Family and friends

Story by james mikoto on SoFurry

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#8 of love

Life is passing so quickly,

Dreams are proliferating so rapidly,

But in the middle of all these,

Memories are embracing so tightly....

The time we spent together was most memorable,

The days we live apart were most dreadful,

The fights we shared together were most dangerous,

Still the care we tend to do is most wondrous............

Rare is the love which I receive from you,

Precious is the knowledge which I receive from you,

But paramount of all these,

Peculiar are my siblings which I receive from God......

The rest of a 5 poems p T.T

RAGE I lay here to night in a dark silent room, Feeling only pain and uncontrollable gloom. Pictures of the blood flash in my head, Pictures of you laying on the floor dead. Never to come back and mess up my life, I smile as I wipe your blood...

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3 poems

i always see you You aren't physically here with me but I always see you. I see you every morning because you're my sunshine. I see you every afternoon because you're my dream during my nap. I see you every evening because you're my sunset....

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Thank you for 200 page veiws.

I really appreciate you, Your helpful, giving ways, And how your generous heart Your unselfishness displays. I thank you for your kindness, I will not soon forget; You're one of the nicest people I have ever met. wrriten by: me um thanks for...

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