Truth or Dare

Story by TheXenoFucker on SoFurry

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#7 of Erotica and Smut

I'd bet my hat ya'll are asking where the fuck this bar is.

>Hey, what're you doing tonight?

>Going out for a night on the town

>You've said that for the last five nights

>I keep meeting somebody

>It's that one in the red dress you told me about right?

>Yeah! I think she likes me

>You planning on anything?

>I don't know. She seems different


>She's a foreigner. From out of town she says

>Even better dude! You can get with her before she goes back home and then you'll never have to worry about it again

>No, I mean she's different. I don't really know how. She just is

>Are you gonna fuck her or not?



>Not cool.

>Fine then. Don't have a great night.

>I'm going out

>You're gonna fuck her

>I'm going out.

>Totally gonna fuck her

Crowds and noise, the smells of alcohol on the dance floor, the mingling of crowds in the night rhythm, in excited talk and sways, back and forth on the dance floor, among dim orange lights that shone down on glass lamps hanging from the ceiling. Here was tonight's fun activity.

Do some mingling.

He already had his work cut out for him though, as he scanned through crowds, a sea of faces and people, laughing, drinking, and smiling. She'd worn the same thing every night since he'd first bumped into her. A simple little red miniskirt that was so very, very short on her legs, along with matching red heels.

She was a good dancer, a good drinker, and generally, probably the most fun to be around in this lounge since he'd been here. He didn't spot her in the crowds as he passed through them, making his way over to a vacant table and sitting down.

This was sort of their own little, thing. He knew she was probably here but she had a very unique way of seemingly blending in. She was just so....normal. On thinking about it, really, she was just average. No flair of colour in her dark brown hair, a plain face. Even her body, her legs, put on display in her miniskirt, and her body in general.

She was so average that to him,

She stood out.

And yet she could keep up with him and drink to seemingly no end. She would dance and have fun and even beyond that she was pleasant to talk with. Maybe that's why he felt so strange. He didn't quite like to admit it. But he had a sinking feeling that maybe. Maybe she was it.

Maybe she was "the one."

He shook his head. Average or no she really did rock a miniskirt. The simple red dress stuck to her and even managed to emphasize her form. He couldn't help but smile. If she was this good on social occasions, then he was, curious to see what other side she had beyond the public.

Maybe in the privacy of somebody's home, to be precise.

As if on cue, glass clattered and a bottle touched down on the table, followed by two cups. Quickly and lavishly there she was. Out of nowhere. And she even bought the first drink. She crossed her leg up, hanging it off the side of her chair and letting her red heel dangle off her toes.

An average face, average eyes, and a plain smile. But admittedly, he was waiting for her enthusiasm all damn day.

"So, my mysterious stranger, what'll it be tonight?"

She was already in the process of pouring out the contents in the bottle into both glasses.

"I'm not sure. We did shots last night. Dancing. Talking. I'm out of ideas."

The woman looked at him with a smile.

"Oh there's always something to find if you look hard enough. Tell you what. I've got an idea."

"I'm all ears."

The woman took an entire shot down from her glass before smiling at him.

"How about we play a game tonight?"

He raised his glass up and sent it all down, feeling the bitter surge of alcohol go spiraling down.

"What kind?"

The woman's brows raised.

"How about a little Truth or Drink?"

"What, seriously? Truth or dare?"

The woman smiled, bouncing her foot up and down as she played with the red shoe dangling from her toes.

"Just, a little more adult. Ask a question, if you don't want to answer it, you take a drink."

There was a pause as he thought about it, watching her brown eyes and her smile. She was always so....happy. Cheerful. But he couldn't quite place it. It was like.....she was daring him. Wanted him to accept. He set his glass down on the table.

"Okay then mysterious stranger. It's a deal."

The woman giggled.

"Okay then. Who should go first?"

He raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know."

The woman snapped her fingers and pointed at him.

"Gotcha! Take a drink loser!"

He smirked at her, waving a finger as he poured more dark liquid into his glass and took a shot. She was sharp. Really sharp. He set his glass down.

"Okay. My turn. How long have you been here?"

The woman smiled.

"Only about a month so far. I quite like it here. It's.....different."

"Different h-"

The woman waved a finger at him.

"Down boy! My turn."

The woman giggled.

"Are you single or just here to relax?"

He had a sudden pause before saying anything. She was sharp to be sure. And he knew what game she was playing. He really, really wanted to ask her a lot of questions. She was bottlenecking him into one at a time while only making him want to ask more.

He smiled back at her. He could play her game too. He could get her wondering. Maybe, she'd ask the questions that told more about her without really saying anything up front. He poured more into his cup and took another shot. The woman's eyebrows raised.

"Sensitive topic much?"

He snapped his fingers back at her.

"Down girl! My turn."

The woman bounced her heeled shoe on her foot and adeptly continued to play with it, absent mindedly curling her hair as she smiled.

Questions passed and questions answered over the night, as the two laughed and sent down combinations of shots from several various bottles. Crowds moved, danced, and exchanged, coming and going for the night while the two stayed, adamant over their little table and their rather engrossing little game.

"Okay...okay. My turn. You speak perfect don't have an accent. What country are you from?"

The woman smiled as she sent down another shot, leading to the both of them laughing. Now that the alcohol was flowing questions were a little loose. It was just a test of who had the stronger resolve not to say something they might regret. The woman smiled, as ever.

"What's your take....on foreigners?"

He smiled back.

"Well if they're all like you I wouldn't mind."

He was buzzed slightly. But he still caught it for sure. Her eyes were watching him closely now.

"Okay, my turn. If you're some kind of foreigner. How long are you staying?"

The woman reached over to the nearest bottle, but then paused.

"I might be leaving soon. I'm not sure yet."

He went to speak, out of surprise and another question, but she caught him with a wave of her finger. She smiled, leaning down onto the table on her hands, watching him closely.

"So. You single or just here for fun?"

The woman made a point to raise her eyebrows at him.

"You already asked that, a while back. But........both."

One finger pointed at him.

"Clever. Make me wonder why you're here."

He smiled back.

"I could say the exact same thing."

The woman giggled.

"I forgot whose turn it was. You remember?"

He shook his head, before suddenly realizing it as the woman laughed and smiled. He took another shot. That last one went down hard. Not much more and things would get messy. He was buzzed but starting to lose his grip on things. And if she was telling the truth and she was leaving soon?

He really was interested in her.

"You implying something here, stranger?"

The woman smiled and sent another shot down.

"Oh I don't know. This dress is a little bit tight. I think I'd like to take it off. But the question is, whose bedroom am I going to leave it in tonight, stranger?"

The woman watched him closely. There it was. Right there in her eyes. In her plain face. She was daring him, silently. She had just beaten him to the punch that both of them were serious about asking but reserved over. All he could do was smile.

"King size bed at my place."

The woman practically jumped up to her feet from the table. No more games. He stood up too, but did a poor job, stumbling out of his chair somewhat. She was fast. Holding him steady on his feet out of his chair, she didn't even have a wobble to her.

"You drove here?"


"I'll drive."

"What about the drinks?"

"Already paid. You just sit back and tell me where to go."

The noise and crowds parted as the two passed through them, out to the exit of the lounge. His head was spinning but he couldn't be happier. She could drink him under the table. She was very, very preemptive about her timing. And she was going to drive him, to his house, with the express purpose of letting him get to see what was hiding under her red dress.

If she wasn't a keeper he didn't know what was.

The flick of a switch and light entered his apartment home as he stumbled through his door, tossing his car keys haphazardly as close as he could onto his coffee table. No more than a few seconds in he found himself pinned up against the wall by the woman who aggressively pressed her lips to his before breaking away quickly with a satisfied exhale. He was stunned, putting the brakes on everything as he moved his head aside as she closed inwards for another kiss.

"Whoa slow down here! You don't want me to freshen up?"

The woman smiled at him.

"I would argue that you're already freshened up enough."

He was too dull to actively evade her and so was caught again as she pressed her lips to his once more and ran her hands through his hair eagerly, before breaking away with another satisfied exhale and even a slight moan. Her eyes watched his closely, and he took notice of the fact that her slits had narrowed now. That happy, sensual, silent daring look had all but vanished. Now she was excited. And incredibly demanding.

"One last thing before we start. Real truth or dare."

He nodded, somewhat hurriedly.

The woman smiled.

"I've got a secret. I can show it to you. Or I can just keep going as I am now."

He wasn't quite able to put things together so well, and suddenly groaned.

"Please don't tell me you're not a woman."

The woman blinked, before smiling again.

"Well. I could be if I wanted, you know. I mean I've got a lot more flexibility than you_vertebrates._"

The woman leaned in close, flaring her nostrils and inhaling.

"But I can smell it on you. Your chemical compounds. You're inclined to females. So, yes, I'm female. All for you."

He did a double take.

"Wait wait wait. You said vertebrates?"

The woman tilted her head.

"Oops. I guess I'm just a little tipsy."

The woman raised her arm up to reveal a small watch.

"I let things slip a little when I'm tipsy. I've got a faster system than yours though. Takes a lot to make me tipsy. Even more for drunk!"

The woman leaned in close and kissed him, breaking away again with another moan and satisfied exhale. His head was spinning and suddenly he wasn't sure what was going on. With a smile the woman grabbed her watch, unfastening it.

"I guess the secret's out now anyway. I may as well show you. Don't worry stranger, I won't do anything you won't like. I'm still here because I really like your smell and taste."

A tug on the watch pulled it free from her wrist, and in an eye blink he missed it. In a snap he was looking at her wrist, normal human skin. And now....something else. His eyes traveled up to see two completely black eyes, larger than human. They blinked twice. Two eyelids.

A humanoid face, with regressed, small features. And tan skin that looked smooth and almost slippery. A small pair of lips smiled back at him and pressed to his before he could shout, and before he could manage anything else he felt something jab into his neck and felt a hiss of cold air.

Instantly, his body stopped. He couldn't move. He couldn't shout. He didn't even feel the need to shout from surprise or fear. The woman stepped away from him, holding up a small device like a gun, with a clear pointed needle and an empty cartridge on top of it. He stayed leaning against the wall.

"Sorry stranger. It's a sedative. Calms you down. Paralyzes you for just a little bit. And with some modifications it'll heighten your system. For about 12 hours."

All he could do was watch.

Tan skin. Maybe slightly transparent. Dots and rings of darker shades and her completely black eyes. Her hair had vanished and in its place, long draping strands, the same colour as her body twisted and curled down. Tentacles.

"I really am sorry stranger. The sedative takes away some of the fun for a bit. But I can't have you running off now can I?"

Two red straps fell away from her shoulders and she started sliding out of her dress. Fear or alarm was completely absent in him. Which left his mind somewhat clear. He watched as she slid out of her dress, discarding her red heels casually. As it slid down more of her body was revealed. Wherever the dress slid free her body seemed to expand outwards.

Suddenly her average features became more pronounced and flared. Average hips rounded out more and her breasts, smooth lumps with no discerning features to them now looked larger than before. Her entire body was the same shade of tan with darker rings and spots across it. She sighed happily as she stepped free of her dress.

"Little bit cramped in that tight little thing. Lucky I'm so flexible."

He watched as three open gashes under each of her breasts near her sides, opened and closed as her chest rose and fell. Her body was completely smooth. Almost seemingly slick. Down at her feet where toes should have been, they elongated somewhat into flexible appendages, the same as her hands. Boneless.

Right here in his home was a naked woman. He had danced with her. Gone drinking with her. Played entertaining games with her and enjoyed every night of his with her completely.

And she wasn't even human.

He was laying back on his bed now as she made a point to remove his clothes bit by bit after she'd painstakingly moved him. He wasn't stiff. He just couldn't find it in him to move himself. His limbs stayed locked in place wherever they were left. Her elongated fingers curled across his exposed skin and she smiled as she watched him, resting on top of his stomach.

"Oh don't look so glum stranger! You invited me into your home and you were going to fuck me any way you pleased anyway."

The alien woman leaned down and pressed her small, smooth lips to his and he watched as her small nose and her nostrils seemingly expanded as they inhaled. Something pressed itself against his lips to explore, before she broke away again, staring down at him with pitch black eyes.

"It's not technically rape because you invited me, and you're going to enjoy this, I promise. All 12 hours of it."

The alien tilted her head and began curling one of her draping hair tentacles.

"I don't think our nights of fun are all void just because you're an alien. I rather like you, stranger."

Multiple eyelids blinked as she smiled, and let something escape her lips. It draped free, a stark contrast to her outside skin, being darkly purple and smooth, hanging down well past her chest. In one smooth motion she slid her tongue across his chest and visibly shuddered, before sucking her appendage back into her mouth.

"All that alcohol goes well with your biology. Makes you even tastier than you are normally."

She leaned down on top of him, smiling at him.

"You're like a big walking cocktail!"

Her black orbs turned as her head turned back partially, before she watched him with another smile.

"Speaking of, you seem rather excited don't you? And I here I thought I was the only one who was happy!"

Smooth skin slid across his, gentle and just barely containing a hint of slickness, as she pushed herself downwards. He would have gasped if he could have. He felt the smooth crease of her backside briefly as her weight was felt on top of him before she pushed back far enough to leave him exposed, resting in front of her.

The alien giggled.

"Oh well look at that, I guess you really are excited!"

The alien tilted her head back and forth, smiling.

"I injected you with some other special things. A booster to your natural biology. Your species apparently are a little short on stamina."

Black eyes looked downwards to his exposed skin as multiple eyelids blinked.

"One and you're typically done. Those drugs will keep you going for roughly 12 hours like I said. You'll just keep going and going."

Another inhale from her as she closed her eyes.

"And that'll be soooooo good to me."

With a giggle she pressed her face close to his skin, revealing her long winding tongue once more. The long sandy brown tentacles draping down her head twitched, before moving of their own accord. They reached forwards, suddenly and quickly coiling around the base of his shaft, before her purple tongue wrapped around the upper end.

He couldn't make a sound, couldn't move or do anything but watch. And he could still feel it. Her purple appendage coiled so tightly, along with her hair like ones. They squished and rubbed and slid with ease as they collapsed and coiled, boneless and flexible.

The alien resting on the end of his bed let out a moan on contact with him, before quickly swallowing his length down her mouth eagerly, having no difficulty whatsoever as her throat expanded to fit. Her insides were hot and warm, slick and so glidingly smooth.

It was a feeling he'd known before. But the differences quickly emerged as her head tentacles, coiled around his balls fondled gently and as she pushed her lips to the very base of his skin, her tongue which had stayed wrapped and coiled the entire way even down her throat, began teasing.

He had to admit. This was freaky. Maybe he was having a strange dream.

But she knew her stuff. Her black eyes watched him the entire time as her hair tentacles coiled and massaged and he felt the inner workings of her throat which had a visible swell in it. She stayed rooted to his base at all times and the overwhelming feeling of heat and sticky insides, the way she kept eye contact with him at all times started growing on him immensely.

Before he knew it he had already arrived to a silent yet powerful climax, to which she eagerly sucked everything down and moaned happily. The drugs apparently heightened a lot more for him because he never remembered sitting at a peak for so long, practically filling her to the point that she couldn't keep up.

She stayed rooted to his base even as her small, soft features, her cheeks, swelled and filled and her nose overran with the sheer volume he was suddenly capable of producing. And like a shockwave, of volley after volley, he stopped.

The sound of suction as her lips clung to him as she pulled her head back up, and the final, sweet popping sound as she broke free, officially decided it for him.

Maybe it was a dream. Maybe it was real. Whatever she was.

She was a keeper.

As the alien propped herself up on her arms, he suddenly had a view of his handiwork. The swells of her cheeks returning to normal as she sent everything down and the satisfying view of a lump down her throat. The gashes, which he only assumed were gills, under her breasts heaved open and closed quickly now.

And as the bulge traveled down her smooth tan throat, another pair of gills opened on her neck, visibly leaking his handiwork along with her nose. Her eyelids both blinked strangely now, somewhat apart in timing from one another, as she smiled and watched him.

"Hmmmmmm. I was right about you. All that alcohol and you?"

The long purple appendage escaped her mouth, making a point to sweep around and across her lips to collect anything that escaped, as she looked down to her heaving chest, which was now especially slick with what had escaped through her gills, before looking back up to suck her tongue in once more.

"Now I'm drunk!"

With a fit of giggles she moved forwards and draped her body across his, coming face to face with him. Another smile from her.

"When your sedative.....wears off......"

Something escaped her lips in a short burst of air, as the gills on her neck heaved and her small lips parted, sounding like a hiccup, her eyes refocused on him.

"Please....PLEASE tell me you want to play biology dare with me because I really want to have fun with you."

With another hiccup the alien set her head down on his shoulder, and didn't move. His eyes traveled about his room, looking around.

He couldn't really believe it.

She'd passed out on cum as if she were a lightweight to alcohol.

Sure enough, eventually, the sedative effects did wear off. And he was suddenly left agonizing over what he should do. There was a tan coloured, squishy, and hyper sexual, naked alien draped on top of him sleeping soundly. She was in his house. Nobody but him knew about her. And the entire reason she had come here in the first place was because they both agreed to a night under the sheets.

He weighed the options in his head. Probably, most likely, staying calm would work out best. Able to move his hands now, he slid them across her backside to see if he could roll her off. And then he had an idea. He did feel really good. Not even tired.

She did say 12 hours.

Would it necessarily matter if she was sleeping for the entire thing?

He let his hands roam across her back to something a little squishier. Rounded and smooth, originally, seemingly average when cramped into her dress. His hands could almost practically sink into her backside as he gripped it. He paused, moving his hands upwards, lifting her head up by her chin. Eyes closed, out like a light.

Fuck it.

He was going to fuck it.

It was no lie. Whatever that little prick in the side of his neck injected, really did work. He didn't tire at all. And he found, after the first few rounds of focusing on her backside, finding thankfully similar biology, he needed to get inventive. Not that her backside was bad.

He found it rather addicting. She was so incredibly tight but her flexible and soft body accepted him like a tight vacuum seal. As he pressed down on top of her and slid in and out, harder and faster, he watched the tan orbs of her backside bounce and ripple and felt the slap of her smooth skin ripple and squish every time. He didn't even care to count how many times he let go into that little hole of suction and soft, squishy mounds.

He turned her over and found her body reacting. Where her breasts were originally smooth mounds, something protruded from each, from a soft little slit he hadn't seen before. He took time to caress and squeeze and eventually grew daring enough to involve his mouth, tugging and pulling, sucking and watching as her soft flesh bounced and stretched when he pulled or let go.

And he got more inventive and more daring. Resting on top of her and using her orbs to massage himself before he backed off, letting himself release all over them, and, now, arguably, her cute face. As her body reacted even more oddities occurred. Down below, a seemingly blank patch between her thighs showed itself.

Skin parted, splitting, revealing her own true private biology. And it was freaky. Where her skin parted and split, it formed smaller, flexible limbs. Tentacles. It gave him pause. She had tentacles....down there. But then again, nothing about her strange biology had done anything....hurtful so far.

And the dark purple of her insides was oddly inviting to him.

Quickly, once more, he wasn't complaining. Her insides gripped and tugged and her outsides coiled and pulled on him, wanting him. Keeping his grip on her tan hips he watched as her semi squishy body bounced and rippled, and felt as it quenched and sucked, demanded he keep giving more. To which he did, several times over, hilting and feeling the tentacles at her thighs squirm, before beggingly trying to latch on to him as he pulled free.

And there she was. Sleeping soundly, splayed out on his bed. Her backside, tight and warm, like a vacuum seal. He'd done his job there and all across her back too. He'd tried different ways of doing it, pulling on the back of her hair tentacles and letting himself fly off the handle. Gripping her hips and holding her up.

Her front side, same deal. He'd single handedly coated her in his handiwork and now he wasn't sure what to do. Unless he tried having a little strange fun? She was incredibly flexible. Some part of him had the slightest inkling of seeing how much her ass could take. A bottle maybe? How far could she bend? How much could her quaint little pair of lips take?

He shook his head. She'd be more fun if she was awake.

Time to see if he could wake her up.

Multiple eyelids blinked open. Water. Chilly water, splashing down on her from a showerhead. Her head had an ache to it. Her eyes looked down to find arms crossed over her stomach. She turned her head to find her stranger sleeping in the bathtub. She smiled on small lips, expanding all of her gills and rippling her body.

She had quite the aftertaste in her mouth. In her system. She felt traces of it, everywhere. She looked back with a smirk. He'd gone up and had some more fun, it seemed. But it looked like he was burnt out now. That potent cocktail of boosters, once wearing off, we equitable to a night of heavy drinking.

He'd likely passed out after he'd had all of his fun with her.

Gently, slowly, she curled her fingers around his arms, trying to lift them off herself, setting them down at the sides of the tub, before she slowly pushed herself up onto her feet. Well, whatever he did to her he was kind enough to clean her off. She smiled. What a nice stranger.

As she stepped out of the tub, setting one tan leg onto the floor, she felt something grab her waist and pull her back down. She fell backwards with a yelp of surprise as strong arms crisscrossed over her chest.

"Where do you think you're going, stranger? It's the weekend."

A quaint smile formed on her lips as she felt hands caress her chest, exciting her. Her internal, sensitive and softer parts emerged from their slits.

"Why, I figured we agreed it was a one night thing."

Something prodded against her backside, before slipping in, causing her to gasp slightly as her insides clenched tightly. The stranger was now apparently very versed with her body.

"You passed out like a lightweight before anything good started."

A hand roamed down her stomach, to find the space between her thighs, greeting her body as it reacted and parted. She felt her toes curl as all the right spots where hit, and she leaned down now in full. The stranger pushed his head up alongside hers.

"How about another round this time?"

"Round of what?"

"Truth or dare?"

Multiple eyelids of hers blinked as she considered it.

"What's the catch?"

"If you don't want to answer, you stay here a little longer."

Something pressed deeper into her insides, hilted in the tightness of her backside, while exploring hands tugged or pulled on sensitive spots to emphasize. After a slow moan her eyes turned to the side to watch his.

"Okay stranger. You first."

"How about we start with a name?"

Twisting her flexible head and neck, she pressed her lips up to her strangers, before slinking away.

"How about we just skip ahead and I stay?"

She pressed herself deeper onto the stranger intentionally now, exerting control over her head strands to wrap around his neck and drape tenderly over his shoulders.

"I guess that means we won't be visiting singles bars anymore. Know any good games for couples?"

A long, flexible, purple tongue slipped free of her lips as she moaned, inhaling his scent as she pressed close to his face, her gills expanding in a deep breath, before she opened up all of her eyelids to watch him once more.

"I can think of a few, stranger."

One final push and he hilted all the way into the soft, tan backside of the alien on top of him.

"Well, you'll have to show me stranger because I'm all out of ideas for now."

Another smile on her small, delicate lips.

"Are you sure you want to know all my little secrets?"

He smiled back.

"I dare you."

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