
Story by Zarvaun on SoFurry

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I thought it might be interesting to try my hand at a short poem. This was the result.

Gone is the daylight, that never should stay,Gone is the path, that once showed us the way.Delivered unto us, has thy burden been,And still we obey, thy consious within.Gone now, is the evil, that plauges us with dread,But with thy remorse, shall surely be fed.Speak then, not of toil or strife,But of kindness and love, for that must overtake life.Understand now, who you must be,for if any come close, they surely shall see.There lies darkness in your heart that seeks to complete,And if it should be free, it wont be discreet.Gone is your life, as which you always knew,For here lies the Darkness, and knows what to do.So abide by your standards, rules, and the like,Or be lost to your conscious, and the Darkness will strike.

Ch8 Omega

"I.." Jade started, "..don't remember anything like that happening to me. The transformation was nearly instant, then came the anger... Hatred. Thrown off the ship in a fiery blast, and woke up here. Never any confrontation with.. A head you said?"The...

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Ch7 Consious

"Please... Stop!" Jade struggled to scream out to Koyu, in a desperate attempt to snap the sergal out of the trance he had been thrown into. But the sergal couldn't hear him.He was lost, drowning in the deepest depths of his own subconscious, even...

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Ch6 Change

Koyu wasn't sure what to think. He'd never been kissed by another guy before. He couldn't push Jade away though, in fact, he couldn't move at all. They sat there like that for awhile, before either of them noticed anything happening. That scared Jade...
