Ch.10 Theme 2

Story by Equusaz on SoFurry

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#10 of Willing Student

When you're in a relationship as deep as this, it's important to keep your individuality. Dal and Rick explore their personalities, and find how well they mesh together. Time is passing, soon the semester will be over and there will be a lot of decisions to make (hinted at in earlier chapters). Also, introducing, "The Maestro" (played by Dal).

Ch.10 Theme 2.


The week passed quickly for Dal and Rick as they settled into a daily routine. Rick had quit his job as a barista, and focused all of his spare time on preparing for his gig with 'Dine.' Chas had indicated he and William would be there. Dal wouldn't.

It wasn't that Dal didn't want to be there, but the rehearsals for his concert began this Friday. Three days a week in the capital every weekend so he wouldn't impact the normal lives of the musicians. A month of rehearsals, and then it was time for the holiday and performance. Rick wished Dal would be with him at 'Dine' and Dal wished the same about Rick being with him for his performances. They both resigned themselves to the fact they couldn't be each others shadow forever.

News from Ken was good. He was in week three of his basic training with only a few more to go. His letters spoke about how much he enjoyed the physical labor, and how much it took his mind off of what he needed to do. No one was really fooled by this, but everyone let Ken do what Ken wanted. His parents eyes rose at the mention of a friend, Jacob, a bovine, but no one said anything.

Rick realized with a start that the semester would be over very soon. He'd always forgotten that the celebration of "The Event and Final Founding" was always at the beginning of summer. That also brought up more questions for the frantic canine. He had a final concert to give and finals as well. He's grades were high, so he was not worried about his normal classes, only his final performance. However, the biggest worry to him was this was his final year, graduation loomed.


Dal had left early in the day. Rick had held on to Dal for dear life, and gave the equine a very passionate kiss before sending him off. Dal was very quiet during the exchange. Rick could sense that being away from Rick was going to be hard, so Rick put on a brave face. He felt as miserable as Dal in all reality.

"So you're looking dapper." Val poked her head into the apartment's bathroom.

"Can't a guy have any privacy from you Val?" Rick frowned, trying to get his blue tie just right.

"Nope!" She slid in behind him and adjusted the tie for him.

"You know me, cats are curious. If there's a closed door, we just have to know whats behind it." Rick gave her a canine grin. "Too true. time ask about the bedroom closet."

Val's ears went back. "Well.....I didn't think...."

Rick grinned evilly. "What? Use toys?"

"That's not what I meant!"

"Yes it is." Seth sauntered into the bathroom eating an apple. "She's such a prude at times. She thought that true love is all you need, and being soul marked meant everything is always perfect.

Rick edged out of the bathroom and padded to the living room. He sighed. "Oh don't get me wrong....the sex is perfect. It's just that we've found one of Dal's fetishes." If they want the information they're going to have to drag it out of me.

Rick began buckling the spats onto his legs.

"Fetishes?" Seth took another bite from the apple.

"Uh huh....something he didn't even know about...."

"Like what?" Val asked sitting down next to him. Rick grinned.

"Lets just say he likes being in charge, sometimes, but not all the time. Oh it's not some S&M thing or bondage - but it is fun." Rick reached over to the music stand and picked up his guitar. He wasn't taking 'beauty' with him tonight. The antique twelve string was tiring to play after an hour. He still had to build up his tendon strength. Besides it would be too loud for the restaurant. He'd restrung his old practice guitar in gut strings. It'd be a nice soft background music that he'd play.

Val punched him in the shoulder.

"'re not getting any more out of me. It's our business Kat!" Rick folded his arms after putting the guitar in its hard shell case. Val's ears went back. She hated that nickname.

"Careful Rick, she has claws." Seth chuckled finishing the apple.

He snorted. "I know. And she can explain to Dal why I was shredded up."

"That's not fair." Val exclaimed. Rick chuckled. "I know. Now, are you coming or not?"


Dal's train pulled into the station early. He had about an hour to get to his hotel, get changed, and make it to the practice hall. Luckily knowing his size the celebration committee had made certain the train station was within walking distance of the hotel, as was the practice venue. "To save costs" they said.

At least he wasn't having to pay for all of this. He had a stipend for food as well.

Dal reached the hotel and made his way up to his room and got changed. From this moment, until the end of the weekend, he'd be the Maestro. He and Rick had worked this out during some, ah, play sessions. They say clothing makes the man. He sighed.

The huge double breasted suit had been picked for him by Rick. They'd gone to several stores before they had settled on this one. It did nothing to diminish his size, in fact it enhanced it.

Dal quickly showered and began dressing. The silk boxers sure felt nice. Next came the slacks. For once he had a pair of pants that didn't strain as he put them on. Then came the under shirt, the black dress shirt, the red tie, and finally the jacket. He quickly looked at his mane. Rick had spent hours braiding it with red ties. It did look very regal. His tail itched from the same braiding but he had to admit it made him feel very much the dapper equine.

He slipped on the formal shoes, and made his way to the auditorium.


"Mr Taylor?" Bertrand asked as Rick entered the front doors a few minutes before opening. "No....Wells. Taylor is, um, my mate." Rick ducked his head blushing. The lupine nodded to himself. "Sorry. This way."

Bertrand led Rick to a solo raised stand on the side of the restaurant. There was a guitar stand, a pitcher of water, a glass as well. "Will you need a music stand? Have you eaten?"

"No I ate before I left, and I have all my material memorized." Bertrand nodded, his white shirt and bow tie were impeccable. Rick hoped he looked as good.

"You look fine." The lupine said almost reading his mind. "I've worked in this business for years, I can smell the anxiety coming off of you. Here, normally we don't allow this but you need to take the edge off." The lupine handed Rick a generous glass of Red wine. Rick sipped nodding.

Soon he had his guitar unpacked, and had finished the wine. He sat on his raised platform and practiced a few chords. Know your audience....know your audience....what we have here is a restaurant that caters to carnivores. Lets see what their mood is as they come in.

Rick had learned in conversation with Chas that there were no visible clocks in the restaurant save for one for the bartender and one for the chef. He didn't want his patrons to feel rushed.

Rick muttered to himself a few times and sensed a form in front of him. Chas was standing with a huge feline grin, William stood behind him.

"Ah Rick! So glad you could make it. I look forward to your performance, Dr. Carson sent me a letter of recommendation."

Rick gulped. "Yes sir!"

"Oh don't be so formal. You are not an employee remember? You do this for the tips and experience. Of course if you are not good, then you have no venue, but I have faith in you mon ami!"


It had been Rick's idea. He needed the experience badly and knew that by offering his services gratis, there would be little argument for at least a trial from Chas.

Chas winked and took a table with William.

Here goes.


Dal opened the rear door to the theater and strode in confidently. A voice called his name. "Mr Taylor?"

Dal waved his hand dismissively. "Yes yes.....what of it?"

"Um, you're early?"

Dal looked at his watch. He was one minute early. "No, I am on time. Baton up in sixty seconds folks!" He bellowed. Dal made his way to the podium and stepped up. The musicians were frantically making their way to the stage. One or two collided with each other cursing each other in turn.

Dal raised his baton as three stragglers finally sat.

"UN-acceptable!" He bellowed. The front row leaned back. Several of the players stared at each other.


The music director, a equine mule of some type was stammering. "Dalton, we uh, didn't think you'd be so exacting...."

"And why not!?" Dalten flared his nostrils and crossed his arms. "You hired a composer, and director. This is MY piece and I expect perfection. If your people are so slovenly as to only decide to show up when they want to, then this is going to be a waste of my time, yours, and it's going to annoy the musicians no end." He stamped his hoof.

"Um....of course" the mules ears drooped.


Dalten lowered his voice, put his music on the stand and began. "You all are chosen to be a part of this. As I just said I expect perfection. I know what I wrote, I know what I intended, and I know what I want from you. I expect to get it. In this hall there is only one master, and that is me. If your phone rings, your out. Not for the night, for good."

Several people quickly reached into pockets and shut their phones off.

"If you have a difference of opinion about the piece, bring it to me AFTER practice. If it's warranted, we'll discuss it."

"Lastly, when I say to be on time, to be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late and to be late is unacceptable. Questions?" His deep voice reverberated from the back of the hall.

One nervous hand was raised.


The rabbit bassoonist nervously asked "can I go to the bathroom.....please?"


Rick gauged his audience and launched into a jaunty tune. Something called "ragtime" from a few centuries back. The clientele were in a good mood, so he decided to keep it up. He turned one song into another seamlessly without stopping, just as Dalten had taught him. He let the feeling of being caught up in music take him. He felt a warmth from his mark. It wasn't empathy or telepathy or anything like that, but he knew in some part that Dal was there with him, and whatever Dal was feeling was a very prideful emotion. Rick chuckled to himself. It seems their playtime was paying off..


"NO! I said B Flat, not A Sharp, there IS a difference, especially with violins. Now again, from the beginning."

Dal smiled inwardly. The orchestra was finally warming up. When he gave an instruction, it may be curt, it may be rude, but it had reason. The poor rabbit's bathroom break had been a good icebreaker, and Dal had let him go for a few minutes. He didn't need to be a Tyrant after all.

Finally the orchestra was warming up to the music. Dalten gave minor corrections with his baton, or a facial expression. When one musician played exceptionally well, he would give a smile. When someone made a wrong note, he'd scowl.

Finally they reached the end of the piece. He cut the note off with a wave of the baton.

"Not so bad." He grinned at them. The entire orchestra let out a sigh. "But....before you become complacent, we have more work tomorrow. We start at eight. SHARP!" He hefted his notes and began to stride down and out of the hall when someone caught up to him.

"Um, Mr. Taylor."

Dal stopped and turned. "Yes?"

The rabbit from earlier stared at him. He was small, even for human standards. He was a bassoonist. Mike or something. "Um, the fingering in section five, measure four is tricky, and I know bassoon is not an easy instrument."

"Well, what are your thoughts?"

"Um, can I gloss over the A? It would make the transition easier, and besides its a passing tone that is already played by the oboe....."

"Hrm, good point. I do need the next note, G to be strong as it's part of the chord. We'll try it tomorrow. If it doesn't work through...." Dal glared for a second "practice your fingering some more."

"Yes sir!"


Rick finished his fourth set. He was only here for the dinner crowd, not for the bar crowd. He grinned at a few people who clapped, and began putting his guitar away. Chas strode over and took his hand. Rick winced. "Ow."

"Sorry, sore from playing?" Chas looked concerned.

"A little. This is the longest I've played in a year. I'll get better though!" Rick wagged his tail.

"Are you kidding? You were sublime. I am thrilled to have you play for us. I will have your name added to the marque outside." Rick smiled back. "Thanks Chas."

Chas smiled hugely. "No problem. From the tips you earned, I don't think you'll be missing a paycheck from me. We'll count it up and give it to you on Sunday after you finish." Rick smiled, packed his things and left.


The next two days passed quickly. Chas was present for each of Rick's performances. Dal harangued, harrumphed, but passed out praise when it was warranted. It soon became apparent to the musicians that Dal meant business. He was right, it was HIS piece, and HIS reputation on the line. They did not want to let him down.


Sunday afternoon.

The note wavered lonely in the hall. Dal gently cut it off. The entire hall was dead silent. He opened his eyes. Every one of the orchestra, and choir were holding their breath. He held his for a second more and sighed lowering his head. He could hear the murmurs of disappointment.

Dal grinned to himself inside. So you CAN play an orchestra, I owe Rick an apology. I wonder which role I get to play now!?

"That was near perfection." He intoned quietly. He began clapping. The players started at the sound. They stared up with disbelief at the task master before them. He was praising them! "Good job. We have a ways to go, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and it is assuredly not the train of failure. See you next week. Dismissed."


Rick played for the small set of diners. He kept the music sedate and stately. It was a Sunday after all. Most people were going to return to work tomorrow. Relaxation is what they needed. A hand clamped down on his shoulder. Rick kept playing but looked up to see William who gave him a nod, and gestured over to Chas. Rick finished his set to a small bit of applause and set his guitar on the stand.

"So....Mr. Wells. What do you think?" Chas had his hands steepled in front of him. "Of what sir?" Rick cocked his head to the side.

"Of playing here?" Chas smiled and cleaned a claw. Rick was getting to know the tiger about as well as William did. He only did that if he didn't want to let out some type of news or secret. Rick played along.

"Oh, it's not bad. The concrete floor allows for good acoustics, but I think it'll do." Rick began cleaning one of his own claws. The tiger chuckled. "Well then, would you consider this an ongoing part of your routine? Play here, weekends?"

Rick leaned back. It would mean less time during the weekend to see Dal, but he needed to pull his own weight as well. Besides, he had to start thinking about what he was really going to do.

"I think that can be arranged." Rick extended his hand. The tiger took it and smiled. "Good. Charles!"

A burley bear walked over and handed an envelope to Rick. "Your tips." Chas intoned solemnly.

Rick opened the envelope and looked at the check.

"Really!?" He squeaked.

Chas grinned. "Now you see why I was so eager to accept? That panther couple really enjoyed your playing, and by the way, here are the numbers of about ten of my patrons who would 'love to get to know you better.'"Chas handed a small stack of business cards to Rick. William grinned hugely.


Chas laughed heartily and poured some champagne.


Dal opened the door to the apartment. It was late. It was a long ride from the capital back home, but he felt full of pride. Out of no where Rick flung himself around Dal's thick neck and planted kiss after kiss on his equine nose...

"Hey! Woah! Down boy! I missed you too, let me put my things away."

Rick chuckled letting go of the thick neck and dropped to his paws. Dal quickly put his suitcase away and returned to the living room shucking his t-shirt and laid down on the couch. In second Rick curled up on top of him.

"Is it sappy to say I missed you?" Rick panted licking Dal's nose. "Only if I don't get to say it too." Dal chuckled. They simultaneously said "I missed you." Both of them gave each other sour looks.

"Ok too much." Dal laughed.

Dal told Rick of his adventures conducting. "You were right. Very right. I went in authoritatively and took charge. By the end of today I had them eating out of my hand." Rick nodded.

"When you um...took charge... that night, I could see it in you, but you needed this. Thats why we had so much fun with our ah....role playing." Rick blushed. He didn't know what he found sexier. Dal taking charge, or the fact that he could control the equine so easily as well. It was a sweet give and take.

Dal nodded.

Rick told him about his exploits playing. He told him of the check and the amount. Dal's eyes went wide and demanded to see it. Rick also told him about the cards. Dal grumbled a little. "I could see why they'd want to get to know you but I don't like to share."

That earned him a nip on the cheek from Rick.

"I don't intend to love. I'm just letting you know what happened." Dal rumbled a chuckle. "Good."

"Now.....can I have my reward?" Dal looked a little sheepishly at Rick.

Rick laughed and padded to the bedroom and opened the closet. He grinned. He hefted the huge leather harness and huffed it over to Dal

"Yup....c'mere stud. You need some training."

Dal grinned hugely.



Ch 11. New Roles

"He's, what?" Aden looked at Dex out of the corner of his eye, his ears twitching in confusion. He could barely register what Dex had said. "Lem feels like he's a pup, not an otter...I mean, I've heard of fetishes, and trans-gender, but not cross...

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Ch.9. Outside Members

Dex grinned to himself as he watched the shark twins walk past him without acknowledging him. It had been a few days since the fight, and the two sharks seemed to be doing everything in their power to avoid him. He finished eating the sandwich and...

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Ch9. Counterpoint

Ch9. Counterpoint \*\* "Moving out?" Seth's eyes widened and Val looked stunned. Rick canine grinned at the two lovers, then spread his shirt colar wide. "Remember this Seth?" Seth nodded, Val's eyes went wide. "'ve been marked? As in...

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