Open Space Chaper 2

Story by Puma Concolor on SoFurry

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#2 of Open space

Well, as promised here is the next chapter. This chapter is a little more humorous and a little more erotic. The extreme rating may be under rated but I'll let you the reader decide. Once again, your comments are valued, I do hope you enjoy.

_ Open Space _

_ Our destination and our home. _

_ By Puma Concolor._

A fan work done for my good friend.

_ Angelita Pierterson _

Her character used with express permission

and is copyrighted only to her.

Editing by Dasher Cheetah , My personal Thanks.

Chapter 2

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As we entered the med bay, I continued to pump at the ambu bag, probably the only thing sustaining the weak life being carried on the mag gurney. Not an easy feat, as my armor gloved paws were nowhere near as dexterous as they should have been. An old friend, Doc Lazarus met us at the entrance to the medical bayThe name was a loose approximation of hir true name as the pronunciation was impossible for any other creature outside of hir reptilian race. Shi took over the bag quickly and nodded at two of my support personal, who quickly surrounded me as they started releasing the seals on my suit to free me as fast as possible. They already had Mary about half way out. A good support team could have a crew member out in just under 2 minutes. Mine had us both out in just over 1. It was however a bit embarrassing, as we stood in the middle of the med day clad in only loose t-shirts with catheters hanging from our genitals. A necessary evil as once sealed in the suit, it was going to be for a week or more and we couldn't just go on bathroom breaks. With special diets, solid wastes could be controlled but when one has to pee... Well, let's just say it was a displeasure that couldn't be avoided.

I looked over at the Doctor who was attending to our survivors as I allowed one of my support to wrap a sort of terry cloth kilt/towel around my waist. Mary snatched hers and quickly wrapped it around her human frame.

"How are they doing Doc?", I asked.

"Oxygen saturation is low, not so dangerously low that it's anoxiabut their blood CO2 level is very high so asphyxiation is more likely the cause. Any idea what happened to them?", shi told me.

"I don't know Doc. They were sealed inside plastic lined stacks of feed. I assume that they had some kind of oxygen generator in there with them and this one had a blow out. Anyway that's how we found them. My team will have a report in a few hours and we'll have a better idea of what really happened.", I told hir.

"How long were they exposed to low pressure?", shi questioned and I answered, "No way of telling Doc."

"Ok but we need to get them under hyperbaric as quickly as possible. If they were at planet surface pressure, rapid decompressionmay be contributing to their condition as well as causing nitrogen narcosis. I recall you and Mary have basic medical and advanced pressure management training and you have even more advanced medical knowledge?", Shi asked as shi worked on hir patients.

"Yes, why?", I asked.

"It's going to take 10 minutes to assemble my people. Right now I'm understaffed and we're running out of time. I need to have you two in the vessel with them to monitor and manage their vital signs. So as of this moment you and Mary are under my departmental command. I'm having both the patients moved into the chamber now and I need both of you in there, Stat!", shi directed.

"Wait a minute Doc. I need a shower and to get this pee tube out of me....", Mary started to say but was cut off by Doc telling her, "No time Crewman. You can help each other with your catheters. As for personal hygiene, there will be ample time for a sponge bath once we have everybody stabilized."

"I usually have my roommate help me with the tube and I'm not planning on taking no sponge bath in that fish tank of yours. No way! You need to find someone else doc.", Mary said as she tried to avoid being conscripted.

"YeomenPikes! On this ship there is a chain of command, from the caption, all the way down to the maintenance and sanitation crew. And every single one of you ultimatelyanswers to me. So unless you want me to physically insert you into that chamber I suggest you go in of your own accord.", was the stern response.

Even though the doc's reptilian facial features rarely gave away any emotions I could tell shi was loosing patience rather quickly.

"Come on Mary, I've sparred with the Doc on several occasions. There is more power packed in that little lizard that in any three of us. We've taken showers hundreds of times together in the crew lockers, so I'll help you with your tube. You can help me with mine, if I hurt you, you can always pay me back. Ok?", I said as I scooped her up in my arms and stepped into the hatch of the pressure chamber.

Once we were sealed in, we started our task of checking vitals and making sure everything was going ok for the mice. Mine had started breathing on her own, though not as steady as I would have liked and Mary's was resting comfortably. The pressure was raised to 1.5 atmospheres or just a little more than that of the planets' air pressure at surface level. The oxygen level was raised as well, to try to purge any residual carbon dioxide in their bodies. Now it was a waiting game to see how they responded. I knew Mary was not happy with the situation but she hadn't said anything more. Once the hatch was locked we both knew at least for at least the next 72 hours, this was going to be our own little prison.

She came over to where I was standing and plopped down on a bench with her back to the clear wall. Mary was a very attractive 5'8", redheaded human of medium build. Over the years of working in such close proximity with each other, modesty had diminished as my crew often confided and trusted each other more that spouses and siblings. Mary and I were no exceptions.

"How she doing?", Mary asked.

"Holding her own, for now. I sure wish I knew what they were doing trying to stow away on a unpressurized freight container?", I answered.

"I guess we'll have to wait for them to wake up for that answer.", Mary said.

"Yea, you're right. Any clue as to what they are? I've never see their kind before.", I wondered.

"Not a clue. Maybe Dr. Scaley will have some incite, when he gets done out there. I saw them bring in a couple more loads and it looks like so far they are the only two that are alive.", Mary groused.

"Shi.", I corrected and said, "They may look like a 5 foot male gecko with a short tail but their species are all hermaphrodites. That and Laz just happens to like the herm moniker."

After a few quiet moments, Mary discreetly got my attention. "Hey.", she whispered and I answered, "Yes?"

"I want this thing out of me.", she said as she raised the kilt and spread her legs wide. "I gotta go pee and this thing is capped. You said you would help me, right?", Mary asked as she handed me a small towel and waste container.

"Yes, I did.", I said turning and squatting down between her knees.

"I hate these things. I hate 'em going in and I hate them even more so coming out.", Mary complained aloud.

"Ok, I'll be easy.", I said as I looked to see the catheter tube protruding from her vulva. "Let me get some preps and gloves."

"NO! Just... just take it out while they're not looking. You promised....", she nearly growled out.

"Ok ok... I don't see what the big deal is.", I said as I parted her vaginal lips with my fingers to expose her urethral opening. As I gently grabbed the capped tube, she stiffened and clenched down hard. "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you.", I soothed.

"I can't relax! I hate this...", she complained.

"How does your roomy get it out then?", I asked.

"She... distracts me.... Just take it out.", I was told.

A devilish idea crossed my mind. "Distracts you? Like this?", I asked as I pinched and rolled her clitoris between my fingers. She jumped and as she tried to pull away from my fingers I steadily pulled the unwelcome tube from her bladder fallowed by a stream of yellow urine that I diverted into the container with the towel.

"Hey! What do you think your do-...", she began.

"All done. You didsay distraction.", I said as I held the catheter up briefly before tossing it all into the waste chute, hiding a grin.

"Rose usually just kisses me... not try to make me cum...", she explained.

"Oh? You want a kiss too?", I puckered up playfully.

"Oh, stop it you.. Goofball...!", she giggled and went on, "And ummmm, thanks. That wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be."

"You're welcome. I'll pass that tip on to Rosie, next time I see her", I teased.

"Asshole.", Mary giggled.

As I stood wiping my paws off on an extra towel, Mary paced her hand on my leg, stopping me from walking away and said,"You next. I'm sure you would like to have it out and now is a good time. May not have a better chance later."

"Mmmm, ok.", I told her. Lifting my kilt, I exposed myself to my crew-mate, after taking a quick glance around. Laz and the medical crew were busy tending each body as it came into the bay and not paying much attention to what we were doing in the transparent pressure chamber.

"Ummm, Puma? How do I do this? Your all... sheath.", Mary asked as she tugged at the clamped catheter.

I gave a little hiss of discomfort and said,"Aaaa..." Embarrassment arose as I realized that my different anatomy was going to require a bit more attention than that of a human.

"You'll have to excite him a bit, hun.", came Dr. Lazarus's soft voice over the intercom speaker. We both looked over to where shi stood across the bay. Shi glanced back over hir shoulder and gave us a wink as shi tapped the ear bud/mic sticking from hir ear opening. Shi added,"Yea, I'm eavesdropping."

"Oh?", Mary asked.

"When he is fully retracted, it puts the tube at a terrible angle for removing the catheter. Just stroke him thru his sheath and tickle his testicles . Once he has a good erection, he'll be producing enough pre-ejaculatefluid thatit will almost fall out.", the doctor giggled in a most feminine way. "If he cums hun, enjoy but try to catch a sample to pass out through the interlock. I haven't had a taste of him in ages and he is delicious!", the herm stated.

" LAZ!" , I objected loudly.

"Dr. Lazarus , is there something I should know here?", Mary giggled.

" Aaa, no! There's not! Laz!", I stammered as my ears burned hot with embarrassment.

"Remember when he said he had sparred with me? Not all those times were in the gym. And besides, I am half female. You did say herms are as desirable as full females, right ... Pumie? ", Lazarus giggled...

All this talk had already had an pronounced effect on me as the tip of my shaft poked from my sheath. Mary was already vigorously stroking it through the sheath, while kneading my testicles with her other hand. I had braced myself against the wall and tried to stifle a low moan and purr.

"That's it hun. Sounds like you have his attention. When he reaches about half way to a full erection, draw your tongue along the underside of his penis. Be careful he doesn't poke your eye out when he pops a full hard on. Give him a few more licks and once he is good and lubed up, slowly pull the tube out, he loves it.", The Doctor giggled thru hir instructions.

"...Lazarus...", I moaned in protest.

I felt Mary's warm wet appendage wrap around the base of my shaft. Instead of drawing down to the end, she drove it in along the underside of my cock, into the sheath and to the very root. My shaft reacted quickly to this stimulation and came to full attention. She then proceeded to lavish me with wet licks and soft kisses all the way to the tip where I felt the tube start to be drawn from my urethra. This was all I could take...

As the tube fell free, my feline barbs flared and a river of hot seed exploded from me. Several ropes landed over her cheeks and nose as she vigorously pumped her hand up and down my shaft. She sealed her lips over the tip, capturing as much in her mouth as she could. Swallowing several times she finally had to let the rest just spray across her chest as she pulled her t-shirt open to allow it to coat her breasts. After I had subsided and stood, trying to gather my wits, Mary took a specimen bottle from the shelf and spit what she had in her mouth into the bottle. As she stared into my eyes grinning, she filled the bottle about a third of the way and made a bit of a show swallowing the rest before pulling me down to kiss me.

"I thought you were gay.", I whispered.

"Bi.", she corrected and said louder, "Hey Laz, you still listening?"

"Yes?", came the response.

"You could have warned me about the barbs...", Mary told hir.

"Oh, those wonderful barbs!", Laz almost whined and went on, "When you get a chance, you really need to try them out."

"But don't they hurt?", Mary asked.

"No, not at all. They are all soft and tease all the most interesting spots. I'm very tender inside. In my species, we all have small, ridged penises. His big cock and barbs.... crazy! _", Laz enthused.

"Mmmm, sounds like I may have to grab both of you, when we get out of here.", Mary purred sexily.

"That sounds like a date! A very sexy one too....", this time there a definite moan in hir voice.

"That is going to have to wait, ladies.", I panted and asked, "Are there any other clothes in here, Laz?"

"Yes, there are bathing materials and scrubs in container 151. I'll get my guys out of here so you two can clean up. Mary?", Laz asked.

"Yes?", she answered.

"Did you save me anything?", shi whined.

"Yes, Dr Perv. It's in the interlock.", Mary told hir.

"Thaaank youuuu!", shi sang into the mic. "Let me get these guys busy else-where and I'll be back to retrieve my treat later..."

Open Space Chaper 3

_ **Open Space** _ _ **Our destination and our home.** _ _By Puma Concolor._ _A fan work done for my good friend._ _Angelita Pierterson_ _Her character used with express permission_ _and is copyrighted only to her._ _Editing by Dasher Cheetah,...

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Open Space

_ **Open Space** _ _ **Our destination and our home.** _ By Puma Concolor. _A fan work done for my good friend._ _Angelita Pierterson_ _Her character used with express permission_ _and is copyrighted only to her._ _Editing by Dasher Cheetah,...

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Airship Down Part 2

_ **Airship Down** _ _ **Part 2** _ By Puma Concolor A Fan ship work for a very talented writer Femmpaws _Karen is copyrighted by_ Femmpaws and used with express permission. Editing done by a very good friend Dasher Cheetah We had turned North...

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