When Dreams Come True

Story by PhantomDrake on SoFurry

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When Dreams Come True

Part 1

Waves rolled gently in and out of the sandy inlet. Sedist loved the sea. His powerful anthrodragon body propelled him through the water like the anthros of the sea he had seen often in the waters and in town. Only fifteen, he was considered a juvenile. However, he stood at seven foot one and had the muscular body to draw the eyes of the other female furs.

His gold scales glistened in the noon sun as he walked out of the surf. There had been a big storm last night, one of the biggest in the history of the small sea side town and the one thing Sedist loved more than the water it was a storm. The powerful waves would crash upon the shore and leave little surprises behind.

Sedist would walk along the beach after such storms, scouring the sands for little treasures hidden among the trash. His room was filled with odds and ends that he found after the storms. His parents considered this habit unusual, but it kept him from running around with the wrong crowd and getting into serious trouble.

The sun beat down on him as he walked along the beach. Though he had a larger body than most, he had no wings and Sedist wouldn't develop them for a few more years so he had to keep to the shade as much as he could.

Sedist came around a bend on the beach and stopped under a large palm tree, the shade cooling his warm body down to a tolerable level. He glanced down the beach a ways farther and a flash of light caught his eye. Always one for small flights of fantasy, Sedist hurried down the beach, his tail leaving a light trail in the sand as he jogged toward the object.

As the object came into view, Sedist saw it sitting among a pile of dark rags that lay on the edge of the beach in the surf. Cautiously he approached, unsure of what the pile was. He inched his way forward and when he was five feet from the pile, he could finally see what the sun had been reflecting off of. The sun had been reflecting of the finely carved hilt of an ornate black and gold dagger.

The knife was half buried in the rags so Sedist reached out a clawed hand to pluck it from the pile. His hand wrapped around the jeweled hilt when a hand shot out of the pile a wrapped itself around Sedist's wrist in a crushing grip.

Sedist quickly let go of the dagger and the pile of black rags untangled itself and suddenly Sedist found himself looking at a five foot ten muscular, and angry, HUMAN!

The human stood, the knife grasped in his right hand with seawater dripping from his black hair that hung around his ears. The black garment was in taters and his feet were bare.

Sedist stared at the human in a mix of awe and fear. Here stood a creature of the past. No humans had existed for centuries and yet here in front of his stood a soaking wet human. Sedist, and a few of his other friends, had a fascination with these ancient beings and Sedist possessed, though not to his parent's knowledge, a couple of holo videos of human porn and one of his most secret fantasies had been to be with a human.

Now, here was a real one, not a movie. Sedist slowly reached out to touch the human who was decidedly male snarled and slashed at Sedist's hand. The blade made contact with the claws and clanged away. Sedist jerked his hand back and stared in awe. Did this human know there was no way to hurt him with that little knife?

The male glared at Sedist's in raw hate mixed with a good portion of fear. His breathing was labored and his skin went from pale to ashen and his eyes rolled up into his head and he collapsed onto the sand.

Now Sedist had a tough choice to make. Should he leave him or try to help him? Sedist's curiousness got the better of him and he slowly walked over the male who lay face down in the sand. Slowly he touched the male who didn't stir. Sedist felt the man's neck. The pulse was shallow and fast, the skin like ice. This was all the convincing Sedist needed and he hoisted to human up on his shoulders and moved as fast as he dared back to his house on the bluff above the little cove he was in.

* * * *

Sedist warily pushed a pitcher of water towards the male whom he had decided to call Crest, after the area where he had been found, Crest's Point. Crest sat on his haunches in the far corner of the small room where Sedist had placed him with some blankets and the sheath to his knife on the small windowsill that was on the far wall of the room overlooking a sixty-foot drop onto the rocks below.

Crest eyed the pitcher of water before he slowly stood up and walked towards in, feet away from Sedist. He picked it up by the faded handle and waved a hand over it while murmuring some ancient words that no one on Sedist's earth or the earth of the immediate past understood.

Sedist though he was praying so he stood still as a stone while Crest placed his lips to the pitcher and drank deeply. When he finished, he placed the pitcher on the sill and dipped his hands into it and began to vigorously scrub his face.

"No. Don't do that." Sedist said, slowly entering the room, "We have a shower. Come on, there's a good boy."

Sedist had to talk to Crest like a child while he beckoned slowly with his paw and with the way Crest was looking at him, Sedist thought that he might know that as well. Sedist walked slowly down the hallway toward the bathroom, reassuring Crest the entire way.

Sedist walked past the door a little and then gestured to the bathroom and shower. Crest walked warily up and glanced into the bathroom. His shoulders dropped a little at the sight of the shower and the sink.

"The little handle in the middle is the one you turn to get the shower on and the left is hot water. The right is cold." Sedist softly explained. Crest turned his head towards him and shot him a look that said ?Yea, I know.' Then he walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him and Sedist heard the click of the lock.

Sedist was momentarily taken back. Crest knew how to use a lock? How? Then Sedist heard the water start and the shower go and moments later the content sigh of Crest as the water ran over him.

Sedist couldn't take it anymore. He ran to his parent's room and took the spare key to the bathroom. Quickly he ran back to the door and, steadying his trembling hand, slid the key into the lock and slowly turned the key. The door opened a crack, giving Sedist full view of the shower. There were no shower curtains or doors because they interfered with the wings of his parent's and older sister's.

Crest stood in the middle, the hot water running down his hard tan body. His smooth skin glistened and ran over his genitals. Sedist was amazed. Crest's cock hung halfway down his leg.

"My god. He has got to be almost fourteen inches!" Sedist thought. His own cock began to harden in its golden sheath underneath his shorts. He himself was almost sixteen inches and proud of it. When Crest lathered up and spread the suds over his body slowly Sedist let out a low moan and opened the door a little more. His dick began to poke out of his sheath when the door swung open farther leaving him revealed to Crest crouched on the floor, his paw rubbing his cock through his shorts.

Sedist froze as he and Crest stared at each other. A few moments pasted and suddenly, Crest smiled and beckoned to Sedist slowly. The young dragon slowly stood and walked in the bathroom. Sedist paused inches from the shower, every in trembling in an intoxicating mix of fear, pleasure, and longing. Slowly Crest reached out and placed both of his strong, thin hands on Sedist's hips and drew him into the shower with him.

Sedist gasped as the hot water ran over his body followed by Crest's hands. Sedist's cock grew larger, the head now pointing out of his shorts. Crest ran a hand slowly over the head causing Sedist to gasp in pleasure. Crest's hands went to the waistband of his shorts and stopped. The slowly, almost teasingly, Crest began to pull them off, the warm wet material sliding over Sedist's continually hardening cock. Crest pulled Sedist's shorts to his feet were Sedist kicked them off. Crest moved back up Sedist's golden legs to his large dragon balls.

He cupped these in his hands, fondling them, sucking them, nibbling them. Each movement excited Sedist more and soon all sixteen inches of hard dragon cock stood at attention. Crest stopped sucking on Sedist's balls and began to run his tongue up the underside of Sedist's hard cock up to the large black head.

There he paused and Sedist whined a little, the precum dripping from his member. Crest waited a few more moments before he opened his mouth and wrapped is hands around Sedist's pole and began to gently suck Sedist's cock. Crest began to pick up speed and began to shove more cock into his moist hot mouth. He got nine inches into his throat and mouth and what he couldn't get with his mouth he got with his hands.

Sedist's head drowned in pleasure. Never before had he ever gotten a blowjob like this. Crest's teeth nicked the barbs on Sedist's cock while his mouth sucked powerfully on the huge cock. Crest's hands matched his sucking speed, going up and down with his bobbing on the upper part of the cock.

Soon Sedist couldn't help himself and he started to fuck the human's mouth while he felt Crest's cock head bump into his leg. All too soon his nuts contracted and his cum exploded into Crest's mouth. Crest gagged on the first wave but swallowed it as Sedist shot torrent after torrent of cum into him. After five shattering orgasms, Sedist backed out of the human mouth. A gurgle in Crest's stomach told him that he wouldn't need to be fed for a while.

This is my first published peice of work of this nature. I am looking for any feedback that might improve this and any other story I write. I fyou have anything of value to say, please email me at [email protected]

Thank You,

Phantom Drake