Mia's House

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Well, here's another little diversion. It's sort of a mix of a whole bunch of ideas I've wanted to do. And that's... really all I've got to say about it!

Wait I do have one more thing to say! I don't actually speak spanish myself, so the spanish dialogue was written using a mix of machine and human translators. I've passed it by some native spanish speakers, but regional dialects can cause some misunderstandings; hopefully nothing sounds too wonky.

I met Mia in the parking lot of a liquor store.

My buddy and I were planning to get pretty hammered later that night, and I was just making a quick trip to get a few bottles of the hard stuff. But opportunity knocked; or in this case, shouted. I stopped and looked in the direction of the shout. It had come from a girl who had been loitering near the alleyway behind the liquor store. She was a latina girl with light brown skin and long, dark brown hair that fell well past her shoulders. She was short, but her face was attractive and her body especially so; not too skinny, with just enough curves to be tantalizing, and a fairly decent pair of tits that her tight t-shirt showed off quite well. I also noted that she wore a little necklace with a golden cross that hung down between her breasts. Overall, the girl was one hot little package.

"Hey mister, you wanna get me a 12 pack of beer?" she asked.

It could have been a police sting. I asked her how old she was.

"I'm 18," she said. "I just don't got my ID on me and the cholo behind the counter won't sell me nothing. Come on, help a girl out? I'll make it worth your while..."

She was definitely lying about her age, never mind that fact that 18 wasn't old enough to buy beer anyway, but she wasn't lying about making it worth my while. When I took her back into the alleyway and she'd dropped to her knees and unzipped my pants, I knew this probably wasn't a police sting. As she wrapped her hand around my cock and licked her puffy lips, I asked her how old she really was.

"Why's it matter?" she asked. "I'm 15 almost, you got a problem with that?"

She gave pretty good head for a 14 year old. It wasn't the best I'd ever gotten, but the girl clearly had a little experience. She swallowed half my cock without gagging and began to bob her head back and forth vigorously while she stroked me. I grabbed a fistful of her hair, and she seemed to respond to my aggressiveness by sucking me harder. When I blew my load, she swallowed it all down without complaint.

"So are you gonna get me my beer now or what, white boy?"

I got her a 12 pack, and told her she didn't even have to pay for it; I figured she'd already earned it. She was all smiles after that, and she jumped up to give me a little kiss on my cheek.

Before she could leave, I made her another offer. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a little baggie of weed and dangled it in front of her. "Ever try any of this stuff?" I asked. Her eyes lit up, and I pushed the bag towards her. First one was on the house. We exchanged phone numbers, and she said she'd be in touch.

We got to know each other a little better after that. Her name was Mia, and she really was 14. Her parents were illegal immigrants, oppressively Catholic, and barely spoke a word of English. Mia herself went to an all girl's Catholic school and hated every minute of it. But she always wore her cross necklace, partly out of habit and partly to placate her parents. She had me buy beer for her and her friends at times, and then other times she'd call me asking if she could buy weed. I was pretty sure she stole the money from her parents, but that was hardly my problem.

Eventually we started hanging out. I'd bring her a delivery of weed and we'd smoke it a bit together. For a discount, she'd suck me off, and then eventually we started fucking. There was a pretty big age gap between us; she was a freshman in high school and I was in college, but being with an older guy only seemed to excite her.

And she was very eager to please. I figured out pretty quickly that she'd do nearly anything I wanted, especially after she'd had a few beers or smoked a few joints. I took advantage of this mercilessly; I had her send me tit pics from school, fucked her in her Catholic uniform, and even shot a few videos with her. We never used a condom, and when I asked her if she was on birth control she just shrugged her shoulders and told me not to worry about it. I didn't.

Then one day I got a very early morning call from her. It was barely 6:30am on a Sunday when my cell phone rang. Cursing, I dragged myself out of bed and answered, saying she better have had a good reason for waking me up so early.

"I convinced Mama and Papa that I had a stomach ache and couldn't go to Church today," she said. "They'll be gone all day. Wanna come hang out and smoke a bit?"

It went without saying that I'd never been by her house; her parents would never even have let me in the door. I accepted the invitation and then jumped in the shower to wake myself up.

Half an hour later, I found her house. It was a small little thing in a poor neighborhood, tucked away out of sight at the end of a long driveway. The driveway was empty, her parents had gone, and Mia met me at the door wearing a pair of skimpy shorts and a loose-fitting t-shirt that looked to be a few sizes too big. She was still wearing her cross necklace. She smiled and pulled me inside before standing on her toes and kissing me on the lips. Then she raced off towards what looked to be her room.

It was a small house, but cozy. She certainly hadn't been kidding about her religious parents; the shelves and walls were covered in religious iconography. A cross hung above the TV, there was a painting of the Virgin Mary, and nearly a dozen tall candles in glass containers that bore the images of different saints. I could see how Mia would get sick of this stuff.

There was a sudden burst of giggling from Mia's room, and then some Spanish I didn't understand. Moments later a big brown dog trotted out of the bedroom. He panted and woofed, his tail wagging happily as he came up to me. I pet his head. Not afraid of strangers, I thought to myself in relief.

"Angel, leave him alone," Mia said, running after him and laughing. She scratched the dog behind his ears and then shoved him away playfully. "Go, ahora mismo! Dejanos en paz! Pendejo!"

The dog lumbered off happily, leaving us alone again. "Sorry, that was just Angel. He's really friendly. Hey come on, my room's over here."

She lay down on her bed and I sat against the wall. I pulled out a joint and lit it, took a hit and then held it out for her. Before long the room was hazy with smoke and we were both feeling really good. Pot mellowed me out a bit, but it made Mia really giggly. She stretched out her legs and smiled at me as I lit a second joint.

"If Mama and Papa knew what we were doing right now, they'd kill me," she said, laughing. Acting so brazenly delinquent in her own house was obviously getting her really excited. She took the second joint and inhaled deeply. "Fuck, this shit's good."

At some point the dog, Angel, had wandered into the room and sat down in the far corner. Mia yelled at him to get out, but he'd just stared at her dumbly and she'd ignored him from that point on. The dog and I shared a momentary look before my mind turned to other things.

I leaned over and started stroking her bare leg while she smoked. Her brown skin was silky soft, and she spread her legs when my hand moved up towards her inner thigh. "Take off your shorts," I told her."

Mia giggled and said "Cochino!" But she unzipped her pants and slid them off anyway. She was wearing a pair of black panties she'd stolen; her mother would never have allowed her to have them if she'd known. The panties came off too, leaving herself wearing only the baggy shirt and her necklace. Her tight little slit stood out, pink against her light brown skin, topped by a neatly trimmed patch of dark brown pubic hair. She spread her legs. "You wanna fuck me right here in my bed?"

"Maybe," I said. I was going to fuck her, of course. That was going to be her payment for the joints we were smoking. But I was wondering how far Mia would go. "I have another idea first though."

"Yeah?" she asked, blowing out a lungful of white smoke.

"You should let Angel lick your pussy."

She burst out laughing. "Cochino! You want me to play around with my dog? I don't think the pendejo would even do it."

I shrugged, my hand still slowly stroking along her bare leg. "I'm sure we could convince him. You got any peanut butter in the house?"

"That's nasty! You're a cochino." Mia was still having a giggle fit. She rolled over and kicked me. Then she hopped off the bed and said "Lemme go check," before scampering out of the room.

She returned a few minutes later holding a jar of peanut butter and a plastic spoon. The bottomless girl jumped back onto her bed, giggling, and sat propped up against her bed's headboard with her legs spread. She pulled her baggy shirt up to reveal her pussy.

"Just spread a little bit on," I told her.

The young latina girl dipped the spoon into the jar and brought out a big glob of smooth peanut butter, which she then smeared along her pretty pink slit while, laughing the whole time. "You better clean me off if he doesn't!" she said.

I'd thought this might take a bit more coercion, but the ease with which Mia had agreed to try to get her dog to eat her out was a huge turn on. Maybe she didn't think he'd do it. But when she spread her legs and called out his name, the dog's head snapped up. Tail wagging and tongue hanging out of his mouth, Angel padded over to her and sat obediently beside the bed until Mia patted her hand on the mattress between her legs, and he responded to the signal by jumping up. He zeroed in on the spoon immediately, and Mia held it out as he licked traces of peanut butter off of it.

"See, I knew he'd like it," I said.

"Shut up!" said the teen girl. Then she pulled the spoon away from the dog and scooted her pelvis towards him. "Peanut butter, Angel. Go, lick it!"

The dog glanced up at her and let out a small woof. Then his desire for peanut butter got the better of him, and he dove in between Mia's legs. A shiver ran through her body as the dog's tongue made contact with her pussy. I leaned in to get a better look.

"Oh fuck," she gasped. "He's fuckin' doing it!"

He certainly was. The dog aggressively licked Mia's peanut butter-smeared labia, his tongue pushing her folds apart and digging deep between them. Mia arched her back and pushed herself up against Angel's probing muzzle. She was laughing and moaning, a big smile spread across her face.

"He's really going for it! Oh fuck Angel, lick my pussy, nnnnnnmh!"

Soon Mia's chest was rising and falling rapidly, and she was gyrating her hips in time with the dog's licking. When the peanut butter ran out, the dog stopped and looked up at her, licking his jowls. She made a quick grab for the jar and scooped out another big dollop, spreading it directly on her pussy with her fingers and then offering it to the dog again. When Angel went back to licking she looked at me and grinned.

I was sure she was going out of her way to put on a show for me, but she was clearly getting off on it too. Beneath the peanut butter, her pussy was practically dripping wet with a mixture of her juices and dog saliva. When Angel finished up the second load, she applied a third, shoving some of the peanut butter up into her tight pussy to bait the dog's tongue deeper into her. It worked, and she mewled with pleasure.

"Fucking dog!" she moaned. "He's gonna make me cum. Oh fuck, fuck, lick me hard!"

I could hear the wet sound of the dog's tongue going to work between her legs. When the peanut butter ran out a third time, Angel just kept on licking; he seemed to have gotten a taste for Mia's pussy. She was gripping the bedsheets in her fists and twisting her curvy body in ecstasy. Her legs were spread wide open and she was gushing juices onto the dog's tongue. Some of it may have been for show, but not all of it, and I could tell that the orgasm she was about to reach was genuine.

It hit her hard. Her body seized up and began to spasm, and she moaned like a real whore as her pussy squeezed down onto itself. Angel just kept on licking. Mia's toes curled, and in between her moans of lust she urged the dog on. "Fuck, Angel, give it to me good!" She bucked her hips violently against the dog's muzzle and looked over at me. Her mouth hung open, and her eyes were red and hazy, a result of the pot she'd smoked and the orgasm she was having.

When she was done cumming, she unceremoniously pushed the dog away with her foot and flopped down. I got up and knelt by the bed, taking a long hit off the joint I'd been smoking and then leaning down to kiss Mia. Our lips met, and I pushed my tongue into her mouth, breathing a lungful of pot smoke into her at the same time. Her lips turned up in a little smile, and she kissed back against me hard.

This turned into a full on make-out session, with periodic breaks to share the joint. Saliva and smoke was passed between us liberally, and Mia let my hands explore all over her body. I pushed her baggy shirt up her chest, and when we broke our kiss again for another hit, she pulled it off and tossed it away. The brown-skinned girl lay completely naked now, save for her unassuming cross necklace. Despite her distaste for her parent's religious beliefs, I'd never seen her take it off.

"That was really really bad," Mia asked me, her eyes sparkling with deviant mischief. "Did you like it?"

"Hell yeah," I said. "And so did Angel. I don't think you're done with him yet."

I nodded towards the dog, and she propped herself up on her elbows to look at him. He'd curled up at the foot of her bed, but his red cock was still plainly visible between his legs. When Mia saw it, she burst out laughing. "Where are you gonna put that thing, pendejo?"

I put a hand on her thigh and squeezed. "Get your ass up in the air for him and he'll show you."

Mia took one last hit from the joint and then did it. She flipped around onto all fours, bracing herself on her elbows and pushing her round ass way up in front of the dog. I couldn't help but reach out and give it a little slap, and Mia grinded her cheek against the bed and moaned. Angel's head shot up at the sound of my palm impacting against her soft brown flesh. He stared wide-eyed at her slit, his cock practically throbbing between his legs.

"Tell him it's okay," I said to her.

"Up, Angel!" Mia said, wiggling her butt in the air. "Come on, try to stick that big doggy dick in me!"

Even though she'd just been eaten out by the dog, she seemed to be taken by surprise when Angel jumped up and, cock swinging, jumped up onto her. His lanky canine body leaned over her and his paws gripped her waist as he started to hump her. The dog's red cock slid between her legs, rubbing up the length of her labia, but failing to find purchase.

"Oh my fucking god!" Mia shouted. "Oh my god, he's really doing it, oh my god!"

Her cries ended in a short, high-pitched shriek when Angel's thrusting finally paid off, and he managed to push his cock right into her tight hole. The dog's tail curled up and he was off, banging her like a pro, his shaft disappearing all the way into her each time he thrust his hips forward.

"Fuuuck, Angel, what the fuck," she moaned, still in disbelief that her dog was fucking her.

But as the shock began to fade, Mia's body began to respond to the dog's frenzied fucking. She pushed her ass up against her and buried her face in her sheets. Her tits swung freely, and between them I saw the golden cross dangling down, also swinging in time with the rhythm of the rutting dog's thrusts. The dog was growling and Mia was whining, each of their bodies playing off of the lustful movements of the other; they were really getting into things now.

I watched them for several minutes, jerking my own cock. Then Mia's cell phone began to ring, catching all of us off guard. Mia and I froze immediately, although Angel continued to pound the latina girl for all he was worth.

"Fuck, who is it?" Mia said, fumbling for the phone that was sitting on the bedside table while trying to keep herself steady beneath the horny dog. She looked at the phone and then at me. "It's Mama, make him stop!"

I did my best, grabbing Angel and holding him with a firm grip. The dog continued to thrust into Mia, and he growled aggressively, but finally he got the picture and came to a stop, his paws still clinging to the girl's waist and his doggy dick still shoved up to the hilt in her pussy. It was good enough; Mia answered the call.

"Mama?" she answered, sounding totally innocent and not at all like she was currently being mounted by the family dog. "Si, Mama. Estoy en cama. No, estoy bien. No."

As the conversation continued, Mia looked up and gave me a wicked smile. She wiggled her ass against the dog's groin, teasing both of us. The dog responded by thrusting into her again, but his movements were slower this time. I kept a steady hand on the dog's back to make sure he didn't get too excited, but otherwise I let him resume doing his thing. Mia licked her lips and continued talking to her mother while Angel fucked her gently.

"Solo estoy jugando con Angel. No, Mama, que esta bien. Tu y Papa diviertanse. Te quiero!"

Finally, she hung up the phone. "Mama and Papa are staying out to have lunch with some of their stupid church friends," she said. "That means they'll be gone for hours. Fuck, hey, can you get him to faster again or something?"

I let go on Angel completely, and immediately he was back to fucking her fast and rough. Mia's eyes turned upward and she let out a long moan of pleasure. "Oh my god, how is he so good at this?" She tossed the cell phone at me and grabbed her sheets again. "Hey, take some fucking pictures or something, white boy!"

It meant a pausing to my jerking it, but that was a small price to pay. I flipped her phone around and framed the first shot: a beautiful panorama of Mia's naked form from the side, with the dog right at the end of one of his quick, powerful thrusts. I snapped a couple more before changing the angle so that the camera captured a close-up of her face from the front, with Angel visible on top of her in the background. I waited until the dog gave her a particularly powerful fuck, and as her features contorted in sharp pleasure, I snapped another picture.

Then I moved behind the two of them and got down low, snapping several close-ups of Angel's cock as it plunged into Mia's dripping wet pussy. These were my favorites so far, because in spite of the fact that Mia's pretty face couldn't be seen, I managed to capture a long shot down her belly so that her cross necklace was clearly visible hanging down just below the spot where she and the dog joined.

Once I had a couple dozen pictures of the two of them, I switched it into video mode and began recording. I backed up to the wall so that I got a clear shot at Angel fucking Mia full force, and she looked over at me with an expression born of deviant lust.

"Tell me how you feel right now," I said.

"Fuck, fuck," she moaned, panting as Angel humped her. "I feel fucking horny as shit!"

"And what've you been doing?"

She smiled, playing fully to the camera. "Cochino! I been getting fucking high and then letting my stupid dog fuck me."

That was enough; my dick was painfully hard and I couldn't wait any longer. Setting the cell phone down on the bedside table, carefully, so that it still had a good angle of everything going on on the bed, I stepped up to Mia and pushed my erection towards her. She opened her mouth and began to suck me off obediently. Her red hazy eyes looked up at my face as I saw my cock disappear into her mouth and felt the warm heat of her tongue lavish me with attention. Angel was still pounding away at her, and I could literally feel it each time he humped against her; his forceful, animalistic movements made her mouth jiggle back and forth as she sucked me.

I didn't last long; I was so pent up from all of the teasing that it only took a few minutes before I blew my load in Mia's mouth. She swallowed the salty load down eagerly, milking my dick with the tight confines of her mouth, until the blasts became too much for her to keep up with. She pulled back and gasped for breath, cum dripping out of her mouth, and I caught her directly in the face with the next spurt. Pearly white goo splattered across her brown skin, coating her pretty face and even ending up in her hair. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue and let me shoot it wherever I wanted.

Angel must have been nearing his climax at the same time. The dog was fucking Mia with short, erratic strokes now, and he growled before sinking his canine cock all the way into her pussy and then holding it there. I heard Mia moan, and she began to gyrate her hips against Angel, but the dog stayed still on top of her.

"Oh my god, he, fuck-" Her moan was cut off as another spurt of my cum slapped against her cheek. "Fuck, he's getting bigger inside me, oh my god I think he's cumming! Fuck, fuck, I can feel it, it feels so fucking warm! Jesus!"

I wondered how much she knew about a dog's parts; probably not a whole lot. At that moment I knew that Angel's knot must have been expanding inside of her, the large bulbous swelling at the base of his dick tying them together while he dumped a big load of doggy semen inside of her. She may not have understood what was going on, but she could definitely feel it; her words trailed off and her eyes rolled back, and then her body was shivering and quivering as a second orgasm ripped through her. Her face was dripping with one load of cum and the dog was filling her womb with another, and she was getting off on it all big time.

"Angel," she gasped breathlessly. "Fuck, cum for me, fuck my pussy, oh my god fuck!"

She stayed there beneath the dog, her orgasm drawn out for the entirety of the knotting, until she was practically a shivering wreck of overstimulation. I let her cell phone record it all, until finally Angel's knot shrank and popped out, and she slumped down, nearly catatonic. Then I stopped the video recording and lit up another joint for her. A lungful of pot smoke brought her back to reality, at least a little bit. She blew out a big cloud of white smoke and wiped her face off on the bedsheets.

"Jesus Christ," she said, "what the fuck was that?"

I let her get her bearings a bit. Then I rolled her over onto her back and climbed up onto the bed with her. She spread her legs wide as I knelt between them; her pussy was still leaking dog cum. I grabbed my hardening cock and rubbed it against her messy entrance.

"Cochino," she said, and pushed her hips up against me in anticipation.

I began to fuck her with measured strokes, the dog's cum acting as lubrication. The knot had done its work well; she was full of the stuff, and it had gone deep. I slammed my cock into her, hitting the back of her pussy, driving some of the dog cum further into her womb, as well as pushing some of it out to make room for my thick shaft. It dribbled down between her legs, staining the bedsheets.

"Jerk him off," I said, my voice tight with lust.

Mia was still taking hits from the joint, but she looked down at Angel where he sat licking himself on the floor and called out to him. "Pendejo, come back up!" she said. The dog sprang to his feet and hopped up onto the bed. His dick had shrunk, but it hadn't pulled all the way back into its sheath yet. Mia reached out and wrapped her fingers around it. "You like this kinky shit, huh, white boy?"

"Yeah," I said, fucking her harder.

Her tits bounced each time I slammed my dick into her, the golden cross necklace nestled carefully between them. Angel stood by her, panting as she began to jerk him off. His cock grew back to full strength in her hand, and it began to shoot liquid from the tip in little spurts. It sprayed against Mia's bare shoulder and the sheets beneath her.

"Let him shoot it on your tits," I grunted.

She gave me that naughty smile that she did so well and pulled the dog's cock so that it was aimed at her chest. Then she began to jerk it furiously. Jets of clear dog cum shot out of it and landed on her breasts, coating her dark brown nipples and trickling down onto her chest as they jiggled. The animal cum formed a pool beneath her tits, covering her cross necklace with the milky evidence of Mia's sinful bestiality. I groaned, my cock bulged inside of her, and then I shot another huge load of cum, mixing it with the dog cum still filling her tight passage.

"Ooh, you bad boy, you do like it!" Mia said. She ran her finger down the river of cum collecting on her chest and drew the sticky finger up to her lips.

Once I'd finished emptying my balls into the wicked latina girl, I reached for the cell phone and took a few more pictures. The last one had Mia on her back, smiling with a lit joint in one hand and Angel's doggy dick in the other, cum spilled all over her brown chest and the cross necklace she always wore. It was perfect.

"Lemme see them," Mia said once we'd all disentangled from each other. Angel went to sit in the corner, and Mia wiped sticky juices from her fingers before cycling through all of the pictures I'd taken on her phone. She laughed at each one. "Holy fuck, look at this shit, this is so fucking bad."

I got my pants on and handed Mia a plastic baggie filled with pot. She'd more than earned it. After taking it and hiding it safely away beneath her mattress, Mia snuggled up next to me. She was still naked.

"Hey, we still got like an hour before Mama and Papa get home," she said, and I could see that mischievous look in her eyes again. Even after everything she still wasn't done. "Wanna make a video of us fucking in my parent's bed?"

Yes, I thought to myself. That is exactly what I wanted to do next.