SETTING SUN: Chapter 2 - Evil Compassion

Story by Guardian of the Flame on SoFurry

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SETTING SUN: Chapter 2 - Evil Compassion



I couldn't move from how afraid I felt. I saw him, just standing there, glaring down at us...his face more terrifying then I had ever seen it. I could feel the pulses of rage vibrating from the deepest core of his body, sending chills running up and down my spine. Yep...he was definitely pissed...

"Explain...NOW!" He roared, his fists shaking at his side. I cringed at his booming voice, my only thought on how I was going to protect Ronnoc from his rage.

I looked up at him with terrified eyes, my paw shaking as I held onto Ronnoc's. I didn't know how I was going to tell him that I had just made love to my brother, but the thought of the words coming out of my mouth made me even more afraid. order to protect my brother...I lied.

"Dad...I...I forced him...I made him do it." I whispered, looking away from my father's hate filled eyes. I could tell Ronnoc was surprised...and now as mad as my father. He didn't want me to be the one who took the blame...he wanted "us" to have it...together.

"You? Connor, you forced your brother to have sex with you, am I hearing this right?" He growled, taking a step towards me. I knew he was going to hurt me...but I could care less.

"Yes...forgive me." I pleaded, pushing Ronnoc behind me, for I already knew what was going to happen next...and sure enough it did.

"YOU FUCKING SICK LITTLE SHIT!" He roared, rushing towards me and grabbing me by the scruff of my neck. I yelped in pain, and Ronnoc jumped up and grabbed onto my paw...I shook him off, pushing him away from me with my footpaw. I heard a small "thud" as he hit the wall, falling back onto the bed.

My father dragged me from the room, still gripping my neck. He slammed the door behind him as Ronnoc shot off the bed towards me. I suppose he did that because he wanted to have me all to himself...and that he didn't want Ronnoc to see what would happen to me. He jammed a chair up against the door handle, sealing my lover inside our room. Goodbye Ronnoc...I love you...

Down the hall he dragged me, I cried in pain the whole way. Once he had gotten me in the living room, he dropped me, but in no way did he stop the torture. I got on my hands and knees, trying to stand up and run, but he was quicker.


I saw star burst in front of my eyes as pain seared from my stomach to my head. He had kicked me. I gasped for air chocked in pain, then cried out as he kicked me again, harder this time. He didn't stop, but continued to kick me in my stomach, face, legs, and any other part of my body that he could get to. I laid on the ground, curled into the fetal position, wave after wave of pain flowing through me like fire. I finally felt him stop, and heard his heavy footstep thudding away from me.

I cracked open my eyes, tears streaming from them. Reaching up to my face, I feel something damp and warm on my own blood. My nose was broken. I chocked, and I felt an extreme pain coming from my chest and ribcage...he probably broke a couple of ribs too... I wobbled as I tried to get to my knees, my body in agony. In the distance I could hear Ronnoc pounding on the door, begging for my father to leave me alone. Please...shut up Ronnoc...and get involved..., I pleaded silently, blood and tears streaming down my face.

Then I heard his footsteps getting closer, fast and increasing in volume. He was coming back for me, to finish me off, I guessed.

"Get your nasty faggot ass out of my house! You disgust me! GO!" He screamed, throwing a bag on the floor next to me. I struggled to my feet and picked up the bag.

"Please forgive Father...and tell Ronnoc I'm sorry." I whispered, not moving an inch. I stared him in the eye, mine reflecting only hatred for his sorry ass. He growled at me and pointed for the door.

"Goodbye." I said, and with that I turned and walked out of the door, and into the beautiful night.


Ronnoc sat on his bed, his paws throbbing and his face streaked with tears. He had heard everything...his brother screaming in pain...the sounds of his father hurting him...everything. He looked down at his paws and saw that they were a bit bloody, most likely from him pounding on the door. It was silent now...and that is what worried him...what if his brother was!

"C-Connor...w-why did you d-do that..." Ronnoc moaned, burying his face in his pillow as he sobbed. It felt like his heart had broken into a million glass fragments, all of which were stabbing into his hollow chest. He understood why his brother had lied, but it hurt too much for him to accept.

*knock, knock, knock*

Ronnoc quickly looked up as he heard his father gently tapping on his door. Wiping his eyes, he stood up from his bed and made sure that he didn't look upset in anyway. It was...difficult.

"Ronnoc...can I come in?" His father asked, the doorknob slowly turning.

"Yes." Was all Ronnoc said, turning away from the door and staring out of his window and into the night.

The door open and Ronnoc could hear his father step in, shutting it behind him. The older fox stepped up behind his son and placed a comforting paw on his shoulder, thinking that he was upset from his brother "rapping" him. Ronnoc could feel the paw on his shoulder, and instantly anger flooded him. He turned to face his father, slapping the paw off of his body.

"You son of a bitch." Ronnoc cursed at his father, glaring deep and hard into his eyes. His father's face was an image of shock...and hadn't expected this.

"Listen son, what your brother did to you was disgusting and wrong, and I had to punish him."

"By doing what?!? MAKING SURE YOU KILLED HIM? HMMMM? DID IT FEEL GOOD TO HAVE HIM SCREAMING IN PAIN UNDER YOUR FOOT? ANSWER ME YOU BASTARD!!!" Ronnoc roared, shoving his father in the chest with his paws. His father stumbled backwards but quickly recovered, swiftly grabbing his son's paws as they tried to punch him.

Ronnoc struggled and screamed curses at his father, wanting nothing more than to rip his head off of his shoulders. But his father held him firmly in place, waiting for Ronnoc to lose what energy he had left. The enraged fox kicked and screamed, but alas, to no avail.

"He deserved what he got, and he be coming into this house again. He is gone." His father simply said, his voice calm and monotone. Ronnoc instantly went limp, joy sweeping through him. CONNOR WAS ALIVE!!! HE WAS OKAY!!! But that didn't stop Ronnoc from dispising his father.

"I hate you. I hate you so much!" Ronnco snarled, snapping his yaws at his father. His father backed his head out of the way and dragged the smaller fox over to the bed. Dropping him onto the mattress, he turned and opened the door. Before he left, he turned and looked at his remaining son, not surprised to see his face full of fury and hatred.

"That's okay." And with that, he left the room, shutting the door behind him. He shoved the chair back under the doorknob to make sure that his son didn't go looking Connor.

Ronnoc just sat up on his bed, staring at a wall, anger still flowing vividly through him. He hated his father, more then he could ever hate anything. He wanted to see him suffer in agonizing pain, just like his brother had.

Slowly getting up from his bed, he moved back towards the window, glimpsing out into the quiet darkness. His brother was out there right now...on his own with nowhere to go. No bed to sleep in, no food. Nothing...but most importantly...he wasn't with Ronnoc.

Ronnoc pressed his forehead against the glass as tears of sadness and worry streamed down his face, matting down his fur. What was he going to do... What was Connor going to do without him... All these thoughts flashed through Ronnoc mind as he wept, becoming more and more aggravated. He slammed his fist against the window, and that's when the answer came to him. With an evil chuckle, he searched for the latch that held the window secure, knowing now how he was going to be with Connor. Finding it, he flicked it from its position and then turned back to his room. Rushing into his closet, he found an old duffle bag that he used for camping. Opening the draws to his dresser, he randomly grabbed clothes and thrust them into the bag, trying to hurry and yet be as quiet as possible. Once full of clothes, he selected some personal items of his and Connor's and then latched the bag shut. Going back over to the window, he quietly slid it open, the nights cool air flowing into the warm bedroom.

"Burn in Hell you asshole." Ronnoc cursed to his father, spitting with hatred onto the wooden floor.

So, with thoughts only of finding his lover in mind, he vaulted out of the window and into the gentle night, making sure to get as far away from his father as he could...


Tears flooded my eyes as I there, watching the waves gently caress the shore, drifting back and forth, back and forth. I first place I thought of going was the beach, and although it was not far from my former home, it's gentle sounds and the smooth sand helped to calm me. So there I sat, my feet in the sand, my face in my hands, and my heart breaking with each passing second. Choosing to take the blame was a split decision, one of which I had already reaped the consequences of. But the main thing was that Ronnoc was safe...that's all the mattered right now. Not that I didn't have anywhere to go, not that I only had the clothes on my back, and not even that I didn't have him by my side...only that he was okay. I thought of that bastard hurting him made me furious...but I would never let that happen.

"Oh Ronnoc...please don't do anything stupid...*sigh*" I whispered this quietly to only myself and the sea, finding peace in its beauty. I looked sadly up at the starry night sky, my mind wondering back to happy times with Ronnoc and Mom...


"Connor honey, please get down! You're scaring Mommy!" My mother cried, panicking when she saw that I had climbed high up into an old oak tree. I was sitting on a branch, swinging my footpaws over the side of it, humming happily to myself.

"But Mom, I can see the whole island from here." I whined, rolling my eyes at my mother's pleas. Ronnoc was by her side, holding onto her hand, his face as worried as hers was.

"Con, you're scaring me too. Please come downnnnn!" My brother begged, gesturing for me to come down. I, the foolish fox that I was, decided that I quickest way to get down was to jump. I looked down at Ronnoc and nodded.

"Fine. Catch me." And then I jumped, hurtling towards my brother. My mom acted quickly. She got in front of Ronnoc and held up her arms, catching me before I collided with him. Ronnoc was at my side in an instant.

"Are you okay Con? That was close a close one." Ronnoc said, taking my paw in his once my mother put me down. I looked up and saw that she was angry, and instantly I dropped my eyes to the ground.

She let out a soft sigh and lifted my chin with her finger, giving me a warm smile. I just looked at her, still kind of worried that she was mad.

"Connor, Connor, Connor...what in the world am I going to do with you, you naughty little kit." She said, shaking her head and smiling. My long bushy tail swayed in happiness once I knew that she wasn't angry with me.

"I'm sorry Momma, I won't do it again." I whispered, hugging her around the waist. She sighed again and patted me on the head, wrapping her arms around me. Ronnoc was still at my side, but instead of holding my paw, he was handing onto my tail. I turned to him now.

"And I'm sorry for making you worry Ronny, I really am." I said, hugging my brother tightly. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight, laying his head on my shoulder. I heard my mother giggle and when I looked up at her; she was smiling wide at us.

"Come on little ones, I got some sweets for you at home." She said, holding out a paw for both of us. Ronnoc took one and I took the other, and we walked home side by side, paw in paw, with only joy awaiting us once we returned home...


I felt hot tears dripping down my lips and onto the sand below me, my chin quivering with total sadness. I missed her...I missed her terribly. I remember that when we had gotten home, she had a huge plate of cinnamon brownies waiting for us, her home-made frosting in a bowl on the side. Oh what fun we had decorating the brownies, both Ronnoc and I made a complete mess of things. Our mother just laughed and helped us clean up, and then enjoyed with us some brownies and cold milk. Happy memories...and yet now they were only painful reminders.

"I hope that you are okay Mom, or at least better than we are..."I spoke up to the heavens in a whisper, my voice matching that of the soft waves crashing against the rocks in the distance. Of one answer...

Wiping my eyes with the back of my paw, I stood up and brushed the sand off of my legs and backside. Looking down the length of the beach, I could only see sand and ocean. I decided that maybe a walk would do me good, and so that is what I did. I walked and I walked, my only company was the moon and the stars, both of which hung overhead, silently watching me. Many thoughts were filling my head, mostly one's of Ronnoc and of the silly adventures we had.

Ronnoc was a dreamer. He like to make believe almost anything that could be dreamed up by an eight year old. We played Wolf Soldiers and the Evil Rat, Night of the Living Bat, and many other tedious games. I will admit that I enjoyed them very much, my brother having so much fun always made me happy. He was usually the good Prince and I the giant Dragon that would guard the "castle". Oh god, how we would play for hours on end, our Mother having to call us in once the sun began to set...that was another one of our favorite things to the Sunset...


Ronnoc made his way through the village, searching for any signs of his brother. He had already been to every tavern and late night Inn. But, to his dismay, no luck what so ever. He stopped at the park, sitting down on one of the stone benches and rubbing his temples.

Where could he be..., Ronnoc thought, searching through his memories for a place that he and his brother would usually go to.

"Hmmmm...the sweet festival center...definitely not...the beach...n- THAT'S IT! THE BEACH!" Ronnoc cried in triumph. He quickly grabbed his bag and rushed down the streets towards the coast.

The only thing that was lighting his way was Luna, the full moon high in the night sky. Ronnoc was grateful that he was a nocturnal creature, and was also glad that it wasn't a cloudy night. He ran down the roads and alleyways, hoping with all of his heart that his brother would be there...waiting for him. Surely he didn't think that Ronnoc would just let him go on his own, surely not. Some part of him told him that his brother was in trouble, but he quickly dismissed them. He had to be positive, and hope for the best.

He finally passed a sign that read "Anatonia Beach, 1 Mile". Beaming with joy, Ronnoc put on some more speed, eager to see if his ponderings were accurate. His lungs burned for air, but he suppressed the pain, his only concern was to reach his brother.

Finally he could see the ocean in the distance, Luna's beams glittering off of its surface. He soon came to a board walk that lead to the seashore, and with a happy giggle he went on it, running down it until he was in distance of the shore. Jumping over the railing he bent over, hands on his knees, panting for air. Ronnoc greedily sucked in the air, happy to finally be able to rest. He had made it to the beach, now all he had to do was find Connor.

Able to breathe normally once again, Ronnoc walked a little ways down the beach, and stopped and surveyed the stretch of land before him. He didn't see anything...but that didn't discourage him.

He might be futher down the shore...,Ronnoc thought, picking up his bag once again and starting to run down the beach, spits of sand flying up behind his footpaws. He could hear the gently crashing of the waves, and they lifted his spirits. Connor always talked about how much he loved the sounds of the waves...they were nature's music, as he put it. Hopefully he would find him soon.

Ronnoc slowed to a walk once it became hard for him to breath. Putting his hands over his head, he breathed in deeply, taking in the cool night air. He guessed, by the position of the moon, that is was roughly 1:00 am. But he wasn't tired, not at all. The desire to find his brother fueled him on.

"Connor...where are you?" Ronnoc sighed to himself, glancing around in all directions for any sign. Seeing none, he hung his head in defeat, tears about to well up again. That was when he saw them...footprints. Crouching down, he placed a paw to the footprint, examining it closely. Then he realized how he would be able to tell for sure if it was his brother's. Standing up, he slid off his sandal and placed his footpaw into the imprint.

They matched.

"CONNOR!" Ronnoc cried with delight, taking off at a run once more. Connor had been this way! That could only mean that he wasn't that far away... The thought of being able to hug his brother sent tremors of pure joy throughout his body, causing his bushy fox tail to wag with excitement. He ran faster than he ever thought he could, not once stopping for breath. He didn't feel the need to, his body powered by his new discovery. Ronnoc stopped suddenly when he spotted something in the distance, the object looked as if it was walking in the same direction he was running. Oh, and Ronnoc noticed one other detail...its fur was pure white...

"CONNOR!!! CONNOR!!!" Ronnoc screamed, sure that it was his brother in the distance. He bounded down the shore, the night air rushing past him. The white figure had stopped walking and turned around, looking directly at him...



I whipped around as I heard the sound of my brother's voice crying out for me. My heart instantly swelled with joy as I saw his white furry body sprinting towards me. Dropping the bag that I was carrying, I ran.

I ran towards Ronnoc...

I ran towards my brother...

I ran, most of all, towards my one true love.

And then, as time seemed to become motionless, we were united. Ronnoc jumped into my awaiting arms, hugging me tightly around the neck as he sobbed into my shoulder. I held him up as he let loose his happy emotions. I, unable to keep my emotions in check, cried with him, my tears falling onto his body, as his did mine.

"Don't *sob* every leave me *sob* again Con! Don't ever do that again! *sob,sob,sob*" Ronnoc sobbed, tightening his grip on me. I hugged him back and twirled him around, his feet flying off of the ground. This was the happiest moment of my life.

"I won't my love. Never again. Never. I love you Ronny." I said, laughing as I spun him. He too laughed, but whined for me to put him down. I did so, and it took him a few moments to regain his balance.

"I love you too Con. I love you with all my heart." Ronnoc whispered, twisting his paws in mine. I gripped then, finally glad to be able to hold him again. He was my life now, and I would do anything in my power to make sure that he was happy, as well as safe.

Letting go of my paw, he pulled me close to him by the waist. Brushing some stray hair from in front of my face, he smiled happily at me, making me blush some. Then, taking my chin in his paw, he leaned in and kissed me deeply, tilting his head to throw himself more into the kiss. I did the saw, wrapping my arms around his neck and holding him close. Oh, how I loved the warm, soft feeling of his lips on mine, they were so full of passion and love... Our lips parted and we let our tongues slip into each other's mouths, caressing one another. I heard my brother moan with pleasure and I smiled heatedly under the kiss.

Breaking the kiss proved to be an extremely difficult task. But, once we became light-headed from the lack of air, we finally released our lips from each other, gasping deeply for air. I never let go of Ronnoc as we filled our lungs with cool night air, loving his warm body pressing up against mine.

"I love you Con, now and forever. Be my lover...please." Ronnoc whispered into my ear as we held each other in a tight embrace. I nuzzled his neck and deeply inhaled his wonderful scent, the aroma sending shivers up and down my spine. God...he smelled so good...

"And I you, my arctic lover. Nothing can break us apart. I'll always be at your side, a paw holding yours, for all time." I whispered back, kissing the palm of his paw. Ronnoc giggled and took my free paw in his, holding it tightly. I look deeply into his eyes and saw only happiness and love. Damn it...I was crying again.

He wiped away my tears and continued to hold me. I knew that he would be the one to make me feel better even on the worst of days. He was the gentle type, I the more dominate. I was the fighter, he the healer. Two opposites, as they always have said, will attract each other. I found this to be absolutely true, in every sense of the word.

"Come on hon, we need to find a place to sleep for tonight. I don't care where it is, as long as I'm with you." I said, tugging Ronnoc paw as I made my way for town. He walked by my side, our step in perfect harmony.

"I couldn't agree more Con." My love said in a gentle voice, making my heart melt.

And so we walked with ease towards town, the soft rippling of the ocean in the background, and the protective eyes of the moon guiding us safely. Paw in paw we walked, and with hearts filled to the brim with love and compassion...

Love truly is a beautiful thing...