Victini's Love chapter 18
aura swallowed hard with what the teen asked for, but still she dutifully left to retrieve what was stored in the lock box. the trainer's mother soon returned with a heavy duffle bag and an old pokeball. "where's aura going?"
Tower of Ancients Chapter 6~Zigorot The Tainted Jester
Raven's body began to glow as white aura surrounding him pushing seth back; his eyes began to glow as he fell to his knees. _"aura!"
aura moaned, and wriggled as mark drank their sex and pleasured her. aura began panting soon enough, and grinding her hips against his face as she grew close to finishing again.
Ch7 Consious
A black and white husky had burst through the skull, covered in some sort of royal blue aura. the head shattered, and the black good covering the sergals body withered and fell away, as the husky landed next to him.
A Fine Line Between Love and Friendship
(contains altoshipping, amourshipping, dewshipping, aura ash and more.)
[Commission] Too old
#19 of commissions another commission aura shook her head. "tsk. tsk. tsk." mare's head hung low and aura just could not keep herself from smiling. try as she might, her grin slowly creeped up across her face.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Twilight Brigade Chronicles - Chapter 6
Use aura sphere!"_ artomis' ears perked up at the voice. he then saw three forms, two red and the other blue. _...what?
Problems in the Aura
Lisa fell silent and focused her aura on macy for a brief moment then reached out to her mate. _we have a problem; macy is becoming sensitive to the aura. marsha warned me about her bloodline, she is maturing.
Aura Rush
# aura rush ## chapter one:nile * * * "nile,lets head home.looks like rain soon". a experienced,fatherly voice came from a lucario's muzzle."sure father,but.i don't see any clouds". a small yellow riolu said,grabbing onto the older lucario's back."
Aura Issues
Look at him and his malevolent aura. the same aura her trainer owns. with every step he took closer, she felt her body grow more and more submissive. if he wanted, he could do anything he wished to her. because that's the kind of aura he had.
Aura's Prodigy
Scholars found the predictions of the elders from nearly every tribe facing aura when she died, and the legends surrounding the fallen star were known globally.
Aura - Intro
#1 of aura a story i wrote back in the day for fanfic and have split into parts to go onto this site.