Julio Nautica's Journal?
Julio Nautica is an
eleven year old dragon that has no visible wings. His scales are white and he
has pale blue spines on his head in an array of what looks like spiky hair. He
has the ability to control winds so well that he was considered a danger to the
Pinnacle. They quickly locked him away, separating him and Fluhr for what
seemed like forever. That is, until they met in the arena. His attitude is
free-spirited and he doesn't ever hold a grudge, so it was quite surprising
when he had built up resentment for the Pinnacle. He has hidden wings that only
show when he uses his power, and it's quite the impressive display when he
does. What happened in the arena when Fluhr and
Julio were not the focus was as follows:(Julio's Point of View) I found the source of the wind and headed
towards it. I recognized the smell. Ozone mixed with rain. It was a unique
smell that I've only ever smelled in the presence of my dear friend, Fluhr. Was
he really in here? I couldn't believe it, but, as I followed the scent, my nose
proved me wrong. I was eventually led to a clearing where a certain snow
leopard was seething in place, enraged by the situation he was in. I was
speechless as he saw me and his stern expression melted. His spots turned into
a rainbow of colors as he saw me. "Julio?" he said, walking towards me. I
could only nod. He smiled widely and rushed to embrace me. He picked me up in
spun me around despite my protests. "My, how you've grown! It's been too long,
bud. Where have you been?" "Jail, apparently." I replied, my mood
immediately souring at the memory. "It was horrible. When I wasn't in solitary
confinement, the other inmates tried to do horrible things to me. I think I've
lost track of how many have witnessed my power." "At least you're okay other than that." The leopard
assured me that it was over and that we were together again. I could feel my
crush for him returning. I blushed inwardly. Why did I feel this way? I shook off the tingling I felt and merely
smiled. At this point, I could sense peril, and I saw that Fluhr did too.
Without a word, we both bolted off into the direction of what would be the
location of searing annihilation. So many minutes passed before the fire died
down. I felt drained containing it, and Fluhr and I didn't bother confronting
the fox within. Fluhr looked at me, heaving for breath along with me, and then
he chuckled. Then laughed. Suddenly we both were having a grand ol' giggle at
the expense of the situation. The tingling return and I forced it deep down. We scavenged for food and water but were
largely unsuccessful. We only found a single fruit-bearing tree and there was
no water to be found. By nighttime we were thirsty and exhausted. Fluhr offered
to make it rain, but I refused to let him. "It'll just drain you more than it'll
help you." I said. Exhaustion quickly overtook us, and Fluhr
suggested that we sleep by each other so that one will be aware of the other
being taken or whatever other scenarios the mind could fabricate. As I fell
asleep in Fluhr's arms, the weird feeling returned. Did I really have a crush
on my best friend? Surely it's just the shock of meeting him again. We've been
apart for at least five years. I was far too young to be in that prison, and my
confusion turned to anger. My body unwillingly wasted some energy dispersing my
anger in the form of a modestly uncomfortable wind. Fluhr wasn't fully asleep,
thankfully, and did his best to calm me down. I decided to ask him about our
families and how they were doing. His answer was blunt. "Dead, all of them." He spat. I didn't
respond. I knew what he meant by that. They were murdered, and it was the
Pinnacle's fault. Did they know no bounds? I fell asleep quite uncomfortably
with a new hatred for the more opulent citizens of this wretched society
conjuring up a storm in my stomach... "Harold." The hyena said, getting the
general's attention. The hyena was dressed in all black clothing, having
distastefully discarded his uniform.
"Yes, yes. I know." The annoyed general
interrupted, not looking up from the screen, "They haven't hardly been fighting
at all. That fire versus ice debut was so cliché that it hurt." "That isn't why I'm here, sir." The hyena said, putting a disrespectful emphasis on the way he said "sir." The general noticed this all too late as a metallic blade thrust itself into his back and clean through his stomach. He was so shocked that he didn't speak, but the hyena did. "That's for this sick form of entertainment." He pulled the knife out and jabbed through the back of the general's neck. "And that's for killing everyone I ever loved." The hyena twisted the knife before wrenching it from its temporary holding place. He then walked out of the room, saying to the general as much as himself, "Now to find my way into that arena. I'm going to rescue your little playthings." He cackled as the general bled to death on the floor...