The Book 3- The tiger, the Priest, and the bathroom stall
#4 of The book
Oscar sighed as he walked around the castle overwhelmed with happiness he had never felt before. He just radiated it with every step he took it was obvious that this was where he belonged. He walked past a clock noticed he needed to double time it or he would be late. His father had said he needed to talk to him, Deme and Brandon about some things that had arouse over the last week of Oscar being here. Oscar now went in a slow jog making is way past the west hall to the meeting rooms and offices of the knights and other officials did there work. His dad even though he was a night had paper work to fill out sometimes, like kills, mission logs, needed equipment, etc. So every single official gat an office which was great because the higher up you were the better office you get. Sir Logan was almost a general and was very well respected around the castle. He would be a extremely high ranking official if it wasn't for the fact that somebody had to die, be fired, or promoted to move your status which didn't happen often. There was a lot of un easy feeling in the air today Oscar wanted to know what that was about. There were maid running everywhere delivering messages and tending to there normal duties the look on there faces were fear.
Oscar turned the counter and opened the slide door to the office wing. The space was in the shape of an octagon. With a staircase going up and down on each of the eight sides they were wide staircase to accommodate the movement up and down them. They were about 3-4 yards across and still there was traffic flooding the staircases trying to get were they were going. Oscar had been in here before and there was barely one person on them at a time what was going on. Oscar didn't have time to continue to ponder this because he was swept off by a group of people down the stairs. Which would have been fine but his dads office was on top floor of the stair wells. After a lot of pushing, shimming and elbowing his way up the stairs he looked down. Ironically he saw a salmon furry doing the same thing he was doing a minute ago. He laughed to himself and continued to his dad's office.
Sir Logan's office was a great one with a view that allowed you to see so far away that you could make out the mountains hundreds of thousands of miles away though the window. He had a huge desk bookcase. The book were extensive and very difficult reads, Sir Logan had pride in his collection but still couldn't get past any of there first pages without falling into a deep sleep. Other than books weapons lined the walls and ceiling as well. Oscar wonder what would happen if they fell then squashed that because it was too gory to think about. There was a deep red carpet that had the seal of the country on it a paw with crossing swords behind it. There were about 5 chairs in there room, 2 of which looked incredibly comfy. Then a swivel chair that looked the same as the other 2. Finally the too other chairs sat on either side of a small but tall table next to the window. There was a coffee table with 2 couches on either side of that also. Oscar knew that an office like this demanded respect and he made sure to be extra careful not to misplace brake or unsettle anything in here.
His father looked up to see who came in so did Brandon who was already here, it was obvious that they had been having a very important discussion. Brandon and Logan greeted him warmly.
"Want any food"? Asked Logan He had his own secretary that could call the kitchen, library, or sex halls to bring something or someone up. Oscar shuck his head, and sat down next to Brandon. Oscar noticed that they exchanged nervous glances at each other.
"What's the matter"? Oscar was about to ask but Deme walked in his tale wagging with a big smile on his face. It was the kind of smile that was just begging you to ask what made the wearer so happy. Oscar couldn't help this one so he said,
"Alright I'll bite what's made you so happy free cafeteria food"? Deme was very thin but only because of his high metabolism otherwise he be incredibly fat due to his appetite.
"Ha ha very funny", he said with a fake scowl as he sat down. "I just got a blowjob in the hallway by a sexy little fox with a great muzzle" He said proudly.
"Good for you but we having bigger problems and you getting a blowjob in public is one of them". Said Logan, causing a confused look on both of there faces.
"Look the king here of this land Lord Donnellson has died and his only successor is * year old Gregory Vero. Because he is so young he can't assume the throne so they must choose somebody else. I'm one of the top candidates Brandon would be too but he is openly gay and doesn't want the job", Said Logan. He had a very serious look on his face.
" What does being gay have to do with being king"? asked Deme.
" Well there a council that advices the king and picks him in these situations. The head of that council Hue Donmena hates gays. If you don't have his support you'll never become king, because of this Brandon couldn't become king. I us the sex halls sometimes and because it's confidentially he'll never find out, Brandon hate the thought of the halls. If the priest ever finds out that I'm or any of you except for Brandon is gay then I will be out of the running for king." Wow Oscar though my dad a king would that make me a prince he thought to himself before his father continued. " Now you all have to lie low on any gay sex alright, go out with women, stay in your rooms and jack off but don't get caught because it could really cost me mkay". They all agree and left so Sir Logan could prepare for a conference with the priest about this matter.
About 4 hours later the priest arrived at the castle. He immediately made his way to Sir Logan's office. As he entered he had a sour look on his face which was amplified by the fact that he was a Pug. His royal robes were much like that of the pope and he carried a staff with a large emerald on the top. He was about 5'9 and wasn't much to look at but his are demanded respect and this allowed him to almost always be in control of everything he was apart of. Many people said inferiority complex and they were right he didn't have the biggest hot dog in the stand if you know what I mean. He was also slightly cubby and kind of nerdy this made him an easy target in high school, many children called him faggot back then when they weren't as openly accepted this is where his hatred of them today stems from.
"Sir Logan how nice to make your accquatiance", he said even thou it had no enthusiasm in it. He came in and sat down without being invited, his eyes dared Logan to say something about it.
"Would you like anything to drink sir", Logan asked politely ?
"Well of course and you would do well in the future to have some waiting for me idiot", Spat out the pug. Logan almost cussed at him but bit his tongue.
"I apologize", said Logan as he faked an apologetic smile. He called the secretary to bring up a tray. The interview continued as the pug asked him some question about him wanting the king position kind of like a job interview. Then a maid came in she was obviously scared the way her hands were shaking. Also he was very young probably new this made her an easy target for Hue. She placed the tray on the desk it had a coffee pot, 2 cups, small jars full of cream and or sugar, and some coffee cakes. She placed the cups in front of them and began to pour the coffee for Logan when the priest burst out,
"You moronic whore you serve me first I'm a guest and high priest you stupid bitch". The maid jumped and hurried to serve the pug first but ended up knocking the cup over and spilling it on the pug. "You imbecile leave at once before I have you executed" yelled the furious pug. The women ran crying out of the room incredibly embarrassed. Logan was greatly angered but didn't show it. "I grow tired of this room take me to my guest quarters, but first to a bathroom to clean up that smut's mess". Logan lead through the many halls.
As they were walking a greyhound carrying a box walked past. He didn't notice them and he touched Hue this set the priest off again. "Watch were you're going you blind mutt", he yelled and a wave of other obscenities that are too dirty to mention even here. They then continued to the bathroom, when they opened the door the sound of sex immediately met there ears. The fact it was a men's bathroom sent the little beast on a rampage. He ripped open the door of the stall finding a Jack Russell terrier and a lizard fucking. He screamed "out out you faggots out", grabbing there clothes and forcing them to run though the halls naked and ashamed. This was the last straw Logan swung the dog around and punched him in the face.
"Do you like making other people look small", He screamed? He pick up the pug by the scruff of his neck and throw him in the stall the couple had been in. All of the castle stalls had backs which the pug landed on. The tiger held him down unzipping the pugs robes and throwing them to the floor along with his underwear. Logan then proceeded to take off his shirt and unzip his pants pulling out his 10 inch cock still hard from seeing the couple. Logan was usually very submissive but when he wanted to be he could be an incredibly dominate person. He then pulled up the pugs stubby tail and hilting the pug in one motion. The pug screamed in unimaginable pain. His tail ring being stretched for the first time. Logan fucked him in and out over and over again quick and rough. The splitting pain in the pugs hole making him scream for mercy.
"Please your hurting me", screamed the pug.
"Please what", said Logan not reducing his speed at all.
"Please sir", the priest yelled in agony just wanting this to be over.
"Wrong", He said with an extra deep and hard push for to make sure he knew he meant business. "From now on no matter where we are you will call me daddy got that bitch".
"Yes", cried the pug.
"Yes what", once again hilting the dog.
"Yes daddy", shrieked the pug. Logan smiled slowing down a little to let the pug get use to the cock in his ass. Slow the pain faded and pleasure washed through the pup like never before. He was ready to blow his 5 inch cock bulging in under a minute.
"You got hard pretty quick huh you like it don't you, you little bitch". The pug was about to say yes daddy but when he opened his mouth the cock hit his prostate causing him to moan loudly. "You little slut"
He pulled out ordering the pug to stand up. He then sat down the seat and guided dog to is still hard cock. "Suck my balls then my cock and if you bite either I'll rip your off got that", Logan said.
"Yes daddy" the pug reply sucking and licking the balls. He tasted and smelled the musk and to his own surprised wanted more wanted it all. He loved suck this tiger balls being his little bitch. He went to the cock. He at first only gave it a couple of licks then proceeded to suck the head using his tongue to trace the veins and glands making Logan grown in pleasure. He lick the pre streaming out of the dogs dick living the new salty taste needing more and sucking harder to get it.
"A natural slut", he panted between gasps. He then grabbed the dogs head and plunged him up and down the cock making the priest deep throat him. The pug often gagged but didn't dare throw up for the fear of drowning or worse from the tiger. Logan made the new bitch go quicker feeling closer and closer to the edge. He moaned and shot a few ropes in the pugs mouth. Hue loved the taste of the cum but was pulled off. "You want the cum don't you bitch", The pug nodded. The tiger lightly slapped him "answer when your asked a question and only when asked a question you little tramp".
"Yes daddy", the pug quickly answered. The tiger stood and jerked and shot the rest of his load on the floor which was a sizable amount.
"Alright then lick it up, right off the floor". The pug did it and cherished it the taste, the sex, being this hot strong tiger's little victim. When he was finished he was still hard and need to shoot, so he reached for his member. This got him another slap "You ask me first got that you cumslut"
"Yes daddy", the pug answered. "Can I please jerk my cock daddy"?
"No", the tiger said assertively if you want to shot your gonna have to be fuck to an orgasm. So lay on the seat spread eagle bitch your gonna cum all over yourself got it"?
Once again the bitch answered, "Yes daddy" following his masters orders laying down and spreading his legs". Logan then pushed into the already loosened hole and began to fuck the pug slowly increasing his speed with every thrust. They moan and fucked like this for what felt like hours. Then the pug began to reach his limit. His bulge began to grow ready to shoot the cum. "Daddy I'm gonna cum" he yelled in ecstasy.
"You better not before me", grunted the tiger moving faster and faster. The pug held it back trying the wait but the feeling coming from deep inside him overwhelmed him.
"I can't hold it much more daddy", he yelled between moans.
"If you don't I'll make sure it's the last cum you every have", growl the tiger between pushes. This gave the dog extra incentive not to cum. The pounding had made the tiger full hard again and his bugle bounced against the hole of the dogs ass. The tiger pushed and pushed until finally sinking the knot as deep as it could go into the whore's ass. This sent them both over the edge Hue came like never before shooting over and over soaking his chest, stomach and chin in cum. A few shots landed in between his eyes, and his nose plus his muzzle. The tiger didn't cum completely in his ass. just to cause more pain he pulled as hard as he could breaking the tie and jerked painfully out of his ass. He then shot on the pug jerking his still sensitive cock.
He stared down at his new bitch laying there spent smiling. "You will never be such a ass to anyone again especially gays. You will also recommend me for king".
"Yes daddy", the pug wheezed he was too tired to get up or even move.
"If you don't doe what I just said and I find out about it then I fuck you till your little man pussy is minced meat, and you'll bleed I promised that". He then put his shirt back on and left the stall open. The pug didn't notice this or the fact that the tiger was taking his clothes and underwear. The tiger smiled to himself in the afterglow of the sex and the fact that he was probably now gonna become the knew king. He opened the bathroom door twirling his bitches robe.