Unlikely Parenthood

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A heartwarming story about how a leafeon unexpectedly meets a cute little eevee

Unlikely Parenthood

(This is an ongoing story between me and my amazing RP daughter, and how my Leafeon character became her unexpected father--from his third person POV--thus the very unoriginal title. That will also explain all of the self-identification I use. Like he, his, Leaf, etc. This is her birthday gift and will likely remain a standalone story. It's a short story, but who knows though? If enough people like it, I may expand on it more. By the way, while Pokémon, they are both somewhat original with things they can do. You'll see.)

Warning: This story contains CUB. Please do not read if you aren't interested. If you still wish to read, then enjoy this uplifting, yet sexy short story.

Leaf had just finished a particularly long chase with some beautiful autumn leaves. Since the day was a rather windy day for this time of year, he had chased the leaves quite deep into the woods. Leaf wasn't a young leafeon, having been evolved from Eevee for three years now. As far as nature was concerned, he was a full grown adult. However, despite his years as a leafeon, he was quite fit. His short, tan fur was exceptionally well-groomed as he was slightly vain about his looks and somehow he managed to keep his fur trimmed nicely.

His secret was to use his Razor Leaf ability on himself to ensure that his fur was well-kept without any knots. He also bathed quite regularly, so his fur had a delightful shine to it against any day that had exceptionally sunny weather. Contrasting perfectly against his fur were his ears and tail. His appendages resembled leaves, but not just any leaves. The color and sheen made them as spring green as possible in color. His tail and ears might even put some blooming trees to shame.

The reason the leafeon was so fit was because his body was rather toned from all the exercise he gave it. Not only did he chase leaves for a living, but he also swam frequently as part of his bathing process and did plenty of morning exercises to keep his body springing with youth. Of course, that was just how he was. Without a mate or anything to distract him--not that he'd mind--he had free reign to do whatever he pleased. He had, of course, helped out a few females through their heats, but as far as loyal to any one mate, he just hadn't found the right one yet.

He was also an excellent tracker, which was precisely why he didn't mind chasing these leaves he had been following through the windy weather. It was going on twilight after this excursion now and he had already begun following his trail back to his den. Though the woods were home to numerous Pokémon, only the truly large ones were the slightest bit territorial. As long as others left them alone, many Pokémon could care less about what other Pokémon did with themselves.

So it was with a piqued curiosity that he heard some leaves rustling nearby. All he had smelled was dirt and leaves, so why had this noise eluded his rather good senses. The leafeon sniffed the air again to see if he could figure out what it was, yet once again, all that he caught whiff of was dirt and grass, if a little thicker than normal, without even the slightest hint of another Pokémon. He decided right there and then that he was going to investigate.

Because of his friendly nature, he began to prepare his smile as most people prepare for fights or matches. He rolled his shoulder, cleared his throat, did a few practice smiles and then put on his best one and gently approached the rustling bushes. With careful ease, still slightly defensive because this was unknown territory for him, but maintaining that sure smile, he lifted the bushes. But he did not expect what awaited him.

Looking almost pitiful and weak and covered in dirt and leaves to such a thick degree that no wonder he couldn't smell it before, was a Pokémon. Not just any Pokémon. It was an eevee. And a young eevee, by the looks of it. The critter couldn't be more than four months old, but she was skinny, and looked like she hadn't had enough food.

As soon as she saw him, she cried out in fear, speaking a few unintelligible words that sounded to him as Pokémon normally sounded to humans. With broken variations of 'eee' and 'vee', she tried hiding further in the dirt, going so far as to use the move Dig to bury into the dirt.

Well that explained why he couldn't smell Pokémon under all that dirt. Dig seemed to be her escape all mechanism. He maintained that smile and began to gently speak to her, using soft coos and murrs with his tone of voice in an attempt to ease her fear since she was a cub after all. "It's okay sweetie. Come on out. I won't hurt you. I promise."

She hesitated, but all that smiling practice he used, combined with his tone of voice, must have somewhat eased her fear. Very carefully she slipped out of the small hole she had dug, nearly collapsing with exhaustion as she stumbled a bit. He caught her with a forepaw before her body hit the dirt and as she gave a weak cry of her name, he picked her up by the scruff of her neck, some deep seeded paternal instincts kicking in. She immediately curled up as most cubs being carried do, her own instincts driving her to compliance before she passed out in his mouth.

He felt sorry for the poor thing, looking around for her mother, but as before, not even the scent of another Pokémon hung in the air. Apparently, she had been on her own for longer than any lingering scent, which would mean she'd been on her own for some days now. He silently cursed the parents of this youngster, since she probably hadn't even eaten since that day she was left to fend for herself. First things first, he would clean her up. She wasn't conscious enough to eat anything right now anyway and probably needed rest as much as food.

Leaf grumbled to himself around the kit in his maw, though not out of inconvenience. It was once again to berate the foolish parents that abandoned her. He made his way through the woods despite the dark night, using only the moon to guide his steps, leaving off of his trail he had been following to get back to his den and made his way southward, to the warmer part of the woods where he knew he could get her clean.

As they travelled south, the climate grew more humid and began to dampen his fur with how humid it was, heating up quickly as fog descended. But it wasn't cold fog; it was steam as he stepped into the clearing of a hidden hot springs. He carried the kit to the water and stepped in gently placing her shivering body into the very edge of it, so that just her hind legs went in. The water clouded immediately around her with how much dirt ran off of her, but the warmth of the water made her stir slightly and snuggle into it, so a little more of her body got covered by the hot springs.

Leaf chuckled as he saw her body snuggle to the water and grinned, beginning to run more water over her after placing some in his paw. He sort of used it to layer her in a protective sheen to get all the dirt and grime off of her. As he did so, he noticed her unusual silver coloring that identified her as shiny. Though his experience with humans was limited and he did not know that is what they called it, he imagined that perhaps it was her coloring that might have led to her parents abandoning her.

Regardless about the reasons why they abandoned her--he had to ignore thoughts like that or would just get angry again--he began to groom her with just his tongue after the majority of the dirt was mixed into the hot springs. It was at that point that she began to stir a bit, having been starting to purr lightly while his tongue gently caressed the fur of her belly and sides, using his own razor leaf to remove all her knots from her fur, in particular the silvery white fluff of her neck tuft.

As her cobalt blue eyes gazed at him, still with a modicum of fear, but mixed in with gratitude, he smiled gently, his head still over her. She then directed her gaze to the cute tuft on his neck and immediately opened her toothless maw to trap it within, suckling as if it was a teat.

He shivered slightly as she suckled on it, the feeling pleasing to him, but at first nothing came out. However, as he willed it and wanted to be able to feed her in some way, his tuft magically began to leak a nutritious sap into her muzzle. It was dripping slower than a female's teat, so she only sucked harder, which made him gasp a bit in pleasure as she sought to retrieve more from him.

The eevee, for her part, had once again closed her eyes as she repeatedly sucked on his tuft as if it were some sort of human pacifier, unknowingly making him hard with excitement. However, also unlike a female, he had a much smaller supply of the nutritious sap. So with her being thoroughly famished, there was no way he could satisfy her hunger needs at the moment. Expectedly, when he ran out, she burst into tears and began to cry, releasing his tuft to let him know the status of her hunger, still being unfulfilled.

Leaf whimpered sympathetically as he realized he had run out, so he maneuvered more to stand over her protectively while he searched around the outskirts of the hot springs for something, anything to satisfy her hunger.

Of course, with his tuft out of the way and belly exposed as he stood over her crying form, her eyes opened and caught the sight of something else that might satisfy her hunger. He was suddenly caught off guard and nearly fell over from surprise when her toothless gums latched onto his hot red canine shaft and began to expertly suckle, seeking more nectar. Because of her attention on his tuft, he had been hard the whole time she had been drinking and so had already made a bit of precum that for all she knew was more sap to satisfy her needs.

Her reaction to the taste of his pre was also unexpected. Her cute little eyes widened at the taste and began to suckle even harder, which nearly had him go to his knees with the pleasure of it. He wanted to tell her to stop, that it wasn't the drink she needed, whatever he could think of while clouded by pleasure as he was, but it felt so good that all he could release was a moan of heated arousal, followed by the panting of his breath as it left his maw. He guided her to shore by her mouth, since it was pretty much glued to his cock as it was, if anything to prevent himself from dunking her into it if he accidentally thrusted.

All Leaf could do was lean down and bite his forepaws to prevent himself from crying out at the sheer pleasure. He realized, with some admonishment at himself, that he didn't actually want her to stop, despite how young and clearly clueless she was at what type of nectar she would soon be getting. So rather than beat himself up over it and stop her, he merely focused on enjoying the sensation as she continuously got more pre to run down her gullet, concentrating on not thrusting since that would be something she most definitely wouldn't expect.

The effort of not thrusting was making his body tremble and shiver when his fuzzy balls churned and swelled as they grew with pent up seed, growing to twice their normal size, even when fully excited and wanting release. His eyes widened as he literally felt himself creating more seed in preparation for the grand release. Apparently, she was somehow able to will him to be that way as some psychic thought of a young female's voice repeatedly saying "more...more," filled his head. Each repetition of more made his testicles swell a little more. He knew it must be her as she suckled harder and harder, only making him moan louder and more lustfully.

While questioning if the female voice in his head was really this young kit, he caught the whiff of another scent, unique and never smelled before. He looked down between his legs to check on her and was surprised to see that she had repositioned herself unexpectedly in an attempt to get a better grip on his canine tool, which had placed her small pussy directly near his forelegs. Even young as she was, apparently his male musk from her sucking on his shaft had somehow excited her as the young, feminine slit of her pussy was glistening with more than water from the hot springs, swollen with arousal right in front of his eyes. He had no idea how a young kit like her could experience arousal, but even her rich scent, so fresh and young, was making it very hard to resist licking her.

As her psychic voice for more and more mounted his pleasure, both in him and his balls, he finally gave in and leaned his head down to stretch his tongue across her tiny slit. The resulting gasp of surprise turned into a tiny squeal of pleasure as her tiny feet dug into his sides, the claws barely able to hold her on, let alone cause him any pain.

In an effort to make this less difficult for both of them, he sat on his haunches against a rock, his balls almost like a third leg with how swollen with seed they were, even reaching the ground. This way she didn't have to try to maintain her grip and she could merely stand on his belly, ass up and tail draped over her back. He moaned and leaned his nose down to take a deep whiff of her young scent, savoring it, and then began to feast on her slit, gliding his tongue over it repeatedly.

As she squealed delightfully around his cock, she started to unconsciously buck as she sucked harder on his cock. He was still concentrating on not thrusting into her, which was why he had managed to hold back his orgasm for so long, but eventually, with her scent invading his senses as he drank her delicious nectar, he could hold back no longer.

His whole body shuddered and he couldn't help that one thrust into her as his cock jerked to life as if his grapefruit sized testicles used the ground for momentum and launched into her mouth. Somehow, she had deep throated him as if she knew his release was coming, all in an effort to not lose any of his seed. Like a firehose, he burst inside of her, firing powerful and thick jets of his seed straight into her stomach. Her maw clung to his cock like a vacuum, enabling every single drop to fill her without any escape. Her belly swelled with sheer amount of seed he filled her with as his orgasm kept him howling out into her little pussy in pleasure during its entirety, much longer than any orgasm he had ever had, female in heat or not.

Gradually, his balls shrank in tandem to her swelling belly and he was finally spent, having nearly passed out with the ecstasy, but he had persevered and was rewarded with her pussy squirting its own fluid onto his muzzle. He hadn't expected her to get an orgasm just from his vibrations of his howling climax filling her pussy, so his face got covered with a surprising amount of her own cum, and he murrs excitedly.

Her maw finally let his softening shaft slip out and back into its protective sheathe and she eagerly snuggled against him, swollen belly and all. Her eyes closed and she once more drifted to sleep, a happy smile on her muzzle.

Leaf gazed surprisingly at her as she fell asleep so fast, but despite her little body being spent, her sleep was restful, her fur had a healthier shine to it now, and her hunger had been satisfied. Everything she had been immediately in need of had been fulfilled. Now all she needed was a place to stay. He smiled to himself as he smiled. Perhaps that was covered as well. He looked to the sky, still the middle of the night and grinned.

He gently slipped her off of him and then dipped his head underneath her bloated belly and lifted up, resting her gently on top of his head. She didn't even wake up. Rather, she just burrowed herself lightly into his fur and he smiled. He carefully strode back to his path as he carried her back to his den. Once there under the protection of his burrow and out of the weather, he took her back to a full bed of leaves and sat up, gently sliding her off of him. She shivered a bit since they weren't in the hot springs and she didn't have his body heat, but he quickly fixed that, curling his body tenderly around hers to place his muzzle next to hers as his leafy tail covered the young kit like a blanket.

Yes, today had been quite the day. But he had a feeling he wouldn't be quite so lonely anymore. His seed seemed to be able to give her the nutrients she needed that a female might have and while she was young, he could tell that she just wanted somebody to love, and he would be that somewhere. He had become a father, and he was happy about it. With those thoughts, he too fell asleep with a smile on his face, more so after the young eevee's muzzle cuddled up next to his and purred at the blanket that was his tail.

New Beginnings Ch 22a

**_New Beginnings Ch 22a (Nature's Calling)_** (Alyssa prepares to aid Ren to set up the beauty contest after his battle with Vael, but will Vael be victorious? Contains M/F beast loving. Sorry about the terrible delay, but real life was nagging me...

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New Beginnings Ch 21

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New Beginnings Ch 20

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