A-3B

Story by serophous on SoFurry

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Short story done for Mud during my writings for donations livestream. Which I will set up again at some point in time.

Test Subject A-3B

The pounding in his head just wouldn't stop. On and on it felt like hammers were cracking into his skull, matching his heartbeat.

Slowly, the brown and tan doberman opened his eyes to only see everything as a blur. Blinking, he tried to rub his eyes to only find his arms chained to a wall. He gave a few tugs, but it was fruitless.

"Where am I? What happened?" His voice was groggy and hoarse. He remembered going to the dance club and partying. Then he met another fellow canine fur. He was strange really, a blue and white furred border collie that wore yellow glasses. He seemed nice, but secretive the whole time, never really truly answering questions. The only thing he knew that was definitive about him was him name, Serophous.

He had bought himself and the doberman a drink, then another and another, till he couldn't recount how many he had drank. After that, everything got hazy. Now here he was, chained to a wall, in some strange basement.

"Oh, so the sedative finally wore off. Good, that means we can start soon." A voice called off out of his line of vision.

"Where-where am I? What did you do to me? Why am I chained?" The doberman coughed a bit, trying to get the dryness out of his mouth.

"My dear Mud, don't you remember? You said you would be so interested in seeing my work and what I do. So I brought you to my home to see my latest project." Serophous stepped into sight, wearing a white lab coat, adjusting his glasses with a grin.

"What project? And why do I have to be chained up for it?" Mud growled, tugging the chains again.

"You'll see. But for now, I bet your mouth must be dry after drinking so much. I must admit, I didn't expect you to be able to take so much alcohol and sedative before passing out. I must say, you are quite in shape." The collie went over to a table and poured a glass of water, then headed back to the cave, sticking his arm through the bars. "Here, I can't have my 'friend' suffering too much." He smirked at his little joke as he tipped the cup against the dobie's mouth. Mud slowly drank, the cool liquid feeling much better against his tongue and the back of his throat as he gulped. The cup didn't hold much, and the dobie coughed again once done.

"Any more?" He licked his muzzle, trying to get anything left over.

"Oh no, anymore and I may not be able to find you." He smirked, pulling his arm back and tossing away the cup.

"What do you mean?" Mud gulped, starting to realize that it wasn't water he just drank.

"You'll see very soon." Serophous grabbed a clipboard and chair, sitting back as he began to write something down.

Mud shuddered, feeling a a tingle spread from his stomach and radiate throughout his body. He didn't notice anything at first, except like his body was slowly cooling down. Then, he noticed how the cuffs seemed looser around his wrists, and how his pants were getting baggier, not holding up as well as before.

"Wh-what's happening to me?" He began to panic, tugging at the chains once more. Serophous didn't answer, but only began to write more down on the chart.

"Answer me! This isn't funny!"

"You're shrinking. I needed a new subject to test my formula, and you seemed like the best candidate." The collie never looked up as he wrote, his voice void of any emotion.

"Shrinking? That's impossible!" Mud growled, tugging the chains once more, only to feel his pants slide down to mid thigh. He gulped and looked down, seeing his shirt looking much baggier on his chest now, as if it was two sizes too large.

"Stop it! Give me the antidote or something! I don't want to shrink!" He yelled, feeling his paws slowly receding along the stone floor.

"I never said if you had a choice in this." Sero gave a toothy grin, looking up slightly. Mud whimpered and tugged at the chains once more, his hands almost able to get free.

"Help! Someone help me! I'm being held prisoner!" He tried to scream, the collie only rubbing his ear.

"You mind not doing that? We're twenty feet underground, no one is going to hear you."

Mud gulped, not even realizing that his hands had slipped free of the manacles. Next, his pants fell to the floor, his boxers reaching down to his knees as his shirt began to look like an oversized tent.

"Look, I don't know what I did to you, but I'm sorry. Please, just stop and let me go." He whined, leaning against the bars.

"Sorry, that would ruin the experiment. And I must fully test this serum before I begin to distribute it." He began to check something off as Mud felt himself sliding against the bars, feeling them rising higher and higher as everything seemed to 'grow' around him. He began to hold up his boxers, his shirt starting to slip over his shoulders, much to large for a dobie his size now.

"Just how small am I going to get?" He gulped, looking below at his feet as the ground seemed to be rushing up to him.

"Assuming it works as intended, six inches." The collie moved over to his table once more, getting a tape measure and holding it up before the doberman against the bars.

"Hm, two feet, not too bad. A bit faster than I expected, but the serum must work better when there is less mass to run through. I'll have to calculate that in." He went over and scribbled on his notes.

"Wait! Does that mean I will get smaller than intended?" Mud began to panic as he tried to squeeze through the bars, perhaps with a chance to escape.

"Possibly, we won't know until its done now will we?" He looked over his shoulder and stuck his foot inside the cage, pushing the dobie back onto his rump. "Now, now, I don't want you getting lost."

Mud yelped and rubbed his rear, ear splaying as everything expanding around him. The block he was only was almost as long as he was, and even then, it was still expanding, growing larger and larger. He curled up into a ball, whimpering as he waited for the horrible nightmare to end.

Finally, there was a large clang that rang throughout the room. Mud perked his head up and gulped in awe as the colossal leg of the border collie moved forward, an equally massive hand reached down and scooped him up. He squirmed and kicked, but it was no use against the digits as he was hoisted up into the air. He gulped as the speed the ground passed under him, before being set down onto a cold metal table beside a standing ruler. His nub drooped as he looked at this height. Three inches. He was only three inches tall.

"Hm, it seems it was a bit too strong. No matter. I'll make the necessary adjustments." Serophous wrote down a few more notes.

"W-what about me?" Mud asked, his voice a bit higher pitched in his new stature. "Will you grow me back?"

The collie gave a look that froze the dobie to the bone.

"Oh, you'll grow back when it wears off. And then we'll test again and again and again." He laughed and picked the miniature dobie up again, putting him in a small hamster cage.

"Welcome to your new life as my test subject my lil doberman!"

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